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Closed 12 years ago.
Which language is faster for web, Java or PHP?
It is a difficult one to answer as in theory Java should be faster:
it's precompiled, any trivial algorithim will run faster in Java than PHP and there has been a vast amount of work done to optimise Java from improving the code, standard libraries, to JIT compilers, etc.
PHP is loaded and interpreted every time if you're not using the Zend optimiser, objects are intialised on every execution, even the most trivial string varaible is actually a complex object with many methods to support.
The problem is that in practice PHP sites seem to run faster using fewer resources.
I think this is because PHP developers take a more straightforward approach to design and don't get lost trying to implement exotic design patterns and implementing endless pointless abstractions.
Speed doesn't matter
in most cases.
Processing is cheap. Code in what you're comfortable with. Writing proper code goes much further for speed then choosing a language. Solid coding conventions and design plan will also help more.
Best answer I could find
"stuff to consider:
Java web applications are compiled
to bytecode. Even JSPs, which are
compiled at runtime. This is an
advantage over most uses of PHP,
where the Zend Optimizer is not in
Data can be cached in a live servlet
instance - no direct/easy way of
doing this in PHP to my knowledge
(there is only ever a single
instance of a servlet/JSP in memory)
If anybody knows how to cache data in PHP without resorting to ugly
hacks, please enlighten me!
Java applications tend to be
n-tiered, which generally results in
a more maintainable application at a
slight performance penalty. This
probably sounds trollish, but
honestly: even within Java itself
direct use of JDBC will always be
faster than going through three
layers of objects to the database.
But is an n-tiered Java application able to hit the database sooner than an uncompiled, hacked-up monolithic PHP script? I don't think there's an answer to that question.
All that said, I'm working on an n-tiered MVC framework for php 5 (it's called Pure (, so my PHP applications are generally n-tiered too. I'll worry about speed when and if it becomes an issue. For now, it's definitely not an issue."
courtesy of krumms
Speed aside, I believe the performance of Java is better than PHP. But developing a project in PHP is faster.
Can't answer this question with one or the other unless you define what you want to measure the speed of.
Some things are much faster in PHP (in a native function for example), other things are much faster in Java.
The intent of each language is substantially different from the other, so if you're debating over which to use for a particular task, you should generally based the decision on that task (and how well suited each language is to it) rather than performance.
For raw performance of code written in the language (as opposed to simply calling code in the standard library), Java will probably run faster than PHP as an extremely general rule. If that matters, chances are that PHP just isn't very well suited to the task at hand.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Lately I've been thinking about the difference about native and bytecode.
I did some research and all information I've read was about C++ code compiled into native code vs Java code compiled into bytecode(runs on JVM which takes advantage of multi-core processors). The conclusion was that applications written in Java run faster.
Does C++11 change this?
Does applications written in C++11(since adds threads) run faster than Java ones?
The conclusion was that applications written in Java run faster.
That's a big leap to come to. There are so many factors which contribute to the performance of a system that it's very hard to say one approach will always be better or even faster than another.
C++ has always been able to use threads, it just didn't have as much detail on how they could be used. I don't believe C++11 is about performance but standardising things like memory models.
IMHO Given any amount of time and expert developers, a C++ program will always be faster than a Java program. However, given a limited amount of time and developers of mixed ability you are more likely to get something working and performing well in Java. Your mileage will vary. ;)
Making my answer clearer...
Does C++11 change this?
No. I don't agree it is the situation nor does it change it.
Does applications written in C++11(since adds threads) run faster than Java ones
Yes, but not always, Just like earlier versions.
Neither C++ nor Java automatically split your program into multiple threads. The closest you can get to automatic parallelization in modern languages is to use parallel collections. There are libraries to do that in C++ but there is better support for that kind of stuff in more functional languages e.g. Haskell, Scala, Clojure.
Another way to get automatic parallelization is to use an actor library and write your entire program with actors. Erlang was the first language with full support for that but the Akka framework for Scala/Java is also very good.
I would just say All Your Java Bases Are Belong To C++.. The JVM itself is written in C/C++. C/C++ run at native speeds on the bare-metal of the machine, while bytecodes are interpreted by a C/C++ code(that's running on top of the metal). One byte-code instruction could translate to about 5-10 asm instructions(or more). Hence speed of execution of C/C++ is considered faster than Java's. Ofcourse, if Java's runtime were thrown onto the metal and we had bytecode interpreted at machine speed, then it would be a fair comparison.
That said, see an example in the book called "Programming Pearls" where the author runs an interpreted BASIC program on a Radioshack personal computer, which with sufficient optimizations, runs faster than it does on a super computer. Which means, speed of execution of your program depends on your algorithms and coding/optimization practices.
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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to write a backend system for a web site (it'll be a custom search-style service). It needs to be highly concurrent and fast. Given my wish for concurrency, I was planning on using a functional language such as Haskell or Scala.
However, speed is also a priority. results appear to show that Java is almost as fast as C/C++, Scala is generally pretty good, but Haskell ranges from slower to a lot slower for most tasks.
Does anyone have any performance benchmarks/experience of using Haskell vs Scala vs Java for performing highly concurrent tasks?
Some sites I've seen suggest that Scala has memory leaks which could be terrible for long running services such as this one.
What should I write my service in, or what should I take into account before choosing (performance and concurrency being the highest priorities)?
This question is superficially about performance of code compiled with GHC vs code running on the JVM. But there are a lot of other factors that come into play.
Is there a team working on this, or just you?
How familiar/comfortable is that team with these languages?
Is this a language you (all) want to invest time in learning?
Who will maintain it?
How long is this project expected to live?
When, if ever, is downtime acceptable?
What kind of processing will this program do?
Are there well-known libraries that can aid you in this?
Are you willing to roll your own library? How difficult would this be in that language?
How much do you plan to draw from open source?
How much do you plan to contribute to open source?
How lively and helpful is the community
on StackOverflow
on irc
on Reddit
working on open source components that you might make use of
Do you need an IDE?
Do you need code profiling?
What kind of testing do you want to do?
How helpful is the language's documentation? And for the libraries you will use?
Are there tools to fill needs you didn't even know you had yet?
There are a million and one other factors that you should consider. Whether you choose Scala, Java, or Haskell, I can almost guarantee that you will be able to meet your performance requirements (meaning, it probably requires approximately the same amount of intelligence to meet your performance requirements in any of those languages). The Haskell community is notoriously helpful, and my limited experience with the Scala community has been much the same as with Haskell. Personally I am starting to find Java rather icky compared to languages that at least have first-class functions. Also, there are a lot more Java programmers out there, causing a proliferation of information on the internet about Java, for better (more likely what you need to know is out there) or worse (lots of noise to sift through).
tl;dr I'm pretty sure performance is roughly the same. Consider other criteria.
You should pick the language that you know the best and which has the best library support for what you are trying to accomplish (note that Scala can use Java libraries). Haskell is very likely adequate for your needs, if you learn enough to use it efficiently, and the same for Scala. If you don't know the language reasonably well, it can be hard to write high-performance code.
My observation has been that one can write moderately faster and more compact high-performance parallel code in Scala than in Haskell. You can't just use whatever most obviously comes to mind in either language, however, and expect it to be blazing fast.
Scala doesn't have actor-related memory leaks any more except if you use the default actors in a case where either you're CPU-limited so messages get created faster than they're consumed, or you forget to process all your messages. This is a design choice rather than a bug, but can be the wrong design choice for certain types of fault-tolerant applications. Akka overcomes these problems by using a different implementation of actors.
Take a look at the head-to-head comparison. For some problems ghc and java7-server are very close. For equally many, there's a 2x difference, and for only one there's a 5x difference. That problem is k-nucleotide for which the GHC version uses a hand-rolled mutable hashtable since there isn't a good one in the stdlibs. I'd be willing to bet that some of the new datastructures work provides better hashtables than that one now.
In any case, if your problem is more like the first set of problems (pure computation) then there's not a big performance difference and if its more like the second (typically making essential use of mutation) then even with mutation you'll probably notice somewhat of a performance difference.
But again, it really depends on what you're doing. If you're searching over a large data set, you'll tend to be IO bound. If you're optimizing traversal of an immutable structure, haskell will be fine. If you're mutating a complex structure, then you may (depending) pay somewhat more.
Additionally, GHC's lightweight green threads can make certain types of server applications extremely efficient. So if the serving/switching itself would tend to be a bottleneck, then GHC may have the leg up.
Speed is well and good to care about, but the real difference is between using any compiled language and any scripting language. Beyond that, only in certain HPC situations are the sorts of differences we're talking about really going to matter.
The shootout benchmark assumes the same algorithm is used in all implementations. This gives the most advantage to C/C++ (which is the reference implementation in most cases) and languages like it. If you were to use a different approach which suited a different language, this is disqualified.
If you start with a problem which more naturally described in Haskell it will perform best in that language (or one very much like it)
Often when people talk about using concurrency they forget the reason they are doing it is to make the application faster. There are plenty of examples where using multiple threads is not much faster or much much slower. I would start with an efficient single threaded implementation, as profiled/tuned as you can make it and then consider what could be performed concurrently. If its not faster this more than one CPU, don't make it concurrent.
IMHO: Performance is your highest priority (behind correctness), concurrency is only a priority in homework exercise.
Does anyone have any performance benchmarks/experience of using
Haskell vs Scala vs Java for performing highly concurrent tasks?
Your specific solution architecture matters - it matters a lot.
I would say Scala, but then I have been experimenting with Scala so my preference would definitely be Scala. Any how, I have seen quite a few high performance multi-threaded applications written in Java, so I am not sure why this nature of an application would mandate going for FP. I would suggest you write a very small module based on what your application would need in both scala and haskell and measure the performance on your set up. And, may I also add clojure to the mix ? :-) I suspect you may want to stay with java, unless you are looking at benefiting from any other feature of the language you choose.
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Closed 10 years ago.
In order to develop a web application that can easily scale, provide production stability, is easily deploy-able, and allows for fast development cycles, what points would you recommend I look at before choosing one or the other framework - using Java and Tomcat, or Django and Apache/Mod_WSGI?
Some pros and cons I could see immediately,
Tomcat apps are simple to deploy - drop a WAR file and you're done. Django apps seem to need more wrangling (Not sure if creating .egg files and dropping them in would work as well?)
Django's ORM seems much nicer than Hibernate - generates models directly compared to Hibernate's manual configuration files
Python as a language is faster to develop in, and much more concise than Java can be. (Of course, this is a relatively higher level discussion).
I've looked at Disqus's slides about scaling Django and am under no doubts it can be done. But would scaling a Django app be any harder than scaling a Java/Tomcat one?
I'm familiar with both Java and Python and the frameworks mentioned above, and it boils down to getting feedback those who've worked with either (or both) on scale.
Here are my experiences:
Django-Apache fits in 16MBs of memory, whereas Java-Tomcat requires much more than that.
Coding in Python is much faster, that is true. In Java, on the other hand, you have compile-time checks, profilers and debuggers that help you increase the stability of your application.
If you are planning to do heavy computations or need complex data structures, Java's compilation technologies will provide the speed you need.
It is easier to maintain a large project in a strictly object-oriented environment with advanced refactoring tools, such as Java.
Then again, coding in Python is much faster.
It's worth noting that Python code can be extended with C/C++ code. So Django applications can, in fact, be faster than their Java equivalents if one is careful to use native code where speed or complex data structures are required.
Obviously, my vote's for Django.
I choose Python with Django, because it is better in deployment. You don't need build war. You only copy files on server and that's all.
Django is easily scalable and production stable. see this.
If you prefer Java look at Grails. But it has 2 minuses: building war and a lot of memory usage(200 mb without users).
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Closed 12 years ago.
from these links:-
they appear clearly that the best choice for GAE is java, if scalable feature is what we are looking for.
my question is, What are the implications that will affect on performance if we use one of frameworks?
django --> python
spring MVC --> java
slim3 --> java
... etc
Just a quick note - don't take this as a definitive/comprehensive comparison:
Both Django and Spring have a long startup time, which can lead to requests being dropped. I'd go with a framework that was speciffically made for GAE: tipify, slim3, etc..
I'm used both Python and Java on GAE, one project done using Python+Django, and one using Java/Groovy+Spring.
Python+Django is very easy to develop, initially, but not so easy to maintain. It have enough fast startup time, good documentation, atc.
Java+Spring requires more development (some parts takes 2-3 times more than doing same using django), have problems with startup time (even if you are using warmup requests). But it much more stable.
Python project have too much errors, mostly without any visible (to you) reason :( And it's very hard to find cause of this errors, because of dynamic nature of lang. And also, be ready to manually patch some libraries you're using. Don't get me wrong, i have many years of Python experience, but it's really hard to maintain it on such distributed systems like GAE, and it's really have problems with quality of code :(
Java, in other hand, works very well. In case when your code have problems, you'll see all information you need to fix this, and after few iterations you'll fix almost all bugs. Except one: sometimes you'll see startup errors :( Not too often, btw
PS btw, choosing right language for GAE depend on what language you knows betters :) If you don't know Java yet - don't start with it, it requires at least 1-2 years to understand language.
These benchmarks compare Python 3 to Java on a (presumably) standard setup. There's no indication of what sort of workload these benchmarks test, either.
App Engine runs Python 2.5, in a decidedly different configuration to what you'd find on a standard desktop, so the benchmarks really don't apply.
Further, scalability isn't about benchmarks like these - they make, at most, a constant factor difference. If your app is built to scale, it will scale in either language, to the same degree. Scalability depends on how well you architect your app and use the underlying infrastructure.
I would recommend using whatever language and framework you're most comfortable with - don't pick your language based on benchmarks.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I've been a java developer for a couple years and have heard that you can do some pretty useful and powerful things with JNI. I don't know if I just haven't needed to use it or if it isn't terribly relevant to me; but I have not had to touch it at all.
I am wondering what the usefulness of this aspect of Java is. Examples would be great.
It is very useful. I can see 2 primary reasons to use JNI (there are likely more).
Performance. If you have a piece of code in which the Java Runtime for whatever reason can't cut it performance wise. You can implement that function in native code and call it from Java. This allows you to hand tune the implementation if you really need to. This is likely the least common reason though, Java usually performs just fine.
Access to OS Specific APIs. This one is a biggie. I've had a case where I needed to do something in Java but also needed access to something that Java simply could not provide. In my case it was UNIX domain sockets. Since (as you can tell by the name) they are UNIX specific, there is no standard Java way to use them. So I made a class that acted like a wrapper around them in C and accessed it with JNI. viola, problem solved.
I have written an extensive JNI layer for the iSeries to access DB2, user queues, data queues and a few other OS/400 specifics. Much of our system on the iSeries would have been impossible without JNI. So, yes, JNI has it's place, and when you need it, you really need it.
It's relatively difficult (next to pure Java), but powerful and not horrible.
Also, whenever I am looking at some JNI code, I also consider using JNA.
I can think of a few uses off the top of my head:
integration with existing low-level
(C/C++) APIs that do not have a Java
integrating with aspects
of the system that are not exposed
through available Java APIs (direct
hardware access, etc.)
Some might say it can be useful for creating highly-optimized sections of code however with modern JVMs you're getting pretty fast and the complications of using JNI would probably outweigh any performance benefit you might see.
There are a few uses for binding to FFMPeg for C-decoding of (damn near any) video/audio format.
There's also JNA, which makes it like you are using the library itself. This is "easier" from the standpoint that it passes everything to the Java developer to manage, and harder in the sense that you have to figure out the structure mapping and do a lot of grunt work to get all the pointers, etc, to pass correctly.
We had an requirement to wrap a new UI around a legacy C application running on Suse Linux. JNI was the perfect tool for the Job.
In general I think JNI is a contradiction to the Java notion of Write Once, Run Anywhere. However there are use cases where JNI can be useful.