I write a little web API which should it make easy to create URIs. Each resource class should contain a method createURI which takes the needed parameters. This method should use a helper method, populateUriTemplate, in the background to create an URI string. populateUriTemplate needs key value pairs to populate an URI template. In another language like Scala or Python I would use named parameters, but Java doesn't support them. So the question is: How to simulate named parameters in Java?
The straight forward solution would be to create a map:
public String createUri(int id, String name){
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("id", id);
params.put("name", name);
return populateUriTemplate(params);
But I don't like to create a map first and put each parameter to it.
Another idea is to use a static method, param, to create key value pairs:
public String createUri(int id, String name){
return populateUriTemplate(param("id", id), param("name", name));
Looks much better to me!
It could be refined a bit to make it more self-explanatory, even if a few more characters are needed:
public String createUri(int id, String name){
return populateUriTemplate(key("id").value(id), key("name").value(name));
I've also thought of the builder pattern, but this would force the user of my API to create an explicit builder for each resource class, what would be tedious without a benefit. The type of the parameter is not important, as long as a proper implemented toString method exists.
My favourite is one of the both approaches with the static methods above (param(key, value) or key(k).value(v)). Do you know a better way to simulate named parameters in this case?
For some ideas on the builder pattern, you could see this blog post by Stephan Schmidt.
You also just gave me the idea to do the following, with fluent interfaces, a Callable, and a static method:
Which would require createing a Callable class (CreateUri) with the static method:
public static final CreateUriFluentInterface createUri() {
return FluentInterface.of(new CreateUri(), CreateUriFluentInterface.class);
And a fluent interface, like this:
public interface CreateUriFluentInterface {
public CreateUriFluentInterface id(Integer id);
public CreateUriFluentInterface name(String name);
Which isn't that much boilerplate code, is it?
(Well, if you tone down that horribly named CreateUriFluentInterface a bit, it isn't.)
(You would probably have CreateUriFluentInterface extend Callable<String>, to be able to reroute the call to Callable#call())
populateUriTemplate("id",id, "name",name);
void populateUriTemplate(Object... nvs){
for(int i=0; i<nvs.length/2; i++)
Maybe you like this approach:
class Params {
private HashMap<String, Object> allParams = new HashMap<String,Object>();
public Params(ParamEntry...params) {
for( ParamEntry p : params ) {
allParams.put(p.name, p.value);
public getParam(String name) {
return allParams.get(name);
class ParamEntry {
public String name;
public Object value;
public String createUri(Params.ParamsEntry ... params){
return populateUriTemplate(new Params(params));
To call it use
createUri(new Param.ParamEntry("name", valueObject) );
Inside the populateUriTemplate...
just use params.get("name");
Spring MVC does exactly this. As well as being able to bind requests to specific methods in controller classes, you can bind request parameters to method parameters. You can have a look to see how it works, but basically it picks a strategy to map the right request parameter to the right method parameter.
You basically get something like:
public String createUri(#RequestParam int id, #RequestParam String name){
return populateUriTemplate(id, name);
This is almost silly and slightly off topic, but using Lombok's #Builder annotation takes this closer to the desired result.
Furthermore if the builder, builder method and build method names are changed to _ they almost disappear:
import static foo.Template._;
class Resource {
String createURI(String id, String name) {
return populateURITemplate(_.id(id).name(name)._());
String populateURITemplate(Template t ){
return t.id+"="+t.name;
#Builder(builderClassName = "_", builderMethodName = "_", buildMethodName = "_" )
class Template {
static _ _ = _();
String id;
String name;
Named parameters are not the way:
Named parameters do not make your code any cleaner in this case. I would argue that they make things more complex and error prone in Java because you lose type safety and you lose compiler warnings about identifiers that do not exist.
TypeSafe Immutable Fluent Builders:
I wrote an article on a UrlBuilder implementation earlier this year, it shows a type safe fluent interface that enforces order of construction for mandatory input and allows for optional parts with sane defaults as well.
Now I will be the first to admit that the approach I use is fairly verbose, but it is extremely productive once that initial price is paid. It works with dependency injection and is easily unit testable and most importantly is composable for specialization.
final URL url1 = new UrlBuilder().scheme("http").host("www.google.com").build();
System.out.println("url1 = " + url1);
final URL url2 = new UrlBuilder().scheme("https").userInfo("xkcd", "correcthorsebatterystaple").host("admin.xkcd.com").build();
System.out.println("url2 = " + url2);
url1 = http://www.google.com
url2 = https://xkcd:correcthorsebatterystaple#admin.xkcd.com
I am addressing the verbosity of the anonymous inner class implementations of the interfaces with another approach I am experimenting with; type safe implementations of value objects from interfaces using dynamic proxies.
This will do away with the boilerplate value objects and replace them with Map<String,?> but put a dynamically generated type safe immutable Interface wrapper around them.
I encourage you to read about both of these and see how combining them gives you a better solution than named properties ever would.
When I get time to refactor my UrlBuilder with the dynamic proxies I will post another blog post about it as well.
Named Parameters via Guice
If you are dead set on named parameters then I would recommend looking at Guice #Named bindings. You still lose the compile type checks and safety but at least you get some validations from Guice.
public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {
public RealBillingService(#Named("Checkout") CreditCardProcessor processor,
TransactionLog transactionLog) {
I really like the addition of records in Java 14, at least as a preview feature, as it helps to reduce my need to use lombok for simple, immutable "data holders". But I'm having an issue with the implementation of nullable components. I'm trying to avoid returning null in my codebase to indicate that a value might not be present. Therefore I currently often use something like the following pattern with lombok.
public class MyClass {
String id;
#Nullable String value;
Optional<String> getValue() { // overwrite the generated getter
return Optional.ofNullable(this.value);
When I try the same pattern now with records, this is not allowed stating incorrect component accessor return type.
record MyRecord (String id, #Nullable String value){
Optional<String> value(){
return Optional.ofNullable(this.value);
Since I thought the usage of Optionals as return types is now preferred, I'm really wondering why this restriction is in place. Is my understanding of the usage wrong? How can I achieve the same, without adding another accessor with another signature which does not hide the default one? Should Optional not be used in this case at all?
A record comprises attributes that primarily define its state. The derivation of the accessors, constructors, etc. is completely based on this state of the records.
Now in your example, the state of the attribute value is null, hence the access using the default implementation ends up providing the true state. To provide customized access to this attribute you are instead looking for an overridden API that wraps the actual state and further provides an Optional return type.
Of course, as you mentioned one of the ways to deal with it would be to have a custom implementation included in the record definition itself
record MyClass(String id, String value) {
Optional<String> getValue() {
return Optional.ofNullable(value());
Alternatively, you could decouple the read and write APIs from the data carrier in a separate class and pass on the record instance to them for custom accesses.
The most relevant quote from JEP 384: Records that I found would be(formatting mine):
A record declares its state -- the group of variables -- and commits
to an API that matches that state. This means that records give up a
freedom that classes usually enjoy -- the ability to decouple a
class's API from its internal representation -- but in return, records
become significantly more concise.
Due to restrictions placed on records, namely that canonical constructor type needs to match accessor type, a pragmatic way to use Optional with records would be to define it as a property type:
record MyRecord (String id, Optional<String> value){
A point has been made that this is problematic due to the fact that null might be passed as a value to the constructor. This can be solved by forbidding such MyRecord invariants through canonical constructor:
record MyRecord(String id, Optional<String> value) {
MyRecord(String id, Optional<String> value) {
this.id = id;
this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);
In practice most common libraries or frameworks (e.g. Jackson, Spring) have support for recognizing Optional type and translating null into Optional.empty() automatically so whether this is an issue that needs to be tackled in your particular instance depends on context. I recommend researching support for Optional in your codebase before cluttering your code possibly unnecessary.
Credits go to Holger! I really like his proposed way of questioning the actual need of null. Thus with a short example, I wanted to give his approach a bit more space, even if a bit convoluted for this use-case.
interface ConversionResult<T> {
String raw();
default Optional<T> value(){
return Optional.empty();
default Optional<String> error(){
return Optional.empty();
default void ifOk(Consumer<T> okAction) {
default void okOrError(Consumer<T> okAction, Consumer<String> errorAction){
static ConversionResult<LocalDate> ofDate(String raw, String pattern){
try {
var value = LocalDate.parse(raw, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(pattern));
return new Ok<>(raw, value);
} catch (Exception e){
var error = String.format("Invalid date value '%s'. Expected pattern '%s'.", raw, pattern);
return new Error<>(raw, error);
// more conversion operations
record Ok<T>(String raw, T actualValue) implements ConversionResult<T> {
public Optional<T> value(){
return Optional.of(actualValue);
record Error<T>(String raw, String actualError) implements ConversionResult<T> {
public Optional<String> error(){
return Optional.of(actualError);
Usage would be something like
var okConv = ConversionResult.ofDate("12.03.2020", "dd.MM.yyyy");
v -> System.out.println("SUCCESS: "+v),
e -> System.err.println("FAILURE: "+e)
var failedConv = ConversionResult.ofDate("12.03.2020", "yyyy-MM-dd");
v -> System.out.println("SUCCESS: "+v),
e -> System.err.println("FAILURE: "+e)
which leads to the following output...
SUCCESS: 2020-03-12
Ok[raw=12.03.2020, actualValue=2020-03-12]
FAILURE: Invalid date value '12.03.2020'. Expected pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
Error[raw=12.03.2020, actualError=Invalid date value '12.03.2020'. Expected pattern 'yyyy-MM-dd'.]
The only minor issue is that the toString prints now the actual... variants. And of course we do not NEED to use records for this.
Don't have the rep to comment, but I just wanted to point out that you've essentially reinvented the Either datatype. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- or https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.9.3/scala/Either.html. I find Try, Either, and Validation to be incredibly useful for parsing and there are a few java libraries with this functionality that I use: https://github.com/aol/cyclops/tree/master/cyclops and https://www.vavr.io/vavr-docs/#_either.
Unfortunately, I think your main question is still open (and I'd be interested in finding an answer).
doing something like
RecordA(String a)
RecordAandB(String a, Integer b)
to deal with an immutable data carrier with a null b seems bad, but wrapping recordA(String a, Integer b) to have an Optional getB somewhere else seems contra-productive. There's almost no point to the record class then and I think the lombok #Value is still the best answer. I'm just concerned that it won't play well with deconstruction for pattern matching.
I have the following in a working test:
when(client.callApi(anyString(), isA(Office.class))).thenReturn(responseOne);
Note that client is a Mock of class Client.
I want to change "isA(Office.class)" to tell it to match where the "id" property of an Office instance is "123L". How can I specify that I want a specific argument value in the method of a mocked object?
Edit: Not a duplicate because I'm trying to use it on a "when" and the linked question (and other resources I've found) are using ArgumentCaptor and ArgumentMatcher on "verify" and "assert". I'm thinking I can't actually do what I'm trying and will try out another way. Of course, I'm willing to be shown otherwise.
Reopening as requested, but the solution (use an ArgumentMatcher) is identical to the one in the linked answer. Naturally, you can't use an ArgumentCaptor when stubbing, but everything else is the same.
class OfficeWithId implements ArgumentMatcher<Office> {
long id;
OfficeWithId(long id) {
this.id = id;
#Override public boolean matches(Office office) {
return office.id == id;
#Override public String toString() {
return "[Office with id " + id + "]";
when(client.callApi(anyString(), argThat(new IsOfficeWithId(123L)))
Because ArgumentMatcher has a single method, you can even make it a lambda in Java 8:
when(client.callApi(anyString(), argThat(office -> office.id == 123L))
If you're already using Hamcrest, you can adapt a Hamcrest matcher using MockitoHamcrest.argThat, or use the built-in hasProperty:
hasProperty("id", equalTo(123L)))))
I ended up going with "eq". This was ok in this case because the objects are pretty simple. First I created an object that is the same as what I expect to get back.
Office officeExpected = new Office();
Then my 'when' statement becomes:
when(client.callApi(anyString(), eq(officeExpected))).thenReturn(responseOne);
This allows me to have better checking than "isA(Office.class)".
adding an answer for anyone with a more complex object.
answer from OP uses eq which works for simple objects.
However, I had a more complex object with many more fields. Its quite painful to create Mock object and fill in all the fields
public class CreateTenantRequest {
#NotBlank private String id;
#NotBlank private String a;
#NotBlank private String b;
I was able to use refEq to achieve the same thing without setting a value of each field.
Office officeExpected = new Office();
verify(demoMock, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).foobarMethod(refEq(officeExpected, "a", "b"));
I've got a problem where I want to make a lot of classes in our project de-serializable via jackson. The problem is that most of classes look like this:
public class FinalFieds{
private final String field;
private final String secondField;
public FinalFieds(String field, String secondField)
this.field = field;
this.secondField = secondField;
public String getField()
return field;
public String getSecondField()
return secondField;
So what I found is that in jackson you can do something like this:
public FinalFieds(#JsonProperty("field") String field, #JsonProperty("secondField") String secondField)
And that works nice. The problem is that I cannot make structural replace in intellij to work for me. When I try:
All my matches are in "Unclassified matches" section.
Furthermore when I try to replace, Intellij just removes a constructor from the class.
Any idea on what I'm doing wrong or is it a known bug in intellij?
Even an overcomplicated regex that will help me replace this (for single argument constructors I can create it myself; the problem is that our constructors in those classes have multi-argument constructors).
It's a bug or a missing feature depending on how you look at it.
However, it is possible to do it in two steps. First search for the constructor parameters you want to annotate:
class $Class$ implements OurCommonInterface {
$Class$($Type$ $parameter$);
where $parameter$ min: 1 max: unlimited, This variable is target of the search checked.
Then replace the parameter with an annotated parameter in scope Previous Search Results:
$Type$ $parameter$
Replacement template:
#JsonProperty("$parameter$") $Type$ $parameter$
In my application, I have to instantiate many different types of objects. Each type contains some fields and needs to be added to a containing type. How can I do this in an elegant way?
My current initialization step looks something like this:
public void testRequest() {
//All these below used classes are generated classes from xsd schema file.
CheckRequest checkRequest = new CheckRequest();
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer();
HotelOnly hotelOnly = new HotelOnly();
Hotel hotel = new Hotel();
Hotels hotels = new Hotels();
Touroperator touroperator = new Touroperator();
Provider provider = new Provider();
Rooms rooms = new Rooms();
Room room = new Room();
PersonAssignments personAssignments = new PersonAssignments();
PersonAssignment personAssignment = new PersonAssignment();
Persons persons = new Persons();
Person person = new Person();
Amounts amounts = new Amounts();
// ...and so on and so on
I really want to avoid writing code like this, because it's a little messy having to instantiate each object separately and then initialize each field across multiple lines of code (e.g. having to call new Offer() and then setHotelOnly(hotelOnly) and then add(offer)).
What elegant methods can I use instead of what I have? Are there any "Factories" that can be used? Do you have any references/examples to avoid writing code like this?
I'm really interested in implementing clean code.
I'm developing a RestClient Application for sending post requests to a Webservice.
The API is represented as a xsd schema file and I created all the Objects with JAXB
Before sending a request I have to instantiate many Objects because they have dependencies with each other.
(An Offer has Hotels, a Hotel has Rooms, a Room has Persons... And these Classes are the generated ones)
Thanks for your help.
You can either use a constructor or a builder pattern or a variation of the builder pattern to fix the problem of having too many fields in your initialization step.
I'm going to extend your example a bit to prove my point of why these options are useful.
Understanding your example:
Lets say an Offer is simply a container class for 4 fields:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
private double duration;
private HotelOnly hotelOnly;
// etc. for as many or as few fields as you need
public int getPrice() {
return price;
public Date getDateOfOffer() {
return dateOfOffer;
// etc.
As it stands in your example, to set values to these fields, you use setters:
public void setHotelOnly(HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.hotelOnly = hotelOnly;
Unfortunately, this means if you need an offer with values in all of the fields, you have to do what you have:
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer();
Now let's look at improving this.
Option 1: Constructors!
A constructor other than the default constructor (the default constructor is currently Offer() ) is useful for initializing the values of the fields in your class.
A version of Offer using constructors would look like this:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
public Offer(int price, Date dateOfOffer, double duration, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.price = price;
this.dateOfOffer = dateOfOffer;
// Your getters and/or setters
Now, we can initialize it in one line!
Offers offers = new Offers();
Offer offer = new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly);
Even better, if you never use offer other than that single line: offers.add(offer); you don't even need to save it in a variable!
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add( new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly) ); // Works the same as above
Option 2: Builder Pattern
A builder pattern is useful if you want the option of having default values for any of your fields.
The problem a builder pattern solves is the following messy code:
public class Offer {
private int price;
private Date dateOfOffer;
// etc.
// The original constructor. Sets all the fields to the specified values
public Offer(int price, Date dateOfOffer, double duration, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this.price = price;
this.dateOfOffer = dateOfOffer;
// etc.
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields
public Offer() {
// Calls the top constructor with default values
this(100, new Date("10-13-2015"), 14.5, new HotelOnly());
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields except price
public Offer(int price) {
// Calls the top constructor with default values, except price
this(price, new Date("10-13-2015"), 14.5, new HotelOnly());
// A constructor that uses default values for all of the fields except Date and HotelOnly
public Offer(Date date, HotelOnly hotelOnly) {
this(100, date, 14.5, hotelOnly);
// A bunch more constructors of different combinations of default and specified values
See how messy that can get?
The builder pattern is another class that you put inside your class.
public class Offer {
private int price;
// etc.
public Offer(int price, ...) {
// Same from above
public static class OfferBuilder {
private int buildPrice = 100;
private Date buildDate = new Date("10-13-2015");
// etc. Initialize all these new "build" fields with default values
public OfferBuilder setPrice(int price) {
// Overrides the default value
this.buildPrice = price;
// Why this is here will become evident later
return this;
public OfferBuilder setDateOfOffer(Date date) {
this.buildDate = date;
return this;
// etc. for each field
public Offer build() {
// Builds an offer with whatever values are stored
return new Offer(price, date, duration, hotelOnly);
Now, you can not have to have so many constructors, but still are able to choose which values you want to leave default, and which you want to initialize.
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().setPrice(20).setHotelOnly(hotelOnly).build());
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().setDuration(14.5).setDate(new Date("10-14-2015")).setPrice(200).build());
offers.add(new OfferBuilder().build());
That last offer is simply one with all default values. The others are default values except the ones that I set.
See how that makes things easier?
Option 3: Variation of Builder Pattern
You can also use the builder pattern by simply making your current setters return the same Offer object. It's exactly the same, except without the extra OfferBuilder class.
Warning: As user WW states below, this option breaks JavaBeans - a standard programming convention for container classes such as Offer. So, you shouldn't use this for professional purposes, and should limit your use in your own practices.
public class Offer {
private int price = 100;
private Date date = new Date("10-13-2015");
// etc. Initialize with default values
// Don't make any constructors
// Have a getter for each field
public int getPrice() {
return price;
// Make your setters return the same object
public Offer setPrice(int price) {
// The same structure as in the builder class
this.price = price;
return this;
// etc. for each field
// No need for OfferBuilder class or build() method
And your new initialization code is
Offers offers = new Offers();
offers.add(new Offer().setPrice(20).setHotelOnly(hotelOnly));
offers.add(new Offer().setDuration(14.5).setDate(new Date("10-14-2015")).setPrice(200));
offers.add(new Offer());
That last offer is simply one with all default values. The others are default values except the ones that I set.
So, while it's a lot of work, if you want to clean up your initialization step, you need to use one of these options for each of your classes that have fields in them. Then use the initialization methods that I included with each method.
Good luck! Does any of this need further explanation?
I've always preferred using builder-pattern-with-a-twist because it provides much more than the basic approach of the builder pattern.
But what happens when you want to tell the user that she must call one builder method or the other, since it is crucial for the class you’re trying to build.
Think about a builder for a URL component. How would one think about the builder methods for encapsulating access to URL attributes, are they equally important, do they interact with each other, etc? While the query parameters or fragment are optional the hostname is not; you could say that protocol is also required but for that you can have a meaningful default, like http right?
Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense to your particular problem but I thought it would be worth mentioning for others to have a look at it.
Some nice answeres are already given here!
What came to my mind as an addition is Domain Driven Design. Specific the Building blocks part, with Entity, Value Object, Aggregate, Factory etc.
A nice introduction is given in Domain Driven Design - Quickly (pdf).
I just provide this answer because it was mentioned in a comment and I think it should also be a part of this enumeration of Design Patterns.
Null Object Design Pattern
The intent of a Null Object is to encapsulate the absence of an object by providing a substitutable alternative that offers suitable default do nothing behavior. In short, a design where "nothing will come of nothing"
Use the Null Object pattern when
an object requires a collaborator. The Null Object pattern does not introduce this collaboration--it makes use of a collaboration that already exists
some collaborator instances should do nothing
you want to abstract the handling of null away from the client
Here you find the full part of "Null Object" Design Pattern
Ideally, an object should not be concerned about instantiating its dependencies. It should only worry about things that it is supposed to do with them.
Have you considered any dependency injection framework? Spring or Google's Juice are quite versatile and have a small footprint.
The idea is simple, you declare the dependencies and let the framework decide when/how/where to create them and 'inject' it into your classes.
If you don't want to use any framework, you can take design notes from them and try to emulate their design patterns and tweak it for your use-case.
Also, you can simplify things to a certain extent by making proper use of Collections. For example, what additional feature does Offers have other than storing a collection of Offer? I'm not sure what your constraints there are but, if you can make that part a bit more cleaner you would have massive gains in all places where you are instantiating the objects.
Dozer framework provides nice way to do copy values from ws object to your dto. Here is another example. Additionally if the getter/setter names are the same of both class you dont need custom converter
I'm looking for a tool which will allow me use command-line-style (preferably POSIX) strings to initialize an object' properties and attributes.
For example, you'd provide it with String input formatted like so:
String input = "--firstName=John --MiddleName=\"Louis Victor\" --lastName=Smith";
... and it would setFirstName("John"), setMiddleName("Louis Victor") and setLastName("Smith") on a given object. (which could be a JavaBean)
Please note that the input is a single String, not an array String[] as is the case with many popular CLI argument "parsers".
This is all similar to args4j but I couldn't get that to work... and I'm hoping to avoid using #annotations.
Does anyone have code/libraries/tools which could accomplish this?
For your use case, forget regular CLI parsers, you need a custom-tailored solution. If you really have such a simple argument syntax (parameters always begin with --, no occurrences of -- in the parameter values), you can use a simple Guava-based solution like this class:
Parse the String Arguments
public class ArgParser{
// split on (optional whitespace) + "--"
private final Splitter paramSplitter = Splitter.on(
// find key=value (with optional double quotes around value)
private final Pattern keyValuePattern = Pattern
public Map<String, String> getParamValues(final String posixString){
final Map<String, String> paramValues = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
Matcher matcher;
for(final String param : paramSplitter.split(posixString)){
matcher = keyValuePattern.matcher(param);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad parameter: " + param);
paramValues.put(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2));
return paramValues;
final String input =
"--firstName=John --middleName=\"Louis Victor\" --lastName=Smith";
System.out.println(new ArgParser().getParamValues(input));
{firstName=John, middleName=Louis Victor, lastName=Smith}
Now you can take the map and use it with a Bean library like commons-beanutils (I prefer the Spring BeanWrapper personally, but that only makes sense if you use Spring anyway)
Define the Bean Class
Any way, I'll use this value holder class:
public class Name{
private String firstName;
private String middleName;
private String lastName;
public String toString(){
return Objects
.add("first name", firstName)
.add("middle name", middleName)
.add("last name", lastName)
// + getters & setters
Set the Bean Properties
Now we'll use BeanUtils.populate(Object, Map) to apply the parameter values, like this:
final String input =
"--firstName=John --middleName=\"Louis Victor\" --lastName=Smith";
final Map<String, String> paramValues =
new ArgParser().getParamValues(input);
final Name name = new Name();
BeanUtils.populate(name, paramValues);
Name{first name=John, middle name=Louis Victor, last name=Smith}
Caveat: Supported Property Types
BeanUtils.populate() supports setting the following property types:
... String, boolean, int, long, float, and double.
In addition, array setters for these
types (or the corresponding primitive
types) can also be identified.
Source: BeanUtilsBean.populate(Object, Map)
If you need parameter conversion beyond that, you should probably look into using the Spring BeanWrapper after all, it's extremely powerful, has many built-in property editors and you can add custom property editors. Just change the code like this:
final Name name = new Name();
final BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(name);
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a Java library to parse POSIX-style command line parameters. I used JSAP some time ago and it was really cool (it was using XML configuration back then).
-firstName John -lastName Smith
is no POSIX, you mean
--firstName John --lastName Smith
This may be the reason, why you can't get it working.
As I look at the example, it doesn't look like it could be the reason.