Multithreading or observer pattern when waiting for dns lookup? - java

I'm designing a system in java which utilizes a dns lookup class.
My question is, when calling the class's dnsLookup(), whether to do it in a new thread or use the observer pattern and let the dns class tell me when it's done.
This isn't a problem as long as the lookup returns a value almost instantly but when it takes a few seconds (when it doesn't get a response), I don't want to freeze the GUI while waiting.
So, new thread or observer. Appreciate some good links on the subjects as well.
Thanks beforehand - Dennis

You will have to employ both the observer pattern and more than one thread. There's no way to have the DNS invoking callback method in the same thread.

Your GUI is an event driver system so asynchronous notifications are good.
On the other hand, it's a lot easier to do network I/O (particularly if it's just a single DNS lookup) if you use synchronous (blocking) network calls.
Hence I would tend to go for the separate thread option, but then have that thread notify the main GUI thread when it's done.

Since it's a GUI that is making the call, I think it's best that you off-load the call to a different string. In fact, you want to make sure that you're not using the AWT-Thread to make a call that is blocking the GUI from refreshing. I would suggest using something like an ExecutorService to execute your commands and then upon the return, use SwingUtilities and call the invokeLater(Runnable doRun) method to update the GUI with the response.


Android send data other thread queue

I want to generate some text string that is going to be sent via TCP socket . I have accomplished it within few minutes.
However I want a producer consumer pattern.I dont care if it failed or not.
Should I create a Blocking Queque at application for this ? Should I create a service ?
Note that I want a single thread to manage this job.
In the case it's a short task (like you commented), I'd recommend putting it within an AsyncTask as a background thread. You can control anything about this separately, which will help you also debugging it. Services are more intended for long executing tasks, so I'd not recommend it at this scope (it's a bit harder even to communicate with other Activity's. Here you'll find the AsyncTask's documentation, and here a good example.
The Blocking structure depends on your needs - but I don't think you'll need that in your case. Anyway, if you would need that, there're lots of thread-safe data structures you may use, you might find this helpful.
Create a LinkedBlockingQueue where your producer adds data. Create a Timer that fires every second or so. The task of the Timer would be to send the messages over the wire.
For this, both the producer (the one generating the messages) and consumer (Timer) should have access to the LinkedBlockingQueue. The Timer will remove the first element of the LinkedBlockingQueue and then send it.
Sounds good ?

Should my custom events fire on GUI EDT or a "home-grown" EDT

I'm working on a project that does some intense math calculations (arrays of matrices, vectors, etc.), so naturally I'm splitting the work into jobs, and submitting them to a CompletionService to perform the work in parallel.
Each of the job objects can fire events to notify applications when the job starts, ends, progresses, and/or fails.
Currently, each of the jobs receive a handle to the entire list of event listeners, and simply iterate through, passing an event object to each one (in the same thread). This doesn't sit well with me, so I'd like to get other peoples' experience with doing this sort of thing with custom events/listeners.
Should I send my events to the GUI thread? Some of the listeners may or may not be GUI-related, and I'd like to not force users of my code to have to manually send their events onto the GUI thread, something like the following:
public class MyFooEventListener implements FooEventListener {
public void notifyJobStarted(FooEvent evt) {
// I want to avoid having users of my library write the following, right?
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
// update GUI here.
I wouldn't mind writing my own EventQueue, as this is for a research project in school, and I suppose it would be a good exercise in concurrency. Just trying to figure out what the "proper" way of implementing an event-driven system is, how to properly fire events, etc. Links to articles/tutorials and howtos are also greatly appreciated.
My event model has multiple event types, such as JobStartedEvent, JobEndedEvent, JobProgressEvent, etc. Is this a bad approach? Should I have a single event type, and if so, how do I pass information to the listeners that is not common to all events? Example: I want to pass a double in the range [0-1] for the progress event, but that is not applicable for an event like JobFailureEvent. What's the best approach to handling this?
I could put the extra information in the "source" object itself, but my source objects are the Job objects themselves, and it doesn't sit well with me to "leak" references to the job object, especially while it is running:
FooJob jobObject = (FooJob)event.getSource();
int progressPercent = jobObject.getCurrentProgress() * 100;
progressLabel.setText(progressPercent + "%");
No. Emit your events on whatever thread needs to raise them and leave it up to the users of your subsystem to decide how they wish to handle them. If they wish to message the results to a GUI, fine, if not, they can do whatever they want, eg. queue them to another thread. Just document 'Events are raised on an internal thread and event handlers must not block'.
Anything else puts constraints on users that they may well not want, as you say.
there are many ways to distribute events, each with their own pros and cons. if the consumer is not necessarily the GUI, then you definitely should not tie yourself to the awt EDT. unless you know for sure how the event consumers are going to work i would start simple and go from there. simple being: synchronously notify each consumer. if that ends up delaying the main task, then you should think about asynchronous notification. if the consumer is ultimately the GUI, then the consumer's notification method should be responsible for calling SwingUtilities.invokeLater.
Only threads that directly impact the GUI should be on the EDT. If you have other threads you need synchronized, just use the synchronized keyword (either on the method or on an object)
Spring has event handling and you can define custom events

When to Thread. When not to Thread

I'm new to the idea of Threading, but not asynchronous behavior. My Android app is taking ~180 millisecond to start up and ~550 milli when I use GoogleAnalytics trackViewPage method and MobFoxView constructor. Coming from Actionscript 3, anything that "took time" was automatically async and I was forced to handle it with listeners which is a bit different in Android it appears. It seems I'M responsible for deciding when something should be asynchronous. So I guess my question is, HOW do I decide what should be async? Is it by milliseconds of executing? But perhaps that changes greatly between devices. Perhaps it should be by ... or is it by ....?
You need to know one important thing - by default everything you do without starting separate thread is executed on "main" thread (also knows as UI-thread).
If you do something, which can block - your UI will lag and users will suffer.
If you doing something, which is not about UI but about database query, network call or potentially long blocking operation - you need to start thread directly or use AsyncTask.
Also you must note, if you try to do something with UI (e.g. set value to a TextView) from not-main thread you will fail. UI can be acessed only from UI-Thread.

Events or Handlers? Invoking methods from a thread

Consider a simple Android application: there are two TabActivities and a thread in the background getting integer values from a server. If the number is even, it must be displayed in the first tab otherwise in the second. Obviously I will be doing something more complicated, but this is the basic pattern. How do I go about doing this? I have been scratching my head for about a day now and here are things I have come across:
Use of EventHandlers. The two TabActivities register for listening for my_events and when a value is received by the thread, it 'throws my_event' and then specific methods in both these activites are called and the value is passed.
The use of Handlers.
I have not used both of these concepts before and I would like to know which might be the better/correct route to take. Further, any more tips along the chosen route will be appreciated. Also, should this thread be run from a service class?
When you create your thread just pass the objects of your tabs into it, then in your execution you can easily put the text you want into tabs.
Possibly you want to look at using an AysncTask. If you do this you want to insert the values into the appropriate tab in the onProgressUpdate() method. Since the arguments passed to this method may not actually be able to represent the incoming data sufficiently you'll just want to put the new data somewhere that it can be accessed from the onProgressUpdate() method, probably in a member variable. Keep in mind that access to this member variable probably needs to be synchronized because code in onProgressUpdate is running on the application's main thread, while code in doInBackground is running on a background thread so code in these methods will be running concurrently.
AsyncTask uses Handlers transparently for you, but you could use raw Handlers if you wanted. The basic things you need to keep in mind are
You can/should only update the UI from the main application thread
Code in a Handler will always run on the Thread that created the Handler
Handlers must be created on a Thread that has a Looper (the main Thread has a Looper)
Be careful if creating the Handler as an anonymous inner class or handing it a reference to a Context since this creates the potential for a memory leak
Possibly the Thread should be invoked by a Service, but if the Thread only needs to exist when there is a UI for it to update there may be little point to this.

Use of multiple threads in a Java program and vs need to create Swing objects on EDT

Re: Requirement to create Swing Object on Event-Dispatch Thread.
I am working on an application, the purpose of which is to monitor and display the condition of various remote embedded servers. I'm pretty new to Java, and my understanding of the requirement with respect to the Swing Objects and the EDT is incomplete.
The main GUI is started on the EDT in the usual fashion as follows,
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
The user may then select one or more menu options corresponding to the one or other of the remote machines. The effect of this is to create a new thread each time as follows
new Thread(new VoterStatus(itemNumber)).start();
which invokes VoterStatus's class "run" method which in turn creates a new window with a JFrame. The new thread, an instance of VoterStatus class, then interrogates (TCP etc) the particular remote specified (itemNumber), collecting various bits of information and displaying them in the JFrame.
There may be any number of such threads corresponding to an instance of VoterStatus, all updating their own windows. There is no sharing of data between these various windows/JFrame/tasks.
This seems to work just fine, but is is safe?
Have I violated the rule about creating Swing components on the EDT?
Would use of the SwingWorker class be beneficial?
I would appreciate any comments from Java programmers more experienced in such matters.
From the section in the Swing tutorial titled The Event Dispatch Thread
Some Swing component methods are labelled "thread safe" in the API specification; these can be safely invoked from any thread. All other Swing component methods must be invoked from the event dispatch thread. Programs that ignore this rule may function correctly most of the time, but are subject to unpredictable errors that are difficult to reproduce.
I always invoke my methods on the EDT so I don't waste time chasing gremlins.
I just read another posting which states that the comment "thread safe" has been removed from many methods in the JDK7 API. This looks like another reason to make sure all methods that affect the GUI are executed on the EDT.
#camickr has the right of it. Incorrectly synchronized programs may appear to work most of the time, but the result is not reliable. Several related approaches are discussed here. SwingWorker is an especially convenient implementation of the Future interface, as process() runs on the event dispatch thread.
You might be safe, but you can be sure by creating your other UI components in the EDT, just like you did for the main application.
However, I would suggest a different approach. Rather than firing off a new Thread which creates the windows and stuff for each new VoterStatus, create the UI components in the EDT in response to ActionEvents from menus or whatever, and do processing of the network stuff only in a different thread. Then get the results and use the EDT to display them. As you've suggested, a SwingWorker is ideal for this - this is exactly the sort of use it was designed for. This represents a cleaner separation for me, separating the UI stuff from the network stuff as much as possible.
I'm not really answering my own question, but I do want to thank those that responded and ask a follow up question or two.
Rogash commented that if I was only creating the GUI on the EDT, I would be ok, but this doesn't seem quite in accordance with a strict interpretation of the rule?
The additional threads are created in the EDT, but they are still separate threads.
Whilst slightly better separation of the GUI and comms may be desirable, I expect this will add considerable complexity to the main GUI code, since it will have to determine which window originated various events and then update the correct window, not to mention the communication between the various threads and the main GUI thread. Perhaps I am overstating this difficulty (I haven't designed or thought about how to code it yet) but it would seem more complicated. Each of the threads/JFrame already has a couple of JToggleButton arrays (30 elements) causing potential events and 10 or so JTextField arrays with the same number of elements requiring updating.
Of course, if my method is unsafe, I'll have to change it, and that's that!
Actually, I wonder if I might be better off leaving things the way they are, and using a mutex or semaphore to make sure only one thread is accessing Swing methods at a time. There is really no long user actions or any other activity takes a long time, just lots of TCP or UDP packets being received that require the screen display to be updated.
Thanks again
PS I tried to register on this forum, but I think this discussion will stay with my unregistered persona.

