Deploy Java Web Applet with Third Party Dependencies - java

I have made a Java Applet that depends on some third party libriaries as well as a DLL that is called via JNI. These will obviously not be installed on clients computers. Is there anyway to package these third party libriaries and external DLLs within my Applet's JAR so that it can be run by any client with a base Java install?

Using JNI within a web application is a recipe for heartburn, particularly in Windows.
You obviously can't deploy the DLL within your WAR file and will probably require a separate installer be run by the deployer beforehand.
You'll have to ensure that your java.library.path is setup correctly, which is usually done by settings in the application server rather than something deployable in the WAR file.
The way that JNI links the native class with the library will cause class loader headaches if you try to run more than one instance of that web application. One way to work around this is to move the containing JAR file into a shared class loader (like Tomcat's common folder) but that has its own complications.

Is there anyway to package these third
party libriaries
In Eclipse, under the Java project properties (right click), I can do a:
Export... => Export as Runnable JAR
Then I tell it to pack my jar dependencies into that exported JAR.
The exported JAR will have all its dependencies packed into it.
alt text

I am no expert on the topic, but there are working solutions to all these problems. They might give you a headache, but some things can only be done this ways (and I am quite sure that your problem with the Entrust CSP is one of those).
You can take a look at OpenSign from the OpenOCES-project. The magic happens in org.openoces.opensign.client.applet.bootstrap.
I also believe that JNLPAppletLauncher solves the same problem, but I have no experience with i.


How can I set my JAR file class path to use an outside folder for dependencies?

I am making a java web application that a hosting service is running for me, and I must recompile and send it to the host every time I make a change. I would like to be able to put all of my libraries in a folder in the host, and only have to compile my jar that will know that its dependencies are next to it.
I have used the IntelliJ IDEA builder located in File > Project Structure. I export all library jars used in a folder next to the main jar named lib, and I have learned about wildcards so I set the classpath to be \lib\*. This did not work and I was thrown a chunky NoClassDefFoundError in my server's console.
I know this must be possible. How should I change my approach?
EDIT: I have researched a bit deeper, and the answer to this question states at the bottom that the wildcard system is not honored in the jar manifest attribute. Do I have to include all files individually (And if so, how?) ?

Loading a jar library that loads libraries

Well, maybe it's convoluted, anyway...
I'm not very experienced with java, though I've dabbled in creating some Minecraft mods and Android apps.
My question is: I have a .jar that contains code that I don't have a lot of control on (I don't have the source code though I do have some infos about the classes in it), and when this jar is run it itself load some code from other external libraries and classes, and consolidate everything.
My question is then, how do I, without touching/modifying the jar, make a java program that runs the jar, let it do its consolidating from other jars and external classes, then get the results (a few objects) of that consolidating into my own java program ? Is that even permitted in the java security model ?
I've heard of URLclassloader that I think is to load load classes from a jar. It can't seem to make it work, and I'm not even sure that would work ? I know roughly which classes are entry point in the jar in order to run it and make it load the external libraries. But I always run into exceptions left and right.
First you should make sure all 3rd partyd dependencies (e.g. libraries that your jar needs) are ~visible~ to your application (e.g. reside on classpath and/or -Djava.library.path). Next, you should just instantiate classes/call methods from your jar file normally and operate with returned objects as its been locally created by your Java application. jar file is just an external library that becomes the part of your application upon loading.

What method/class etc. uses this .jar?

I have a big application as an enterprise scale, there are lots of developers working on it; it is a Java Spring app, we use Eclipse as development environment. We have lots of libs, which means jar files in the lib directory. I can't touch to these jar files so easily, because whenever I change some jars, application may get failed/unstable because of little changes of the jars' new versions. On the other hand, as this application is a big and old project, I can't know what jar is really needed and which line, what function or class uses/needs this jar exactly.
So I have a problem now: As an example naming a-lib-1.0.jar is old jar and a-lib-2.0.jar is new version; I need to use a-lib-2.0.jar but a-lib-1.0.jar is already in lib directory. How can I know that a-lib-1.0.jar is needed or not without testing by deleting it?
And how can I find the line/method which uses this jar?
Please check Tattletale from JBoss.
What you need is a Dependency Walker.
Try this:

How to load a resource from compound JAR?

I have the following problem:
I am writing an application that uses some of the JARs from the Netbeans Platform. To be exact, I am only using the Netbeans Visual Library for creating some graphs. This can be done without using the Netbeans Platform by extracting 3 JARs from the platform. This is all working well, except for 1 problem.
Some Background
I am using the Java Simple Plugin Framework (JSPF) to handle my plugin management. So I have an application that basically consists of a skeleton framework, and then depending on which plugin JARs it finds, it can do various things, one of which is drawing graphs. The JAR plugin for this functionality has all it's dependant libraries inside. This is done by exporting the JAR as an artifact in IntelliJ, which will unJAR all the dependant libraries and reJAR them inside yours (so everything you need is there).
The Problem
What seems to be happening though, is that when it tries to start use the classes from the embedded libraries, it works fine, but when it needs resources (.png specifically in my case), it complains that it cannot find it.
My Thoughts
The only thing I can think of why it is not working, is that it could be since the plugin JAR is not in a classpath. Could this be it?
Is there anyway to specify a classpath directory in the MANIFEST maybe? Otherwise must I create my own ClassLoader and manually load all the JARs in the plugins directory?
Thank you!
I have subsequently pinpointed that it is indeed a problem with the classpath. If I place my compound library on the classpath, everything works perfectly. The problem I experience now though is:
If I copy the library to /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext/ it works fine. If I execute the application with java -cp "/path/to/plugins/myLib.jar" -jar Application.jar it does not work.
How can I load all the jars in the plugins directory into my application so the resources inside them can be used?
Thanks again!
So I have finally figured out what was happening. When creating a executable jar, the MANIFEST.MF file overrides any classpath you specify in the command-line, which basically renders it useless if you want to specify external jars. This seems to be a general problem that has been logged since Java 1.3 already.
My simple solution is to simply not create a executable jar, and then launch the application with a script:
java -cp App.jar:plugins/* my.package.structure.App
which works perfectly.
The default classloader's do not load classes in nested jars. You'll need to write your own classloader to get the classes in the nested jars.
You can check out this jspf article...
"I forgot: Adding dependencies as JARs inside JARs is not possible, because it would not work in all scenarios (e.g., applets); IIRC also tools like Eclipse would have problems if you used classes with unresolved (read: runtime-resolved-dependencies). To my knowledge there is no established way yet to gracefully handle nested JARs in all circumstances."

Whats best way to package a Java Application with lots of dependencies?

I'm writing a java app using eclipse which references a few external jars and requires some config files to be user accessable.
What is the best way to package it up for deployment?
My understanding is that you cant put Jars inside another jar file, is this correct?
Can I keep my config files out of the jars and still reference them in the code? Or should the path to the config file be a command line argument?
Are there any third party plugins for eclipse to help make this easier? I'm using an ant build file at the moment but I'm not sure I know what I'm doing.
Is there an equivelent of the deployment projects in Visual studio, that will figure out everything you need and just make an installer? I've used install4j before, and it was powerful if no where near as automated as .Net deployment projects.
There is no one 'best way'. It depends on whether you are deploying a swing application, webstart, applet, library or web application. Each is different.
On point 2, you are correct. Jar files cannot contain other jar files. (Well, technically they can, its just that the inner jar file won't be on your classpath, effectively meaning that jar files do not contain jar files).
On point 3, you certainly can reference config files outside the jar file. You can typically reference a config file as a file or a resource. If you use the resource approach, it typically comes from the classpath (can be in a jar). If you use a file, then you specify the filename (not in a jar).
In general, most Java developers would use Apache Ant to achieve deployment. Its well documented, so take a look.
(1) An alternative to ant that you may wish to consider is maven.
A brief intro to maven can be found here.
For building a JAR, maven has the jar plugin, which can automate the process of ensuring all dependent jars are listed in your jar's manifest.
If you're using eclipse, then download the maven integration as well.
(2) Another alternative is to use OneJar (disclaimer: haven't tried this myself).
The answers vary depending on what kind of thing you're building.
If you're building a library, it's best to distribute your work as a jar file. It's possible to refer to your jar dependencies via the Class-path attribute in your jar manifest, although I generally think that's uncool. That attribute was designed for applets and it's used infrequently enough in libs that when this technique pulls stuff into the classpath (particularly common stuff the user might already be using), you can get unexpected version conflicts. And it's hard to track down why you're seeing them.
Publishing a jar to a Maven repo with pom info to track dependencies is an excellent choice for libraries as well. If you do that, please publish your Maven coordinates in your docs!
If you're building an app, the two popular choices are to distribute a zip/tar/whatever of a deployment structure OR to use an installer program. If the program is a server-ish kind of thing, the former is far more common. The latter is more common for clients. Generally, the installer program is just going to lay out the deployment structure and maybe do some extra tasks like installing in OS-specific locations.
To build your deployment structure (aka "kit") you'll want to create a repeatable process in whatever build system you're using. Ant has copious examples of this and Maven has the assembly plugins that can help. Generally you'll want to include a jar of your code, any dependencies, scripts to start the program, maybe a JRE, and any other resources you might need.
If you want to create an installer, there are many options both free and commercial. Some folks I know have recently had good experiences with the free IzPack but check out your options.
You should try FatJar. It's an Eclipse plugin that with just a right click at the Project can build a JAR file with all you need to run the application, including the necesary third party JAR.
We use it everyday, in conjuction with JSmooth to create the executables, to deploy our software packages to our customers, and works like a charm.
Well, if you are speaking of deployment of a standalone desktop application:
Before we switched to web start we have been creating three deployment archives, one for windows, one for mac and one for other platforms.
On windows we have successfully used the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (known for it's usage by the older winamp versions) and its ant task, although some drawbacks are:
It is only usable on windows AFAIR
You have to do some work by hand, i.e. customizing the wizard-created script AFAIR
It can create a windows installation with start menu entries on the other hand. There also exists an eclipse plugin for integrated NSIS shell script editing.
On Mac OS X there is an ant task to create an .app file from your java files so that you can start it like a native os x application. But beware of not writing any setting to your home dir and using the the application dir instead.
For others you have to expect they are in a un*x env and deploy your app with a shell script to start the application.
In any case you may have to deploy your custom policy file to get access rights for your application.
If you want to get rid of all the packaging and stuff you should seriously consider using web start. We have saved much time since switching to it, i.e. simplified our deployment process, takes care of updates etc.
Update 2014
Use maven assembly plugin, see section "Creating an executable jar"
Ant. It's not the best thing in the world, but it's standard, it's apache, and it works.
There's some good examples on the web how to make a simple build.xml for any, and it's got some features like the 'war' task that knows how to put all the basic stuff (classes, web.xml etc) in the jar file for you.
You can also tell it to pick up other config files and jars and it will happily do it.
It's also really smart about what to compile. You give it a directory, and it finds all the java files and builds them only if their classfile is out of date, so you get some of the traditional make functionality for free without much effort.
You could look at other java projects (e.g. JMeter, SquirrelSQL, JEdit, Cernunnos, etc.). Each package their applications slightly differently, so consider your goals when you review these.

