Java 6 Hardware Acceleration on Mac OS X - java

I have a java application I wrote that loads up a TTF font and uses the drawString method from Graphics2D. This gets called every 50ms with the x and y positions changing each time to make the text move. When I run the program on Windows, I get 0-1% CPU usage, but on Mac I get about 75% usage. This Windows machine does have a better CPU but there's no way there should be that big of a difference. I think it has to do with Hardware Acceleration and I want to know how enable it. I found some Mac specific Java properties, but none of them lowered my CPU usage. Any ideas how to increase Java 2D performance on OS X? Thanks.
EDIT1: I thought that these properties would help but they didn't.
System.setProperty("sun.java2d.opengl", "true");
System.setProperty("","true"); System.setProperty("","true");
EDIT2: You can download the project source and byte code here:
EDIT3: Since no longer exists, I uploaded the project to Google Code. Now you can browse the code without downloading it. I still have no idea how to approach this problem so any help would be appreciated.

Run the profiler in "jvisualvm" to identify where the time goes.

Apple JVM font handling is specific to MacOS X. For instance, if a glyph is not found for a character in the current font, the JVM looks for another font to display the character. Also, antialiasing is enabled by default (you should check that you have it enabled on Windows if you want to compare).
I am not surprised Apple's implementation is using more CPU.

OpenGL can be enabled when calling java e.g.
java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true MyJavaGame
Too enable opengl from inside your java application
System.setProperty("sun.java2d.opengl", "true");
Not sure how this pans out on the iOS / Linux / Android and may require more looking into.


Swing looks zoomed after upgrading java

I have a old application running a Swing client. I upgraded from Java 7 to 8 a long time ago. The upgrade went fine. Ever since I have wanted to upgrade to Java 9, then 11 and now 13. However this is where I meet problems.
The UI looks fine and as intended with Java 8, but any newer Java version will somehow change the font sizes and maybe components for some reason. I do not have any pictures to show because the application is maintained on a network without internet access because of security reasons. The client looks like most thing is multiplied with a factor of 2.0 or something. It appears as zoomed or maybe something you would create with universal design in mind. Even the splash screen is doubled in size for some reason and that is an image. There are some exeptions. The title text in the windows is the same. Also text on buttons and lables seems to be equal. Icons, images (splash) and text inside textfields/editors is much larger.
I have tried to find a solution for a long time but have not found anything. I am hoping someone else have experienced this problem or at least know what the problem could be.
Holgers comment about OS scaling was the issue. I have a 4K screen with 150% scaling set in the OS. Putting it back to 100% made the Java Swing Client look the same as when running Java 8.
To override add -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1
Se also

Swing Works different on different Platform

I have made a Screen Recorder using Java Swing and Xuggler 5.4. I have developed it in Windows 8 64 bit. It's working excellent for Windows. But at client side on Linux's environment , nothing is working. I have searched thoroughly but not getting any solutions. I have checked this thread , but it didn't work for me.
Then I tried to create simple Transparent window in Linux but it's also not working. I was not able to click through the Resizeable Panel. I have used the same JRE version (1.7) for both. Have I miss understood Java's Cross Platform Support as far as Swing is concerned?
Please Give Me Some Advice...
I have always found logging to be the best debugging tool at your disposal! Many a times, java debuggers take you into APIs where you need not go every time. Logging values of your variables, and generic 'I have reached till this point' statements make life a lot easier.
So, I suppose you have ample logging done in your code. That could give you clues on what's happening on your client's system.
Are the right environment variables set? Are they pointing to the correct Java versions you need.
If there are some specific Screen capturing requirements(plugins / modules / API) your code has, are they available on the Linux m/c?
Like #MadProgrammer said, in the end, Java has to talk with the native graphics APIs to render your screen.
I would try to debug it in this way -
Check whether my main screen loads or no(by disabling the screen capture functions for a while).
if not, dig deeper.
Check whether all necessary components for capturing screen(audio and video) are available.
Check whether the code is being run with appropriate permissions to control the h/w devices you may need.

How to set the DPI of Java Swing apps on Windows/Linux?

If you have an monitor with a DPI over 150 (such as Macbook Pro), you may also find the problem: the font on the Java Swing app is too small for high DPI monitor, and I cannot change the font size at all ( It ignores the Windows DPI directly, only displaying the very original DPI-->96 ). I can do nothing but changing the screen resolution, which could absolutely make everything blurry on LCD.
Yes, I have a laptop with a high DPI monitor, 15.6' with 1920x1080 resolution, some Java desktop apps look very small on my laptop, such as Matlab, Burpsuite etc. I have been searching the Internet for a very very long time, but still cannot find a method for the problem. I know I can change the JRE fonts through JRE_HOME/lib/font/, but I cannot find any place to set the default font size or DPI for Java desktop fonts.
Does the problem have no solution? Do you have a high DPI monitor? How do you do with such apps? Does Swing give up high DPI users?
I'm currently investigating this issue on Windows. Here's what I found:
Most Swing Look & Feels don't support high DPI at all, not even Nimbus even though it's supposed to be scalable. I found some old blog posts saying that Nimbus might eventually offer high DPI scaling, but apparently that never happened.
The one exception is System LAF but its default font is ~10% smaller than the actual system font size, at all DPI settings. Moreover, System must be selected explicitly as described here:
There's no single scaling factor that you could set in Swing, either. The specific LAF has to provide code to handle scaling. So the best you can do is select System and hope it's good enough.
However, JavaFX does correctly and automatically scale all the way up to 150% on my system. If at all possible, I suggest you use JavaFX to build your GUI.
edit: I made a couple small test programs and took comparison screenshots for various GUI frameworks, Swing themes, and DPI settings. This might be informative for people reading this question:
Short answer: You need to run it on JRE 9+.
Long answer:
This is because the Java runtime declared itself to be "DPI-aware" but didn't really supported it for AWT and Swing. Java applications were sized and rendered based on pixels rather than being properly scaled, this included HiDPI displays.
Anyways, this has been recently solved.
See the issue JEP 263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux
and the upgrade.
So, increasing the font size does not work (because it does not increase the rest of the things); the jvm argument -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false does not work (because it is not really supported); and the manifest file + registry edit (for Windows) just does not work.
Solution: You need to run it on JRE 9+ because it really supports this feature.
This answer solved the issue on my 4K-screen Ubuntu laptop.
In the application's config file, I added the -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.5 Java parameter and now, upon executing, the application is scaled well and is usable.
It appears that on Linux (Gtk) you can work around this by scaling the Apps DPI using the following before starting the app.
export GDK_SCALE=2
(You can also reduce you monitor resolution but that's no solution at all).
On Linux, it doesn't seem possible to do scaling with any Swing look and feel, according to my experiments. However, it is possible to do it using a hack involving VNC, vncdesk. Here is my configuration for running gradle --gui under vncdesk:
width = 1050
height = 650
title = gradle
name = gradle in vncdesk
class = GradleInVncdesk
scale_factor = 2
exec gradle --gui "$#"
I managed to solve it following these instructions: Link.
It's in German, but I will translate the important stuff.
Create this registry-key:
Create a manifest file with this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.VC90.CRT" version="9.0.21022.8" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b">
<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
<asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">
<ms_windowsSettings:dpiAware xmlns:ms_windowsSettings="">false</ms_windowsSettings:dpiAware>
Copy it into the bin directory where the java.exe and javaw.exe is inside and named it java.exe.manifest and javaw.exe.manifest (You will have two files with the same content but different names).
As #demented hedgehog said setting the GDK_SCALE=2 environment variable does work under Linux.
If you are using JetBrains IntelliJ you can set Enviroment variables just for your project under Edit configurations > Build and Run > Enviroment variables
You can see below where to put the GDK_SCALE=2.

Getting system info i.e graphics card, cpu, ram etc using java

How would I get system info using java in a java applet. I nid to use this in my gaming website to find whether the clients's system can handle the requirements of some pc games
I will really appreciate the help.
I think that the most reasonable and light-weight way to do that would be to detect the underlying OS, and parse the output of some command line commands. (for example, uname and the contents of the file /proc/meminfo on Linux)
Java graphics performance for games has been shown to come down to the drivers that the card uses, on occasions, so I doubt any of this information will be of much use to discover if the game will run OK.
It would be more useful to run a test on a fixed size rendering surface and count how many FPS can be drawn.

PNG's In Mac on Java cause massive CPU usage

Hey, I've been having this problem for a while now and I was hoping someone could help.
I make small games using Java on Mac OSX 1.6.3 and if I use PNG's as the image format my CPU usage by Java skyrockets to say 50% (on a very small 2D game). However if I use GIF as the format my CPU usage by Java stays constant at 10% which is reasonable.
What is causing this problem?? It occurs on every game I develop using PNG's so I always just switch to GIF's.
The problem is now that i need to use a PNG for its variable alpha properties rather than just plain transparency. This is not available using GIF's.
The problem is present on Java SE 6 and previous versions. I am using an early 2009 Mac Book Pro 15".
The problem does not occur on a Windows PC running the same game. The CPU usage due to Java using PNG's on a Windows PC (I have tried XP, Vista and 7) is always constantly low at ~10%.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)
Transparency is probably at the root of the issue, since it's a rather expensive feature. My guess is that Java2D on Mac doesn't use hardware acceleration, while on Windows it does.
Are you running the JRE that comes with MacOS?

