Spring Optimistic Locking:How to retry transactional method till commit is successful - java

I use Spring 2.5 and Hibernate JPA implementation with Java and "container" managed Transactions.
I have a "after user commit" method that updates data in background and need to be committed regardless of ConcurrencyFailureException or StaleObjectStateException exception, because it will never be shown to client. In other words, need to make Optimistic Lock to Pessimistic. (Could happen if methods execution will take little bit longer and someone changed data in other transaction)
I read a a lot about idempotent stuff, retry if exception in search for DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES or 6.2.7. Example or chapter 14.5. Retry. I also found in stackoverflow here and here.
I tried this:
public aspect RetryOnConcurrencyExceptionAspect {
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 20;
private int maxRetries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES;
Object around(): execution( * * (..) ) && #annotation(RetryOnConcurrencyException) && #annotation(Transactional) {
int numAttempts = 0;
RuntimeException failureException = null;
do {
try {
return proceed();
catch( OptimisticLockingFailureException ex ) {
failureException = ex;
catch(ConcurrencyFailureException ex) {
failureException = ex;
catch( StaleObjectStateException ex) {
failureException = ex;
} while( numAttempts <= this.maxRetries );
throw failureException;
RetryOnConcurrencyException is my Annotation to mark methods that need to be retried, if a exception occurrs. Didn't work... I also tried several ways like SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, EntityManager.lock(...)
What is the best way to avoid stale data, dirty reads etc. such a strategy with Spring? Retry?, synchronized?, JPA lock?, isolation?, select ... for update? I could not get it to work and I really happy about any help.
Here is some pseudo code what I like to do:
void doSomething(itemId) {
select something into A;
select anotherthing into B;
// XXX
item = getItemFormDB( itemId ); // takes long for one user and for other concurrent user it could take less time
update item;
Between // XXX and // YYY another session could modify the item, then the StaleObjectStateException gets thrown.

Use Spring Retry to retry whole method when a version number or timestamp check failed (optimistic lock occurs).
public class FooConfig {
public void doSomethingWithFoo(Long fooId){
// read your entity again before changes!
Foo foo = fooRepository.findOne(fooId);
foo.setStatus(REJECTED) // <- sample foo modification
} // commit on method end
Project configuration
Spring Boot application has defined valid spring-retry version, so only this is required:

I got a solution but I think it's ugly. I catch all RuntimeException and it only works for new transactions. Do you know how to make it better? Do you see any problems?
First, I made an Annotation:
public #interface RetryingTransaction {
int repeatCount() default 20;
Then I made a interceptor like this:
public class RetryingTransactionInterceptor implements Ordered {
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 20;
private int maxRetries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES;
private int order = 1;
private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;
public void setMaxRetries(int maxRetries) {
this.maxRetries = maxRetries;
public int getOrder() {
return this.order;
public void setOrder(int order) {
this.order = order;
public Object retryOperation(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
int numAttempts = 0;
Exception failureException = null;
do {
try {
DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition();
TransactionStatus status = transactionManager.getTransaction(def);
Object obj = pjp.proceed();
return obj;
catch( RuntimeException re ) {
failureException = re;
} while( numAttempts <= this.maxRetries );
throw failureException;
Spring applicationConfig.xml:
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" order="10" />
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager">
<property name="transactionSynchronizationName">
<bean id="retryingTransactionInterceptor" class="com.x.y.z.transaction.RetryingTransactionInterceptor">
<property name="order" value="1" />
<aop:aspect id="retryingTransactionAspect" ref="retryingTransactionInterceptor">
expression="execution( * com.x.y.z.service..*.*(..) ) and #annotation(com.x.y.z.annotation.RetryingTransaction)"/>
<aop:around method="retryOperation" pointcut-ref="servicesWithRetryingTransactionAnnotation"/>
And a method annotated like this:
public Entity doSomethingInBackground(params)...

We have this and what we do is:
Flush the session (to make sure the upcoming update will be the only one queued)
Load the instance
Do the change
On StaleObjectStateException, clear the action queue
((EventSource) session).getActionQueue().clear()
and retry from #2
We have a retry counter to re-throw the exception in the end.
NOTE: This is not an officially supported method (Hibernate clearly states that a session which has thrown an exception should be discarded and not re-used), but it's a known work-around (with the limitation that you can't selectively remove the update action, but must clear the whole queue).

Throwing out another option here: BoneCP (http://jolbox.com) has support to automatically retry transactions upon failure (including when DB goes down, network fails, etc).


Spring Retry ignores "noRetryFor" (retries for all exceptions)

I am implementing a retry logic using the spring retry template that needs to retry for all exceptions with the exclusion of one, that I throw under a condition.
However, spring retries for that exception as well and I can't get it to change.
Here is my method, in which someException inherits from broadException:
#Retryable(noRetryFor = {SomeException.class}, maxAttempts = 4, backoff = #Backoff(delayExpression = "${retry.delay:2000}", multiplier = 2))
public void someMethod(String id) throws broadException{
Optional<Object> object = repository.getObject(id);
if (object.isPresent()) {
//do stuff
throw new SomeException();
Why is spring ignoring my "noRetryFor"?
I tried removing the brackets around SomeException.class but it made no difference.

Container Managed Transaction - Not marked for roll back

public class Bank implements IBank {
IConfigBean iConfigBean;
IDbs iDBS;
IPosb iPosb;
public void doTransaction() {
System.out.println("--Bank Transaction Started--");
try {
Config config1 = getConfig(1);
Config config3 = getConfig(3);
Config config5 = getConfig(5);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("---Bank Exception--");
System.out.println("--Bank Transaction End--");
public Config getConfig(int inserttionOrderNo) {
Config config = new Config();
config.setType("EJBTransactionTESTING - " + inserttionOrderNo);
return config;
public class DBS implements IDbs {
IConfigBean iConfigBean;
public void doDBSTransaction() {
System.out.println("--DBS Transaction Started--");
try {
Config config2 = getConfig(2);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("--DBS Exception--");
System.out.println("--DBS Transaction End--");
public Config getConfig(int inserttionOrderNo) {
Config config = new Config();
config.setType("EJBTransactionTESTING - " + inserttionOrderNo);
return config;
public class POSB implements IPosb {
IConfigBean iConfigBean;
public void doPOSBTransaction() {
System.out.println("--POSB Transaction Started--");
try {
Config config4 = getConfig(4);
if (true) {
//For Test 1
//throw new NullPointerException();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("--POSB Exception--");
if (true) {
//For Test 2
// throw new NullPointerException();
System.out.println("--POSB Transaction End--");
public Config getConfig(int inserttionOrderNo) {
Config config = new Config();
config.setType("EJBTransactionTESTING - " + inserttionOrderNo);
return config;
I am new to Stack Overflow and Its my new question so correct me If I am wrong.
Environment is..
Windows 10
Java 1.8
Tomcat 8.5
I have Three stateless bean, Please look at the Sequence Diagram of the Transaction flow.
I purposely making NullPointer Exception at two places during the transaction to know the difference and I have marked with Lightening Bold symbol in sequence diagram.
I am not using any #TransactionAttribute to any methods.
Test 1 - Null Pointer in Inside the try block (Lightening Bold symbol with Green)
When I start the testing, Got Null pointer exception and all the transaction are not marked for roll back and data also got inserted in db.
I can only see Null pointer exception in the console log.
Test 2 - Null Pointer in Outside the try - catch method (Lightening Bold symbol with Red)
When I start the testing, Got Null pointer exception plus EJBTransactionRolledbackException and all the transaction marked for roll back and no data inserted in db.
I can see NullPointer and EJBTransactionRolledback Exception in the console log.
Question here is,
Why EJB transaction is not marked for roll back If I made Null pointer inside try block
Why EJB transaction is roll back happens If I made null pointer outside try block
Thanks in advance.
Keep in mind EJB calls, all the "magic" made by container happens there, including transaction markup. It's possible due to the fact that EJB calls are not direct, but always go through proxy.
You have such calls in your code:
So, if unchecked exception (NPE for example) is thrown in this method and not caught - it's ultimately caught by container due to EJB proxy wrapping the call above. In this case transaction only could be rolled back.
Adding a call to a method of the same bean in your method (without using #EJB reference), does not change that:
public void doPOSBTransaction() {
try {
Config config4 = getConfig(4);
if (true) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("--POSB Exception--");
if (true) {
private void newMethod(){
throw new RuntimeException();
You can easily check that commit/rollback behaviour is just the same in this case, no matter that a method is added to call stack.
So the important thing you have to remember is that all container tricks work only on #EJB calls. So, for example, it's pointless to place transactional annotation on a private method - it won't be used ever.
Another important point is about checked exceptions. By default these do not cause transaction rollback indeed. But it's still possible to annotate your checked exception like below to make it rollback ongoing transaction:
#ApplicationException(rollback = true)

How to create Processor with Transaction and DLQ with Rabbit binding?

I'm just starting to learn Spring Cloud Streams and Dataflow and I want to know one of important use cases for me. I created example processor Multiplier which takes message and resends it 5 times to output.
public class MultiplierProcessor {
private Source source;
private int repeats = 5;
public void handle(String payload) {
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) {
if(i == 4) {
throw new RuntimeException("EXCEPTION");
source.output().send(new GenericMessage<>(payload));
What you can see is that before 5th sending this processor crashes. Why? Because it can (programs throw exceptions). In this case I wanted to practice fault prevention on Spring Cloud Stream.
What I would like to achieve is to have input message backed in DLQ and 4 messages that were send before to be reverted and not consumed by next operand (just like in normal JMS transaction). I tried already to define following properties in my processor project but without success.
Could you tell me if it possible and also what am I doing wrong? I would be overwhelmingly thankful for some examples.
You have several issues with your configuration:
missing .rabbit in the rabbit-specific properties)
you need a group name and durable subscription to use autoBindDlq
autoBindDlq doesn't apply on the output side
The consumer has to be transacted so that the producer sends are performed in the same transaction.
I just tested this with 1.0.2.RELEASE:
and it worked as expected.
Actually, no, the published messages were not rolled back. Investigating...
OK; it does work, but you can't use republishToDlq - because when that is enabled, the binder publishes the failed message to the DLQ and the transaction is committed.
When that is false, the exception is thrown to the container, the transaction is rolled back, and RabbitMQ moves the failed message to the DLQ.
Note, however, that retry is enabled by default (3 attempts) so, if your processor succeeds during retry, you will get duplicates in your output.
For this to work as you want, you need to disable retry by setting the max attempts to 1 (and don't use republishToDlq).
OK, if you want more control over the publishing of the errors, this will work, when the fix for this JIRA is applied to Spring AMQP...
#EnableBinding({ Processor.class, So39018400Application.Errors.class })
public class So39018400Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So39018400Application.class, args);
public Foo foo() {
return new Foo();
public interface Errors {
MessageChannel errorChannel();
private static class Foo {
Source source;
Errors errors;
public void handle (Message<byte[]> in) {
try {
source.output().send(new GenericMessage<>("foo"));
source.output().send(new GenericMessage<>("foo"));
throw new RuntimeException("foo");
catch (RuntimeException e) {
.setHeader("foo", "bar") // add whatever you want, stack trace etc.
throw e;
with properties:

#transactional rollback not working

Below is what I did, I need to implement rollback, using #transactional annotation, but not working as expected, what else need to be done for proper rollback to happen ?? I want that when the code is executed result in db should be "testingOne" , currently it is set to "notRollBacked". Can you please point my mistake.
public Response deleteUser(Request argVO)throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
catch (Exception ex)
return new Response();
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
private void testRollbackFunction() throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
throw new PortalException();
****************Edit 1*************
I did what was mentioned in answers:
I did taken bean from context
and written a class/bean as
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
public class RollBack
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
public void thisWillRollBack() throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
throw new PortalException();
spring xml file bean refrence set as :
<bean id="rollBackBean" class="com.alepo.RollBack">
public Response myMethod(Request argVO)throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
Test test = new Test();
Object obj = test.getBean();
RollBack rollBack = (RollBack)obj;
catch (Exception ex)
return new Response();
#################EDIT 4
now calling rollback function as :
RollBack rollBack = (RollBack)PortalBeanLocatorUtil.getBeanLocator().locate("rollBackBean");
No Test class in picture now ...no new anywhere ...
still NOT WORKING .......
If you have a #Transactional annotation on method, Spring wraps the call to this method with aspect handling the transaction.
1) Only public methodes can be wrapped in aspect
2) You call wrapped code only if you call the method on a bean taken from / injected by Spring container.
In your case:
1) The code isn't wrapped in transactional aspect because it is not public method
2) Event if it was, it is called directly from within the class, so you wouldn't call wrapped version anyway.
So the solution is to make separate bean with #Transactional method, inject it into and call it from Response class.
Of course you need <tx:annotation-driven/> in your spring-xml or instruct Spring otherwise to process #Transactional annotations (see the reference).
The issue is you are outside the application context. You are creating a new instance of a class, NEW is bad in Spring, very bad. Get an instance of Test from the application context, not by creating a new instance unless you start your application context in Test. Try to Autowire test in your class you mention above or inject it from Spring and then let me know, but the code you are showing above will never work with transaction management.

Injecting externalized value into Spring annotation

I've been thinking around the Java feature that evaluates annotation values in compile-time and it seems to really make difficult externalizing annotation values.
However, I am unsure whether it is actually impossible, so I'd appreciate any suggestions or definitive answers on this.
More to the point, I am trying to externalize an annotation value which controls delays between scheduled method calls in Spring, e.g.:
public class SomeClass {
private Properties props;
private static final long delay = 0;
public void initializeBean() {
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("scheduling.properties");
props = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
delay = props.getProperties("delayValue");
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = delay)
public void someMethod(){
// perform something
Suppose that scheduling.properties is on classpath and contains property key delayValue along with its corresponding long value.
Now, this code has obvious compilation errors since we're trying to assign a value to final variable, but that is mandatory, since we can't assign the variable to annotation value, unless it is static final.
Is there any way of getting around this? I've been thinking about Spring's custom annotations, but the root issue remains - how to assign the externalized value to annotation?
Any idea is welcome.
EDIT: A small update - Quartz integration is overkill for this example. We just need a periodic execution with sub-minute resolution and that's all.
The #Scheduled annotation in Spring v3.2.2 has added String parameters to the original 3 long parameters to handle this. fixedDelayString, fixedRateString and initialDelayString are now available too:
#Scheduled(fixedDelayString = "${my.delay.property}")
public void someMethod(){
// perform something
Thank you both for your answers, you have provided valuable info which led me to this solution, so I upvoted both answers.
I've opted to make a custom bean post processor and custom #Scheduled annotation.
The code is simple (essentially it is a trivial adaptation of existing Spring code) and I really wonder why they didn't do it like this from the get go. BeanPostProcessor's code count is effectively doubled since I chose to handle the old annotation and the new one.
If you have any suggestion on how to improve this code, I'll be glad to hear it out.
CustomScheduled class (annotation)
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public #interface CustomScheduled {
String cron() default "";
String fixedDelay() default "";
String fixedRate() default "";
CustomScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor class
public class CustomScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, Ordered, EmbeddedValueResolverAware, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent>, DisposableBean
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.class);
// omitted code is the same as in ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor......
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
// processes both #Scheduled and #CustomScheduled annotations
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
final Class<?> targetClass = AopUtils.getTargetClass(bean);
ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(targetClass, new MethodCallback() {
public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
Scheduled oldScheduledAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, Scheduled.class);
if (oldScheduledAnnotation != null) {
LOG.info("#Scheduled found at method {}", method.getName());
Assert.isTrue(void.class.equals(method.getReturnType()), "Only void-returning methods may be annotated with #Scheduled.");
Assert.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length == 0, "Only no-arg methods may be annotated with #Scheduled.");
if (AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(bean)) {
try {
// found a #Scheduled method on the target class for this JDK proxy -> is it
// also present on the proxy itself?
method = bean.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"#Scheduled method '%s' found on bean target class '%s', " +
"but not found in any interface(s) for bean JDK proxy. Either " +
"pull the method up to an interface or switch to subclass (CGLIB) " +
"proxies by setting proxy-target-class/proxyTargetClass " +
"attribute to 'true'", method.getName(), targetClass.getSimpleName()));
Runnable runnable = new ScheduledMethodRunnable(bean, method);
boolean processedSchedule = false;
String errorMessage = "Exactly one of 'cron', 'fixedDelay', or 'fixedRate' is required.";
String cron = oldScheduledAnnotation.cron();
if (!"".equals(cron)) {
processedSchedule = true;
if (embeddedValueResolver != null) {
cron = embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(cron);
cronTasks.put(runnable, cron);
long fixedDelay = oldScheduledAnnotation.fixedDelay();
if (fixedDelay >= 0) {
Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
processedSchedule = true;
fixedDelayTasks.put(runnable, fixedDelay);
long fixedRate = oldScheduledAnnotation.fixedRate();
if (fixedRate >= 0) {
Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
processedSchedule = true;
fixedRateTasks.put(runnable, fixedRate);
Assert.isTrue(processedSchedule, errorMessage);
CustomScheduled newScheduledAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, CustomScheduled.class);
if (newScheduledAnnotation != null) {
LOG.info("#CustomScheduled found at method {}", method.getName());
Assert.isTrue(void.class.equals(method.getReturnType()), "Only void-returning methods may be annotated with #CustomScheduled.");
Assert.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length == 0, "Only no-arg methods may be annotated with #CustomScheduled.");
if (AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(bean)) {
try {
// found a #CustomScheduled method on the target class for this JDK proxy -> is it
// also present on the proxy itself?
method = bean.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("#CustomScheduled method '%s' found on bean target class '%s', "
+ "but not found in any interface(s) for bean JDK proxy. Either "
+ "pull the method up to an interface or switch to subclass (CGLIB) "
+ "proxies by setting proxy-target-class/proxyTargetClass " + "attribute to 'true'", method.getName(),
Runnable runnable = new ScheduledMethodRunnable(bean, method);
boolean processedSchedule = false;
String errorMessage = "Exactly one of 'cron', 'fixedDelay', or 'fixedRate' is required.";
boolean numberFormatException = false;
String numberFormatErrorMessage = "Delay value is not a number!";
String cron = newScheduledAnnotation.cron();
if (!"".equals(cron)) {
processedSchedule = true;
if (embeddedValueResolver != null) {
cron = embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(cron);
cronTasks.put(runnable, cron);
LOG.info("Put cron in tasks map with value {}", cron);
// fixedDelay value resolving
Long fixedDelay = null;
String resolverDelayCandidate = newScheduledAnnotation.fixedDelay();
if (!"".equals(resolverDelayCandidate)) {
try {
if (embeddedValueResolver != null) {
resolverDelayCandidate = embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(resolverDelayCandidate);
fixedDelay = Long.valueOf(resolverDelayCandidate);
} else {
fixedDelay = Long.valueOf(newScheduledAnnotation.fixedDelay());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
numberFormatException = true;
Assert.isTrue(!numberFormatException, numberFormatErrorMessage);
if (fixedDelay != null && fixedDelay >= 0) {
Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
processedSchedule = true;
fixedDelayTasks.put(runnable, fixedDelay);
LOG.info("Put fixedDelay in tasks map with value {}", fixedDelay);
// fixedRate value resolving
Long fixedRate = null;
String resolverRateCandidate = newScheduledAnnotation.fixedRate();
if (!"".equals(resolverRateCandidate)) {
try {
if (embeddedValueResolver != null) {
fixedRate = Long.valueOf(embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(resolverRateCandidate));
} else {
fixedRate = Long.valueOf(newScheduledAnnotation.fixedRate());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
numberFormatException = true;
Assert.isTrue(!numberFormatException, numberFormatErrorMessage);
if (fixedRate != null && fixedRate >= 0) {
Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
processedSchedule = true;
fixedRateTasks.put(runnable, fixedRate);
LOG.info("Put fixedRate in tasks map with value {}", fixedRate);
Assert.isTrue(processedSchedule, errorMessage);
return bean;
spring-context.xml config file
<!-- Enables the use of a #CustomScheduled annotation-->
<bean class="org.package.CustomScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor" />
Some spring annotations support SpEL.
location="file:${external.config.location}/application.properties" />
And then, for example:
private int delayValue;
I'm not sure if #Scheduled supports SPeL, though, but in general, that's the approach.
In regard to scheduling, check this post of mine and this related question
A better way to do this is to define the scheduling in xml using the task name space
<context:property-placeholder location="scheduling.properties"/>
<task:scheduled ref="someBean" method="someMethod" fixed-delay="${delayValue}"/>
If you for some reason want to do it with annotation, you need to create an annotation that has another optional attribute where you can specify the property name or better still a property placeholder expression or Spel expression.
If you want to make this work with annotation rather than bean configuration xml, you can use the following annotations: #Component, #PropertySource with PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer Bean itself, like this:
#PropertySource({ "classpath:scheduling.properties" })
public class SomeClass {
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = "${delay}")
public void someMethod(){
// perform something
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer placeHolderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
We can use a field value from other beans. Suppose we have a bean named someBean with a field someValue equal to 10. Then, 10 will be assigned to the field:
private Integer someBeanValue;
Reference: A Quick Guide to Spring #Value - Baeldung

