Need suggestions for AJAX based Java web application with REST capabilities - java

We are developing a widget based web application in Java (UI looks like We ping about 20 APIs, analyze and present some statistics (one API result per widget, so 20 widgets in total). We want to use jQuery for AJAX communication for the widgets. Since our previous projects use JSF, we started off with it, but observed that AJAX communication for widget based approach doesn't go well with JSF. We are thinking of going with REST based design, so that we can re-use the services created for each widget for mobile based scenarios in future. Can you suggest a good architecture stack for this?

I think wicket is a good choice. You can find an example of how to create restful urls here. I can't say anything about JSF as I always kept myself away from it (for some reason I've never liked it).
Stay away from Tapestry 5, unless you have suicidal tendencies.
I would also suggest you to use JRuby or Clojure, but I think it might be a long shot.


Use existing Wicket Application for Android Application

I want to make a Android Application of grocery stores. I have an existing Wicket Application deployed on server which I want to use in my Android Application for request handling. Is it compatible to use wicket application for android part.
There are 2 ways:
Use existing Wicket Application for request handling from Android Application. Can some one suggest me is this possible or is this the right way? If yes how can I achieve this and some tutorials are most welcome.
Second thing I thought about is integrate Spring with Wicket and migrate all my service classes to Spring and then use those spring service classes for Android Application. This approach is little costly and time consuming. But if first aprroach is not so good, I might think of opting this. So any tutorial on this part is also welcome.
Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks in advance !
I would definitely suggest to choose some sort of option 2. It doesn't really matter if you migrate your services to Spring, EJB or whatever, but the separation of services (or business logic or whatever you want to call it) and the view (or presentation or layout or...) would come in very handy in this case.
I firmly believe in the saying "premature optimization is the root of all evil", meaning that you should really skip any additional layer or indirection you simply don't need. However, if there actually is a use case which justifies a separation into different layers (or abstraction levels or...) you should tackle it as soon as you can. You will benefit a lot from it later on.
Just think of the Wicket application and the Android application as two different presentations of your grocery store. If you clearly separate the business logic from the presentation and make it accessible via HTTP (be it RESTful, SOAP or whatever way you prefer), you can easily imagine building an iOS, Windows Phone, you-name-it presentation of your grocery store without touching the core itself.

Integrating Javascript Frameworks with Java Web Frameworks

I have what I think might be a strange question to ask.
Recently I was playing with some java web frameworks (jsf with primefaces) and I noticed that it's quite good at handling form data or when you play along with the jsf components. I also did a project using grails and again it was useful for form data.
But the moment you want to do something which requires a little deviation; then I found myself doing weird things (examples are tag clouds with large strength values using primefaces and single page webapp forms with grails).
This resulted in some very messy html+javascript code for my grails things(which I blame on my inexperience with javascript). This was done because I was using expression language (grails in this case) to populate some of the javascript. The worst part was that I had a bunch of custom javascript code inline with my server pages (I could of refactored a little out but I think one would still have alot of javascript calls inside a single page).
So now to the question(s) :)
[main question] Are there any resources that demonstrates how to design or at least implement maintainable javascript with server pages (gsp, xhtml, etc) ?
The reason is that I find that there are some neat javascript frameworks, but using them with server pages seems a bit unnatural if one takes into account the expression languages for server side frameworks? Unless it's normal to do this type of thing :) ?
Are there appropriate frameworks for Single page webapps using java?
My current answer is that GWT, Vaadin (based off GWT) and perhaps JavaFX qualify. Maybe ZK, Flex and (Grails/Roo + Flex/GWT) also qualify as well?
Are java web frameworks still useful for presentation layers?
My current answer is that they might be when you are dealing with portal type webapps or Web 1.0 apps for lack of a better word. The other case is that they could be when you use alot of role based security and you want to filter things out based on roles, but even that has counter arguments.
My other answer to this is that it might be better to use a java server to provide your web services and then rely on something else to do the front end?
This might be OP, but for single page apps, it's easier to serve up data from the server via JSON(P)/XML/whatever and then use things like Backbone to process and modify the view(s) accordingly. That way, the server can use REST/SOAP/websockets/whatever, and the browser app becomes a full-fledged app.
I haven't actually done this, so don't quote me, but I imagine that it should make sense.

Picking a control layer for JQuery Mobile to Java back end mobile web app

We are green fielding a mobile web app against an existing Java web app --the database of that app, at least.
We are only using the database of the original app because the original app is built on a custom ORM solution and Struts 1.1 that is showing its age. So this is going to be a bit of a proof of concept for what can be done with modern tools.
We have decided to utilize JQuery mobile on the front end to leverage device cross compatibility. On the back end we are going to go with JPA for now...maybe moving to Hibernate down the road. But we'd like to expose our model with a RESTful service to kill two birds with one stone (the original app interfaces with a number of third party's that we'd like to give access over a simple REST interface that happens to have a lot of overlap, data wise, with the mobile module.)
So, the question is which controller layer will best tie the JQuery mobile front end with the RESTful back end?
We'd like a controller framework that:
Is not too intrusive. i.e. we don't have to lock ourselves into that particular implementation because of hard set dependencies spread all over the code.
Is annotation based or heavy on convention over config. or both so we are not writing reams of XML glue
Doesn't bring along cruft that we won't be using... i.e. it sticks to the controller layer as much as possible
Can handle REST from one end and AJAX from the other without too much trouble
The larger the community the better
The simpler to get up an running without compromising any of the other points, the better.
We've begun exploring Struts2, SpringMVC, Stripes, Play! etc. but I am hoping for some sage advice from the erudite SO community to help narrow the field.
If you need anything clarified, I will be happy to do that.
It seems to me that you're searching in the wrong direction.
Your Java App is producing JSON/XML through REST web services.
Your jQuery client is consuming those web services to publish them to an interface
You seem to search a controller server side. Why? Producing REST web services is not the only goal of a REST server?
Take a look at BackboneJS — it's not the only one in the category, but the one I know better — it's a client-side controller. It fits perfectly with jQuery and allows to access REST resources with HTTP verb — GET, PUT, DELETE, POST — in a compact and generic way.
If you choose so, I'll help you further.

Server side technology with ext-js

I have chosen Ext-JS to develop the UI for my next application. I am wondering what is the best way for Ext-JS to interact with my server.
Should I use plain JSPs which return a JSON response? Should I use DWR or Jabsorb which provides direct remoting with backend java code. Any other solution?
I am more concerned about performance and nothing else.
You can certainly use plain JSPs or servlets, manually handling your requests and forming JSON responses. You'll make life easier on yourself using DWR or something like it to handle the plumbing for you, and the performance shouldn't be noticeably different.
Current versions of Ext JS use the Ext.Direct stack for integrating supported back ends into the UI data layer, making it much simpler to bind components like grids and forms to your back end services. Here is a grid sample that demonstrates such remoting. Here is the Ext.Direct forums -- you should have a look at what others are doing. Look at this post to see what Ext.Direct providers are currently available for Java.
Again, you can certainly make your calls manually from Ext using Ext.Ajax directly (or using the standard Store methods for making calls), but the Ext.Direct stack can make it much easier to integrate everything together.
we'r using the extdirect library for Spring MVC 3 in our Company and it works fantastic !
You can ask me when you've troubles configuring it.

I want to make a "Web 2.0" application without using JavaScript directly

I'm a full time Java developer of around 4 years, professionally. I'm a GWT fanatic. I love Java. Here's the problem: In my free time I often fall victim to the verbosity of my favorite tools for doing "heavy" development. I also often fall into the trap of obsessively engineering my software. I'll end up with the most beautiful unfinished implementation, ever.
So, here's what I normally work with.
GWT - I use this for dynamic UI and web layout. I love the ease of re-use and it has taught me to absolutely hate javascript. I really can't even bring myself to do much HTML/JS anymore.
Hibernate - POJO to Database, easy-peasy. What i really need from this other than the mapping is that it allows me to have an application that works across multiple databases.
Spring - Mostly security. I've written my own custom LDAP bits for a project.
XML - I've used dom4j and other implementations, including xstreamer. I'd like to use JiBX for XML transport. The problem with this is that I need XML messages that conform to a specific standard rather than being autogenerated. Object->XML->Object are also common enough that it can be a performance bottleneck with large messages (250KB+).
I tried Lombok for a little while and liked it but had occasional issues with it and then I blew up a partition and lost all that work. I don't really feel like doing the same thing again (half the fun was in learning how to do it, now that I know... meh). This taught me why other people want to reduce the explicit code and replace it with an implicit system.
I've been looking into Grails but that runs me into the JavaScript problem (you know, that I don't like it) pretty quickly. I could use GWT with Grails on the back end but I get back into the problem of getting deep in the weeds with GWT. It has also occurred to me that there might be a way to have Grails tags in GSP that are made up of GWT widgets. I'm not really sure how I feel about that.
Another problem I have with Grails is that validation logic before form submission is separated from validation constraints after submission. I don't see how they can be unified (yet) to produce "pretty" front-end validation. I went out of my way to start a JSR-303 compliant validation project for GWT to help solve some of this problem for GWT and really liked the results. It isn't finished but I still find it useful.
So, help me find a better way!
TL;DR - I want to have a Database (and Database-Independent) to GUI solution that allows for dynamic web programming all in one language. Failing that, as close to one language as possible.
TL;DR is TL;DR - I hate JavaScript now, help.
EDIT: I know that it is techincally impossible to do "Web 2.0" development without JavaScript. I'm just trying to not be the guy who has to write it. (Getting a tool such as GWT to do it for me from a language I do like, for example.)
Just learn JavaScript.
Resistance is Futile
...and you will be assimilated.
PD: I'm an ex JavaScript enemy. Now it's my favourite language.
You can certainly develop an entire Web 2.0 project without coding Javascript using GWT (we have), but at the end of the day you still have to know HTML/CSS & Javascript.
This might sound like a stupid statement, but it's not once you consider that GWT is not a perfect abstraction, nor is it designed to be. It wasn't written in Java so that you didn't have to ever code in Javascript again, instead they did it because Java has better IDE's, is statically typed and makes maintenance a hell of a lot easier.
So yes, by all means go with GWT (and check out the new OOPHM, because it's AWESOME) but don't forget that you'll always need an understanding of the underlying frameworks of the web, if you want to develop for the web.
Have you heard of Echo?
It doesn't provide the database part of the problem, but it would work well with any database that you can work well with.
Echo is a platform for building
web-based applications that approach
the capabilities of rich clients. The
applications are developed using a
component-oriented and event-driven
API, eliminating the need to deal with
the "page-based" nature of browsers.
To the developer, Echo works just like
a user interface toolkit.
The latest iteration, Echo3, features
the ability to write applications in
either server-side Java or client-side
JavaScript. Server-side applications
run in any Java Servlet Container and
do not require developer knowledge of
HTML, HTTP, or JavaScript.
You might want to take a look at some of the AJAX powered JSF libraries. IceFaces and RichFaces are both solid.
Been there, done that. I was a GWT developer for 3 years... I started using it in v1.1! GWT is fantastic, and works really well for small applications. But the development comes to a crawl once you it a moderate application size, even if you divide your application in sub-modules.
It is also quite ironic that a UI framework has such limited UI creation tools. :)
Personally I bit the bullet and learned javascript. It isn't as bad as I thought. Especially with jQuery. :)
Obviously there is no perfect framework. But just the fact that GWT has been out for 3.5 years now, and it still largerly ignored in the Java world should tell you something. Since you're doing this on your free time, I would recommend learning the most popular framework: Struts. You'll see its limitation, and also why it is so popular. Of course, you'll need jQuery for that 2.0 functionalities. :)
Take a look at JRapid, a rapid development platform for Java developers. It generates very powerful Ajax enabled UI without the need of coding.
Not sure if you would like this , but have you heard about Haxe?
You might not like it but its AIO (all in one) solution (sort of).
I can understand your dislike of JavaScript and it certainly has its problems but I think your fighting nature at this point.
Web 2.0 is strongly based on JavaScript for a good reason as it provides the ability to perform tasks on the client machine without requiring page loads.
I'm sure there are alternatives but if you want the look and feel of Web 2.0, you will end up doing a lot more work with little reward. JavaScript is the accepted and functional tool for the job.
I'd say stick with GWT and just drink more of the Koolaid. It's a completely awesome development model that seems to be lost on those who haven't tried it.
If you want to improve your GWT experience, jump to the bleeding edge (I work off trunk, it's quite stable) and use the other Google originated projects like GIN, gwt-incubator and Guice. Especially watch Ray Ryan's GWT best-practices Google I/O talk:
As for the "framework" part: forget 'em. Just use normal servlets and let GWT take care of the RPC for you. Servlets are a pain when you have to deal with JSP and you're own AJAX calls, but when they're only implementing asynchronous app logic, it's not that bad at all. Guice Servlet makes it all quite easy. You can still use a JVM hosted language to write your servlets if you want.
GWT has an incredible advantage over other JavaScript frameworks in that the layer of abstraction it provides allows for major future advances without any changes to your code. If the GWT compiler and browser detection scripts can take advantage of new browser features then you benefit from a simple recompile.
The big annoyance I see in your requirements in XML... hopefully that's just for integration with a 3rd party service and your client-server communication can just be GWT-RPC.
I don't use javascript or ajax, in medium-large application they create a lot of problem with compatibility, because moving some part of code inside client, create security breaches and problem with different browser.
I use only HTML(5) and CSS2/CSS3, and I have a lot successes.
I use this 2 ways:
using "puzzle-techinque". Write a lot of small and simple template (or tiles) to create the big page. I use only JSTL and Spring tag, with Rich/Prime/Ice-faces I encountered a lot of problem with rendering, page building and flow controller, so I discarded them.
using my custom library to parse HTML pages. I create template with my custom grammar, put inside the parser and write on output stream. This is the best way.
If you say me your preferred language and context, I can help you to perform JS-free.

