Java HashMap detect collision - java

Is there a way to detect collision in Java Hash-map ? Can any one point out some situation's where lot of collision's can take place. Of-course if you override the hashcode for an object and simply return a constant value collision is sure to occur.I'm not talking about that.I want to know in what all situations other that the previously mentioned do huge number of collisions occur without modifying the default hashcode implementation.

I have created a project to benchmark these sort of things: (For hashtables with chaining, open-addressing and bloom filters).
Apart from the hashCode() of the key, you need to know the "smearing" (or "scrambling", as I call it in that project) function of the hashtable. From this list, HashMap's smearing function is the equivalent of:
public int scramble(int h) {
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
So for a collision to occur in a HashMap, the necessary and sufficient condition is the following : scramble(k1.hashCode()) == scramble(k2.hashCode()). This is always true if k1.hashCode() == k2.hashCode() (otherwise, the smearing/scrambling function wouldn't be a function), so that's a sufficient, but not necessary condition for a collision to occur.
Edit: Actually, the above necessary and sufficient condition should have been compress(scramble(k1.hashCode())) == compress(scramble(k2.hashCode())) - the compress function takes an integer and maps it to {0, ..., N-1}, where N is the number of buckets, so it basically selects a bucket. Usually, this is simply implemented as hash % N, or when the hashtable size is a power of two (and that's actually a motivation for having power-of-two hashtable sizes), as hash & N (faster). ("compress" is the name Goodrich and Tamassia used to describe this step, in the Data Structures and Algorithms in Java). Thanks go to ILMTitan for spotting my sloppiness.
Other hashtable implementations (ConcurrentHashMap, IdentityHashMap, etc) have other needs and use another smearing/scrambling function, so you need to know which one you're talking about.
(For example, HashMap's smearing function was put into place because people were using HashMap with objects with the worst type of hashCode() for the old, power-of-two-table implementation of HashMap without smearing - objects that differ a little, or not at all, in their low-order bits which were used to select a bucket - e.g. new Integer(1 * 1024), new Integer(2 * 1024) *, etc. As you can see, the HashMap's smearing function tries its best to have all bits affect the low-order bits).
All of them, though, are meant to work well in common cases - a particular case is objects that inherit the system's hashCode().
PS: Actually, the absolutely ugly case which prompted the implementors to insert the smearing function is the hashCode() of Floats/Doubles, and the usage as keys of values: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ..., all of them having the same (zero) low-order bits. This is the related old bug report:

Simple example: hashing a Long. Obviously there are 64 bits of input and only 32 bits of output. The hash of Long is documented to be:
i.e. imagine it's two int values stuck next to each other, and XOR them.
So all of these will have a hashcode of 0:
1L | (1L << 32)
2L | (2L << 32)
3L | (3L << 32)
I don't know whether that counts as a "huge number of collisions" but it's one example where collisions are easy to manufacture.
Obviously any hash where there are more than 232 possible values will have collisions, but in many cases they're harder to produce. For example, while I've certainly seen hash collisions on String using just ASCII values, they're slightly harder to produce than the above.

The other two answers I see a good IMO but I just wanted to share that the best way to test how well your hashCode() behaves in a HashMap is to actually generate a big number of objects from your class, put them in the particular HashMap implementation as the key and test CPU and memory load. 1 or 2 million entries are a good number to measure but you get best results if you test with your anticipated Map sizes.
I just looked at a class that I doubted its hashing function. So I decided to fill in a HashMap with random objects of that type and test number of collisions. I tested two hashCode() implementations of the class under investigation. So I wrote in groovy the class you see at the bottom extending openjdk implementation of HashMap to count number of collisions into the HashMap (see countCollidingEntries()). Note that these are not real collisions of the whole hash but collisions in the array holding the entries. Array index is calculated as hash & (length-1) which means that as short the size of this array is, the more collisions you get. And size of this array depends on initialCapacity and loadFactor of the HashMap (it can increase when put() more data).
At the end though I considered that looking at these numbers does little sense. The fact that HashMap is slower with bad hashCode() method means that by just benchmarking insertion and retrieval of data from the Map you effectively know which hashCode() implementation is better.
public class TestHashMap extends HashMap {
public TestHashMap(int size) {
public TestHashMap() {
public int countCollidingEntries() {
def fs = this.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields();
def table;
def count =0 ;
for ( java.lang.reflect.Field field: fs ) {
if (field.getName() == "table") {
table = field.get(super);
for(Object e: table) {
if (e != null) {
while ( != null) {
e =;
return count;


Java hashcode() collision for objects containing different but similar Strings

While verifying output data of my program, I identified cases for which hash codes of two different objects were identical. To get these codes, I used the following function:
int getHash( long lID, String sCI, String sCO, double dSR, double dGR, String sSearchDate ) {
int result = 17;
result = 31 * result + (int) (lID ^ (lID >>> 32));
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(dGR);
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(dSR);
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
result = 31 * result + (sCI != null ? sCI.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (sCO != null ? sCO.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (sSearchDate != null ? sSearchDate.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
These are two example cases:
getHash( 50122,"03/25/2015","03/26/2015",4.0,8.0,"03/24/15 06:01" )
getHash( 51114,"03/24/2015","03/25/2015",4.0,8.0,"03/24/15 06:01" )
I suppose, this issue arises, as I have three very similar strings present in my data, and the difference in the hashcode between String A to B and B to C are of the same size, leading to an identical returned hashcode.
The proposed hashcode() implementation by IntelliJ is using 31 as a multiplier for each variable that contributes to the final hashcode. I was wondering why one is not using different values for each variable (like 33, 37, 41 (which I have seen mentioned in other posts dealing with hashcodes))? In my case, this would lead to a differentiation between my two objects.
But I'm wondering whether this could then lead to issues in other cases?
Any ideas or hints on this? Thank you very much!
The hashCode() contract allows different objects to have the same hash code. From the documentation:
It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.
But, since you've got a bunch of parameters for your hash, you may consider using Objects.hash() instead of doing your own implementation:
int getHash(long lID, String sCI, String sCO, double dSR, double dGR, String sSearchDate) {
return Objects.hash(lID, sCI, sCO, dSR, dGR, sSearchDate);
For example:
Objects.hash(50122, "03/25/2015", "03/26/2015", 4.0, 8.0, "03/24/15 06:01")
Objects.hash(51114, "03/24/2015", "03/25/2015", 4.0, 8.0, "03/24/15 06:01")
Results in:
The code shown by your may add zero for example by
result = 31 * result + (sCI != null ? sCI.hashCode() : 0);
When adding some zeros this may degenerate to a multiplation of
31 * 31 * 31 ...
which could destroy uniqueness.
However the hashCode method is not intended to return unique values. It simply should provide a uniform distribution of values and it should be easy to compute (or cache hashCode as the String class does).
From a more theoretical point of view a hashCode maps from a large set A into a smaller set B. Hence collisions (different elements from A map to the same value in B) are unavoidable. You could choose a set B which is bigger than A but this would violate the purpose of hashCode: performance optimization. Really, you could achieve anything with a linked list and some additional logic what you achieve with hashCode.
Prime numbers are chosen as they result in a better distribution. For example if using none primes 4*3 = 12 = 2*6 result in the same hashCode. The 31 is sometimes chosen as it is a Mersenne prime number 2^n-1 which is said to perform better on processors (I'm not sure about that).
As the hashCode method is specified not return unambiguously identify elements non-unique hashCodes are perfectly fine. Assuming uniqueness of hashCodes is a bug.
However a HashMap can be described as a set of buckets with each bucket holding a single linked list of elements. The buckets are indexed by the hashCode. Hence providing identical hashCodes leads to less buckets with longer lists. In the most extreme case (returning an arbitrary constant as hashCode) the map degenerates to a linked list.
When an object is searched in a hash data structure, the hashCode is used to get the bucket index. For each objetc in this bucket the equals method is invoked -> long lists means a large number of invocations of equals.
Conclusion: Assuming that the hashCode method is correctly used this can not cause a program to malfunction. However it may result in a severe performance penalty.
Ash the other answers explain well, it is allowed for hashCode to return same values for different objects. This is not a cryptographic hash value so it's easy to find examples of hashCode collisions.
However, I point out a problem in your code: if you have made the hashCode method yourself, you should definitely be using a better hash algorithm. Take a look at MurmurHash: You want to use the 32-bit version. There are also Java implementations.
Yes, hash collisions can lead to performance issues. Therefore it's important to use a good hash algorithm. Additionally, for security MurmurHash allows a seed value to make hash collision denial of service attacks harder. You should generate that seed value you use randomly on the start of the program. Your implementation of the hashCode method is vulnerable to these hash collision DoS attacks.

why hash the hashcode in java hashmap? [duplicate]

I am reading the code of the HashMap class provided by the Java 1.6 API and unable to fully understand the need of the following operation (found in the body of put and get methods):
int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
where the method hash() has the following body:
private static int hash(int h) {
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
This effectively recalculates the hash by executing bit operations on the supplied hashcode. I'm unable to understand the need to do so even though the API states it as follows:
This is critical
because HashMap uses power-of-two length hash tables, that
otherwise encounter collisions for hashCodes that do not differ
in lower bits.
I do understand that the key value pars are stored in an array of data structures, and that the index location of an item in this array is determined by its hash.
What I fail to understand is how would this function add any value to the hash distribution.
As Helper wrote, it is there just in case the existing hash function for the key objects is faulty and does not do a good-enough job of mixing the lower bits. According to the source quoted by pgras,
* Returns index for hash code h.
static int indexFor(int h, int length) {
return h & (length-1);
The hash is being ANDed in with a power-of-two length (therefore, length-1 is guaranteed to be a sequence of 1s). Due to this ANDing, only the lower bits of h are being used. The rest of h is ignored. Imagine that, for whatever reason, the original hash only returns numbers divisible by 2. If you used it directly, the odd-numbered positions of the hashmap would never be used, leading to a x2 increase in the number of collisions. In a truly pathological case, a bad hash function can make a hashmap behave more like a list than like an O(1) container.
Sun engineers must have run tests that show that too many hash functions are not random enough in their lower bits, and that many hashmaps are not large enough to ever use the higher bits. Under these circumstances, the bit operations in HashMap's hash(int h) can provide a net improvement over most expected use-cases (due to lower collision rates), even though extra computation is required.
I somewhere read this is done to ensure a good distribution even if your hashCode implementation, well, err, sucks.
as you know with the hashmap, the underlying implementation is a hashtable, specifically a closed bucket hash table. The load factor determines the appropriate amount of objects in the collection / total number of buckets.
Lets say you keep adding more elements. Each time you do so, and it's not an update, it runs the object's hashcode method and uses the number of buckets with the modulo operator to decide which bucket the object should go in.
as n(the number of elements in the collection) / m(the number of buckets) gets larger, your performance for reads and writes gets worse and worse.
Assuming your hashcode algorithm is amazing, performance is still contingent upon this comparison n/m.
rehashing is used also to change the number of buckets, and still keep the same load factor as which the collection was constructed.
Remember, the main benefit of any hash implementation is the ideal O(1) performance for reads and writes.
As you know, object.hashCode() can be overridden by users, so a really bad implementation would throw up non random lower level bits. That would tend to crowd some of buckets and would leave many buckets unfilled.
I just created a visual map of what they are trying to do in hash. It seems that hash(int h) method is just creating a random number by doing bit level manuplation so that the resulting numbers are more randomly (and hence into buckets more uniformly) distributed.
Each bit is remapped to a different bit as follows:
h1 = h1 ^ h13 ^ h21 ^ h9 ^ h6
h2 = h2 ^ h14 ^ h22 ^ h10 ^ h7
h3 = h3 ^ h15 ^ h23 ^ h11 ^ h8
h4 = h4 ^ h16 ^ h24 ^ h12 ^ h9
h5 = h5 ^ h17 ^ h25 ^ h13 ^ h10
. . . .
till h12.
As you can see, each bit of h is going to be so so far away from itself. So it is going to be pretty much random and not going to crowd any particular bucket. Hope this help. Send me an email if you need full visual.

What hash function is better?

I write my implementation of HashMap in Java. I use open addressing for collision resolution. For better key distribution I want use a nice hash function for int hashcode of key. I dont know what hash function is better for it?
public int getIndex(K key) { return hash(key.hashCode()) % capacity; }
I need a hash function for hashcode of key.
Any hash that distributes the values you're expecting to receive evenly is a good hash function.
Your goal is to maximize performance (well, maximize performance while maintaining correctness). The primary concern there is to minimize bucket collisions. This means that the ideal hash is tailored to your input data - if you know what you'll receive, you can choose the hash the produces a minimal number of collisions and maybe even a cache-optimal access pattern.
However, that's not usually a realistic option, so you just choose a hash whose output is unbiased and unpredictable (one that behaves like a pseudorandom number generator, but deterministic). Some such functions are the "murmur" hash family.
The main problem with using % capacity is that it can return negative and positive values.
HashMap avoids this issue by using a power of 2 and uses the following approach
public int getIndex(K key) { return hash(key.hashCode()) & (capacity-1); }
If the capacity is not a power of 2, you can ignore the high bit (which is often no so random)
public int getIndex(K key) { return (hash(key.hashCode()) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % capacity; }
The hash function actually used can matter. HashMap uses the following
* Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which
* defends against poor quality hash functions. This is critical
* because HashMap uses power-of-two length hash tables, that
* otherwise encounter collisions for hashCodes that do not differ
* in lower bits. Note: Null keys always map to hash 0, thus index 0.
static int hash(int h) {
// This function ensures that hashCodes that differ only by
// constant multiples at each bit position have a bounded
// number of collisions (approximately 8 at default load factor).
h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
I would use this, unless you have a good reason not to. E.g. for security reasons, if you have a service which could the subject of a denial of service attack, you will want to use a different hash to avoid a malicious user turning your HashMap into a LinkedList. Unfortunately you still have to use a different hashCode() as well as you can create a long list of Strings with the underlying hash code so mutating it later is too later.
Here is a list of strings with all have a hashCode() of 0, there is nothing a hash() function can do about that.
Why doesn't String's hashCode() cache 0?

Why does HashMap require that the initial capacity be a power of two?

I was going through Java's HashMap source code when I saw the following
//The default initial capacity - MUST be a power of two.
static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
My question is why does this requirement exists in the first place? I also see that the constructor which allows creating a HashMap with a custom capacity converts it into a power of two:
int capacity = 1;
while (capacity < initialCapacity)
capacity <<= 1;
Why does the capacity always has to be a power of two?
Also, when automatic rehashing is performed, what exactly happens? Is the hash function altered too?
The map has to work out which internal table index to use for any given key, mapping any int value (could be negative) to a value in the range [0, table.length). When table.length is a power of two, that can be done really cheaply - and is, in indexFor:
static int indexFor(int h, int length) {
return h & (length-1);
With a different table length, you'd need to compute a remainder and make sure it's non-negative . This is definitely a micro-optimization, but probably a valid one :)
Also, when automatic rehashing is performed, what exactly happens? Is the hash function altered too?
It's not quite clear to me what you mean. The same hash codes are used (because they're just computed by calling hashCode on each key) but they'll be distributed differently within the table due to the table length changing. For example, when the table length is 16, hash codes of 5 and 21 both end up being stored in table entry 5. When the table length increases to 32, they will be in different entries.
The ideal situation is actually using prime number sizes for the backing array of an HashMap. That way your keys will be more naturally distributed across the array. However this works with mod division and that operation became slower and slower with every release of Java.
In a sense, the power of 2 approach is the worst table size you can imagine because with poor hashcode implementations are more likely to produce key collosions in the array.
Therefor you'll find another very important method in Java's HashMap implementation, which is the hash(int), that compensates for poor hashcodes.

understanding of hash code

hash function is important in implementing hash table. I know that in java
Object has its hash code, which might be generated from weak hash function.
Following is one snippet that is "supplement hash function"
static int hash(Object x) {
int h = x.hashCode();
h += ~(h << 9);
h ^= (h >>> 14);
h += (h << 4);
h ^= (h >>> 10);
return h;
Can anybody help to explain what is the fundamental idea of a hash algorithm
? to generate non-duplicate integer? If so, how does these bitwise
operations make it?
A hash function is any well-defined procedure or mathematical function that converts a large, possibly variable-sized amount of data into a small datum, usually a single integer that may serve as an index to an array. The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, hash sums, checksums or simply hashes. (wikipedia)
Using more "human" language object hash is a short and compact value based on object's properties. That is if you have two objects that vary somehow - you can expect their hash values to be different. Good hash algorithm produces different values for different objects.
What you are usually trying to do with a hash algorithm is convert a large search key into a small nonnegative number, so you can look up an associated record in a table somewhere, and do it more quickly than M log2 N (where M is the cost of a "comparison" and N is the number of items in the "table") typical of a binary search (or tree search).
If you are lucky enough to have a perfect hash, you know that any element of your (known!) key set will be hashed to a unique, different value. Perfect hashes are primarily of interest for things like compilers that need to look up language keywords.
In the real world, you have imperfect hashes, where several keys all hash to the same value. That's OK: you now only have to compare the key to a small set of candidate matches (the ones that hash to that value), rather than a large set (the full table). The small sets are traditionally called "buckets". You use the hash algorithm to select a bucket, then you use some other searchable data structure for the buckets themselves. (If the number of elements in a bucket is known, or safely expected, to be really small, linear search is not unreasonable. Binary search trees are also reasonable.)
The bitwise operations in your example look a lot like a signature analysis shift register, that try to compress a long unique pattern of bits into a short, still-unique pattern.
Basically, the thing you're trying to achieve with a hash function is to give all bits in the hash code a roughly 50% chance of being off or on given a particular item to be hashed. That way, it doesn't matter how many "buckets" your hash table has (or put another way, how many of the bottom bits you take in order to determine the bucket number)-- if every bit is as random as possible, then an item will always be assigned to an essentially random bucket.
Now, in real life, many people use hash functions that aren't that good. They have some randomness in some of the bits, but not all of them. For example, imagine if you have a hash function whose bits 6-7 are biased-- let's say in the typical hash code of an object, they have a 75% chance of being set. In this made up example, if our hash table has 256 buckets (i.e. the bucket number comes from bits 0-7 of the hash code), then we're throwing away the randomness that does exist in bits 8-31, and a smaller portion of the buckets will tend to get filled (i.e. those whose numbers have bits 6 and 7 set).
The supplementary hash function basically tries to spread whatever randomness there is in the hash codes over a larger number of bits. So in our hypothetical example, the idea would be that some of the randomness from bits 8-31 will get mixed in with the lower bits, and dilute the bias of bits 6-7. It still won't be perfect, but better than before.
If you're generating a hash table, then the main thing you want to get across when writing your hash function is to ensure uniformity, not necessarily to create completely unique values.
For example, if you have a hash table of size 10, you don't want a hash function that returns a hash of 3 over and over. Otherwise, that specific bucket will force a search time of O(n). You want a hash function such that it will return, for example: 1, 9, 4, 6, 8... and ensure that none of your buckets are much heavier than the others.
For your projects, I'd recommend that you use a well-known hashing algorithm such as MD5 or even better, SHA and use the first k bits that you need and discard the rest. These are time-tested functions and as a programmer, you'd be smart to use them.
That code is attempting to improve the quality of the hash value by mashing the bits around.
The overall effect is that for a given x.hashCode() you hopefully get a better distribution of hash values across the full range of integers. The performance of certain algorithms will improve if you started with a poor hashcode implementation but then improve hash codes in this way.
For example, hashCode() for a humble Integer in Java just returns the integer value. While this is fine for many purposes, in some cases you want a much better hash code, so putting the hashCode through this kind of function would improve it significantly.
It could be anything you want as long as you adhere to the general contract described in the doc, which in my own words are:
If you call 100 ( N ) times hashCode on an object, all the times must return the same value, at least during that program execution( subsequent program execution may return a different one )
If o1.equals(o2) is true, then o1.hashCode() == o2.hashCode() must be true also
If o1.equals(o2) is false, then o1.hashCode() == o2.hashCode() may be true, but it helps it is not.
And that's it.
Depending on the nature of your class, the hashCode() e may be very complex or very simple. For instance the String class which may have millions of instances needs a very goo hashCode implementation, and use prime numbers to reduce the poisibility of collisions.
If for your class it does make sense to have a consecutive number, that's ok too, there is no reason why you should complicate it every time.

