Java: Subclass access without package access - java

Fairly new to Java, but I'm wondering why package access is considered "more restrictive" than subclass access. That is, every access modifier which provides subclasses with access to a member also provides the whole package with access, and there are modifiers whic provide package access but not subclass access.
Isn't this totally backwards? Let's say I have a class ControlledInstantiation in some package. If I have another class AlsoControlledInstantiation extends ControlledInstantiation, I am unable to call the constructor of ControlledInstantiation unless I set it to protected or public. And if I set it to protected, now any other class in the package can instantiate it as often as it likes. So something which is obliged to be substitutable for its superclass (and, syntactically, is) gets the same or less access to the superclass than something which serves a distinct but related function. It's like telling your child he can't play with your wallet because you wouldn't let your neighbours do it and then letting your neighbours sleep in your house because your kid does.
So I guess I'm asking, what motivated this decision, and how can I get around it?

It may seem backwards at first, but the idea is that a Java package should contain a set of comparatively cohesive classes which are semantically related, and this is reflected in the default package modifier. Then the logic is that if you want to go one step further and allow subclasses from any package to view your members, you can declare them protected. Does it make sense to you that subclasses from foreign packages should be less trusted than any class (whether a subclass or not) from your own package?
Java did in fact once have a private protected modifier which would achieve what you're after, but it was removed, I imagine, because it confused people. I'm not really sure how you could achieve this without relegating each class/subclass pair to its own package. But that's a messy solution which goes against Java's principles and it wouldn't work for inheritance hierarchies of more than two classes anyway.

You are right, this fact is a little bit confusing.
Here are the workarounds I can suggest.
Your example with protected constructor is more relevant for methods. In some cases you can avoid access to protected constructor by package member that are not the subclasses of current class if you mark class as abstract.
If you really wish to avoid access to protected method by package members you can solve this problem at least at runtime using Throwable.getStacktrace():
Class.forName(new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName()))) {
throw new IllegalAccessException(
"This method can be accessed by subclass only");

You can seal a package. See the JAR File Specification.


Differences between abstract and concrete classes in inheritance, constructors, etc

We all know abstract modifier in a class makes it
candidate for abstract methods,
Non final, non static, non private
In addition to that I would like to know exactly all the changes or side-effects it represents behind. One cannot ask what he/she does not now yet, but I'd like to know whether is something more to consider in terms of inheriting, constructors etc.
Aside from the two official points described, is there any difference or special behavior between an abstract class and a concrete one to be considered when extending, calling super.
Does the compiler assume it is a regular class and has the properties as such for everything other than disallowing instantiation?
Abstract class is, for the most part, a design concept. It does more for the readers of your code than it does for the compiler. The compiler and JVM support required for them is minimal: it boils down to setting a "do not instantiate me" flag on the class, and checking it when compiling the code and when trying to create an instance through reflection.
Benefits to human readers of your code, on the other hand, are much bigger: they know that you designed your abstract class for inheritance, and see what extension points you made for them through abstract methods. In addition, the compiler will track for them if they have provided overrides for all abstract methods.

Is it mandatory utility class should be final and private constructor?

By making private constructor, we can avoid instantiating class from anywhere outside. and by making class final, no other class can extend it. Why is it necessary for Util class to have private constructor and final class ?
This is not a mandate from a functional point of view or java complication or runtime. However, it's a coding standard accepted by the wider community. Even most static code review tools, like checkstyle, check that such classes have this convention followed.
Why this convention is followed is already explained in other answers and even OP covered that, but I'd like to explain it a little further.
Mostly utility classes are a collection of methods/functions which are independent of an object instance. Those are kind of like aggregate functions as they depend only on parameters for return values and are not associated with class variables of the utility class. So, these functions/methods are mostly kept static. As a result, utility classes are, ideally, classes with only static methods. Therefore, any programmer calling these methods doesn't need to instantiate the class. However, some robo-coders (maybe with less experience or interest) will tend to create the object as they believe they need to before calling its method. To avoid that, we have 3 options:
Keep educating people to not instantiate it. (No sane person can keep doing it.)
Mark the utility class as abstract: Now robo-coders will not create the object. However, reviewers and the wider java community will argue that marking the class as abstract means you want someone to extend it. So, this is also not a good option.
Private constructor: Not protected because it'll allow a child class to instantiate the object.
Now, if someone wants to add a new method for some functionality to the utility class, they don't need to extend it: they can add a new method as each method is independent and has no chance of breaking other functionalities. So, no need to override it. Also, you are not going to instantiate it, so no need to subclass it. Better to mark it final.
In summary, instantiating a utility class (new MyUtilityClass()) does not make sense. Hence the constructors should be private. And you never want to override or extend it, so mark it final.
It's not necessary, but it is convenient. A utility class is just a namespace holder of related functions and is not meant to be instantiated or subclassed. So preventing instantiation and extension sends a correct message to the user of the class.
There is an important distinction between the Java Language, and the Java Runtime.
When the java class is compiled to bytecode, there is no concept of access restriction, public, package, protected, private are equivalent. It is always possible via reflection or bytecode manipulation to invoke the private constructor, so the jvm cannot rely on that ability.
final on the other hand, is something that persists through to the bytecode, and the guarantees it provides can be used by javac to generate more efficient bytecode, and by the jvm to generate more efficient machine instructions.
Most of the optimisations this enabled are no longer relevant, as the jvm now applies the same optimisations to all classes that are monomorphic at runtime—and these were always the most important.
By default this kind of class normally is used to aggregate functions who do different this, in that case we didn't need to create a new object

Check if object is instanceof a protected class

Say I am using a Java library that has the following method
public static SomeInterface foo();
The interface SomeInterface has multiple implementations, some of which are protected within the library's package. One of these implementation is TheProtectedClass
What would be the best way to check if the object returned by foo() is an instance of TheProtectedClass?
My current plan is to create an Utils class that lives within my project but in the same package as the protected class. This Utils can refer to TheProtectedClass since it is in the same package and thus it can check if an object is instanceof TheProtectedClass.
Any other ideas?
EDIT: Some people are asking "why" so here is more context.
I am using jOOQ and in some part of my code, I want to know if the Field instance that I have is an instance of Lower.
Currently, I use field.getName().equals("lower") but this isn't as robust as I'd like it to be.
I realize that since Lower is a protected class, it isn't part of the API and that it can change but I am ok with that.
although it is a bad idea for many reasons. You're breaking the encapsulation and the abstraction here. If it's package-private, you shouldn't have to concern with it outside. If it's protected, you should explicitly inherit from it and use the API provided by class for this case.
The less obvious but more correct solution is to get an instance of TheProtectedClass, and compare it by
, while still being kind of hacky, at least is more portable and OOPy IMO.
As to your idea of creating a class in the same package as TheProtectedClass to avoid being package-private - it's a viable solution, but a) it breaks the basic principle of encapsulation and the programming contract of the TPC class; packaging is done by library/class authors for a reason - to prevent irresponsible data access and using private API or undocumented proprietary methods, b) it's not always possible (and shouldn't be possible in case of properly designed library classes), since those classes can be not only package-private, but final or effectively final (anonymous inner classes etc) - for the reasons described by Bloch in EJ 2nd, "favor composition over inheritance" item, see also Good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java? Use of final class in Java etc c) you can't do it with some Java library classes, as you can't define your class to be and use e.g. java.lang package. As such, the only "portable" solution is through reflection and through what I described.
tl;dr The fact you can piggyback another package by mimicking its package definition is an obvious C-style deficiency of Java's syntax (allowing programmer to do what he shouldn't be able to normally do; same goes with some specific reflection methods); hacks made this way are neither maintainable nor safe.
NOTE: If you you expect to do something in a internal implementation-dependent and, at the same time, portable and maintainable (e.g. impervious to implementation changes/class name changes etc) way, you're obviously expecting the impossible.
It appears that the best solution is to create a package in your project that has the same package as the package-private class and either expose TheProtectedClass.class as a Class<?> or simply add a simple method that checks if your Object is instanceof TheProtectedClass.
This does not require reflection, it is fast and relatively safe (compilation will break if the package-private class changes name).

Private variables/methods in anonymous class?

I have created an anonymous class in which I declare a few variables and methods. My java teacher tells me to make these private. I don't see how changing the modifier makes any difference since these variables and methods are private to the anonymous class anyway, so I prefer to have no modifier at all. Who is right and what makes more sense? See below for example code where I choose no modifier for 'map' and 'convert' rather than making them private.
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String a, String b){
return convert(a).compareTo(convert(b));
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String convert(String s) {
String u = map.get(s);
if (u == null)
map.put(s, u = s.toUpperCase());
return u;
I would be tempted to make them private simply for the fact that if you refactor the code and pull the anonymous class out as a standard class (Intellij, for example, can do this at the click of a button), having private fields is what you really want. You won't have to go and rework your classes to match your standard.
Personally I would make them private (and final where possible) anyway - it's just a good habit to be in in general.
To put it another way: if you had to put an access modifier on (if, say, the keyword package was also used as an access modifier) what would you choose? Private, presumably - after all, you don't actually want to grant any other class access, do you?
Now, having decided that private is the most logically appropriate access modifier, I would make that explicit in the code.
Then again, I'd quite possibly not create an anonymous inner class with a member variable anyway - I'd be tempted to turn that into a named nested class instead.
Your professor is right.
Make all class variable private and expose them via properties (if not anonymous).
The general rule of thumb is to keep member data such as variable including your Map object private.
Default modifier is not the same as the private modifier, there're subtle differences.
However, in your case it's more a religious question whether to make convert() default or private. I don't see any advantage in making it private though.
Anyway, your code has a memory leak as the String Cache is never cleared :-P
Also, for even shorter/less code, use the Comparator String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER:
Collections.sort(list, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
It really doesn't matter, but it's probably a good idea to keep your teacher happy as he/she will be grading you.
I'd say it's a matter of style. You can't access the member map outside out of the anonymous class, but it might be best to define them as private for consistency with other classes.
If this were my code, I would say that if a class is complicated enough to need data members, it might be worth pulling it out into a separate class, in which case I'd certainly make the data members private.
The key point is when you say "I don't see how changing the modifier makes any difference since these variables and methods are private to the anonymous class anyway"... you're assuming a lot about how your class is going to be used. Treat every class like it will be passed around and used in a variety of ways, in other words, use modifiers as appropriate. Besides, it makes the intent of class clear. It's not like Java is a terse language anyway, so you might as well be clear.
I don't see much benefit to marking things private just for the hell of it. It won't really gain you anything and someone reading the code might attach some significance to the choice when there really isn't any.
I would question the need for all this complexity. Take a look at: String.compareToIgnoreCase()
You want these fields to be private, so mark them private.If a member is marked neither public not private then something suspicious is going on. Also mark fields that shouldn't change final. Keeping things standardised means less thinking, or at least less thinking on the irrelevant, and less to change when modifying code.
From a language point of view, the only real difference is that if you have extended a base class in the same package, you have now hidden fields or overridden "package-private" (default access) methods. The members can also be accessed via reflection (without setAccessible) by code in the same package (this can have mobile-code security implications).
difference between default and protected.
object/method is accessible to all classes that are in the same package, and also accessible to sub/extension classes.
object/method is accessible to all classes that are in the same package.
What is your intention of your object/method and code modifier accordingly.
Do not allow yourself to be confused when you come back to the code after six months because in huge projects you want to know that that object/method is or is not accessed anywhere else.
In three weeks, not just months, you would forget what the intended accessibility of those objects, 101% guaranteed. Then if you had a huge project and you had a hundred modifiers that were not specific and you desperately wanted to update the code, you would be frustrated by the compulsion to run reference check on those 100 objects/methods. May be someone took your jar and found the hidden cookies in them and used them, then you changed your code and broke someone's code.
Code your modifiers according to your intention unless you are either one or more of these:
you have no further desire to work
in large java projects.
you are a
extremely intelligent high
functioning autistic person who has
an indexed memory of every event of
your life and can write a completely functional peer-peer file sharing service
within two weeks on a lap top in a
coffee shop.
you deliberately use it
as another tool to obfuscate your

Why avoid the final keyword?

In java, is there ever a case for allowing a non-abstract class to be extended?
It always seems to indicate bad code when there are class hierarchies. Do you agree, and why/ why not?
There are certainly times when it makes sense to have non-final concrete classes. However, I agree with Kent - I believe that classes should be final (sealed in C#) by default, and that Java methods should be final by default (as they are in C#).
As Kent says, inheritance requires careful design and documentation - it's very easy to think you can just override a single method, but not know the situations in which that method may be called from the base class as part of the rest of the implementation.
See "How do you design a class for inheritance" for more discussion on this.
I agree with Jon and Kent but, like Scott Myers (in Effective C++), I go much further. I believe that every class should be either abstract, or final. That is, only leaf classes in any hierarchy are really apt for direct instantiation. All other classes (i.e. inner nodes in the inheritance) are “unfinished” and should consequently be abstract.
It simply makes no sense for usual classes to be further extended. If an aspect of the class is worth extending and/or modifying, the cleaner way would be to take that one class and separate it into one abstract base class and one concrete interchangeable implementation.
there a good reasons to keep your code non-final. many frameworks such as hibernate, spring, guice depend sometimes on non-final classes that they extends dynamically at runtime.
for example, hibernate uses proxies for lazy association fetching.
especially when it comes to AOP, you will want your classes non-final, so that the interceptors can attach to it.
see also the question at SO
This question is equally applicable to other platforms such as C# .NET. There are those (myself included) that believe types should be final/sealed by default and need to be explicitly unsealed to allow inheritance.
Extension via inheritance is something that needs careful design and is not as simple as just leaving a type unsealed. Therefore, I think it should be an explicit decision to allow inheritance.
Your best reference here is Item 15 of Joshua Bloch's excellent book "Effective Java", called "Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it". However the key to whether extension of a class should be allowed is not "is it abstract" but "was it designed with inheritance in mind". There is sometimes a correlation between the two, but it's the second that is important. To take a simple example most of the AWT classes are designed to be extended, even those that are not abstract.
The summary of Bloch's chapter is that interaction of inherited classes with their parents can be surprising and unpredicatable if the ancestor wasn't designed to be inherited from. Classes should therefore come in two kinds a) classes designed to be extended, and with enough documentation to describe how it should be done b) classes marked final. Classes in (a) will often be abstract, but not always. For
I disagree. If hierarchies were bad, there'd be no reason for object oriented languages to exist. If you look at UI widget libraries from Microsoft and Sun, you're certain to find inheritance. Is that all "bad code" by definition? No, of course not.
Inheritance can be abused, but so can any language feature. The trick is to learn how to do things appropriately.
In some cases you want to make sure there's no subclassing, in other cases you want to ensure subclassing (abstract). But there's always a large subset of classes where you as the original author don't care and shouldn't care. It's part of being open/closed. Deciding that something should be closed is also to be done for a reason.
I couldn't disagree more. Class hierarchies make sense for concrete classes when the concrete classes know the possible return types of methods that they have not marked final. For instance, a concrete class may have a subclass hook:
protected SomeType doSomething() {
return null;
This doSomething is guarenteed to be either null or a SomeType instance. Say that you have the ability to process the SomeType instance but don't have a use case for using the SomeType instance in the current class, but know that this functionality would be really good to have in subclasses and most everything is concrete. It makes no sense to make the current class an abstract class if it can be used directly with the default of doing nothing with its null value. If you made it an abstract class, then you would have its children in this type of hierarchy:
Abstract base class
Default class (the class that could have been non-abstract, only implements the protected method and nothing else)
Other subclasses.
You thus have an abstract base class that can't be used directly, when the default class may be the most common case. In the other hierarchy, there is one less class, so that the functionality can be used without making an essentially useless default class because abstraction just had to be forced onto the class.
Default class
Other subclasses.
Now, sure, hierarchies can be used and abused, and if things are not documented clearly or classes not well designed, subclasses can run into problems. But these same problems exist with abstract classes as well, you don't get rid of the problem just because you add "abstract" to your class. For instance, if the contract of the "doSomething()" method above required SomeType to have populated x, y and z fields when they were accessed via getters and setters, your subclass would blow up regardless if you used the concrete class that returned null as your base class or an abstract class.
The general rule of thumb for designing a class hierarchy is pretty much a simple questionaire:
Do I need the behavior of my proposed superclass in my subclass? (Y/N)
This is the first question you need to ask yourself. If you don't need the behavior, there's no argument for subclassing.
Do I need the state of my proposed superclass in my subclass? (Y/N)
This is the second question. If the state fits the model of what you need, this may be a canidate for subclassing.
If the subclass was created from the proposed superclass, would it truly be an IS-A relation, or is it just a shortcut to inherit behavior and state?
This is the final question. If it is just a shortcut and you cannot qualify your proposed subclass "as-a" superclass, then inheritance should be avoided. The state and logic can be copied and pasted into the new class with a different root, or delegation can be used.
Only if a class needs the behavior, state and can be considered that the subclass IS-A(n) instance of the superclass should it be considered to inherit from a superclass. Otherwise, other options exist that would be better suited to the purpose, although it may require a little more work up front, it is cleaner in the long run.
There are a few cases where we dont want to allow to change the behavior. For instance, String class, Math.
I don't like inheritance because there's always a better way to do the same thing but when you're making maintenance changes in a huge system sometimes the best way to fix the code with minimum changes is to extend a class a little. Yes, it's usually leads to a bad code but to a working one and without months of rewriting first. So giving a maintenance man as much flexibility as he can handle is a good way to go.

