What is the best approach for integrating Lotus Notes applications? [closed] - java

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm investigating how we can interface a Java application with a Lotus Notes application.
The Lotus Notes application is actually a workflow app.
We need to retrieve information such as:
Give me all documents which have this state.
Give me the content of notes document xyz.
We need to be able to modify information:
Modify field reporter of document 'xyz' into 'abc'
We need to be able to look at least at logging so that we have at least some trace when we develop our application.

Setup a web service in Notes using Domino Designer and call it from Java.
The web service can then pass the data from Notes to Java in XML.
Hosting web services has been part of Domino designer since R7.


How to connect my Flutter App to my Java WebApp? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have created my website using Java Enterprise Edition (JSP/Servlets) and MySql 8 for my database. It is a typical CRUD application with a feature that let the user track the car's location.
I thought of using Flutter since it will save me time with its cross-platform capabilities but I have'nt found any documentations that will make the user login from the app to my website and fetch some data.
I'm pretty sure it is possible somehow. Otherwise is there a way to simulate my website as fast as possible without using Chrome obviously.
Read the concept of Rest APis.Simply use the api to fetch data and you can also save data through api.You need to Connect your app to your web APi.

Parse Migration [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have photo sharing application running on Parse. So if I will migrate to Parse Server, should I change my Android Code or it's just backend thing? And what is the best and the easiest way to migrate from parse without building new system on my own physical server.
Thank you.
If you are migrating to parse server, you shouldn't need to change your Android code. You will need to update to the latest android sdk and initialize parse with your own serverURL however. The serverURL is wherever you decide to host your parse server.
Hosting parse server is straight forward. Check out the parse server example here. They have links to one click deployment to a bunch of different paas providers such as heroku. If you have a lot of cloud code the migration process can become more complicated and is probably out of scope for this question. Most of it is outlined in the docs however.

Using Joomla CMS with Java Servlet [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I currently have a Java Servlet backend Tomcat server running,
and I want to create the front-end(webpage) with a good CMS
and make a call to my java Servlet I understand that Joomla is a php base content-management system so is there a way that I can get it work such as using a REST service, or using PHP/JAVA Bridge or even install xampp would help ?
Or is Java base CMS the only CMS Tomcat server will be able to run?
You have to look for Java based CMS. There are so many options.
dotCMS may be a good pick, but it depends. So take a look and
see what meets your requirements.
Java based CMS list

Java Framework similar to CodeIgniter [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any Java EE frameworks that are similar to CodeIgniter for PHP?
I need to convert a PHP web app to Java for my company. (This is because they want to deploy the app on a Heroku Server) Currently, the application uses the CodeIgniter framework. This is my first Java EE project and I am in the process of learning JSF right now, but while I am doing that, I would like to know of possible frameworks that I should be looking at/ considering for this project.
Not sure abt Heroku deployment, but Spring is a very capable f/w in Java. For small to medium size apps, Play f/w is also a good option.

How to document Java Web service API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a Java web service and want to document the public API so the documentation is able to be browsed from the web from the same URL as the web service. How is this usually done?
There is wsdldocumentation tag:
<wsdl:documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Your Documentation</wsdl:documentation>
There is no standard way of doing so. The WSDL is not humanly readable, and the page listing - if any - the possible WSDL's is automatically generated.
You will need to investigate how the web service layer you have chosen, do it, and see if there is any way to "hook into" that mechanism.
You can also use a documentation tool like iDocIt! to add documentation to the WSDL. It is an Open Source Eclipse Plugin for documenting APIs. http://code.google.com/p/idocit

