byte array to short array and back again in java - java

I'm having some issues taking audio data stored in a byte array, converting it to a big-endian short array, encoding it, then changing it back into a byte array. Here is what I have. The original audio data is stored in audioBytes2. I am using the same format for decode with a minus on the cos function instead. Unfortunately, changing the byte and short data types is non-negotiable.
short[] audioData = null;
int nlengthInSamples = audioBytes2.length / 2;
audioData = new short[nlengthInSamples];
for (int i = 0; i < nlengthInSamples; i++) {
short MSB = (short) audioBytes2[2*i+1];
short LSB = (short) audioBytes2[2*i];
audioData[i] = (short) (MSB << 8 | (255 & LSB));
int i = 0;
while (i < audioData.length) {
audioData[i] = (short)(audioData[i] + (short)5*Math.cos(2*Math.PI*i/(((Number)EncodeBox.getValue()).intValue())));
short x = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < audioData.length) {
x = audioData[i];
audioBytes2[2*i+1] = (byte)(x >>> 0);
audioBytes2[2*i] = (byte)(x >>> 8);
I have done everything that I can think of to make this work, but the closest I've come is getting it to work every other encode/decode and I have no idea why. Thanks for any help.

I also suggest you try ByteBuffer.
byte[] bytes = {};
short[] shorts = new short[bytes.length/2];
// to turn bytes to shorts as either big endian or little endian.
// to turn shorts back to bytes.
byte[] bytes2 = new byte[shortsA.length * 2];

public short bytesToShort(byte[] bytes) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort();
public byte[] shortToBytes(short value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putShort(value).array();

How about some ByteBuffers?
byte[] payload = new byte[]{0x7F,0x1B,0x10,0x11};
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(payload).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
ShortBuffer sb = bb.asShortBuffer();

byte[2] bytes;
int r = bytes[1] & 0xFF;
r = (r << 8) | (bytes[0] & 0xFF);
short s = (short)r;

Your code is doing little-endian shorts, not big. You've the indexing for MSB and LSB swapped.
Since you are using big-endian shorts, you could be using a DataInputStream wrapped around a ByteArrayInputStream (and DataOutputStream/ByteArrayOutputStream) on the other end, rather than doing your own decoding.
If you're getting every other decode working, I'd guess you've got an odd number of bytes, or an off-by-one error elsewhere which is causing your mistake to get fixed on every other pass.
Finally, I'd step through the array with i+=2 and use MSB= arr[i] and LSB=arr[i+1] rather than multiplying by 2, but that's just me.

It looks like you are swapping the byte order between reading the bytes in and writing them back out (unsure if this is intentional or not).


How to extract and save LSB into a byte array?

my intension in the function below is to extract the least significant bit from every byte of the file and store it into a byte array but I've been struggling to do so.
Inside the while loop I extract the lsb with the help of & and then I want to add this extracted bit to the byte array. I'm not sure about the indexing and "appending" this extracted bit to the array.
public byte[] extractLSB(File file, int size) {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
byte[] lsbByteArray = new byte[size];
int arrayOffset = 0;
int dataByte, extractedLSB;
byte clearingByte = (byte) 0x01; // 0000 0001
try {
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
// Read byte by byte from the file input stream
while ((dataByte = != -1) {
// extract lsb and save it to the lsbByteArray
//I've been trying something like this
extractedLSB = dataByte & clearingByte; // ? get lsb
lsbByteArray[arrayOffset] <<= 1; // make space for a new bit
lsbByteArray[arrayOffset] |= extractLSB; // "append" the lsb bit
} catch (Exception exception) {
return lsbByteArray;
Thanks in advance for any help you are kind enough to provide.
You can use a byte counter in your while loop, divide by 8 to find the byte index and module 8 for the bit position.
extractedLSB = dataByte & (byte) 1;
lsbByteArray[counter/8] |= ( extractedLSB << (counter % 8));
Here I use a byte in the array every 8 source bytes, thus counter / 8 to find the index, the position in the byte is the remainder of that division, so I do the shift extractedLSB << (counter % 8), finally or the result with the other bits already stored in the byte.

Extract then stack the high and low bytes from an array of image bytes

I'm relatively new to doing image compression on the byte level, and am currently working on a java image preprocessor that will take a bmp image, convert it to an 8-bit unsigned grayscale, then stack its bytes according to high and low before exporting and compressing it. After some extensive research and testing various methods of byte extraction, I'm still not seeing the results I need. Before I continue, it should be noted that all of these images are originally in DICOM format, and I'm using the ij.plugin.DICOM package to extract the pixel data as a bmp image.
The following description is represented by code bellow. Currently, I'm reading in the original image as a buffered image, converting it to grayscale, then getting the image bytes from the Raster. Then I take those bytes, and using some other code I found on stackoverflow and "converting" them to a String representation of binary bits. I then send that string to a character array. The next step might be extraneous, but I wanted to get your input before I removed it (since I'm new at this). I make a Bitset and iterate through the "binary" character array. If the character value is "1", I set that position in the BitSet to true. Then I send the BitSet to another byte array.
Then I make two new byte arrays, one for the high and one for the low byte. Using a for loop, I'm iterating over the "bit" array and storing every 4 "bits" in the high or low byte, depending on where we are in the array.
Lastly, I take the DICOM tag data, make a byte array from it, and then stack the tag array, the high byte array, and the low byte array together. My intended result is to have the image matrix be "split" with the top half containing all the high bytes and the bottom half containing all of the low bytes. I've been told that the tag bytes will be so small, they shouldn't affect the final outcome (I've tested the image without them, just to be sure, and there was no visible difference).
Below is the code. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will modify my post accordingly. I've tried to include all relevant data. Let me know if you need more.
BufferedImage originalImage = getGrayScale(img.getBufferedImage());//returns an 8-bit unsigned grayscale conversion of the original image
byte[] imageInByte = ((DataBufferByte) originalImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
String binary = toBinary(imageInByte); //converts to a String representation of the binary bits
char[] binCharArray = binary.toCharArray();
BitSet bits = new BitSet(binCharArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < binCharArray.length; i++) {
if (binCharArray[i] == '1') {
imageInByte = bits.toByteArray();
byte[] high = new byte[(int) imageInByte.length/2];
byte[] low = new byte[(int) imageInByte.length/2];
int highC = 0;
int lowC = 0;
boolean change = false; //start out storing in the high bit
//change will = true on very first run. While true, load in the high byte array. Else low byte
for(int i = 0; i < imageInByte.length; i++){
if(i % 4 == 0){
change = !change;
high[highC] = imageInByte[i];
} else {
low[lowC] = imageInByte[i];
//old code from a previous attempt.
// for (int j = 0; j < imageInByte.length; j++) {
// byte h = (byte) (imageInByte[j] & 0xFF);
// byte l = (byte) ((imageInByte[j] >> 8) & 0xFF);
// high[j] = h;
// low[j] = l;
// }
OutputStream out = null;
//add this array to the image array. It goes at the beginning.
byte[] tagBytes = dicomTags.getBytes();
currProcessingImageTagLength = tagBytes.length;
imageInByte = new byte[high.length + low.length + tagBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(tagBytes, 0, imageInByte, 0, tagBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(high, 0, imageInByte, tagBytes.length, high.length);
System.arraycopy(low, 0, imageInByte, tagBytes.length + high.length, low.length);
BufferedImage bImageFromConvert = new BufferedImage(dimWidth, dimHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);//dimWidth and dimHeight are the image dimensions, stored much earlier in this function
byte[] bufferHolder = ((DataBufferByte) bImageFromConvert.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
System.arraycopy(imageInByte, 0, bufferHolder, 0, bufferHolder.length);
//This is where I try and write the final image before sending it off to an image compressor
ImageIO.write(bImageFromConvert, "bmp", new File(
directory + fileName + "_Compressed.bmp"));
return new File(directory + fileName + "_Compressed.bmp");
And below is the toBinary function in case you were interested:
private static String toBinary(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * Byte.SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < Byte.SIZE * bytes.length; i++) {
sb.append((bytes[i / Byte.SIZE] << i % Byte.SIZE & 0x80) == 0 ? '0' : '1');
return sb.toString();
Thank you so much for your help! I've spent nearly 20 hours now trying to solve this one problem. It's been a huge headache, and any insight you have would be appreciated.
EDIT: Here's the getGreyScale function:
public static BufferedImage getGrayScale(BufferedImage inputImage) {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(inputImage.getWidth(), inputImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
Graphics g = img.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(inputImage, 0, 0, null);
return img;
EDIT 2: I've added some images upon request.
Current output:
current image
Note, I can't post the images with the "expected" high byte and low byte outcome due to my reputation being lower than 10.
This says every 4 bytes change; thats not what you intend:
for(int i = 0; i < imageInByte.length; i++){
if(i % 4 == 0){
change = !change;
high[highC] = imageInByte[i];
} else {
low[lowC] = imageInByte[i];
I would replace it with this, from your earlier attempt
for (int j = 0; j < imageInByte.length; j+=2) {
byte h = (byte) (imageInByte[j] & 0xF0);
byte h2 = (byte) (imageInByte[j+1] & 0xF0);
byte l = (byte) (imageInByte[j] & 0x0f);
byte l2 = (byte) (imageInByte[j+1] & 0x0f);
high[j/2] = h|(h2>>4);
low[j/2] = (l<<4)|l2;

I need to send an 8-byte string to an SNMP agent, but it's receiving the wrong values

I need to send an 8-byte string to an SNMP agent.
My number can be a big integer as a string.
Due to the java limitation of signed bytes, I'm having a problem with some numbers.
For example, if num is "555", the SNMP agent receives the right value.
if num is "666", the SNMP agent receives the wrong value, because, one of the byte in the
array has a -ve value.
I did a bit & with 0xFF, still it doesn't work.
How can I fix this? Thanks for your help!
public static String stringNumToOctetString(String num) {
BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(num);
byte[] b = bi.toByteArray();
int n = 8 - b.length;
byte[] bVal = new byte[8]; //return must be 8 bytes
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
bVal[i] = (byte) 0;
int k = 0;
for(int j=n; j<8; j++) {
bVal[j] = (byte) (b[k++] & 0xFF);
return new String(bVal);
Use an array of int to store your octet values, not an array of byte. byte is signed, and has a range of -128 to +127, so it's not going to work here, where you need values to go to 255.
Further Reading

Java byte arrays and copying ints into them

What's the best way to put an int at a certain point in a byte[] array?
Say you have a byte array:
byte[] bytes = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
int someInt = 12355; //0x43, 0x30
How can I do like bytes[4] = someInt; so that now bytes[4] will equal 0x43 and bytes[5] will be equal to 0x30?
I'm used to just using memcpy with C++ and don't know the alternatives in Java.
If you want also high 0-bytes of the int put into the byte[]:
void place(int num, byte[] store, int where){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
store[where+i] = (byte)(num & 0xFF);
num >>= 8;
If you only want the bytes to the highest nonzero byte:
void place(int num, byte[] store, int where){
while(num != 0){
store[where++] = (byte)(num & 0xFF);
num >>>= 8;
If you want the bytes big-endian (highest byte at lowest index), the version storing all four bytes is very easy, the other one slightly more difficult:
void placeBigEndian(int num , byte[] store, int where){
for(int i = 3; i >= 0; --i){
store[where+i] = (byte)(num & 0xFF);
num >>= 8;
void placeBigEndian(int num, byte[] store, int where){
in mask = 0xFF000000, shift = 24;
while((mask & num) == 0){
mask >>>= 8;
shift -= 8;
while(shift > 0){
store[where++] = (byte)((num & mask) >>> shift);
mask >>>= 8;
shift -= 8;
Note, you assume a big endian ordering! x86 is little endian... What's more, your int is 32bits long, hence 0x00004330 in big endian.
If this is what you want, use a ByteBuffer (which uses big endian ordering by default):
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
// then use buf.putInt(yourint, index)
// buf.get(index) will read byte at index index, starting from 0
I don't see the problem, it looks like you solved it your own way:
public static void putShort(bytes[] array, int position, short value)
byte leftByte = (byte) (value >>> 8);
byte rightByte = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
array[position] = leftByte;
array[position + 1] = rightByte;
Note that an int is 4 bytes and a short is 2 bytes.
First of all, in Java you don't need to initialize byte arrays to zeroes. All arrays are initialized on construction time to 0/false/null.
Second, ints are signed 32-bit big-endian integers, so 12355 is actually 0x00003043. If you want to use 16-bit integers, use the short type.
Then, to get the individual bytes in your integer, you could do:
bytes[ i ] = (byte) (someInt >> 24);
bytes[ i+1 ] = (byte) (someInt >> 16);
bytes[ i+2 ] = (byte) (someInt >> 8);
bytes[ i+3 ] = (byte) (someInt);
The conversion to byte truncates the remaining bits, so no & 0xFF mask is needed. I'm assuming i is the index of the array. To change the endianness, swap the offsets at the indices.
One approach would be to use a DataOutputStream and it's writeInt() method, wrapped around a ByteArrayOutputStream. e.g. (with no error-handling)
public byte[] writeIntAtPositionX(int position, int iVal) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
// now, advancing to a specific spot is awkward.
// presumably you are actually writing other stuff out before the integer
// but if you really want to advance to a specific position
for (int i = 0; i < position; i++)
return baos.toByteArray();
The big advantage of this method is that the guys who wrote Java figured out the byte ordering and the masking with 0xFF and all that stuff. Plus, if you ever envision writing doubles, shorts, longs or Strings etc. to your buffer you won't need to add all those methods, the work is already done.

How to get byte[] from float number

How to get byte[] from float number? I need to create message where for data I have four bytes, datum can be unsigned int( it is easy to get byte[] from int), binary and float ( but I don't know how to get four bytes from float ). Any solution ?
You can use Float.floatToRawIntBits(float) but I suspect you don't need byte[] but instead want to be able to write to a stream of bytes. In which case I would use DataOutputStream.writeFloat(float)
If you are using NIO, you can use ByteBuffer.putFloat() An advantage of ByteBuffer is that you can specify a ByteOrder with ByteBuffer.order() so you can handle either Big or Little endian.
Class java.lang.Float has methods floatToIntBits() and floatToRawIntBits() which you can use to get at the bit pattern of a float (as an int). So you could do something like this:
float value = 1.5e-3f;
int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
bytes[0] = (byte)(bits & 0xff);
bytes[1] = (byte)((bits >> 8) & 0xff);
bytes[2] = (byte)((bits >> 16) & 0xff);
bytes[3] = (byte)((bits >> 24) & 0xff);
Note: You'd have to find out for your particular application which of floatToIntBits() or floatToRawIntBits() is appropriate and you'd have to determine in which order you need the bytes (little or big endian).
Without any math involved, you can do that by writing the value via a DataOutputStream and then fetch the resulting output:
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray();
// at this point, your bytes will contain the 4-byte representation of the float.
If you think it's easy getting the bytes of an int, Float.floatToIntBits is probably what you want:
float f = ...;
int i = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
byte[] floatBytes = toBytes(i);
public static void main(String[] args)
float f = 23f;
byte[] op = new byte[4];
int fi = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int offset = (op.length - 1 - i) * 8;
op[i] = (byte) ((fi >>> offset) & 0xff);
for(byte b : op)
System.out.format("0x%02X ", b);

