Passing parameters to the view - java

In my RCP application, I have a View with a TreeViewer for Navigation on the left side and a Folder for my views on the right side. The Perspective looks like this:
public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
layout.addStandaloneView(NavigationView.ID, false, IPageLayout.LEFT, 0.7f, layout.getEditorArea());
right = layout.createFolder("right", IPageLayout.RIGHT, 0.3f, "");
layout.getViewLayout(WallpaperView.Id).setCloseable(false);//dummy view to keep the folder from closing
//add some placeholders for the potential views
I would like to open different views, based on what the user selects in the navigation tree. Figured that wouldn't be to hard. My Navigation Tree view:
tree = new TreeViewer(composite);
tree.setContentProvider(new BrowserNavigationTreeContentProvider());
tree.setLabelProvider(new BrowserNavigationTreeLabelProvider());
//register Mouselistener for doubleclick events
tree.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener(){
public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
TreeSelection ts = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
Object selectedItem = ts.getFirstElement();
String viewId = DefaultAdminView.ID;
//set viewId depending on the selectedItem.class
try {
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView(viewId, String.valueOf(++viewCounter), IWorkbenchPage.VIEW_ACTIVATE);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
ILogHelper.error("The view for the selected object could not be opened", e);
This seems to work fine. There's just one tiny problem:
I need to pass the object (let's say the selectedItem) to my view somehow, in order to let the user interact with its content. How do I do that?
I've seen some examples where some of my colleagues wrote an own View which they placed on the right side. Then they added a CTabFolder, instantiated the views and added them manually. Is there a smarter solution?

Create a new interface, giving it a method like accept( Object parameter ) and make your views implement it.
Then, when you do PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView(viewId, String.valueOf(++viewCounter), IWorkbenchPage.VIEW_ACTIVATE) the method showView returns an IViewPart. Cast this return to your interface and call the accept method.

Use the SelectionService for that, please refer to Eclipse RCP let two views communicate
Implement the SelectionProvider in your "Navigation" and in the opened view you can ask for the selected object from the selection-service (see article)


How does Android Paging Library know to load more data?

Iʼm fairly new to developing Android apps and Iʼm trying to do everything “the right way.” So right now, Iʼm implementing the new Android Paging Library into my project, where I need to load a list of articles from a network server.
I have an ArticlesRepository class that returns an ArticleList class containing instances of ArticleListItem that I would like to display in a RecyclerView. The list of articles is paginated already on the server, so the repository sends a request for the first page and returns an ArticleList with the page property set to 1 and the articles property containing a List<ArticleListItem> of articles on the requested page. I donʼt know how many articles can be on one page.
Now, I was able to implement a PageKeyedDataSource<Integer, ArticleListItem>, but it only fetches the first page:
public void loadInitial(#NonNull LoadInitialParams<Integer> params, #NonNull LoadInitialCallback<Integer, ArticleListItem> callback) {
ArticleList list = load(1);
if (list != null) {
callback.onResult(list.articles, null, next(list));
public void loadBefore(#NonNull LoadParams<Integer> params, #NonNull LoadCallback<Integer, ArticleListItem> callback) {
ArticleList list = load(previous(params.key));
if (list != null) {
callback.onResult(list.articles, previous(list));
public void loadAfter(#NonNull LoadParams<Integer> params, #NonNull LoadCallback<Integer, ArticleListItem> callback) {
ArticleList list = load(next(params.key));
if (list != null) {
callback.onResult(list.articles, next(list));
The previous/next functions return an Integer with the previous/next page number or null if there isnʼt one.
In my ViewModel, I configure the PagedList like this:
PagedList.Config config = new PagedList.Config.Builder()
This way Iʼm able to load the first page, but when I scroll to the bottom of the RecyclerView (that is inside a NestedScrollView), nothing happens. Debugging shows that the PageKeyedDataSource.loadAfter method is not invoked.
Do I have to somehow tell the PagedList that the next page has to be loaded, or is it the RecyclerView/DataSource/GodKnowsWhatElseʼs job and Iʼm just doing something wrong? Thanks for any advice.
The paging library should know automatically when to load new items. The problem in your implementation is that the paged RecyclerView is inside a NestedScrollView and according to this issue the libary doesn't have built in support for that.
when you put recyclerview inside an infinite scrolling parent, it will
layout all of its children because the parent provides infinite
You'll need to create your own implementation of Nested Scroll View, there is actually one here in this gist that might be able to help you.
It is also suggested to add fillViewPort to this custom nested scroll view:
android:fillViewport="true" to scrollable container

Handling positions in FirebaseRecyclerAdapter

I have fiddled with the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter for quite some time now. It's really a great tool to populate a custom list/recycler view very fast with all of its features. However, one thing that I would like to ask is how to handle positions of items inside the adapter itself.
So for example, I want to mimic this small feature that WhatsApp has in their chats.
So, in a group chat setting, if a person sends more than one consecutive message in a row, the display name of that particular person will be invisible.
The logic behind it according to my understanding: if the person who sends the message is the same for (position - 1), then I will just make the EditText invisible for (position). This is, of course, to prevent a very long stream of text with minimum amounts of repetitive information.
Let's say the JSON tree from Firebase database is as follows.
"messages" : {
"pushed_id_1" : {
"message_sender" : "AppleJuice",
"message_text" : "Are you free?"
"pushed_id_2" : {
"message_sender" : "AppleJuice",
"message_text" : "On Saturday I mean..."
The FirebaseRecyclerAdapter would look like this.
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Message, MessageViewHolder> adapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Message, MessageViewHolder>(Message.class, R.layout.message_item, MessageViewHolder.class, myRef) {
protected void populateViewHolder(MyBookingsViewHolder viewHolder, Booking model, int position) {
//put some code here to implement the feature that we need
The furthest I have gone is to use getItemCount() method in the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter, but I am still unable to achieve the feature that mimics that of Whatsapp's that I was talking about previously.
Is there a method that can achieve this? Or am I missing something very important in this example?
String lastSender=null; //or some random string
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Message, MessageViewHolder> adapter =
new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Message, MessageViewHolder>
(Message.class, R.layout.message_item, MessageViewHolder.class, myRef) {
protected void populateViewHolder(MyBookingsViewHolder viewHolder, Booking model, int position) {
if (model.getMessage_sender().equals(lastSender){ //check if the current sender is same as the last sender
viewHolder.messageText.setText(model.getMessage_text()); //setting only message text
viewHolder.messageSender.setVisibility(View.GONE); //if required
lastSender=model.getMessage_sender();//updating the lastSender value
viewHolder.messageSender.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //if required
//put some code here to implement the feature that we need
As discussed in comments:
Let's suppose I received message and stored sender's name in constant String that should be static constant in some class i.e. AppConstants so that It can be accessed everywhere therefore after that:
in populateViewHolder or in your message receiver do something like this:
if (TextUtils.isEqual(storedSender,model.getMessage_sender())){
// do your normal flow
storedSender = model.getMessage_sender();
In this way automatically the last message's sender's name will be updated , this is exactly what you were trying to achieve by adapter position!

how to clear the fields in a jface Wizard on pressing the back button

I have created a JFace wizard PCWizard extending Wizard and have four pages
PCPageOne ,PCPageTwo, PCPageThree and PCPageFour extending WizardPage.
When I reach the last page I want the back and cancel button disabled.
when I press the back button on other pages I want the data in the widgets of the page to get cleared and when I press next again I want the text fields to be empty so that the next button doesn't get activated .
I have also captured the data collected in another class, if u want me to override the WizardDialog class and do the action how do I do it . I'm new to java and SWT a more elaborate explanation would be fine.Thanx in advance
Override the WizardPage setVisible method to clear fields when the page becomes active:
public void setVisible(final boolean visible)
if (visible) {
// TODO clear your fields
To disable the back button do the following in the last page:
public IWizardPage getPreviousPage() {
// prevent going back
return null;
Also clearing the input in pages might be done in a IPageChangedListener:
WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), wizard);
dialog.addPageChangedListener(new IPageChangedListener() {
public void pageChanged(PageChangedEvent event) {
// this is just a suggestion..
IClearablePage page = (IClearablePage)event.getSelectedPage();
Where IClearablePage is your own interface with a clear(), and all your pages implement IClearablePage.
EDIT: override setVisible as greg stated in his answer is probably more convenient.

Queue an event before rendering a view in taskflow

I have a Task Flow with two views: listOfClients and newClient. Shown here:
listOfClients view has a table which I want to sort before rendering it. To do it, I want to create a SortEvent with the table as source (as shown in the docs, section 29.4.4 ), but I cannot access the table before rendering the view.
I call the method queueSortIdEvent in a pageFlow-scoped managed bean but findComponent cannot find the table (returns null ). Tried also view-scoped, same result.
My code in the bean is:
public UIComponent findComponent(final String id) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
UIViewRoot root = context.getViewRoot();
final UIComponent[] found = new UIComponent[1];
root.visitTree(new FullVisitContext(context), new VisitCallback() {
public VisitResult visit(VisitContext context, UIComponent component) {
found[0] = component;
return VisitResult.COMPLETE;
return VisitResult.ACCEPT;
return found[0];
public void queueSortIdEvent(){
SortCriterion sc = new SortCriterion("ClientId", true);
List<SortCriterion> listSC = new ArrayList<>();
SortEvent new = new SortEvent(findComponent("t1"), listSC); // the table id is "t1"
Is there a way to queue the event before rendering the view?
Note: findComponent function works fine in other parts of the code, got it from here
My JDeveloper version is 12.1.3
What JDeveloper version are you using?
The findComponent won't work because nothing has been rendered yet. So your component isn't available (= doesn't exists yet) at that moment.
I think there is an easier way to do sorting.
On your page/fragment, go to 'Bindings', select your iterator (middle column), click on Edit (pencil icon) and set the sorting you want in the 'Sort criteria' tab.

how to write lwuit radio button code

I have my form Welcome on this form i have two radio buttons-Verification and enrollment and a OK button .when user select one of radio buttons and press OK then a form will show but i am not able to do that. Please help.
this is my Statemachine class code:
package userclasses;
import generated.StateMachineBase;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton;
import com.sun.lwuit.Form;
import com.sun.lwuit.util.Resources;
public class StateMachine extends StateMachineBase implements ActionListener {
Resources resources;
RadioButton Verification = new RadioButton("Verification");
RadioButton Enrollment = new RadioButton("Enrollment");
StateMachineBase cl = new StateMachineBase() { };
com.sun.lwuit.ButtonGroup bg=new ButtonGroup();
Form fo, f;
public StateMachine(String resFile) {
// do not modify, write code in initVars and initialize class members there,
// the constructor might be invoked too late due to race conditions that might occur
* this method should be used to initialize variables instead of
* the constructor/class scope to avoid race conditions
try {
resources ="/NEW AADHAR.res");
catch( err) {
fo = (Form)cl.startApp(resources,null,true);
f = cl.findWelcome(fo);
Verification = cl.findRadioButton1(f);
Enrollment = cl.findRadioButton(f);
protected void initVars() { }
protected void onWelcome_OKAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) { }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
protected boolean onWelcomeEXIT() {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code
boolean val = super.onWelcomeEXIT();
return val;
protected void onWelcome_ButtonAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code
super.onWelcome_RadioButton1Action(c, event);
super.onWelcome_RadioButtonAction(c, event);
if(Verification.hasFocus()) {
else if(Enrollment.hasFocus()) {
else {"INFORMATION","Please select option","OK","CANCEL");
When you generate a netbeans project from the GUI builder the src folder will now contain the res file you need to work with. Whenever you modify the GUI code that StateMachineBase will be regenerated so you can just rename the components in the GUI builder (you can do this by clicking on the tree node and pressing F2 or by selecting the name attribute in the properties table).
The properties table allows you to assign an event for every component that supports it (e.g. radio button action events) which will generate the appropriate callback method in the StateMachine class (write your code only in the StateMachine class).
Radio buttons can be associated with one group by giving them the same group name.
The easiest way to do it is to use Resource Editor. Simply run it from LWUIT/util directory.
To create project using this tool follow each step from this video: Be sure to watch it to the end.
It will create 4 Netbeans projects (ProjectName, ProjectName_Desktop, ProjectName_MIDP, ProjectName_RIM). Fix depedencies (most important for ProjectName and _MIDP one) and you can start coding.
File will be located in 'generated' package, which means that it will be regenerated every time you change something in Resource Editor.
Implement everything in StateMachine class ('userclasses' package), but don't create new methods there, use Resource Editor to create them for you: Resource Editor -> GUI Builder (tab on left side) -> Select component -> Events (tab on the right).
Now, if you want to do something for example, you want to change TextField value, you will write something like this:
protected boolean onUstawieniaKontoZapisz() {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code //this comment was generated
boolean val = super.onUstawieniaKontoZapisz(); //generated
Form current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
TextField login = findUstawieniaKontoLoginTextField(current); //TextField name in Editor is: 'UstawieniaKontoLoginTextField' - a bit long I know, but it's unique
TextField password = findUstawieniaKontoHasloTextField(current); //same here, 'UstawieniaKontoHasloTextField' is second's TextField name
Configuration.setEmail(login.getText()); //Configuration class is used to store preferences
return val; //generated
You can find all 'find*' methods inside StateMachineBase class. There is one for each Component you have added using Resource Editor (GUI Builder tab).
For grouping radio buttons into groups use Resource Editor too, select each radio button and on Properties tab find 'Group' property. Set it to the same word on every radio button you want to have in the same group.

