NetBeans Post Build Script - java

I'm using NetBeans 6.8, and I want to run a script to construct an SQLite database with a predefined schema after each build. I don't see any options under Build Configuration. Is this feature not yet supported?

Figured it out. Just edited the build.xml file that associates itself with the project. Details on how to do it are self-contained.
<target name="-post-compile">
<exec dir="." executable="cmd">
<arg line="/c DatabaseInitializer.bat"/>


Ant/Grails test-app with cobertura causes: CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long

We have an ant build that is creating our production ear. It invokes Grails scripts. We also have the code-coverage plugin added to our Grails project to do instrumentation. Everything works fine when running it using just "grails test-app", but when we invoke it through Ant, we get the following error: CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long. I've seen this error in the past, and I believe it is usually due to the classpath being too long. The server that this is running on is a 64bit Windows 2008 server.
The ant target looks like this:
<target name="test-cobertura"
description="--> Run a Grails applications unit and integration tests with code coverage">
<!-- <echo message="GRAILS_HOME ${myenv.GRAILS_HOME}"/> -->
<exec executable="${grails}" failonerror="false" resultproperty="resultCode">
<arg value="test-app"/>
<arg value="-xml"/>
<arg value="-Xms512m"/>
<arg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
<arg value="-coverage"/>
<junitreport todir="target/test-reports/html">
<fileset dir="target/test-reports/">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
<report format="frames" todir="target/test-reports/html"/>
<zip basedir="target/test-reports/html" destfile="test/reports/"/>
<fail status="1" message="Some tests failed">
<equals arg1="${resultCode}" arg2="1"/>
<zip basedir="target/test-reports/cobertura" destfile="test/reports/"/>
If we turn the coverage piece off, it runs fine, so it's definitely the cobertura piece that is causing the error.
We've been playing around with it but cannot figure anything out at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How to build Android project with Ant that depends on Java project?

I have an Android Library project, AndroidLib, that depends on a Java project in my workspace, JavaLib.
In Eclipse this is done by adding the JavaLib project to Java Build Path > Projects for AndroidLib and setting it to be exported in the Order and Export tab, and it builds fine.
However Ant doesn't seem to pick up the dependency on the JavaLib project when building AndroidLib (I have run android update lib-project). What is the best way to add this dependency to my build.xml?
I had the same problem. I ended solving it in a very hackish way.
In AndroidLib/build.xml (or better in AndroidLib/custom_rules.xml), I defined a -pre-build target that builds the JavaLib and copies the resulting jar in libs/. I also defined a -post-package target to remove the copied jar, otherwise Eclipse will get confused.
<property name="lib.javalib.project.dir" location="${basedir}/../JavaLib" />
<target name="-pre-build">
<subant buildpath="${lib.javalib.project.dir}" target="package" failonerror="true" />
<copy todir="${basedir}/libs" failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${lib.javalib.project.dir}/target">
<filename name="javalib*.jar"/>
<target name="-post-package">
<delete verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/libs" includes="javalib*.jar" />
This solution is far from satisfying, but it gets the job done.
You will find a similar question and answer there : Android Ant Include Java Library projects
I'll answer my own question: the only way to do this properly is to not use Ant.
You need a proper dependency management system. Maven is your only real choice here.
You need a build system that supports Maven. I currently use Maven again for this, because at the time it was the only mature build tool that also supported Maven dependency management -- now (albeit for Android Library Projects, since the format for these is not yet final) Gradle should be your build tool of choice.
I changed my build.xml to run the java project's ant file and then copy the jar to the libs folder:
<target name="-pre-compile">
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="dependencies/JavaUtils" target="clean"/>
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="dependencies/JavaUtils"/>
<copy todir="${jar.libs.dir}" failonerror="true" file="dependencies/JavaUtils/dist/Java-utils.jar"/>
<sleep seconds="3"/> <!-- Delay for the file to be recognized after the copy -->
How this helped someone.
BTW, I started reading about Gradle's dependency/build/whatever system and got the creeps from it. Ahhh, what a relief to get back to ant...

Ant target to run Windows BAT including changing directory

I have a Windows BAT file that looks like this:
tool.exe c:\mypath\to\input c:\mypath\to\output \flag1 flag2
That is, tool.exe resides on a mapped network drive. The tool requires that the EXE is run from its own directory (Z: in this case).
The BAT works fine when run via double-click or in a CMD window.
I'd like to automate it through Ant. My attempt is here:
<target name="go">
<exec executable="cmd">
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="runtool.bat"/>
It doesn't work. From this link and other research, I understand the following:
"Z:" is likely the equivalent of "cd Z:\"
there is no "cd.exe"... "cd" is interpreted by the Windows CMD shell, and not available via "cmd.exe"
That said, how to achieve the goal in Ant? in Java?
I'm open to writing my own Ant task, doing further network configuration of the directories, etc. (At the risk of making the question too broad, we are using Jenkins and open to ideas there as well.)
You have to specify the dir attribute on the exectask:
<exec executable="tool.exe" dir="z:">
<arg value="c:\mypath\to\input"/>
<arg value="c:\mypath\to\output"/>
<arg value="flag1"/>
<arg value="flag2"/>
This worked for me:
<target name="go">
<property name="batFileDir" location="${basedir}/resources" />
<exec executable="cmd" dir="." spawn="false">
<arg line="/C start ${batFileDir}/runTool.bat"/>
where the runTool.bat is as described in the question, and located in ~/resources.

Eclipse Equinox, how to configure auto load the bundles in plugin folder

I've followed but it seems to be old and not valid.
There is no such bundles as described org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.2.100.jar
I tried with the org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.0.200.v20100503, but doesn't work.
Anyone can tell me how to make Equinox auto load the bundles inside plugins folder?
Simplest approach would be to use Apache Felix File Install. It works just fine with Equinox, you only need to put File Install configuration parameters into the configuration/config.ini. Note though that if you launch Equinox via launcher JAR or via binary, the working directory would be parent of configuration/ or plugins/ directory.
Excerpt from our project config.ini:
# Start File Install itself
# The name of the directory to watch
# A regular expression to be used to filter file names
# We have all bundles in plugins/ directory, this regexp
# forbids monitoring bundles that are started via osgi.bundles property
# Determines if File Install waits felix.fileinstall.poll milliseconds before doing an initial scan or not.
# Not sure why we have this...
Other possible solution would be to use Eclipse P2. It is much more advanced and powerful, though I find it quite difficult to use.
Good thing is that if your application is agnostic to the way bundles are provisioned (and it should be this way), you can always change your mind later.
Here is the fragment from my automated eclipse installer written in ant.
This installs all features from the custom update site. The code is 'as is', but I sure would have liked to have something like this to guide me when I wrote it.
This script also uses antcontrib extension to ant. Antcontrib tasks are have 'ac:' namespace prefix
Hope this helps.
<property name="real.eclipse.home" location="${eclipse.home}/eclipse"/>
<property file="${real.eclipse.home}/configuration/config.ini" prefix="ECLIPSE_CONFIG"/>
<property name="eclipse-plugins.dir" location="${real.eclipse.home}/plugins"/>
<path id="">
<dirset dir="${eclipse-plugins.dir}">
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.*"/>
<property name="equinox.launcher-library.full-path" refid=""/>
<basename property="equinox.launcher-library.dir" file="${equinox.launcher-library.full-path}"/>
<echo message="equinox.launcher-library.dir='${equinox.launcher-library.dir}'"/>
<path id="">
<fileset dir="${eclipse-plugins.dir}">
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>
<property name="equinox.launcher.jar" refid=""/>
<basename property="equinox.launcher.jar.basename" file="${equinox.launcher.jar}"/>
<echo message="equinox.launcher.jar='${equinox.launcher.jar}'"/>
<java jar="${equinox.launcher.jar}"
<arg value="-consolelog"/>
<arg value="-application"/>
<arg value="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director"/>
<arg value="-repository"/>
<arg value="http://${repository.server}/custom-update-site"/>
<arg value="-list"/>
<contains value=""/>
<replaceregex pattern="(.*feature\.group)=.*$" replace="\1"/>
<ac:for list="${features.list}" delimiter="${line.separator}" trim="true" param="feature">
<isset property="feature.comma.list"/>
<ac:var name="feature.comma.list" value="${feature.comma.list},#{feature}"/>
<property name="feature.comma.list" value="#{feature}"/>
<echo message="Found following features to install"/>
<echo message="${features.list}"/>
<java jar="${equinox.launcher.jar}"
<arg value="-consolelog"/>
<arg value="-application"/>
<arg value="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director"/>
<arg value="-repository"/>
<arg value="http://${repository.server}/custom-update-site"/>
<arg value="-destination"/>
<arg file="${real.eclipse.home}"/>
<arg value="-installIU"/>
<arg value="${feature.comma.list}"/>
<arg value="-profile"/>
<arg value="${ECLIPSE_CONFIG.eclipse.p2.profile}"/>
P.S. For its usefulness and complexity Eclipse P2 is surely one of the most underdocumented features.
In your eclipse installation folder you have the file, for example:
You can modify the file to add any bundle you want, and also the start level. But the simplest method of adding bundles to an eclipse installation is to add them to the "dropins" folder. This will lead to an automatic modification of the file.

Ant, NetBeans Platform project - how to pass command line arguments and access via System.getProperties?

I have a NetBeans Platform project (not just a project I wrote in NetBeans, but one using the rich client framework provided by NetBeans). I can run the project via an ant run command. Now, I want to pass in an argument that will work its way through ant to be accessible via the System.getProperty method.
I understand that I need to use a <sysproperty> node to actually inject the key/value pair into the runtime environment, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get this to work with the convoluted build tree that NetBeans creates for you (build.xml depends on build-impl.xml, which in turn depends on ${harness.dir}/suite.xml, which in turn depends on ${harness.dir}/run.xml)
The simplest example I've found is
<target name="run" depends="compile">
<java classname="prop"
<sysproperty key=""
but the problem is that none of my xml files have an easily accessible <java> node like that. I think I've managed to trace the execution flow to where something is actually invoked (in ${harness.dir}/run.xml)
<target name="run" depends="-prepare-as-app,-prepare-as-platform">
<touch file="${cluster}/.lastModified"/> <!-- #138427 -->
<property name="run.args" value=""/>
<property name="run.args.ide" value=""/>
<property name="run.args.extra" value=""/>
<condition property="run.args.mac" value="-J-Xdock:name=${}" else="">
<os family="mac"/>
<exec osfamily="windows" executable="${run.exe}" failonerror="no" resultproperty="result.prop">
<arg value="--jdkhome"/>
<arg file="${run.jdkhome}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.common}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.prepared}"/>
<arg line="${run.args}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.ide}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.extra}"/>
<exec osfamily="unix" dir="." executable="sh"
failonerror="no" resultproperty="result.prop">
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="--jdkhome"/>
<arg file="${run.jdkhome}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.common}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.prepared}"/>
<arg line="${run.args}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.ide}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.extra}"/>
<arg line="${run.args.mac}"/>
The application is already running within the test user directory.
You must shut it down before trying to run it again.
<isset property="result.prop" />
<!-- unknown option exit code as returned from IDE by org.netbeans.api.sendopts.CommandLine -->
<equals arg1="${result.prop}" arg2="50346" />
<!-- unknown option exit code as returned from platform app by org.netbeans.CLIHandler -->
<equals arg1="${result.prop}" arg2="2" />
As you can see, there is no <java> node underneath which I can put my custom sysproperty. Furthermore, it seems like a very wrong thing to do to have to muck around with harness xml files to inject a property that only affects one of my projects, not all of them. So what's the correct way to ensure that a command line property I pass to ant run ends up within a NetBeans Platform project?
There is a folder etc in the distribution of your RCP app and in that folder is file yourapp.conf i think there is an answer you seek. For example from one of mine NB RCP app:
# ${HOME} will be replaced by user home directory according to platform
default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/dev"
# options used by the launcher by default, can be overridden by explicit
# command line switches
default_options="--laf Metal --branding xmled -J-Xms24m -J-Xmx64m"
# for development purposes you may wish to append: -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea
# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch
# clusters' paths separated by path.separator (semicolon on Windows, colon on Unices)

