mvn eclipse:eclipse within Eclipse - java

I have the m2Eclipse plugin from Sonatype installed in my IDE. It allows me to run various maven commands (package, install, etc.) by right-clicking on a pom.xml file and navigating to the "Run As" menu.
However, I haven't figuered out how to the equivalent of mvn eclipse:eclipse from within the IDE, is this possible?

Yup, when you right-click over the project, in the Maven sub-menu, you have an Update Project Configuration command which does precisely that.
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Eclipse Maven - No 'package' option

I am trying to use Maven in Eclipse, and I am trying to package my project. I right click on My pom.xml, I go to Run as, but there is no "Maven Package" option there.
This is how it looks:
What am I doing wrong, and how can I get that option?
If you do the Maven install it should also do the packaging. You will find the resulting artifacts in the directory called target.
If you want to run only mvn package, I believe you need to select the option number "3 Maven build ..."

Maven Build in Eclipse without using Command prompt

I created the maven-spring project using the m2e plugin of eclipse. The project is working fine. I want to do a Maven build in Eclipse the project without using any commands in command prompt i.e. using the eclipse IDE only. But I am not able to find the option for Maven build from Eclipse IDE.
Below are the options I am getting when I right click on my project:
Kindly advise.
you can follow this link, right click maven project -> run as -> maven build..
Right-click on pom.xml, then go to the "Run As" menu (not the "maven" menu). The various plug-in goals (and lifecycle targets) are documented here.

How to stop eclipse to redownload the plugin from repository for a maven project

I am importing an existing project into my eclipse workspace. I am using Maven 2.2.0, and Eclipse Juno. I could build project successfully using mvn command prompt.
But unable to import the project as eclipse could not build the project.Eclipse is trying to again download from repository. What If we stop eclipse to download the resources again from repository.
I thought I would add Windows--->Preferences-->Maven--Archetype--Add local catalog
I understood that we have ~/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml catalogu file. But to my surprise I cannot find it.
Please suggest me if I am proceeding with correct way or not.
If its correct way, how do I set local archetype.
Please share your thoughts.
Thanks In Advance.
You need to install the mvn plugin and import the mvn project as such. Alternatively, you can eclipsify the mvn project using the goal eclipse:eclipse (with the mvn command line).
In mvn itself you could set the pluginRepo to updatePolicy NEVER temporarily, if you still have issues with Eclipse. I think Eclipse uses the same settings for importing mvn projects.
I personally never was happy with Eclipse's mvn integration. Have you tried IntelliJ?

How to run a downloaded Java and Maven Project

I'm new in Maven,Java and Eclipse. I just download a project that uses Maven. I want to know how can import and run this project by Eclipse. I install m2eclipse and work with it but i don't know how can I import a existing project.
You need a maven plugin for Eclipse. m2eclipse or Apache Maven Plugin
This links will help you to import the project. M2eclipse Guideline and Importing maven project into eclipse
Use the Maven Eclipse Plugin. It generates the necessary files for the Eclipse IDE.
For running maven project you will need to install maven plugin in eclipse and than right click on it and select run as maven install
Here is an alternate way without using m2Eclipse plugin.
Install Maven and add the bat file to the path. Once this is done open a command prompt and go to the directory where the pom.xml file of your project exists. At this directory level do a:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will make your project Eclipse friendly. Once this is completed, import the project by using File Menu in Eclipse. File->Import. In dialog select Existng Projects into Workspace. Click Next. Then select the root directory as the directory from which you ran the mvn command. Click Finish.
You project should now be in your Eclipse IDE

How to update maven repository in Eclipse?

Assuming you're already using the m2eclipse plugin, what can you do when it doesn't update the dependencies to the latest in your repo?
For example, on the command line, you can just add the -U flag as in
mvn clean install -U
…to force the dependencies to be updated. Is there something like this within Eclipse? (It doesn't always seem to pick up the latest updates.)
You can right-click on your project then Maven > Update Project..., then select Force Update of Snapshots/Releases checkbox then click OK.
In newer versions of Eclipse that use the M2E plugin it is:
Right-click on your project(s) --> Maven --> Update Project...
In the following dialog is a checkbox for forcing the update ("Force Update of Snapshots/Releases")
Right-click on your project and choose Maven > Update Snapshots. In addition to that you can set "update Maven projects on startup" in Window > Preferences > Maven
UPDATE: In latest versions of Eclipse: Maven > Update Project.
Make sure "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases" is
Sometimes the dependencies don't update even with Maven->Update Project->Force Update option checked using m2eclipse plugin.
In case it doesn't work for anyone else, this method worked for me:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will update your .classpath file with the new dependencies while preserving your .project settings and other eclipse config files.
If you want to clear your old settings for whatever reason, you can run:
mvn eclipse:clean
mvn eclipse:eclipse
mvn eclipse:clean will erase your old settings, then mvn eclipse:eclipse will create new .project, .classpath and other eclipse config files.
If Maven update snapshot doesn't work and if you have Spring Tooling, one interesting way is to remove
Right-click on your project then Maven > Disable Maven Nature
Right-click on your project then Spring Tools > Update Maven Dependencies
After "BUILD SUCCESS", Right-click on your project then Configure > Convert Maven Project
Note: Maven update snapshot sometimes stops working if you use anything else i.e. eclipse:eclipse or Spring Tooling

