open existing java project in eclipse - java

As one of our dev guy is on vacation, I got his task. The source code is in our svn repository and i got down the java project source. downloaded eclipse 3.3.2 sdk as that were his instruction.
How do I open an existing project in eclipse? Coming from MS world, i do not have the luxury of finding a .sln file.

File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace
Browse for that directory.
Alternative: Check out the code in SVN to some folder
Create a new folder in windows
In eclipse File -> switchWorkspace -> newFolderName
close the welcome window in eclipse
In eclipse File -> Import -> Existing project into workspce-> select root dir -> browse and show the svn checkout folder

If this is a simple Java project, You essentially create a new project and give the location of the existing code. The project wizard will tell you that it will use existing sources.
Also, Eclipse 3.3.2 is ancient history, you guys should really upgrade. This is like using Visual Studio 5.

The typical pattern is to check out the root project folder (=the one containing a file called ".project") from SVN using eclipse's svn integration (SVN repository exploring perspective). The project is then recognized automatically.

Eclipse does not have internal Subversion connectivity. After you've downloaded and unzipped Eclipse, you have to install a Subversion plug-in. Check with the other developers as to which Subversion plug-in you're using. Subclipse is one Subversion plug-in.
After you've installed the Subversion plug-in, you have to give Eclipse the repository information in the SVN Repositories view of the SVN Repositories perspective. One of the other developers should have that information.
Finally, you check out the project from Subversion, by left clicking on the Package Explorer, selecting New -> Project, and in the New Project wizard,left clicking on SVN -> Checkout projects from SVN.

Simple, you just open klik file -> import -> General -> existing project into workspace -> browse file in your directory.
(I'am used Eclipse Mars)


wrong directory structure maven archetype-webapp using intellij

I am new in intellij IDE. I want to create a maven-archetype-webapp peoject But it does not create correct structure.Why?
I can't see same structure in this link.
I am using Intellij IDE 14.0.1
Assuming that you have successfully installed and tested maven in your local system. Make sure that you are using this maven to build project. You can check it from following path.
Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Maven Home Directory
If not, change Maven directory to the local one and try to build again.(for directory name refer your tutorial link for maven windows installation).

Converting an Eclipse Java project into an SVN project?

So I am trying to do something slightly unusual.
I checked out a project using Tortoise SVN, and then I imported that project into Eclipse as a Java project, and I can build the project fine.
But I would much rather use Eclipse's Subversion plugin than Tortoise SVN to check in files, update, compare diff's etc.
So is there any way I hook that Java project back into SVN in Eclipse, and then be able to check in files etc through Eclipse.
Note that checking out the project again using Eclipse is not an option for a few different reasons.
Right click on the Project and select 'Team > Share Project...' to set up SVN on the project.

Steps to enable the Maven integration with eclipse

I have installed maven and eclipse juno, on CentOS. Can anyone guide me how to integrate Eclipse with maven. I am going to use this configuration for Mahout.
You need to install a plugin for eclipse so that it knows what to do about maven projects (such as m2eclipse).
Once you have that installed, you can configure it (Windows -> Preferences -> Maven) to point to your existing maven installation, and can then create maven projects via the New -> Maven Project wizard.
You can also convert existing project to maven projects via a right click -> Configure -> Convert to Maven Project.
You can download maven from from eclipse market place
Simply go to help -> eclipse market place, then search maven.
(Though i have always got it already integrated in eclipse).
After you can make various customizations to suite your needs by selecting, window -> preferences, then type in maven in the search bar ontop, you can configure the location of your settings.xml file, maven installation to use and other things you may want.
Hope this helps.

Checkout maven project from SCM: disconnect and merge

Whenever checking out Maven project from svn server in Eclipse, it creates a new folder like maven.xxxxxxxxxxxx under the target workspace. After specific time, it disconnected from SVN server.
My question is when the new checkout process is started again:-
Can the next checking-out process merge to one of the existing folder maven.xxxxxxxxxxxx?
Any input would be appreciated!!
No, not directly. This happens if something stops the import step. While I can not tell you wat exactly went wrong in your case, I can tell you how to solve it:
Rename the maven.xxxxxfolder in your workspace to the real project name.
The select File -> Import... -> Existing Maven Project and choose the project folder. The project will appear in your workspace as maven project.
Depending on your eclipse configuration and plugins environment, you might also need to right-click on your new project and select Team -> Share... -> SVN (if there is a long list of options under Team, it is already correctly identifed as SVN project).
If your maven.xxxx folder is empty, than you seem to have connection problems. Split the checkout and the import part:
Switch to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective, create the repository (if not already there). Can you browse the repository? If not, you have a connection problem (proxy?).
Right click your SVN project and select -> Checkout...
Select Check out as project in the workspace
This checks out the project as simple resource project
now back in the java perspective you can either delete the project and do an "Import existing Maven Project" or convert the project to a maven project using right-click -> Configure -> Convert to Maven project (exact command may vary with your m2e version).
If everything elese fails, try to checkout your project using TortoiseSVN (on Windows) or the commandline and doing "import -> existing maven project" afterwards.

How to make git project as Android Project?

I receive projects from github.
They are android project. But they does not have android.jar,, ...
How can I use them as Android Project?
This is an android-maven project.
I think there are two ways:
You'll need to download MAVEN and Install it.
Once completed, go to the command line. Check that maven is working by typing..
mvn --version
Once you get it working, with the command line, navigate to the project directory (where the pom.xml file is located) and type..
mvn clean install
This should generate the necessary files.
Download the m2eclipse (Maven to Eclipse) eclipse plugin.
Once installed, go to:
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Choose the project folder
If you're using Android Studio, there is also an option available to import maven projects.
Personally, I prefer the first method... but it's up to you :)
2 options:
Ask them to Create a new project from existing source.
Push your .project file to github, and eclipse should be able to setup the android project correctly.

