BigDecimal numerator = new BigDecimal(numerator);
BigDecimal denominator = new BigDecimal(denominator);
double result = numerator.divide(denominator).doubleValue();
Division on certain conditions results in a zero at the end (e.g. 0.0060).
Dividing equal numbers results in a zero at the end (e.g 1.0).
I would prefer to trim the trailing zero in both cases. How should I do this?
How about keeping the result as a BigDecimal and then you can set the scale on it to only represent the significant figures that you want.
An easy way to do this, for some numbers, is to use BigDecimal#stripTrailingZeros(). However, if the number is an integer with trailing zeros you'll get an engineering representation e.g. 600.0 will give you 6E+2. If this isn't what you want, you'll have to detect this condition and manually use BigDecimal#setScale() to set the scale appropriately.
If you need to keep to a restricted maximum number of decimal digits you'll need to use alternative formatting/rounding mechanisms before applying this technique.
It's also a good idea to only do this on values that you're going to display, not on the internal values of your model. Treat it as a view/presentation layer modification.
If you must convert to a double, then it's only the formatted representation you can alter. In this case, if you've got a variable number of decimal places that you want to format to, I'd just drop it into a string/character array, scan backwards for the first non-zero character and truncate it there. Not the most performant means, but simple and reliable.
You could even use a regex for this purpose.
you can do this by using DecimalFormat. something like:
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(".0");
double formatResult = df.format(result);
will create something of 1.0 if the result is 1.278494890. there are many possible patterns that could be used here
Ok, so you've got this code:
BigDecimal numerator = new BigDecimal(numerator);
BigDecimal denominator = new BigDecimal(denominator);
double result = numerator.divide(denominator).doubleValue();
and you want more control over your output. Since result is a double, which is a primitive, you won't have much control.
From my understanding, you don't want to do any rounding to n decimal places, you want original precision paired with desired formatting.
You have few options.
BigDecimal numerator = new BigDecimal(numerator);
BigDecimal denominator = new BigDecimal(denominator);
BigDecimal div = numerator.divide(denominator);
If you stay with BigDecimal, your output will be better. If you put 10 as the numerator and denominator in above code, System.out.println(div) will yield 1.
Generally, be careful of using above code because some combinations of numerator and denominator will throw
java.lang.ArithmeticException: "Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result."
If you want to avoid such situations, and not worry about precision beyond double's internal representation, use double directly.
System.out.println(2312 / 2.543); //909.1624066063704
System.out.println(1.0 / 1.0); //1.0
System.out.println(1 / 1); //1
When using double numbers, you might get a 0 at the end, such as 0.0060 in your case. If you want to be sure what you're getting, you'll have to convert your result to a String using
String dec = String.valueOf(10.0/10.0); //1.0
and then using
String newDec = dec.endsWith("0") ? dec.substring(0, dec.length() - 1) : dec;
to eradicate that last 0. Of course, if your string ends with .0, you have a choice based on your preferences whether you want to leave that leading . or not.
My question is basically the following:
When I use a value with BigDecimal, how do I append zeros in front of a random number?
Say I want to have a number <10 following an entirely random pattern. Now i want to add zeros in front of the number, so the actual amount adds up to 10 numbers.
Here's an example:
BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(2353);
Now I want to have that ouput:
Is there a function that appends numbers to a BigDecimal type?
I couldn't find any.
I tried using a while loop that checks whether the number is less than ten. But I don't understand the Big Decimal well enough to actually compare integral values to the BigDecimal types.
Thanks for any help in advance!
If you use a BigInteger instead (or any integer type, such as int or long) you can format the value with
String.format("%010d", BigInteger.valueOf(2353))
The leading 0 in the format strings means pad with 0, the following 10 is the desired length...
BigDecimal is meant to be used for storing large floating point numbers. Since in a floating-point number there isn't any difference between 0000002353 and 2353, there is no reasonable way to append leading 0's to a BigDecimal just as there is no reasonable way to append leading 0's to a normal float. According to the behavior you're looking for, I would suggest using a String to store your number, and then convert to and from BigDecimal when you want to perform any operations.
To compare an integral type to a BigDecimal, first convert the variable to a BigDecimal and then call BigDecimal's compareTo method. More info is in this question.
Since you're interested in formatting the number, you might want to look at DecimalFormat class, which allows to format floating point and integer numbers according to the specified pattern.
BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(2353);
DecimalFormat f1 = new DecimalFormat("0000000000");
DecimalFormat f2 = new DecimalFormat("0,000,000,000");
If the maximum number of digits is 10 and only whole numbers are allowed you don't need anything more than to use long with standard formatting:
long myNumber = 123456;
System.out.printf("%010d%n", myNumber);
I'd like to round my large double so the first thing I decided to do, was to convert it into a BigDecimal in the following way.
BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal
.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
In my example, getAmount() returns 123456789123123424113.31.
Therefore, I expect the exact same value to be printed out by my snippet.
Instead, I get the following value:
Can someone explain why BigDecimal is returning an approximation of my double?
In my example, getAmount() returns 123456789123123424113.31.
No, it does not. That is not a value that a double can represent exactly.
You can easily verify that with this code:
double d = 123456789123123424113.31d;
Which outputs
This value has the minimum amount of digits to uniquely distinguish it from any other double value. Meaning that there aren't any more relevant digits in that double. You've already lost the precision before converting the value to BigDecimal.
While an integer data type such as long and int can exactly represent every (integer) value within its range, the same can't be said about floating point numbers: they have an immense range of values that they can represent, but at the cost of not being able to represent every possible value within the range. Effectively there's a limited number of digits that a floating point number can represent (about 16 decimal digits for double and about 7 decimal digits for float). Everything else will be cut off.
If you need arbitrary precision then something like BigDecimal can help: it will allocate as much memory as necessary to hold all digits (or round according to your specification, if required), making it much more complex but also more powerful.
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("123456789123123424113.31");
will print
Make sure not to initialize the BigDecimal from a double value, as you'll only get the cut-off value even then.
I'm writing a bank program with a variable long balance to store cents in an account. When users inputs an amount I have a method to do the conversion from USD to cents:
public static long convertFromUsd (double amountUsd) {
if(amountUsd <= maxValue || amountUsd >= minValue) {
return (long) (amountUsd * 100.0)
} else {
//no conversion (throws an exception, but I'm not including that part of the code)
In my actual code I also check that amountUsd does not have more than 2 decimals, to avoid inputs that cannot be accurately be converted (e.g 20.001 dollars is not exactly 2000 cents). For this example code, assume that all inputs has 0, 1 or 2 decimals.
At first I looked at Long.MAX_VALUE (9223372036854775807 cents) and assumed that double maxValue = 92233720368547758.07 would be correct, but it gave me rounding errors for big amounts:
convertFromUsd(92233720368547758.07) gives output 9223372036854775807
convertFromUsd(92233720368547758.00) gives the same output 9223372036854775807
What should I set double maxValue and double minValue to always get accurate return values?
You could use BigDecimal as a temp holder
If you have a very large double (something between Double.MAX_VALUE / 100.0 + 1 and Double.MAX_VALUE) the calculation of usd * 100.0 would result in an overflow of your double.
But since you know that every possible result of <any double> * 100 will fit in a long you could use a BigDecimal as a temporary holder for your calculation.
Also, the BigDecimal class defines two methods which come in handy for this purpose:
By using a BigDecimal you don't have to bother about specifying a max-value at all -> any given double representing USD can be converted to a long value representing cents (assuming you don't have to handle cent-fractions).
double usd = 123.45;
long cents = BigDecimal.valueOf(usd).movePointRight(2).setScale(0).longValueExact();
Attention: Keep in mind that a double is not able to store the exact USD information in the first place. It is not possible to restore the information that has been lost by converting the double to a BigDecimal.
The only advantage a temporary BigDecimal gives you is that the calculation of usd * 100 won't overflow.
First of all, using double for monetary amounts is risky.
I'd recommend to stay below $17,592,186,044,416.
The floating-point representation of numbers (double type) doesn't use decimal fractions (1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, ...), but binary ones (e.g. 1/128, 1/256). So, the double number will never exactly hit something like $1.99. It will be off by some fraction most of the time.
Hopefully, the conversion from decimal digit input ("1.99") to a double number will end up with the closest binary approximation, being a tiny fraction higher or lower than the exact decimal value.
To be able to correctly represent the 100 different cent values from $xxx.00 to $xxx.99, you need a binary resolution where you can at least represent 128 different values for the fractional part, meaning that the least significant bit corresponds to 1/128 (or better), meaning that at least 7 trailing bits have to be dedicated to the fractional dollars.
The double format effectively has 53 bits for the mantissa. If you need 7 bits for the fraction, you can devote at most 46 bits to the integral part, meaning that you have to stay below 2^46 dollars ($70,368,744,177,664.00, 70 trillions) as the absolute limit.
As a precaution, I wouldn't trust the best-rounding property of converting from decimal digits to double too much, so I'd spend two more bits for the fractional part, resulting in a limit of 2^44 dollars, $17,592,186,044,416.
Code Warning
There's a flaw in your code:
return (long) (amountUsd * 100.0);
This will truncate down to the next-lower cent if the double value lies between two exact cents, meaning that e.g. "123456789.23" might become 123456789.229... as a double and getting truncated down to 12345678922 cents as a long.
You should better use
return Math.round(amountUsd * 100.0);
This will end up with the nearest cent value, most probably being the "correct" one.
Remarks on "Precision"
You often read statements that floating-point numbers aren't precise, and then in the next sentence the authors advocate BigDecimal or similar representations as being precise.
The validity of such a statement depends on the type of number you want to represent.
All the number representation systems in use in today's computing are precise for some types of numbers and imprecise for others. Let's take a few example numbers from mathematics and see how well they fit into some typical data types:
42: A small integer can be represented exactly in virtually all types.
1/3: All the typical data types (including double and BigDecimal) fail to represent 1/3 exactly. They can only do a (more or less close) approximation. The result is that multiplication with 3 does not exactly give the integer 1. Few languages offer a "ratio" type, capable to represent numbers by numerator and denominator, thus giving exact results.
1/1024: Because of the power-of-two denominator, float and double can easily do an exact representation. BigDecimal can do as well, but needs 10 fractional digits.
14.99: Because of the decimal fraction (can be rewritten as 1499/100), BigDecimal does it easily (that's what it's made for), float and double can only give an approximation.
PI: I don't know of any language with support for irrational numbers - I even have no idea how this could be possible (aside from treating popular irrationals like PI and E symbolically).
123456789123456789123456789: BigInteger and BigDecimal can do it exactly, double can do an approximation (with the last 13 digits or so being garbage), int and long fail completely.
Let's face it: Each data type has a class of numbers that it can represent exactly, where computations deliver precise results, and other classes where it can at best deliver approximations.
So the questions should be:
What's the type and range of numbers to be represented here?
Is an approximation okay, and if yes, how close should it be?
What's the data type that matches my requirements?
Using a double, the biggest, in Java, would be: 70368744177663.99.
What you have in a double is 64 bit (8 byte) to represent:
Decimals and integers
Problem is to get it to not round of 0.99 so you get 46 bit for the integer part and the rest need to be used for the decimals.
You can test with the following code:
double biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble = 70368744177663.99;
for(int i=0;i<130;i++){
System.out.printf("%.2f\n", biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble);
If you add 1 to biggestPossitiveNumberInDouble you will see it starting to round off and lose precision.
Also note the round off error when subtracting 0.01.
First iterations
The best way in this case would not to parse to double:
System.out.println("Enter amount:");
String input = new Scanner(;
int indexOfDot = input.indexOf('.');
if (indexOfDot == -1) indexOfDot = input.length();
int validInputLength = indexOfDot + 3;
if (validInputLength > input.length()) validInputLength = input.length();
String validInput = input.substring(0,validInputLength);
long amout = Integer.parseInt(validInput.replace(".", ""));
System.out.println("Converted: " + amout);
This way you don't run into the limits of double and just have the limits of long.
But ultimately would be to go with a datatype made for currency.
You looked at the largest possible long number, while the largest possible double is smaller. Calculating (amountUsd * 100.0) results in a double (and afterwards gets casted into a long).
You should ensure that (amountUsd * 100.0) can never be bigger than the largest double, which is 9007199254740992.
Floating values (float, double) are stored differently than integer values (int, long) and while double can store very large values, it is not good for storing money amounts as they get less accurate the bigger or more decimal places the number has.
Check out How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java? for more information about floating point significant digits
A double is 15 significant digits, the significant digit count is the total number of digits from the first non-zero digit. (For a better explanation see Significant figures rules explained)
Therefor in your equation to include cents and make sure you are accurate you would want the maximum number to have no more than 13 whole number places and 2 decimal places.
As you are dealing with money it would be better not to use floating point values. Check out this article on using BigDecimal for storing currency:
As you mentioned users are inputting an amount, you could read it in as a String rather than a floating point value and pass that into a BigDecimal.
We are solving a numeric precision related bug. Our system collects some numbers and spits their sum.
The issue is that the system does not retain the numeric precision, e.g. 300.7 + 400.9 = 701.599..., while expected result would be 701.6. The precision is supposed to adapt to the input values so we cannot just round results to fixed precision.
The problem is obvious, we use double for the values and addition accumulates the error from the binary representation of the decimal value.
The path of the data is following:
XML file, type xsd:decimal
Parse into a java primitive double. Its 15 decimal places should be enough, we expect values no longer than 10 digits total, 5 fraction digits.
Store into DB MySql 5.5, type double
Load via Hibernate into a JPA entity, i.e. still primitive double
Sum bunch of these values
Print the sum into another XML file
Now, I assume the optimal solution would be converting everything to a decimal format. Unsurprisingly, there is a pressure to go with the cheapest solution. It turns out that converting doubles to BigDecimal just before adding a couple of numbers works in case B in following example:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Arithmetic {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double a = 0.3;
double b = -0.2;
// A
System.out.println(a + b);//0.09999999999999998
// B
// C
System.out.println(new BigDecimal(a).add(new BigDecimal(b)));//0.099999999999999977795539507496869191527366638183593750
More about this:
Why do we need to convert the double into a string, before we can convert it into a BigDecimal?
Unpredictability of the BigDecimal(double) constructor
I am worried that such a workaround would be a ticking bomb.
First, I am not so sure that this arithmetic is bullet proof for all cases.
Second, there is still some risk that someone in the future might implement some changes and change B to C, because this pitfall is far from obvious and even a unit test may fail to reveal the bug.
I would be willing to live with the second point but the question is: Would this workaround provide correct results? Could there be a case where somehow
is false? Given that Double.toString, according to javadoc, prints just the digits needed to uniquely represent underlying double value, so when parsed again, it gives the same double value? Isn't that sufficient for this use case where I only need to add the numbers and print the sum with this magical Double.toString(Double d) method? To be clear, I do prefer what I consider the clean solution, using BigDecimal everywhere, but I am kind of short of arguments to sell it, by which I mean ideally an example where conversion to BigDecimal before addition fails to do the job described above.
If you can't avoid parsing into primitive double or store as double, you should convert to BigDecimal as early as possible.
double can't exactly represent decimal fractions. The value in double x = 7.3; will never be exactly 7.3, but something very very close to it, with a difference visible from the 16th digit or so on to the right (giving 50 decimal places or so). Don't be mislead by the fact that printing might give exactly "7.3", as printing already does some kind of rounding and doesn't show the number exactly.
If you do lots of computations with double numbers, the tiny differences will eventually sum up until they exceed your tolerance. So using doubles in computations where decimal fractions are needed, is indeed a ticking bomb.
[...] we expect values no longer than 10 digits total, 5 fraction digits.
I read that assertion to mean that all numbers you deal with, are to be exact multiples of 0.00001, without any further digits. You can convert doubles to such BigDecimals with
new BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.round(doubleVal * 100000), 5)
This will give you an exact representation of a number with 5 decimal fraction digits, the 5-fraction-digits one that's closest to the input doubleVal. This way you correct for the tiny differences between the doubleVal and the decimal number that you originally meant.
If you'd simply use BigDecimal.valueOf(double val), you'd go through the string representation of the double you're using, which can't guarantee that it's what you want. It depends on a rounding process inside the Double class which tries to represent the double-approximation of 7.3 (being maybe 7.30000000000000123456789123456789125) with the most plausible number of decimal digits. It happens to result in "7.3" (and, kudos to the developers, quite often matches the "expected" string) and not "7.300000000000001" or "7.3000000000000012" which both seem equally plausible to me.
That's why I recommend not to rely on that rounding, but to do the rounding yourself by decimal shifting 5 places, then rounding to the nearest long, and constructing a BigDecimal scaled back by 5 decimal places. This guarantees that you get an exact value with (at most) 5 fractional decimal places.
Then do your computations with the BigDecimals (using the appropriate MathContext for rounding, if necessary).
When you finally have to store the number as a double, use BigDecimal.doubleValue(). The resulting double will be close enough to the decimal that the above-mentioned conversion will surely give you the same BigDecimal that you had before (unless you have really huge numbers like 10 digits before the decimal point - the you're lost with double anyway).
P.S. Be sure to use BigDecimal only if decimal fractions are relevant to you - there were times when the British Shilling currency consisted of twelve Pence. Representing fractional Pounds as BigDecimal would give a disaster much worse than using doubles.
It depends on the Database you are using. If you are using SQL Server you can use data type as numeric(12, 8) where 12 represent numeric value and 8 represents precision. similarly, for my SQL DECIMAL(5,2) you can use.
You won't lose any precision value if you use the above-mentioned datatype.
Java Hibernate Class :
You can define
private double latitude;
I'm having trouble with (what I suspect is) a rounding error.
I have a string, 0.686357E-01, which I'm trying to convert to a double. I've been able to split it up using the Pattern.split() function, and I'm capturing the base and the exponent values just fine. However, once I try to multiply them appropriately, I get this as a result: 0.06863570000000001.
Here's my relevant code:
pattern = Pattern.compile("E\\+?");
String[] number = pattern.split(string);
double base = Double.parseDouble(number[0]);
int exponent = Integer.parseInt(number[1]);
number= base*Math.pow(10, exponent);
So, how do I avoid the rounding error? (There are ways that I can work around it, but if it's possible to do, then I'd like to know how to fix the issue)
You don't need to split it, Double.parseDouble can handle those kinds of numbers just fine.
double number = Double.parseDouble("0.686357E-01");
See? It works!
0.0686357 is not exactly representable as a double-precision value.
Two solutions:
Use e.g. BigDecimal.
Limit the displayed precision to a certain number of significant figures when converting back to human-readable.
Floating point numbers do not have perfect precision. If that is an issue, use BigDecimal:
String string = "0.686357E-01";
BigDecimal number = new BigDecimal(string);
Double will print always like that, but the value will remain correct. You'll need to format the output to get the correct value. See DecimalFormat class.