How to disable specific apps from starting during Tomcat startup? - java

My company is preparing a new production box while the current one is running. I would like to proactively install applications in Tomcat container of the new production box but would like to keep them disabled (similar to the feature present in Websphere) - this is very important because some of the applications poll for the data from the database and starting an application would interfere with current production deployment. They would be enabled at the time of production switch-over.
How would I accomplish this? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

You can simply rename de WEB-INF directory inside the webapp that you don't want to auto-start to some other name like Disabled-WEB-INF, before starting tomcat.
Later on, if you wish to start that app, while tomcat is running, simply rename back the directory to WEB-INF.

add deployIgnore attribute in <Host>, and the value is the regular expression of the dirs you want to ignore, if you want to ignore foo,just set deployIgnore="foo" and you want to ignore more dirs,use regular expressions to set the values

In the <Host> element of your conf/server.xml put deployOnStartup="false". Reference: Tomcat Host documentation

You can use tomcat web application manager; this webapp does let you stop any application inside tomcat from running.


Avoid Server restart after publishing resource in eclipse?

i am using eclipse server to the publish my web application to my local tomcat server.Whenever i modify
java or non java resource, it gets published to server(as i have selected automatically publish when resource change).But problem
is as soon as resource is published, server gets restarted which i want to avoid as it takes ample amount of time. How to avoid server restart ?
I think you are looking for hot deployment?
Heres a good tutorial I seen a while ago
Whenever you change your code, Automatically eclipse detect your source has modified, and start redeploying your actual code into server. So that Tomcat server is restarting in a particular time interval.
You can configure tomcat for reload automatically, configure the attribute reloadable to true of the Context.
For do Tomcat 7 you must do.
Edit CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml
<Context reloadable="true">
Where CATALINA_HOME is your tomcat installation.
clicks on the “Module” view, make sure “Auto Reload” is “Disabled“. Default is enabled. It will stop the auto restart.
To do it in one go for all modules
In server options, uncheck option Modules auto reload by default
Also have a look at Stop Eclipse restarting my web app on file save

How to let user configure a file inside the war file

There is an application, say myApp.war (developed using Spring MVC) that I give the users to deploy in their tomcat webapp folder. When the user starts tomcat, the war is exploded, and then I ask the user to go myApp/WEB-INF/classes/ and ask him to edit just one property name (actually an HSQLDB path). Post that I ask the user to stop tomcat, delete the war file and start tomcat server again. And the application is up and running.
Although the users are not complaining, I believe there has to be a better way of doing this. For example when the users deploy wordpress or hudson and the first time they try to access the app. they are redirected to an install page where they do their basic configuration and they are up and running. How can I achieve it here.
I have used JNDI to solve this very problem in the past. Here is a nice example to show you how to do this with Spring:
Checkout JMX which can allow on the fly configuration, or there is one obix framework
Why not something like this:
Use a relative path with sysprops, like ${user.home}/path-to-hsqldb. If the user runs tomcat as user "jim", it will look in c:\users\jim\path-to-hsqldb (Windows) or /usr/jim/path-to-hsqldb (Linux)
You might need to use Spring's <context:property-placeholder/> to enable this.

Avoid project's directory - Java EE app

I am writing and small app using Java EE. I am using Apache Tomcat v 7 and Eclipse as IDE. When I Run the project (Run on server) I get :
(That's fine)
But I don't know If there is some way to rewrite the [java-web] dir just to get :
I suppose there is some way like in Apache Server using confing files and enabling
the mod_rewrite.
I'll apreciate your help. Thanks
In short: All of the pieces you want to change are components of your deployment environment. Unless you have a specific need to override them, it's usually easiest during development to use the URLs that are a little less pretty.
If you do want to alter them, you need to familiarize yourself with what the various parts of an HTTP URL mean. What you have in your test environment is this:
protocol host port path
You could insert an entry into your hosts file listing at, but that would not change the port or the path.
The port is determined when Tomcat starts up and is 8080 by default. The general port for HTTP is 80, but specific permission is required to bind to ports below 1024. On Linux, the authbind package makes this pretty easy; on Windows, the necessary steps will depend on your version and configuration (e.g., if you have a Group Policy).
In Tomcat, Web applications are prefixed with their names in the path; it looks like your (hypothetical?) application is named java-web.war. You can install an application as the "root application", but this requires a little bit more configuration and is generally skipped in development.
All of this can indeed also be done using something like mod_rewrite, but that seems like overkill to have slightly prettier URLs for your dev machine.
If you want your application to respond to the, you need to purchase the "" domain and get a Java web hotel running on it.
If your web application is named "java-web" and you do not want the URL to reflect that, you need to tell Tomcat that you want your application deployed at the ROOT location where the name of the web application is not present in the URL. This is typically done in the deployment stage but unfortunately there is no standard location to say this for WAR files so this is vendor dependent. For example does Glassfish use an extra XML file in your deployment.
I believe Tomcat supports this for ROOT.war files. If not, you probably needs to set the META-INF/context.xml file. See for details on what to put in this file - especially the context path.

Can tomcat store variables/properties that get called from a war

I want to be able to deploy my app using ANT to Tomcat.
I don't want the process to be any different for dev and prod. However the two use different databases i.e. myapp and myapp-dev
How can I make this happen? Can I store a variable in the different tomcat containers and make the application call the name of the database from Tomcat.
Or if what I am asking is ridiculous what is the generally accepted way to achieve deploying to dev and prod with the same process.
The generic way is to put the configuration string in a JNDI entry.
If JNDI is not a possible solution, then a property file in the right location (so it shows up in the classpath of the WAR files) is also useful, but needs careful documentation.
Have you considered letting the web container manage the database connection pool, so you only need a single one pr container, which then can be retrieved through JNDI?

Deploying java class files without restarting JBoss

I would like to know if its possible to deploy java class files without restarting JBoss server. I am using jboss v4.2.2.
Also, when I try to deploy jsp files, it works fine and server picks up the changes almost instantly.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
I'm better with Tomcat than JBoss, but it should be possible (as in Tomcat) to restart the application without restarting the app server. If the server has a "development mode" and this is active, then it should be possible to trigger an app restart simply by touching WEB-INF/web.xml, i.e. updating its timestamp. That should get your previously replaced class file loaded.
Theoretically, you never have to restart the whole server, you only restart specific applications (ear-s). JBoss (with default settings) will automatically redeploy your ear if it notices any changes in it. Just copy the new version over it.
If you're not using it already, check out JBoss Tools set of eclipse plugins, to simplify whole process of deploys during development:
Yes, it is possible to re-deploy your class files without stopping and starting the server each time.
The only thing you have to do is to make a junction or a symbolic link to the application directory (in eclipse is usually "WebContent") and put the name you want in Jboss.
I've made a step-by-step tutorial here.
Deploy the app as exploded (project.war folder), add in your web.xml:
Overwrite the web.xml every-time you deploy:
set PRJ_HOME=C:\Temp2\MyProject\src\main\webapp
set PRJ_CLSS_HOME=%PRJ_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
set JBOSS_HOME= C:\Java\jboss-4.2.3.GA-jdk6\server\default\deploy\MyProject.war
set JBOSS_CLSS_HOME= %JBOSS_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class

