Due to checked exceptions, we can have some problems in production having all exceptions caught in the right place and logged correctly.
I wonder if there is some opensource tool to help with auditing these problems.
For example, is there some AOP tool that would intercept all exceptions thrown and see if they are re-thrown, wrapped or logged? This would help identify the bad catches.
If you've decided that you would like to take the AOP route, the Spring Framework provides an easy to use AOP framework. Essentially, like much of Spring, you would use a combination of a xml config file and some java code to define the AOP functionality you are looking for.
In your case, I believe you would be looking to define an 'After Throwing Advice', in which you would of course have access to the exception thrown.
A good place to start in terms of documentation is the AOP Chapter in the Spring docs:
Oh, and I believe all Spring projects are open source as well =)
I know the question asks for an open source solution. I don't know of one but if the option is there then DynaTrace does exactly what you want. Good luck on your search.
There are tools such as FindBugs, PMD and Checkstyle which can identify some common Exception handling issues. I'm never seen a tool that specifically analyses your exception handling, if anyone knows I'll be interested!
I had this exact question, and I attempted to write something myself, and due to AOP nested proxying and lack of ability to use instrumenation / weaving, I gave up and just did a wide find and replace
One of he tools I did find back then for was AppSight by BMC software, but it's high cost was an issue
IntelliJ's Inspector can check code for many problems as you write it:
But your problem sounds like it's more about education than technology. You need to educate your team on what proper exception handling means, when it should be done, etc. Tools will help, but not putting them into the code is the first place is better.
We use Spring aspects for our production systems to do logging, tracing, performance calculations, etc. Before, after, and exception advice work wonders - they keep the code in one place and give declarative flexibility as to where they are applied.
Just one caution: aspects aren't free. They add cost to each method you apply them to, so don't just pile them on. Moderation in all things is the key.
I didn't though about that yet but one solution, if you do not need to detect exceptions thrown on production envirionment, is to attach to your Java application a custom debugger that can be triggered whenever an exception is raised.
This french blog article talk about how to do it:
Here is the code:
Run with debug:
Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
Connect to the JVM:
public static VirtualMachine connect(String port) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException {
AttachingConnector connector = null;
VirtualMachineManager vmManager = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager();
for (Connector aconnector : vmManager.allConnectors()) {
if ("com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach".equals(aconnector.name())) {
connector = (AttachingConnector) aconnector;
Map<String, Connector.Argument> args = connector.defaultArguments();
Connector.Argument pidArgument = args.get("port");
return connector.attach(args);
Create your breakpoints. Exemple:
public static void createExceptionBreakPoint(VirtualMachine vm) {
EventRequestManager erm = vm.eventRequestManager();
List<ReferenceType> referenceTypes = vm.classesByName("java.lang.Throwable");
for (ReferenceType refType : referenceTypes){
ExceptionRequest exceptionRequest = erm.createExceptionRequest(refType, true, true);
And then handle the exceptions:
public static void handleExceptionEvent(ExceptionEvent exceptionEvent) throws Exception {
ObjectReference remoteException = exceptionEvent.exception();
ThreadReference thread = exceptionEvent.thread();
List<Value> paramList = new ArrayList<Value>(1);
//crer un printStream dans la JVM cible
ObjectReference printStreamRef = printStreamClassType.newInstance(thread, printStreamConstructor, paramList,
ReferenceType remoteType = remoteException.referenceType();
Method printStackTrace = (Method) remoteType.methodsByName("printStackTrace").get(1);
remoteException.invokeMethod(thread, printStackTrace, paramList, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(dumpFileName.value()));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()){
A bit heavy but it works, now how to catch the exceptions that are logged and the others?
I have this specific scenario:
my exceptions have a code and a localized message
The thrower just knows the code
The catcher expects a localized message
The localization is inside of a DB table
Would it be wrong something like this:
public class MyException{
public MyException(int code){
this.message = db.selectMessage(code);
}catch(Exception ex){
this.message = "";
This would completely hide from the thrower the fact that the message is localized.
Alternatively I should go with something like this:
public class ExceptionUtils{
public static throwMyException(int code) throws MyException{
String message = db.selectMessage(code);
throw new MyException(code, message);
But this requires the thrower to know about this util.
I would suggest using ResourceBundle class as it is widely accepted way for localization. This way you store your messages in files as oppose to DB. Also reading your messages from those files is handled by JVM and you don't have to write your own code for it. However, if you insist on using DB, I would sudgest to read all your messages from DB into file system or onto your memory during your app initialization and then you don't have to read from DB and risk DB connectivity failure for each exception.
This is a better approach:
public class MyException extends Exception {
private int code;
public MyException(String message, int code) {
this.code = code;
public int getCode() {
return code;
Integer messageCode = null;
try {
// do stuff
} catch (MyException e) {
logger.log(e.getMessage(), e); // log actual message
messageCode = e.getCode();
if(messageCode != null /* && you really want to show it to end user */) {
String localizedMessage = db.selectMessage(code);
// show localized message to end user
You don't need a Util class to throw exceptions.
You don't need to access db every time you throw an exception but
only when you catch it and "decide" to fetch the message if you want
to show it to user.
You don't need to catch an exception inside another exception.
You don't lose the actual non-localized message.
You don't lose actual stack trace in case db.getMessage() fails and throws exception.
There is a dispute about whether the if part is a good idea or not so I have to elaborate.
message and localized version of message, these are very different.
is a description of what has gone wrong.
is what you see in console and in log records when exception occurs.
is in English.
must be shown regardless of any conditions and if not shown it's considered a very bad practice.
Localized Message:
is a translation of Message for the benefit of End User and not programmer.
is not in English.
is not expected to be shown either in console or log records.
is only needed when interacting with End User in UI.
is not expected to be used in non-UI related parts of code.
In the actual code provided by asker, message is replaced by localized message which violates expected behavior of a well-designed exception so I separated these two. In my code the message is Always shown and can be logged whenever exception occurs regardless of any conditions; Fetching localized message occurs only IF you actually need to interact with End Users. So access to DB can be skipped when you are not interacting with them.
the catch block is designed to do some actions after an exception occurs in your program, hence i would recommend you to provide some of the exception handling code in the catch block as it will allow others to understand your program efficiently
It is not bad as long it is code that helps you best handle the exception
The problem is one of too many moving parts. If your database access within the catch block fails by throwing an exception - and it can fail for any one of a number of reasons - then you won't ever see even your original exception. The same goes for anything you do in the catch block that could itself throw an exception.
This has recently happened to me, in fact, in legacy code (different language though same idea). Man is that a pain when you know your production system is failing for some specific reason but you have no idea what that specific reason is ...
It may be the case that your routine db.selectMessage() is itself protected against and won't throw an exception. Ok then. But it's going to be your responsibility to check that in every catch block you write. It's better to go with a design approach that doesn't involve catch blocks that do much of anything except things known to be 'safe'.
In some languages, by the way, catching all exceptions catches some really nasty ones (in Java, those aren't usually subclasses of java.lang.Exception though). And sometimes you really don't want to do anything unnecessary, 'cause you don't know what state you're in and what'll happen.
In this case, you're probably going to be logging that exception somewhere (or otherwise notifying the user). That logging code is (or should be) centralized in your application. That's the place to carefully translate/localize/interpret the exception code ... someplace where in one place you can make sure it works and is protected ... same as the logging code itself.
Is there a way to generate BPEL programmatically in Java?
I tried using the BPEL Eclipse Designer API to write this code:
Process process = null;
try {
Resource.Factory.Registry reg =Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE;
Map<String, Object> m = reg.getExtensionToFactoryMap();
m.put("bpel", new BPELResourceFactoryImpl());//it works with XMLResourceFactoryImpl()
//create resource
URI uri =URI.createFileURI("myBPEL2.bpel");
ResourceSet rSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
Resource bpelResource = rSet.createResource(uri);
//create/populate process
process = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createProcess();
Sequence mySeq = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createSequence();
//save resource
Map<String,String> map= new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("bpel", "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable");
map.put("tns", "http://matrix.bpelprocess");
map.put("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
catch (Exception e) {
but I received an error:
INamespaceMap cannot be attached to an eObject ...
I read this message by Simon:
I understand that using the BPEL model outside of eclipse might be desirable, but it was never intended by us. Thus, this isn't supported
Is there any other API that can help?
You might want to give JAXB a try. It helps you to transform the official BPEL XSD into Java classes. You use those classes to construct your BPEL document and output it.
I had exactly the same problem with the BPELUnit [1], so I started a module in BPELUnit that has the first things necessary for generating and reading BPEL Models [2] although it is far from complete. Supported is only BPEL 2.0 (1.1 will follow later) and handlers are also currently not supported (but will be added). It is under active development because BPELUnit's code coverage component will be based on it so it will get BPEL-feature complete over time. You are happily invited to contribute if you need to close gaps earlier.
You can check it out from GitHub or grap the Maven artifact.
As of now there is no documentation but you can have a look at the JUnit tests that read and write processes.
If this is not suitable for, I'd like to share some experiences with you:
Do not use JAXB: You will need to read and write XML Namespaces which are not preserved with JAXB. That's why I have chosen XMLBeans. DOM would be the other alternative that I can think of.
The inheritance in the XML Schema is not really developer friendly. That's why there are own interface structures and wrappers around the XMLBeans generated classes.
[1] http://www.bpelunit.net
[2] https://github.com/bpelunit/bpelunit/tree/master/net.bpelunit.model.bpel
This has been solved using the unify framework API after adding the necessary classes to handle correlation. BPELUnit stated by #Daniel seems to be another alternative.
The Eclipse BPEL API is based on an EMF Model. So you could generate your own artifacts using JET or Xpand based on that. This way there is no requirement to run inside Eclipse.
Although you may can't use BPEL outside of Eclipse, have you considered moving parts of your application inside it?
The BPEL XML Schemas are listed in the appendig of the spec. So you could also base your work on that and integrate with existing BPEL applications where necessary.
In case anyone is looking to solve the above problem while still running inside eclipse environment.
The problem can be resolved as stated by Luca Pino here by adding:
AdapterRegistry.INSTANCE.registerAdapterFactory( BPELPackage.eINSTANCE, BasicBPELAdapterFactory.INSTANCE );
before the resource creation line i.e.
Resource bpelResource = rSet.createResource(uri);
Note: Another solution, to the same problem, also stating how to resolve the dependencies to make this code work, can be found in my other answer here.
I need to write my own logging handler on GAE/J. I have Android code that I'm trying to adapt such that it can be shared between GAE/J and Android. The GAE code I'm trying to write would allow the log statements in my existing code to work on GAE.
The docs say that I can just print to system.out and system.err, and it works, but badly. My logging shows up in the log viewer with too much extraneous text:
2013-03-08 19:37:11.355 [s~satethbreft22/1.365820955097965155].: [my_log_msg]
So, I started looking at the GAE log API. This looked hopeful initially: I can construct an AppLogLine and set the log records for a RequestLogs object.
However, there is no way to get the RequestLogs instance for the current request - the docs say so explicitly here:
Note: Currently, App Engine doesn't support the use of the request ID to directly look up the related logs.
I guess I could invent a new requestID and add log lines to that, but it is starting to look like this is just not meant to be?
Has anyone used this API to create their own log records, or otherwise managed to do their own logging to the log console.
Also, where can I find the source for GAE's java.util.logging? Is this public? I would like to see how that works if I can.
If what I'm trying to do is impossible then I will need to consider other options, e.g. writing my log output to a FusionTable.
I ended up just layering my logging code on top of GAE's java.util.logging. This feels non-optimal since it increases the complexity and overhead of my logging, but I guess this is what any 3rd logging framework for GAE must do (unless it is OK with the extra cruft that gets added when you just print to stdout).
Here is the crux of my code:
public int println(int priority, String msg) {
Throwable t = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = t.getStackTrace();
// Optional: translate from Android log levels to GAE log levels.
final Level[] levels = { Level.FINEST, Level.FINER, Level.FINE, Level.CONFIG,Level.INFO, Level.WARNING, Level.SEVERE, Level.SEVERE };
Level level = levels[priority];
LogRecord lr = new LogRecord(level, msg);
if (stackTrace.length > 2) { // should always be true
return 0;
Note that I use a stack depth of 2, but that # will depend on the 'depth' of your logging code.
I hope that Google will eventually support getting the current com.google.appengine.api.log.RequestLogs instance and inserting our own AppLogLine instances into it. (The API's are actually there to do that, but they explicitly don't support it, as above.)
I'm using the Amazon S3 SDK in two separate wars running on the same Tomcat. I initialize an AmazonS3Client in the #PostConstruct of one of my Spring services.
If I run these wars separately, everything usually works fine. If I run them together, one of them - the second one to start up - throws the following exception:
com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Couldn't initialize a sax driver for the XMLReader
I have a workaround where I set the following System property if this happens, after catching the AmazonClientException:
try {
} catch (AmazonClientException ase) {
System.setProperty("org.xml.sax.driver", "com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.SAXParser");
But this is of course horrible. Is there a better way to do this? Why does this occur in these circumstances?
UPDATE: At first, it seemed that moving the intitalization of the AmazonS3Client out of the #PostConstruct and initializing it lazily prevented this error completely. But apparently it still occurs sometimes - even when I only run one war instead of both.
The XMLReader goes through a series of steps to identify which drive to use. Quoting the docs
If the system property org.xml.sax.driver has a value, that is used
as an XMLReader class name.
The JAR "Services API" is used to look
for a class name in the META-INF/services/org.xml.sax.driver file in
jarfiles available to the runtime.
SAX parser distributions are
strongly encouraged to provide a default XMLReader class name that
will take effect only when previous options (on this list) are not
Finally, if ParserFactory.makeParser() can return a
system default SAX1 parser, that parser is wrapped in a
ParserAdapter. (This is a migration aid for SAX1 environments, where
the org.xml.sax.parser system property will often be usable.)
Looking at the code for the AWS SDK ...
public XmlResponsesSaxParser() throws AmazonClientException {
// Ensure we can load the XML Reader.
try {
xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
} catch (SAXException e) {
// oops, lets try doing this (needed in 1.4)
System.setProperty("org.xml.sax.driver", "org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl");
try {
// Try once more...
xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
} catch (SAXException e2) {
throw new AmazonClientException("Couldn't initialize a sax driver for the XMLReader");
There are a couple of things I don't like about that code.
The root cause of SaxException e is eaten up.
The root cause of SaxException e2 is also eaten up. The least the code should do is print a warning mentioning the root cause.
Using System.setProperty() inside level framework code can cause some hard to debug issues.
These points make it harder to debug the issue. The best educated guess I can make is that the crimson parser is accessible in one class loading path but absent in the other. A conclusive way to find the problem would be to set a breakpoint on the code that tries to instantiate the reader and find what the underlying root cause is.
as it uses the singleton model, the only way to isolate this calls would be to have entire set of SAX-related JARs within the WARs themselves (they would load to different classloaders). It worked for me the time I had the same problem. This will have a PermGen impact, but what to do..
Or if you don't mind to change the S3 lib, make this method static synchronized and share the lib.
If the Amazon guys make this calls synchronized this wouldn't be issue.
Execption can be reolved by adding "xerces-2.9.0.jar" to the classpath
Is there any way to completely disable Java security manager?
I'm experimenting with source code of db4o. It uses reflection to persist objects and it seems that security manager doesn't allow reflection to read and write private or protected fields.
My code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new File( DB_FILE_NAME ).delete();
ObjectContainer container = Db4o.openFile( DB_FILE_NAME );
String ob = new String( "test" );
container.store( ob );
ObjectSet result = container.queryByExample( String.class );
System.out.println( "retrieved (" + result.size() + "):" );
while( result.hasNext() ) {
System.out.println( result.next() );
[db4o 2009-04-18 00:21:30]
AccessibleObject#setAccessible() is not available. Private fields can not be stored.
retrieved (0):
This thread suggests modifying java.policy file to allow reflection but it doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm starting JVM with arguments
-Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy==/home/pablo/.java.policy
so specified policy file will be the only policy file used
The file looks like this:
grant {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
I spent last 3 hrs on this and don't have any ideas how to make this work.
Any help appreciated.
You could try adding this to the main() of your program:
Worked for me for a "trusted" WebStart application when I was having security manager issues. Not sure if it will work for your db4o case, but it might be worth a try.
EDIT: I'm not suggesting that this is a general solution to security manager problems. I was just proposing it as a way to help debug the original poster's problem. Clearly, if you want to benefit from a security manager then you should not disable it.
Do you really have two '=' signs in your java.security.policy command line option? That won't work. Make sure you are setting the property as
To actually disable the SecurityManager, simply leaving off the java.security.manager system property altogether should be enough.
Update: As I was reading the documentation for policy files to learn more about the "==" syntax, I noticed that unless the policy file is in the current working directory, it needs to be specified as a URL (including scheme). Have you tried prefixing the policy path with the "file:" scheme?
I was also puzzled because (assuming you are running as user "pablo"), it looks like that policy should be loaded by default from your home directory, so you shouldn't need to specify it at all. On the other hand, if you are not running as the user "pablo", maybe the file is not readable.
I found this example of how to make private fields and methods accessible to your code. Basically, it distills down to the use of Field.setAccessible(true) and Method.setAccessible(true)
Field example:
Field privateStringField = PrivateObject.class.
Method example:
Method privateStringMethod = PrivateObject.class.
getDeclaredMethod("getPrivateString", null);
You could also look at using Groovy with your Java code as it (currently) circumvents much of the access level restrictions of Java code. Although, this message board posting seems to suggest this 'feature' may change in future versions of Groovy.