I use Jboss-Maven-Plugin by 1.4 version. I look JBoss Maven Plugin Usage Example,And I pom.xml is
WHen I input the jboss:start console message is INfo! But Terminate isn't running?
Info Message is:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building SSH2Maven JEE5 Webapp 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- jboss-maven-plugin:1.4:start (default-cli) # SSH2Maven ---
[INFO] Starting JBoss...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.328s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Jul 11 19:10:15 CST 2010
[INFO] Final Memory: 2M/15M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why?This version can only be used in 4.x below ?
Ok, first of all, the plugin is not really designed for JBoss AS 5 and while some features will work (start, stop, hard-deploy) some deployment features might not work.
Second, the jboss:start goal isn't "blocking", it will start JBoss in the background as an independent process.
Here is what I get after some time when running jboss:start with JBoss 5 (and a plugin configuration similar to yours):
$ mvn jboss:start
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building my-webapp Maven Webapp
[INFO] task-segment: [jboss:start] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [jboss:start {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] Starting JBoss...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ ps aux | grep -i jboss
pascal 23080 0.0 0.0 1828 292 pts/3 S 23:02 0:00 sh -c cd /home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin; export JBOSS_HOME="/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA"; ./run.sh null
pascal 23107 91.4 30.3 1116240 624824 pts/3 Sl 23:02 3:19 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -Dprogram.name=run.sh -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/lib/endorsed -classpath /home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin/run.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib/tools.jar org.jboss.Main null
pascal 23298 0.0 0.0 3324 916 pts/3 S+ 23:06 0:00 grep -i jboss
JBoss has been started, as expected.
Update: Here is the configuration I used (quick and dirty, for testing purposes):
io.fabric8 generates kubernetes and openshift yaml when i include targetDir configuration
by default it goes to goes to target/fabric8/deployment.yaml i want it to go to {basedir}/fabric8/ without it generating some extra extra folders and files, just /deployment.yaml, this is the command i ran mvn fabric8:resource
I'm from Fabric8 team. Fabric8 Maven Plugin has an option fabric8.targetDir with which you can override default target directory. Here is how it should work for your use case:
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mkdir fabric8
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mvn fabric8:resource -Dfabric8.targetDir="./fabric8"
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------< meetup:random-generator >-----------------------
[INFO] Building random-generator 0.0.1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.3.1:resource (default-cli) # random-generator ---
[INFO] F8: Using Container image name of namespace: rokumar
[INFO] F8: Running generator spring-boot
[INFO] F8: spring-boot: Using Container image fabric8/s2i-java:2.3 as base / builder
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default Deployment
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'random-generator' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-deployment.yml resource
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default DeploymentConfig
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'random-generator' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='//health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-route.yml resource
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 6.127 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-08T12:37:50+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/
kubernetes kubernetes.yml openshift openshift.yml
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/kubernetes
random-generator-deployment.yml random-generator-service.yml
Unfortunately, Fabric8 Maven Plugin generates resource descriptors for both Kubernetes and Openshift. In case of Kubernetes also, it generates a default Service, if you want to disable it, you can configure plugin like this to disable Service Enricher:
This way Service won't be generated during the resource generation phase and you would be left with Deployment only. Here is a run after the plugin configuration:
"/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ mvn fabric8:resource -Dfabric8.targetDir="./fabric8
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------< meetup:random-generator >-----------------------
[INFO] Building random-generator 0.0.1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.3.1:resource (default-cli) # random-generator ---
[INFO] F8: Using Container image name of namespace: rokumar
[INFO] F8: Running generator spring-boot
[INFO] F8: spring-boot: Using Container image fabric8/s2i-java:2.3 as base / builder
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default Deployment
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/kubernetes/random-generator-deployment.yml resource
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default DeploymentConfig
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding readiness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 10 seconds
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-spring-boot: Adding liveness probe on port 8080, path='/actuator/health', scheme='HTTP', with initial delay 180 seconds
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/fmp-demo-project/fabric8/openshift/random-generator-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 6.598 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-08T14:20:52+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/
kubernetes kubernetes.yml openshift openshift.yml
~/work/repos/fmp-demo-project : $ ls fabric8/kubernetes
We have been refactoring/rebranding FMP into two different plugins, you can find it here: Eclipse Jkube, it has two plugins - Kubernetes Maven Plugin and Openshift Maven Plugin. They only generate Kubernetes or Openshift manifests respectively. That way you can only generate Kubernetes resources which seem to be fitting your current use case.
Hope that helps.
I want to start spring-boot maven application in debug mode in intellij Idea, but when I make breakpoints the application doesn't suspend and goes further. I've read a lot of topics but I still don't understand how to do it. Could you help me decide the best course of action.
Edit: I use spring-boot-maven-plugin and Maven Run/Debug configuration with spring-boot:run in command line.
Edit: So when I added Jvm Arguments to pom.xml I recieved such log:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building shop 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.5.8.RELEASE:run (default-cli) > test-compile # shop >>>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) # shop ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] Copying 0 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) # shop ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) # shop ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\Валера\IdeaProjects\shop\src\test\resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) # shop ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] <<< spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.5.8.RELEASE:run (default-cli) < test-compile # shop <<<
[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.5.8.RELEASE:run (default-cli) # shop ---
[INFO] Attaching agents: []
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
But when requesting localhost:5005/myPage I recieve Error 101 (net: : ERR_CONNECTION_RESET). Seems like some maven arguments did not specify.
Here my maven plagin in pom.xml:
-Xdebug - Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005
In your Run/Debug Configurations enter the following into your command line:
spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=local,<mine> -Dfork=false -f pom.xml
My Maven spring-boot:run configuration debugs just fine with the -D fork=false added.
You may use below command in the CLI:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=n
Below is my project settings:
enter image description here
This is my pom.xml
Am trying to redeploy the java application using maven using following command
mvn tomcat7:redeploy
am able to deploy but unable to redeploy application to same path second time, its giving the following error
[INFO] tomcatManager status code:200, ReasonPhrase:OK
[INFO] OK - Undeployed application at context path /MavenExample321
[INFO] FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path /MavenExample321
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 56.490s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Nov 25 11:00:38 IST 2015
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/183M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally I found the solution.
Use following update tag in configuration
and use the following command to undeploy last deployed application and redeploy the new war file with same name.
mvn clean tomcat:deploy
I have created my own jar file and I included it into my project by running:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/Users/vladioffe/git/evappcom/evappcom/evapcom-1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.evapp.code -DartifactId=evappcom -Dversion={1.0} -Dpackaging=jar
The build succeeded - here is the output:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building EvApp_Server 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install-file (default-cli) # EvApp_Server ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/vladioffe/git/evappcom/evappcom/evappcom-1.0.jar to /Users/vladioffe/.m2/repository/com/evapp/code/evappcom/{1.0}/evappcom-{1.0}.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.557s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Jan 21 14:46:32 IST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 3M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
When I have added the dependency to the pom file I encountered an error, here is the dependency:
And the error I see near the <dependency> tag is:
Missing artifact com.evapp.code:evappcom:jar:
I tried to:
Restart eclipse
Clean project
re-install jar
disable and enable Maven
Update Project
Version is not supposed to be in brackets:
-Dversion={1.0} // it must be -Dversion=1.0
I am trying to deploy and run my webapplication using maven and its tomcat plugin.
I have set it up in project's pom.xml, but when I'm calling it from command line:
mvn tomcat:run
all that I get is:
[root#ovz6022 trunk]# mvn -e tomcat:run
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Unnamed - com.gotbrains.breeze:breeze:jar:1.0
[INFO] task-segment: [tomcat:run]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing tomcat:run
[INFO] [resources:resources {execution: default-resources}]
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /root/trunk/src/main/resources
[INFO] [compiler:compile {execution: default-compile}]
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] [tomcat:run {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] Skipping non-war project
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 24 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jul 23 14:34:31 MDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/14M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
And that's all. Tomcat hasn't been launched but I don't see any errors here.
Does anybody knows what's happening?
As mentioned before, you should use war packaging. However, if you can't because you're using OSGI or some other reason, you can tell the Tomcat plugin to deploy anyway even if it isn't war packaging by using the ignorePackaging option:
The clue is in the line:
[INFO] Skipping non-war project
The tomcat:run goal is intended to work with war projects, I'm guessing yours is a jar project.
You need to change the packaging of your project to war, you may also need to provide some additional configuration for the war to actually do anything.
Note: I'd recommend having a separate war project to your jar projects, then adding the jars as dependencies to the war.
if you're using Roo, and haven't yet invoked the controller command then your configuration is not yet set to generate a WAR file.