JScrollPane scrolling with arrow keys - java

I've a JTextArea component inside JScrollPane and the text area is not editable. I would like to enable scrolling of the text area with up and down arrow keys (i.e. pressing the arrow keys will scroll the text area by one line). Any ideas how to achieve this?

Yes Key Bindings is the way to go, but you don't always need to create your own actions. Swing components come with default Actions that you can often reuse.
See Key Bindings for a complete list of these Actions.
Now that you know the Action name you can just bind it to a keyStroke:
JScrollBar vertical = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
InputMap im = vertical.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DOWN"), "positiveUnitIncrement");
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("UP"), "negativeUnitIncrement");

If the JTextArea is non-editable and non-focuseable, it will not respond to the arrow keys. I'm not sure if there is a canonical way to get around this, but one way to make it respond is to set its key binding to respond to the up and down keys when the JTextArea is in the focusable window. An example of this is as follows:
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
public class TestScrollingArea extends JPanel {
private static final String UP = "Up";
private static final String DOWN = "Down";
private JTextArea area = new JTextArea(20, 40);
private JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(area);
public TestScrollingArea() {
// make textarea non-editable and non-focusable
// fill area with letters
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
area.append("abcdefg ");
// have JTextArea tell us how tall a line of text is.
int scrollableIncrement = area.getScrollableUnitIncrement(scrollPane.getVisibleRect(),
SwingConstants.VERTICAL, 1);
// add key bindings to the JTextArea
int condition = JTextComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW;
InputMap inMap = area.getInputMap(condition);
ActionMap actMap = area.getActionMap();
inMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0), UP);
inMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0), DOWN);
actMap.put(UP, new UpDownAction(UP, scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel(),
actMap.put(DOWN, new UpDownAction(DOWN, scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel(),
// Action for our key binding to perform when bound event occurs
private class UpDownAction extends AbstractAction {
private BoundedRangeModel vScrollBarModel;
private int scrollableIncrement;
public UpDownAction(String name, BoundedRangeModel model, int scrollableIncrement) {
this.vScrollBarModel = model;
this.scrollableIncrement = scrollableIncrement;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
String name = getValue(AbstractAction.NAME).toString();
int value = vScrollBarModel.getValue();
if (name.equals(UP)) {
value -= scrollableIncrement;
} else if (name.equals(DOWN)) {
value += scrollableIncrement;
private static void createAndShowUI() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("TestScrollingArea");
frame.getContentPane().add(new TestScrollingArea());
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

Just came across this problem and while the answers was useful in driving me to the right direction some bits of the solution may have changed since then. It worked for me with he following changes:
- it was the InputMap of JScrollPane instance that had to be changed
- actionMapKeys had to be: "unitScrollX" and/or "scrollX" (X= Down, Up, Left, Right). They reside in BasicScrollPaneUI.

You should add KeyListener to your JScrollPane.

All I had to do was to make the scroll pane request focus on mouse enter (as explained in this answer).
var scrollPane = new JScrollBar(jPanelCanvas);
scrollPane.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
// this seems to enable key navigation
if ((e.getComponent() instanceof JScrollPane)) {
However I'm not sure on how to tweak the actions of these keys. Maybe by tweaking the actions on the JScrollPane directly as mentioned by tinca's answer.
The call to scrollPane.getActionMap() are showing the following actions defined
"unitScrollRight" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4310}
"unitScrollDown" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4312}
"scrollDown" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4314}
"scrollHome" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4316}
"scrollRight" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4318}
"scrollUp" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4320}
"unitScrollLeft" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4322}
"unitScrollUp" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4324}
"scrollEnd" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4326}
"scrollLeft" -> {BasicScrollPaneUI$Actions#4328}


How to call an Action from a different class in Java

How would I call an Action from another class in Java? I got a CloseTabButton class online that allows a simple close tab button on each JTabbedPane, but when the tab is closed, I would like a dialog to pop up based on information (if file is not saved, ask to save it, etc.). This is the file:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class CloseTabButton extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
private JTabbedPane pane;
public CloseTabButton(JTabbedPane pane, int index) {
this.pane = pane;
// CloseIcon class just had a button with an x painted on it
Icon closeIcon = new CloseIcon();
JButton close = new JButton(closeIcon);
close.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(closeIcon.getIconWidth(), closeIcon.getIconHeight()));
add(new JLabel(pane.getTitleAt(index), pane.getIconAt(index), JLabel.LEFT));
pane.setTabComponentAt(index, this);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int i = pane.indexOfTabComponent(this);
String fileName = pane.getToolTipTextAt(i);
// Where I want to ask if user wants to save, etc.
if (fileName == "Untitled") {
// Do stuff
pane.remove(i); // Removes the tab
// If tab count < 1, then disable the save and save as buttons on menu
if (pane.getTabCount() < 1) {
JFrame frame = (JFrame) pane.getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent(); // Yes, there is that many in my code to get the parent JFrame
int menuCount = frame.getJMenuBar().getMenuCount();
for (int a = 0; a < menuCount; a++) {
int itemCount = frame.getJMenuBar().getMenu(a).getItemCount();
for (int b = 0; b < itemCount; b++) {
Component component = frame.getJMenuBar().getMenu(a).getMenuComponent(b);
if (!(component instanceof JSeparator)) {
// Not a seperator
String itemName = frame.getJMenuBar().getMenu(a).getItem(b).getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleName();
if (itemName == "Save As..") {
In my main class I have actions listed like this:
static Action Close = new AbstractAction("Close") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
closeCurrentWindow(); // function that will close tab
The other menu items are Actions as well, and as you can see, what I'm currently doing in the CloseTabButton class is quite frustrating, and most likely the wrong way to code it. Is there a much simpler way to do what I'm doing?
The first thing I might do is provide ActionListener support to the CloseTabButton, for example...
public class CloseTabButton extends JPanel {
private JTabbedPane pane;
public CloseTabButton(JTabbedPane pane, int index) {
this.pane = pane;
// CloseIcon class just had a button with an x painted on it
Icon closeIcon = new CloseIcon();
JButton close = new JButton(closeIcon);
close.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(closeIcon.getIconWidth(), closeIcon.getIconHeight()));
close.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
add(new JLabel(pane.getTitleAt(index), pane.getIconAt(index), JLabel.LEFT));
pane.setTabComponentAt(index, this);
public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) {
listenerList.add(ActionListener.class, listener);
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener) {
listenerList.remove(ActionListener.class, listener);
protected void fireActionPerformed() {
ActionListener[] listeners = listenerList.getListeners(ActionListener.class);
ActionEvent evt = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "You could provide you own action command for each tab here");
for (ActionListener listener : listeners) {
Basically, this now allows you to register your own ActionListeners to the CloseTabButton
Next, this, fileName == "Untitled", is not how you compare Strings in Java, you should be using something more like "Untitled".equals(fileName)
If you're menus are based on actual Actions, then you can simply disable the Actions themselves. This would require a little bit of work, but a lot less of "guess" work then you're doing now.
Basically, you would monitor the JTabbedPane itself, monitoring for changes to the selected tab and updating the states of the individual Actions themselves
There a number of ways you could do this, like passing a reference of the JTabbedPane to the Actions so they can perform there own monitoring (but I'd use some kind of management interface which could more easily provide information to the Actions and decouple the code and the reliance on JTabbedPane directly, then you could be free to use JInternalFrames instead).
You could have a "menu manager" which did a similar job, monitoring changes to the document container and changing the state of the menu Actions based on the current state, as an example
If you're making use of the Action API (which I would recommend), then you could simply do something like...
public class CloseTabButton extends JPanel {
private JTabbedPane pane;
public CloseTabButton(JTabbedPane pane, Action action, int index) {
this.pane = pane;
// CloseIcon class just had a button with an x painted on it
Icon closeIcon = new CloseIcon();
JButton close = new JButton(action);
close.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(closeIcon.getIconWidth(), closeIcon.getIconHeight()));
add(new JLabel(pane.getTitleAt(index), pane.getIconAt(index), JLabel.LEFT));
pane.setTabComponentAt(index, this);
Passing in the Action for the close operation, then use the same action for both the JMenuItem and JTabbedPane.
The "core" issue would be how you would identify the "current" tab and document in a uniform manner

JRadioButton navigation with arrow keys

I am trying to get a group of JRadioButtons to be navigable using the arrow keys. I was going to implement this manually with KeyListeners, but apparently this behavior is already supposed to work for at least the last 8 years (http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=4104452). However, it's not working for me: pressing the arrow keys does nothing. Java version is 7u45 on Windows.
A standalone test case to see what I'm talking about:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
try {
EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
JRadioButton rb;
rb = new JRadioButton("Option A");
rb = new JRadioButton("Option B");
rb = new JRadioButton("Option C");
I have tried using different look & feels, different containers, and different layout managers, but it still does not work.
You need to add the right/left (up/down?) keys to the focus traversal policy of each radio button. For example to add the right/left arrow keys:
Set set = new HashSet( rb.getFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS ) );
set.add( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( "RIGHT" ) );
rb.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, set );
set = new HashSet( rb.getFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS ) );
set.add( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( "LEFT" ) );
rb.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, set );
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use the Focus Subsystem for more information.
I believe you can achieve your goal using KeyBindings instead of KeyListeners. In many cases bindings are actually recommended over KeyListeners, as the second ones can generate many problems (frame catching the key activity must be active one etc.)
Thank you everyone for the answers.
I discovered the reason for my confusion. Apparently, when the Sun bug report system says that a bug's status is "Closed" and its "Resolved Date" is "2005-07-19", that doesn't mean the bug is fixed at all. Apparently, it's just logged as a duplicate of some other (newer?) bug. Nearly 16 years since it was first reported it still isn't fixed. Whatever.
The needed behavior is much more subtle than I realized. I experimented in native Windows dialogs in various programs:
Most button-like components: buttons, checkboxes, and radio buttons, implement the arrow keys for focus navigation. In Java this corresponds to the AbstractButton class. (JMenuItem is also a subclass of that, but that has its own distinct arrow key behavior.)
Only radio buttons get selected/checked during this navigation.
Unfocusable (including disabled or invisible) components must be skipped.
Attempting to navigate before the first button in a group or after the last one is inconsistent: on some dialogs it loops from end to end; on others it moves irreversibly onto non-button components; and on yet others it does nothing. I experimented with all these different behaviors and none of them was particularly better than the others.
I implemented a looping behavior below as it felt slightly more fluent. The navigation silently skips past non-AbstractButton components, forming a sort-of separate focus cycle private to buttons. This is dubious but sometimes needed when a set of related checkboxes or radio buttons are mixed with other components. Testing for a common parent component to identify groups would also be a reasonable behavior, but that didn't work in one dialog where I'd used separate components purely for layout reasons (to implement a line break in a FlowLayout).
As suggested I studied up on InputMaps and ActionMaps instead of using a KeyListener. I've always avoided the maps as they seem overcomplicated but I guess I see the advantage of being able to easily override the binding.
This code uses an auxialiary look and feel to install the desired behavior for all AbstractButton components application-wide (which is a nice technique I found out about here). I've tested it with several different dialog boxes and windows and it seems to be okay. If it causes issues I'll update this post.
once at application startup to install it.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ButtonArrowKeyNavigation {
private ButtonArrowKeyNavigation() {}
public static void install() {
private static final LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = new LookAndFeel() {
private final UIDefaults defaults = new UIDefaults() {
public javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI getUI(JComponent c) {
if (c instanceof AbstractButton && !(c instanceof JMenuItem)) {
if (c.getClientProperty(this) == null) {
c.putClientProperty(this, Boolean.TRUE);
return null;
#Override public UIDefaults getDefaults() { return defaults; };
#Override public String getID() { return "ButtonArrowKeyNavigation"; }
#Override public String getName() { return getID(); }
#Override public String getDescription() { return getID(); }
#Override public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel() { return false; }
#Override public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel() { return true; }
private static void configure(JComponent c) {
InputMap im = c.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
ActionMap am = c.getActionMap();
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0), "focusPreviousButton");
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0), "focusPreviousButton");
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0), "focusNextButton");
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0), "focusNextButton");
am.put("focusPreviousButton", focusPreviousButton);
am.put("focusNextButton", focusNextButton);
private static final Action focusPreviousButton = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
move((AbstractButton)e.getSource(), -1);
private static final Action focusNextButton = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
move((AbstractButton)e.getSource(), +1);
private static void move(AbstractButton ab, int direction) {
Container focusRoot = ab.getFocusCycleRootAncestor();
FocusTraversalPolicy focusPolicy = focusRoot.getFocusTraversalPolicy();
Component toFocus = ab, loop = null;
for (;;) {
toFocus = direction > 0
? focusPolicy.getComponentAfter(focusRoot, toFocus)
: focusPolicy.getComponentBefore(focusRoot, toFocus);
if (toFocus instanceof AbstractButton) break;
if (toFocus == null) return;
// infinite loop protection; should not be necessary, but just in
// case all buttons are somehow unfocusable at the moment this
// method is called:
if (loop == null) loop = toFocus; else if (loop == toFocus) return;
if (toFocus.requestFocusInWindow()) {
if (toFocus instanceof JRadioButton) {
Here is my example of JRadioButtons can be navigable using the arrow keys(UP and Down) and modified few codes for you.
public class JRadioButton extends JPanel {
private JRadioButton[] buttons;
public JRadioButtonTest(int row) {
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
buttons = new JRadioButton[row];
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
final int curRow = i;
buttons[i] = new JRadioButton("Option " + i);
buttons[i].addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
if (curRow > 0)
buttons[curRow - 1].requestFocus();
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
if (curRow < buttons.length - 1)
buttons[curRow + 1].requestFocus();
private KeyListener enter = new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
((JButton) e.getComponent()).doClick();
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.add(new JRadioButton(3));
The core implement method is calling requestFocus() on the correct JRadioButton when an arrow key is called. Extra KeyListener for when the Enter key is pressed.
You can use this KeyListener to your program and add more key.
Good luck!

JComboBox not showing arrow

I have been searching this site and google for a solution to my problem, and I can't find anything. I think it's supposed to just work; however, it doesn't. The arrow icon for my JComboBox doesn't show up, and I can't find anywhere to set its visibility to true.
Here's my code:
public class Driver implements ActionListener {
private JTextField userIDField;
private JTextField[] documentIDField;
private JComboBox repository, environment;
private JButton close, clear, submit;
private JFrame window;
public Driver()
window = makeWindow();
private JFrame makeWindow()
JFrame window = new JFrame("");
return window;
private void makeContents(JFrame w)
private void makeDropDowns(JFrame w)
String[] repositoryArray = {"Click to select", "NSA", "Finance", "Test"};
repository = new JComboBox(repositoryArray);
String[] environmentArray = {"Click to select", "Dev", "Test", "Qual"};
environment = new JComboBox(environmentArray);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String repositoryID = "null", environmentID = "null";
if (e.getSource() == repository)
repositoryID = (String)repository.getSelectedItem();
if(e.getSource() == environment)
environmentID = (String)environment.getSelectedItem();
Here's a link to a picture of the problem:
If anyone could help that would be awesome.
It doesn't appear to be the issue you were suffering from, but I found this post due to the same resulting issue of the arrow disappearing.
In my case it was due to me mistakenly using .removeAll() on the JComboBox rather than .removeAllItems() when I was attempting to empty and then reuse the JComboBox after a refresh of the data I was using. Just thought I'd include it as an answer in case someone else comes across this thread for similar reasons.
The code you show works, but it looks like you're fighting the enclosing container's default layout. Here, ComboTest is a JPanel which defaults to FlowLayout.
Addendum: In general, do not use absolute positioning, as shown in your update. I've changed the example to use GridLayout; comment out the setLayout() call to see the default, FlowLayout.
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
* #see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10824504/230513
public class ComboTest extends JPanel {
private JComboBox repository = createCombo(new String[]{
"Click to select", "NSA", "Finance", "Test"});
private JComboBox environment = createCombo(new String[]{
"Click to select", "Dev", "Test", "Qual"});
public ComboTest() {
this.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1));
private JComboBox createCombo(String[] data) {
final JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(data);
combo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ ": " + combo.getSelectedItem().toString());
return combo;
private void display() {
JFrame f = new JFrame("ComboTest");
public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new ComboTest().display();
I had the same issue. I fixed it by revalidating and repainting the panel with the following code :
Maybe a little late, but for those who are still looking for an easy and fail-safe way to use the JComboBox can use this:
public class FixedJComboBox<E>
extends JComboBox<E> {
// Copied constructors
public FixedJComboBox() {
public FixedJComboBox(ComboBoxModel<E> aModel) {
public FixedJComboBox(E[] items) {
public FixedJComboBox(Vector<E> items) {
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
// The arrow is the first (and only) component
// that is added by default
Component[] comps = getComponents();
if (comps != null && comps.length >= 1) {
Component arrow = comps[0];
// 20 is the default width of the arrow (for me at least)
arrow.setSize(20, height);
arrow.setLocation(width - arrow.getWidth(), 0);
As described here, the bug is caused by incorrectly setting both the location and the size of the arrow to (0,0), followed by some repainting issues. By simply overriding the setBounds() function, the arrow is always corrected after the UI/layout manager has wrongly updated the arrow.
Also, since new components are added after the old ones (i.e. higher index), the arrow will always be at the first element in the array (assuming you don't remove and re-add the arrow).
The disadvantage is of this class is that the width of the arrow is now determined by a constant instead of the UI/layout manager.

JDialog repaint after JList modification

I have a JDialog dlg, created by a JFrame frm, that contains a JList list.
When I modify the list (through the ListModel), the list itself is repainted but not the JDialog.
This means that, if I delete a line, the list remains with an empty line while if I add a line, this new line won't be shown (because there is no space in the dialog) until I manually force repainting of dlg (doubleclicking in frm).
Following advices in this post :
How to make repaint for JDialog in Swing?
and in this post:
Force repaint after button click
I tried to call, from my controller class (which is where updates to list are made), the following line:
but it didn't work.
I also tried:
No luck either...
Any clue?
Thank you very much.
The organization of my classes is as follows:
a controller class that contains a reference to the main JFrame, frm.
I also extended JDialog into MyDialog, which contains a JList.
When a doubleclick on frm is detected, I show the instance of MyDialog (or create, if it is the first time I show it) and the JList is filled with the data passed to the DefaultListModel. MyDialog is painted so that the list has only the space that it needs.
Now, when a specific event is detected by the controller, I get the specific MyDialog, get the ListModel from JList and update it. Here the JList is indeed updated, but Dialog remains the same.
I use a code like this:
MyDialog dlg = group.getDlg();
if(dlg != null){
DefaultListModel listModel = ((DefaultListModel) dlg.getMyJList().getModel());
This doesn't repaint dlg.
I also tried:
but it doesn't work.
I checked with the debugger that the lines are actually executed.
I don't have much more code to show, really.....
I think that you going wrong way, define DefaultListModel that accesible throught all Java methods and Classes, this Model would holds your Objects, then put JList to the JDialog or JOptionPane, for example
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
// based on #trashgod code
/** #see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5759131 */
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667719/jdialog-repaint-after-jlist-modification
public class ListDialog {
private static final int N = 12;
private JDialog dlg = new JDialog();
private DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel();
private JList list = new JList(model);
private JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(list);
private int count;
public ListDialog() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("Add") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (count <= N) {
panel.add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("Remove") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int itemNo = list.getSelectedIndex();
if (itemNo > -1) {
removeActionPerformed(e, itemNo);
for (int i = 0; i < N - 2; i++) {
list.setVisibleRowCount(N - 2);
dlg.add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
dlg.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private void removeActionPerformed(ActionEvent e, int itemNo) {
System.out.println("made_list's model: " + list.getModel());
System.out.println("Model from a fresh JList: " + new JList().getModel());
model = (DefaultListModel) list.getModel();
if (model.size() > 0) {
if (itemNo > -1) {
private void append() {
model.addElement("String " + String.valueOf(++count));
list.ensureIndexIsVisible(count - 1);
public static void main(String[] a_args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ListDialog pd = new ListDialog();

Maintaing JTextArea scroll position

I have a JScrollPane with a JTextArea set as its view port.
I update the (multi line) text shown on the JTextArea continously about once a second. Each time the text updates, JScrollPane goes all the way to the bottom of the text.
Instead, I'd like to figure out the line number that is currently shown as the first line in the original text, and have that line be the first line shown when the text has been updated (or if the new text doesn't have that many lines, then scroll all the way to the bottom).
My first attempt of doing this was to get the current caret position, figure the line based on that, and then set the text area to show that line:
int currentPos = textArea.getCaretPosition();
int currentLine = 0;
try {
for(int i = 0; i < textArea.getLineCount(); i++) {
if((currentPos >= textArea.getLineStartOffset(i)) && (currentPos < gameStateTextArea.getLineEndOffset(i))) {
currentLine = i;
} catch(Exception e) { }
int newLine = Math.min(currentLine, textArea.getLineCount());
int newOffset = 0;
try {
newOffset = textArea.getLineStartOffset(newLine);
} catch(Exception e) { }
This was almost acceptable for my needs, but requires the user to click inside the text area to change the caret position, so that the scrolling will maintain state (which isn't nice).
How would I do this using the (vertical) scroll position instead ?
I encountered the same problem and found that this answer includes a nice solution that works in this case:
DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) jTextArea.getCaret();
This is pieced together, untested, from the API documentation:
use getViewport() on your JScrollPane to get a hold of the viewport.
use Viewport.getViewPosition() to get the top-left coordinates. These are absolute, not a percentage of scrolled text.
use Viewport.addChangeListener() to be notified when the top-left position changes (among other things). You may want to create a mechanism to distinguish user changes from changes your program makes, of course.
use Viewport.setViewPosition() to set the top-left position to where it was before the disturbance.
To stop JTextArea from scrolling, you may want to override its getScrollableTracksViewport{Height|Width}() methods to return false.
Update 2:
The following code does what you want. It's amazing how much trouble I had to go to to get it to work:
apparently the setViewPosition has to be postponed using invokeLater because if it's done too early the text update will come after it and nullify its effect.
also, for some weird reason perhaps having to do with concurrency, I had to pass the correct value to my Runnable class in its constructor. I had been using the "global" instance of orig and that kept setting my position to 0,0.
public class Sami extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new Sami()).setVisible(true);
private JTextArea textArea;
private JScrollPane scrollPane;
private JButton moreTextButton = new JButton("More text!");
private StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer("0 Silly random text.\n");
private Point orig = new Point(0, 0);
public Sami() {
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
this.textArea = new JTextArea() {
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() {
return false;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() {
return false;
this.scrollPane = new JScrollPane(this.textArea);
getContentPane().add(this.scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(this.moreTextButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
setSize(400, 300);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
int lineCount = this.text.toString().split("[\\r\\n]").length;
this.text.append(lineCount + "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n");
Point orig = this.scrollPane.getViewport().getViewPosition();
// System.out.println("Orig: " + orig);
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new LaterUpdater(orig));
class LaterUpdater implements Runnable {
private Point o;
public LaterUpdater(Point o) {
this.o = o;
public void run() {
// System.out.println("Set to: " + o);

