I want to show the web page normally,but still keep the user in my app,
how to make use of the available web render engines programmatically?
I'm now using the webview ,but can't render the page,reporting 404 page not found.
However,when I pack my project and run in another computer,it works like charm!
How to solve this?
Use a webview and implement webkitclient if needed.
More info here
Please explain your question. I cant understand that you want to open the webview with the URL or by the html code. Both of them is totally different. Please explain how do you want to open the webview in application by URL or by HTML
You, as of now, probably let your app open the device web browser to let the user see the content of the URL, via an Intent Action.
Use your activity which uses a WebView and implements its own WebKitClient. Then you can make the user stay in your app and control what and how content is fetched.
#Achie has a nice link for you which explains how Web things work in Android.
To know how to work with WebViews, go to this URL and read the nice article-cum-tutorial
I'm a web developer and don't know android programming.
my problem showed itself when I decided to lunch my single page app that created by vue cli 4 for mobile devices
actually I used this repository for build a webview for it:
but I don't know that why does it show blank page? (I just know my webview can render DOM but can't render virtual DOM of my application.
because I tried to run my app with any browser and it worked but in webview I couldn't see my results)
any way...
where is my problem? If you need to check some config files like vue.config.js or something like that in my vue cli directory, please tell me.
I founded my problem! It's about my plugins in vue-cli like vue-hammerjs
It's not support webview platforms and after disable all of them in main.js, everything was going right.
I've spent few hours trying to get my deep links to work. The only issue that I still have is that it won't work if the link is opened from the domain that is supposed to be handled by the app but it works fine if the link that is clicked from any other website.
For example:
The link which should open the app: https://example34.com/test.
If I click on a link on Github it'll work.
If I open https://example34.com/ and then click on the link from there it will open this in the browser instead of the app...
What am I doing wrong?
Short answer: This is the expected behavior.
When using Applinks, Chrome will always defer to directing users on the same domain to the web instead of deep linking to the native app. The only way to open the application is to trigger a URI scheme when the user is routing within the same domain. I suggest using Branch to guarantee that your links work in all of these cases.
i want to get an image form the default web browser and edit that image in my application i have searched a lot on many different forums regarding this but i was unable to find a solid answer to that. I am rather confused that whether it is possible or not. kindly, help me out regarding this matter. Thanks.
I'm not sure what you're looking for by "getting an image from the default web browser", but the simplest way to do this would probably be to build your app to respond to a share action from the browser, analyse the URL that is being shared and load that URL in your app. If the URL doesn't point to an image resource, handle the error gracefully.
I am truly struggling with this - i have checked all of the other Stack overflow pages and while this may seem like a duplicate question there are NO other answers I can find anywhere besides potentially using multiple modules (even though this does not seem correct)
All i want to do is have a set of static pages making up a website for my main page, the Login page (i plan to use RequestFactory to pull back the user permissions to display stuff for the app from here - somebody suggested in another post such as this to do it from a "Non-GWT" page - that doesn't sound correct to me), and then when the user logs in successfully he gets directed to the actual app with certain things being displayed based on his current permissions.
Now, i have implemented little test projects with multiple JSPs to do redirects using Window.Location.replace("...") but then I have no idea how to actually populate that particular page with what I want to be replaced.
From just 1 GWT app is it possible to have a full web page in static HTML files (or even JSPs i don't care), a Login Page, and the actual App.
And if this is so, How do you do this?
I use RootLayoutPanel.get() to load up my main App - how does it know which RootLayoutPanel to actually use - i've spent hours fighting with this and a lot of the tutorials / answers to the questions don't provide much depth as to how to actually go about implementing anything. There is obviously something i'm just missing
I want to do something exactly like the example in the showcase: https://www.blueworkslive.com/#!gettingStarted:overview
If you use chrome and check the tags every single page on there says GWT 2.4, so it's definitely not like one answer i came across saying "don't use GWT for the login". This seems like it should be something simple that I just... am not finding or honestly am not getting from any of the examples.
This is close to the last step of my project and any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Apache Shiro with GAE, Objectify for a database and RequestFactory - there is only one main html page and the app is simply calling getRootLayoutPanel to load the app. not sure if any of that is useful.
implementing the page isn't the issue it's just the redirecting
To login on GAE, via Google account or federated login, you need to redirect your user to login page. Since you run GWT, which usually only has one page, you have two choices:
Do the normal redirect to login page - in this case browser will go to login page and you will loose GWT app state. After login, you can be redirected back to GWT app. As said - GWT app state will be lost. This is the simple way.
Open the login page in child window or iframe. Set destination URL to a page that closes the window (actually it must install a javascript parent hook, that destination page calls). When login is done, destination page calls JS hook, which notifies parent page thet login procedure is over, closes the child window/iframe and continues. This is more complex, some login pages do not like iframes (in case of OpenID login), but it retains your GWT app state.
To answer your question:
Yes it's possible to have multiple pages in a GWT project (GWT pages/modules and static files). Of course, as you navigate from page to page, you will loose app state. GWT module is only "active" as long as page is loaded in browser.
Is it possible to create a screenshot from the current page the user is on? (It's for an Intranet enviroment).
I know this is not possible with JavaScript alone, but is it possible with Flash or maybe an Java applet?
I have been searching around but I couldn't find anything.
It might be possible to do in a Java applet that is signed. The Robot class has a method that makes it possible to capture the screen; Robot.createScreenCapture
You can send the page url to server side script or to an app on the server and return the full page screenshot image
A software product like Easy Capture allows Windows users to take a screen shot of the full screen, which can be useful in debugging.