Windows 7 /Eclipse watchpoint on file access - java

Is there a way in Eclipse [Helios] on Win 7 to watch for a file to be opened? Do I have to know where the app is going to do so, or is there a way to watch for a object being created/something or other?
tia Rene

You could try setting breakpoints on the constructors of FileInputStream and/or FileOutputStream with conditions to check whether the filename provided matches your target filename (e.g. check the parameter on the constructors that take a filename, check the File.getName() on the constructors that take a File). Alternatively or in addition, you could set breakpoints on File constructors with a condition to check whether the specified filename is your target filename.
If your breakpoint trap trips, you can follow the stacktrace to see what methods are directly or indirectly access the file.


Does creating a new File object in Java use up memory? [duplicate]

While does have a close() method doesn't. Why is that? Is the file closed automatically on finalization or something?
The javadoc of the File class describes the class as:
An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames.
File is only a representation of a pathname, with a few methods concerning the filesystem (like exists()) and directory handling but actual streaming input and output is done elsewhere. Streams can be opened and closed, files cannot.
(My personal opinion is that it's rather unfortunate that Sun then went on to create RandomAccessFile, causing much confusion with its inconsistent naming.) doesn't represent an open file, it represents a path in the filesystem. Therefore having close method on it doesn't make sense.
Actually, this class was misnamed by the library authors, it should be called something like Path.
Essentially random access file wraps input and output streams in order to manage the random access. You don't open and close a file, you open and close streams to a file.
A BufferedReader can be opened and closed but a File is never opened, it just represents a path in the filesystem.
Say suppose, you have
File f = new File("SomeFile");
You need not close the Files, because its just the representation of a path.
You should always consider to close only reader/writers and in fact streams.
As already stated, the File class does not have a closing method as it's merely a path or a reference to the actual File.
You will usually use this File class as a helper to open the actual file with a FileReader class which you can close. That said, it does close itself on exit but if you read a file from your program and then try to do something to this file externally, it could result in an error on that external call, so it's better to close it
File path = new File(/some/path/file.txt);
FileReader actualFile = new FileReader(path);

How to check if a file/directory is a protected OS file?

I'm working on a project which, in part, displays all the files in a directory in a JTable, including sub-directories. Users can double-click the sub-directories to update the table with that new directory's content. However, I've run into a problem.
My lists of files are generated with file.listFiles(), which pulls up everything: hidden files, locked files, OS files, the whole kit and caboodle, and I don't have access to all of them. For example, I don't have permission to read/write in "C:\Users\user\Cookies\" or "C:\ProgramData\ApplicationData\". That's ok though, this isn't a question about getting access to these. Instead, I don't want the program to display a directory it can't open. However, the directories I don't have access to and the directories I do are behaving almost exactly the same, which is making it very difficult to filter them out.
The only difference in behavior I've found is if I call listFiles() on a locked directory, it returns null.
Here's the block of code I'm using as a filter:
for(File file : folder.listFiles())
if(!(file.isDirectory() && file.listFiles() == null))
Where 'folder' is the directory I'm looking inside and 'strings' is a list of names of the files in that directory. The idea is a file only gets loaded into the list if it's a file or directory I'm allowed to edit. The filtering aspect works, but there are some directories which contain hundreds of sub-directories, each of which contains hundreds more files, and since listFiles() is O(n), this isn't a feasible solution (list() isn't any better either).
file.isHidden() returns false
canWrite()/canRead()/canExecute() return true
getPath() returns the same as getAbsolutePath() and getCanonicalPath()
createNewFile() returns false for everything, even directories I know are ok. Plus, that's a solution I'd really like to avoid even if that worked.
Is there some method or implementation I just don't know to help me see if this directory is accessible without needing to parse through all of its contents?
(I'm running Windows 7 Professional and I'm using Eclipse Mars 4.5.2, and all instances of File are
The problem you have is that you are dealing with File. By all accounts, in 2016, and, in fact, since 2011 (when Java 7 came out), it has been superseded by JSR 203.
Now, what is JSR 203? It is a totally new API to deal with anything file systems and file system objects; and it extend the definition of a "file system" to include what you find on your local machine (the so called "default filesystem" by the JDK) and other file systems which you may use.
Sample page on how to use it: here
Among the many advantages of this API is that it grants access to metadata which you could not access before; for instance, you specifically mention the case, in a comment, that you want to know which files Windows considers as "system files".
This is how you can do it:
// get the path
final Path path = Paths.get(...);
// get the attributes
final DosAttributes attrs = Files.readAttributes(path, DosFileAttributes.class);
// Is this file a "system file"?
final boolean isSystem = attrs.isSystem();
Now, what is Paths.get()? As mentioned previously, the API gives you access to more than one filesystem at a time; a class called FileSystems gives access to all file systems visible by the JDK (including creating new filesystems), and the default file system, which always exists, is given by FileSystems.getDefault().
A FileSystem instance also gives you access to a Path using FileSystem#getPath.
Combine this and you get that those two are equivalent:
Paths.get(a, b, ...)
FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(a, b, ...)
About exceptions: File handles them very poorly. Just two examples:
File#createNewFile will return false if the file cannot be created;
File#listFiles will return null if the contents of the directory pointed by the File object cannot be read for whatever reason.
JSR 203 has none of these drawbacks, and does even more. Let us take the two equivalent methods:
File#createNewFile becomes Files#createFile;
File#listFiles becomes either of Files#newDirectoryStream (or derivatives; see javadoc) or (since Java 8) Files#list.
These methods, and others, have a fundamental difference in behaviour: in the event of a failure, they will throw an exception.
And what is more, you can differentiate what exception this is:
if it is a FileSystemException or derivative, the error is at the filesystem level (for instance, "access denied" is an AccessDeniedException);
if is is an IOException, then the problem is more fundamental.
This answer cannot contain each and every use case of JSR 203; this API is vast, very complete, although not without flaws, but it is infinitely better than what File has to offer in any case.
I faced the very same problem with paths like C://users/myuser/cookies.
I already used JSR203, so the above answer kind of didn't help me.
In my case the important attribute of those files was the hidden one.
I ended up using the FileSystemview, which excluded those files as I wanted.
File[] files = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getFiles(new File(strHomeDirectory), !showHidden);

Checking to see where a function was called in Java

I'm working on some software that reads from a file system using a specific inputstream reader. This class has a function called read() which is used in some driver program to read files. I want to find out the location/source file for the driver program. If I only know where read() is implemented how can I find where it is used?
You can run this command on the top-level directory of the project to find where read() is used:
grep -n --recursive " read(" *
This will recursively search all the files for the string " read(" and print out which file it is in, as well as the line number.
Unfortunately, knowing where read() is implemented won't directly tell you where it is used. The implementation of a method is not dependent on where it is used, that's the other way around. If it were dependent, every single library in the Javadocs would have information about all the obscure programs that used such a library.
Assuming you can modify read() you might get a stack trace. Either throw an unchecked exception or do something like
StackTraceElement[] st = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();

Confusion on – File f = new File(....); if(f.exists()) {…}

In most other languages / operating system I've worked with, a statement like
File f = new File(....);
would attempt to open the file, and either create one if it didn't exist, or return an error code if it was missing. So, what happens in I'd like to understand the mindset of the run time engine. Can I actually get a handle to a non-existent file? Dose the java run time engine hold off on making the file until the 1st time I write to it? If not, shouldn't
if(f.exists()) {…}
always be “true”?
- any comments welcome - Joe
As described in the Javadoc, represents a path, not a file. Bad naming. Think of operations on File as path operations, because that's what they are. Unless something specifically says that it creates a file at a given path, it doesn't.
You can create a File by creating a reference to a non existing File. If you pass that File to a FileOutputsteam the Stream will create the File on your drive.
So if you cant be certain that the File doesnt exist you need to be able to check its existence with f.exists() othwerwise you wouldnt be able to make an intelligent decision on how to proceed
From the Android Developers official documentation you can read that a File is:
An "abstract" representation of a file system entity identified by a
The actual file referenced by a File may or may not exist. It may
also, despite the name File, be a directory or other non-regular file.

Is there a way to tell if a classpath resource is a file or a directory?

For example, this snippet throws a NullPointerException(!) on the line, assuming the package exists in a JAR somewhere (Guava, for example).
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
URL resource = classLoader.getResource("com/google");
InputStream stream = resource.openStream();
System.out.println(stream.toString()); // Fine -- stream is not null; // NPE inside!
If com/google is swapped with a package that's in the file system rather than a JAR, then the snippet doesn't crash at all. In fact, it seems to read the files in that directory, separated by newlines, though I can't imagine that behaviour is specified anywhere.
Is there a way test if the resource path "com/google" points to a "normal" resource file or to a directory?
This is a bit of a mess due to some unspecified behaviour for the protocol handlers involved in loading these resources. In this particular situation, there are two: and, and they each handle the directory case a bit differently. Based on some experiments, here's what they each do:
What this Handler does is open a FileURLConnection, which does exactly what you discovered it did when confronted with a directory. You can check if it's a directory just with:
if (resource.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
return new File(resource.getPath()).isDirectory();
This Handler, on the other hand, opens a JarURLConnection which eventually makes its way to a ZipCoder. If you take a look at that code, you'll notice something interesting: jzentry will come back null from the native JNI call because the JAR zip file does not, in fact, contain a file called com/google, and so it returns null to the stream that wraps it.
However, there is a solution. Although the ZipCoder won't find com/google, it will find com/google/ (this is how most ZIP interfaces work, for some reason). In that case, the jzentry will be found, and it'll just return a null byte.
So, cutting through all these random implementation-specific behaviours, you can probably figure out if it's a directory by first trying to access the resource with a trailing / (which is what URLClassLoaders expect for directories anyway). If ClassLoader.getResource() returns non-null, then it's a directory. If it doesn't, try without the trailing slash. If it returns non-null, it's a file. If it still returns null, then it's not even an existing resource.
Kinda hacky, but I don't think there's anything better. I hope this helps!
There is no safe and generic way to detect this. When you use ClassLoader.getResource(), the ClassLoader can return practically anything in the URL, in principle even something you have never seen before if the ClassLoader implements its own URL scheme (and protocol).
Your only option is to analyze the URL returned by getResource(), the protocol should hint at what it is (e.g. "file://"). But beware, depending on environment it may return things you did not plan for.
But to just access a resource, you don't care where it comes from (you may care if you're debugging a configuration issue, but your code should not care).
In general you should not make assumptions about the returned InputStream's capabilities, i.e. do not rely on it supporting mark/reset etc. The only safe operation would be simply reading the Stream. If an IOException occurs during read it indicates a problem with access to the resource (network connection lost etc.).
EDIT: getResource() should IMO only return resources (e.g. files or zip file entries), but never directories (since they are not resources). However I wouldn't count on every possible ClassLoader to do so, and I'm not sure what the correct behavior is (if its even specified somewhere).
I think that there are 2 solutions.
Naive solution based on analysis of the path itself. If it ends with .jar or .zip or .war or .ear it is a file. Otherwise it is a directory. I think that this approach will work in 99.99% of cases unless somebody tries to make you you to fail on purpose. For example by defining soft link that looks like a directory but is a file or vise versa.
Try to mimic the JVM logic that interprets paths of classpath relatively to the current working directory. So, retrieve current working directory by using new File("."), then take classpath, split it and for each its element use new File(".", classPathElement) unless it is defined using absolute path.
Good luck with this.

