I want to execute gradle build without executing the unit tests. I tried:
$ gradle -Dskip.tests build
That doesn't seem to do anything. Is there some other command I could use?
You should use the -x command line argument which excludes any task.
gradle build -x test
The link in Peter's comment changed. Here is the diagram from the Gradle user's guide
gradle assemble
To list all available tasks for your project, try:
gradle tasks
This may not seem the most correct answer at first, but read carefully gradle tasks output or docs.
Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
You can add the following lines to build.gradle, **/* excludes all the tests.
test {
exclude '**/*'
The accepted answer is the correct one.
OTOH, the way I previously solved this was to add the following to all projects:
test.onlyIf { ! Boolean.getBoolean('skip.tests') }
Run the build with -Dskip.tests=true and all test tasks will be skipped.
Every action in gradle is a task, and so is test. And to exclude a task from gradle run, you can use the option --exclude-task or it's shorthand -x followed by the task name which needs to be excluded. Example:
gradle build -x test
The -x option should be repeated for all the tasks that needs to be excluded.
If you have different tasks for different type of tests in your build.gradle file, then you need to skip all those tasks that executes test. Say you have a task test which executes unit-tests and a task testFunctional which executes functional-tests. In this case, you can exclude all tests like below:
gradle build -x test -x testFunctional
Using -x test skip test execution but this also exclude test code compilation.
gradle build -x test
In our case, we have a CI/CD process where one goal is compilation and next goal is testing (Build -> Test).
So, for our first Build goal we wanted to ensure that the whole project compiles well. For this we have used:
./gradlew build testClasses -x test
On the next goal we simply execute tests:
./gradlew test
You can exclude tasks
gradle build --exclude-task test
the different way to disable test tasks in the project is:
tasks.withType(Test) {enabled = false}
this behavior needed sometimes if you want to disable tests in one of a project(or the group of projects).
This way working for the all kind of test task, not just a java 'tests'. Also, this way is safe. Here's what I mean
let's say: you have a set of projects in different languages:
if we try to add this kind of record in main build.gradle:
we will fail in a project when if we have no task called tests
To exclude any task from gradle use -x command-line option. See the below example
task compile << {
println 'task compile'
task compileTest(dependsOn: compile) << {
println 'compile test'
task runningTest(dependsOn: compileTest) << {
println 'running test'
task dist(dependsOn:[runningTest, compileTest, compile]) << {
println 'running distribution job'
Output of: gradle -q dist -x runningTest
task compile
compile test
running distribution job
Hope this would give you the basic
In The Java Plugin:
$ gradle tasks
Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
testClasses - Assembles test classes.
Verification tasks
test - Runs the unit tests.
Gradle build without test you have two options:
$ gradle assemble
$ gradle build -x test
but if you want compile test:
$ gradle assemble testClasses
$ gradle testClasses
Please try this:
gradlew -DskipTests=true build
I want to run the build for Apache James which has a huge test suite that is running very long due to tests that irrelevant to me, e.g. tests concerning RabbitMQ. Thus I'd like to exclude those and I want to do so from the command line (not by editing POMs). I'm using Maven 3.6.3 on Java 11 OpenJDK. The project uses JUnit5 and maven-surefire-plugin 2.22.2.
Now, I would expect the following to work:
For example, to run only test methods in the org.example.MyTest test
class you can execute mvn -Dtest=org.example.MyTest test from the
command line.
But it doesn't work. In fact, as soon as I set the test parameter to anything else than an empty string, all tests will be skipped. I tried some of the syntax that is supposedly supported...
mvn package -Dtest=*
mvn package -Dtest=".*"
mvn package -Dtest=\!SomethingFishy
mvn package -Dtest='!MavenHeadache'
mvn package -Dtest='!%regex[.*HelpMe.*]'
...but the result is always the same:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test
(default-test) on project testing-base: No tests were executed!
(Set -DfailIfNoTests=false to ignore this error.) -> [Help 1]
I'm running the package goal, as it does the full build, but test behaves the same. Also tried specifying -Dincludes=... / -Dexcludes=..., which had no effect at all: All tests are executed regardless and the parameters don't even show up in the output of mvn -X .... This behavior doesn't change when update maven-surefire-plugin to the latest version which is 3.0.0-M5.
Do I understand something wrong here? How can i specify inclusions/exclusions in this setup?
Update: It looks like this is caused by nested projects and/or James' project structure in particular. If I enter a "leaf project", e.g. core, then inclusions/exclusions begin to work:
cd core
mvn test -Dtest=HostTest # will only run HostTest, as expected
mvn test -Dtest=\!HostTest # will run all tests but HostTest, as expected
As suggested by RobertScholte, I have looked at the maven-surefire-plugin configuration, but couldn't find anything that seems to be related to this behavior.
The error message tells what you need to know: in project testing-base which is the first to run, there's no test matching your pattern, so it fails to ensure you won't have a false impression of success.
It then suggests to use -DfailIfNoTests=false option to let maven ignore modules that don't have any test matching the pattern (it's probably what you need).
I have a Jenkins build where "goals" (or tasks, in Gradle) are passed as an environment variable to my Jenkinsfile.
e.g. sh "gradle ${GRADLE_TASKS}" where GRADLE_TASKS has the value "clean build" will run gradle clean build.
This works very well until I get to sub-projects.
Let's say I have subprojects
|-- com.mycompany
|-- com.mycompany.api
\-- com.mycompany.ui
As far as I'm aware, if I want to run a clean build on just com.mycompany.api I'd need the command:
gradle :com.mycompany.api:clean :com.mycompany.api:build
My problem is that the passed variable may represent one (or many) tasks to run.clean, build, clean build, deploy, clean deploy, clean publish deploy etc.
Note: I need to keep this to a solution that uses the Jenkinsfile (not the Gradle plugin, for example) because it is a hybrid build that doesn't only utilise Gradle.
My first instinct was to loop through the tasks (as below), but it seems Jenkins doesn't let you run loops like this.
def tasks = GRADLE_TASKS.split(' ')
tasks.each { task ->
sh "gradle :com.mycompany.api:${task}"
How should I go about this?
[edit] I should have also specified, is there some way to run this nested, so that I can clean all subprojects and then build?
e.g. The equivalent of:
gradle :com.mycompany.api:clean :com.mycompany.ui:clean
gradle :com.mycompany.api:build :com.mycompany.ui:build
I would do it like this (below) but obviously Jenkins doesn't like groovy closures...
tasks.each { task ->
subprojects.each {project ->
gradle :${project}:${task}
It looks like the answer provided by #tim_yates goes some way to answering the problem in a very 'groovy-like' manner.
sh "gradle ${GRADLE_TASKS.split(' ').collect { ":com.mycompany.api:${it}" }.join(' ')}"
As a part of a TDD workflow, I want to be able to check if my Java codebase compiles, but not if the tests pass.
Currently, if I run gradle build it runs the compile tasks (for source and tests) and then also executes the test task (and returns a non-zero exit code since the tests fail).
So I find that I have to run gradle build -x test to exclude the test task, and get a successful zero exit code.
What do I add to my build.gradle to define a new task, say compile that is an alias for build x test?
So far I have this, but it doesn't seem like dependsOn takes any arguments to customize the build task I want to execute:
task compile {
dependsOn build
I've been reading the docs here, I see different kinds of dependency chaining mechanisms, but not to disable/exclude a particular task. How does the -x flag even work then? I assumed there would be a way to control it programmatically too.
Thanks to Bjørn Vester's answer and reading the docs, I have implemented my task as follows:
task compile {
dependsOn classes
dependsOn testClasses
There are lots of different tasks you can run individually. For instance:
gradle classes: Will compile your "main" code.
gradle testClasses: Will compile your "main" code as well as test code.
gradle jar: Will compile your "main" code and assemble it into a jar.
None of the above will run your unit tests. On the other hand, the build task depends on all of the above, as well as the test task and more.
In general, if you like to run a particular set of tasks, you do that by defining a new task and then make dependencies to those other tasks you like to run with it. You tried that already, but instead of build you should have used something like compileJava or classes whatever other tasks you need. But always check if there isn't one already that satisfies your needs, like there are in this case. You can read about what tasks are available in Java projects in the documentation for the Gradle java plugin.
I have a multi-project gradle setup
---- ProjectA
---- ProjectB
ProjectA contains around 500 unit tests. Out of which 3 are failing in a single class MyClass.
Everytime I do:
./gradlew :ProjectA:test
it runs all 500 unit tests.
I am trying to run a single failing test inside MyClass or atleast only tests contained in MyClass to reduce the build time.
I tried:
./gradlew -D:MyProject:test.single=MyClass --no-rebuild :MyProject:test
However, it still continues to run all the tests.
Trying this works
./gradlew :MyProject:test --tests '*MyClass*'
but still takes lots of time as it seems to be parsing names of every test class to find the matching name.
./gradlew :MyProject:test --tests "com.mypackage1.mypackage2.MyClass.testMethod1"
throws the following error:
> No tests found for given includes: [**/*SomeTest.class](exclude rules) [com.mypackage1.mypackage2.MyClass.testMethod1](--tests filter)
What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?
This seems to be a simple use case which should be very obvious to do.
Edit 1:
RootProject build.gradle has:
configure(subprojects.findAll {it.name != 'SomeProjToIgnore'}) {
test {
forkEvery 1
//Exclude tests
exclude '**/*SomeTest.class'
Edit 2:
./gradlew :MyProject:test --tests 'MyClass*'
is considerably faster. (notice removed '*' from the front). But still I don't know how to run a single test inside MyClass.
I get into trouble while I try to run my JUnit test through Gradle test task. While I run the test in eclipse directly with Run As -> JUnit test, everything is ok, the test succeeds. But through test task, test always fails. Probably some trouble with the encoding of my resource txt file. So I would like to enable debug while I am launching the test with Gradle
in build.gradle, my test task now looks like:
test {
tasks.withType(Compile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
So what should I do to enable debug? I run Gradle tasks from Gradle panel in Eclipse, not from the console. Thanks!
To debug tests the following argument should be used: --debug-jvm
For example: gradle test --debug-jvm
Gradle will suspend execution right before running tests and wait for debugger connection on port 5005.
For executing only specific tests see Simple name pattern
For additional options see Debugging when running tests.
As explained under 23.12. Test in the Gradle User Guide, executing gradle test -Dtest.single=MyTestClass -Dtest.debug will suspend the test JVM upon start, and allows to connect an external debugger (such as the Eclipse debugger) on port 5005.
Putting this here as --debug-jvm did not work for me, I was able to do this by setting:
org.gradle.jvmargs=... -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=10999
But when I connect with eclipse debugger for the project none of the breakpoints I've set compile/trigger... I am connected via the debugger, I can see action in the Debug view, whenever I run gradle test from command line, like new threads starting/stopping, but can't get breakpoints to trigger, trying to resolve this now...
Fyi to stop deamon run gradle --stop
Other solution
Leaving above as reference, this worked for triggering break points in tests, I turned off deamon as I could not get it to work properly:
Using directions from this article: http://blogs.steeplesoft.com/posts/2013/gradle-tip-attaching-a-debugger.html
test {
if (System.getProperty('DEBUG', 'false') == 'true') {
jvmArgs '-Xdebug',
Executed via gradle test -DDEBUG=true
Solution when using the JUnit Platform Gradle plugin
The solution above won't work when using org.junit.platform.gradle.plugin.
Instead it should be replaced by:
junitPlatformTest {
if (System.getProperty('DEBUG', 'false') == 'true') {
jvmArgs '-Xdebug',
I'm on 4.6 (gradle) and I'm able to debug my tests when I have this in my build.gradle file:
test {
debug true
Link - https://docs.gradle.org/4.6/userguide/userguide_single.html#sec:java_test