Android fuzzy / faded fonts possible? - java

So I am developing a very simple app, mostly for personal use, am am looking for a simple solution to a simple problem.
In its simplest form I am looking for a way to have a line of text with just one or two words blurred out. Basically I am looking to blur text beyond readability but still hinting at what is hidden. Kind of a knowledge / memory app to help memorize some definitions by prompting with a few key words.
I am having issues finding a simple way to accomplish this. Am I just missing an attribute to blur text?
I have thought about:
overriding say the textview onDraw but that seems overkill and I am unsure if there are any methods available to easily blur text.
using the toHtml and trying out the new CSS3 blur effects but I don't think that that is a reasonable solution and I am not sure that the Android platform supports all the CSS3 format, if any.
the simplest and most desirable solution in my book was to find a font (ttf, off, etc) file, derived from a common font, that is already blurred as I described, and use that alternating with the non blurred version of that font to achieve the desired effect.
make the described font but that just plain requires too much time on my part and the outcome is not necessarily good :)
I have thought about some alternative ways to simulate this effect but they all result in fading the text, which is undesirable, since I want to have some visual prompts to indicate the obscured texts length.
Any ideas? It's been years since I have developed in Java and I am unsure what is available and what the Android OS supports.

I haven't looked into using these properties for only part of the text, but TextView has some possibly useful properties related to text shadows. Using something like the following XML attributes, you could hide the actual text and just show a blurred shadow.
android:textColor - #0000 (fully transparent so that the crisp text is not shown)
android:shadowColor - #FFFF (or whatever color you want to appear)
android:shadowDx - 0 (the shadow is in the same horizontal position as the text)
android:shadowDy - 0 (the shadow is in the same vertical position as the text)
android:shadowRadius - Depends on how much you want to blur. A very small non-zero value, such as 0.001, will be sharp. Larger values blur more, and at some point the shadow becomes illegible.


Android image part onclick

I have a big image as this one this
Can I have that in Android if somebody click on "Pest" just Pest changes its Background color ?
My goal is to have a separate onClickListener for all county and they can change their background.
Can I achieve it in Android?
Thank You !
Firstly, this seems more like a graphics design issue.
Secondly, it is definitely doable. I would suggest some form of Photoshop to split the bigger image in sub-images. Once you have your 10 images (random number, but I suppose you get the ieda) that together form the bigger image (that should 100% be achievable with a Photoshop like software), then you can apply the onClickListener to each image. This will produce the effect you are looking for.
I believe you know how to do that and you might not need the code (as I have seen in your comments). All you need is that Photoshop like software that will do all the work for you.
Meanwhile, I will quickly search about the best software to crop those images. If you have Photoshop that might prove quite good, I guess.
Maybe this (there are tons out there):

How to count color pages in a PDF/Word doc using Java

I am looking to develop a desktop application using Java to count the number of colored pages in a PDF or Word file. This will be used as part of an overall system to help calculate the cost of printing a document in terms of how many pages there are (color/B&W).
Ideally, the user of the application would use a file dialog to select the desired PRF/Word file, the application could then count and output the number of colored pages, allowing the system to automatically calculate document cost accordingly.
if A4 colored pages cost 50c per page to print,
and B&W cost 10c per page,
calculate the total cost of the document per colored/B&W pages.
I am aware of the existing software Rapid PDF Count, but would be unsuitable as part on integration into a new system. I have also tried using GhostScript/Python as per this solution:, however this takes too long (5mins to count a 100 page pdf), and would be difficult to implement into a desktop app.
Is there any method of counting the number of colored pages in a PDF or Word file using Java (or alternative language)
Although it might sound easy, the task is rather complicated.
One option would be to use a program such as iText to walk every single token in the PDF, look for tokens that support color and compare that to your definition of "black". However, this will only get you basic text and drawing commands. Images are a completely different beast so you'll probably need to find an image parser or grab a copy of each spec and then walk each of those.
One of the downsides of token walking is you need to properly handle tokens that reference other things and further walk those tokens.
Another downside is that things can overlap each other so you'd probably want be aware of their coordinates, z-index, transparency and such.
There will be many more bumps in the road but that's a good start. What's most interesting is that if you accomplish this, you'll actually have found that you've partially built a PDF renderer!
Next, you'll need to define "black". Off the top of my head there's RGB black, CMYK black, Grey black and maybe Lab black along with some Pantones. That shouldn't be too hard but if I were to build this I'd want to know "blank ink usage" which could also be shades of grey. There's also "rich blank" that you might need to deal with, too!
So, all that said, I think that the GhostScript option you found is really the best bet. It literally renders the PDF and calculates the ink coverage from an RGB standpoint. You still should handle grey's, too, but that shouldn't be too hard, here's a good starting point.
Wanting to know what the click-charge is going to be is a pretty common problem, but it's not easy to solve at all. As already indicated by the answer Chris Haas gave, but I want to put another spin on it.
First of all, you have to wonder whether you really want to support both Word and PDF documents. Analysing Word files is less useful than you might think because that Word file is probably going to be converted into something else before it's going to be printed. And because of the fact that you're starting from Word, the chance that your nice RGB black text in Word gets converted to less-than-perfect 4 color black in PDF is very high. In other words, even though you might count a page of black text in Word as a 'cheap' page, it might turn into an expensive color page after conversion from Word to something that can be printed.
Let's consider the PDF case then. PDF supports a whole host of color spaces (gray, RGB, CMYK, the same with an ICC Profile attached, spot color and a few multi-spot color variants, CalGray and CalRGB and Lab. Besides that there is a whole range of very tricky features such as transparency, overprint, shades, images, masks... that you all have to take into account. The only truly good way to calculate what you need is to do essentially the same work as your printer will do; convert the PDF into one image per page and examine the pixels.
Because of what you want to do, the best way to progress would be to:
1) Convert any word files into PDF
2) Convert any PDF files into CMYK
3) Render each page of that CMYK file into an image.
Once you've done that you can examine the image and see whether you have any colors left. There are a number of potential technologies you can use for this. GhostScript is definitely one, but there are commercial solutions too that would certainly be more expensive but potentially faster.

Libgdx Pixellated GUI Effect

In LibGDX, I am currently trying to achieve the effect of a pixellated GUI, meaning the buttons are pixellated, like an 8-bit theme.
When I make my GUI elements, such as a TextButton, I am using images that are small, say 34x16 pixels, but I am rendering them on a large resolution like 1920x1080. What is the best way to render such a small image at a high resolution?
My thoughts were to use stage.setViewport(WIDTH,HEIGHT), and set the width and height to a scaled down resolution, so the gui elements wouldn't be so big. This works, however when adding elements things go wrong.
This my stage/table currently, using a scaled down resolution. I am adding widgets using to the table like this:
but as you can see, the table.row() makes a row that is much too large, perhaps a row fit for a larger resolution. Is there any way to change the gap that is made by the row? I would have thought that the gap would be zero, and by using table.add().pad() you could change the gap, but I am not doing any of that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a common issue in all apps. To overcome this, images which can be safely resized in parts are used. they are called ninepatches.
Here is a nice Tutorial about using them in libgdx.
Distance Field Fonts
Although you haven't mentioned it here, you'd also find font sizing (pixellated fonts) as an issue. For that Distance Field Fonts are used.
Hope this helps.
I would say don't worry about scaling them up and making the virtual resolution bigger. If you want to see picture still pixelated when you scale it use Texture filter. For your case you want to use Nearest filter. use it like this:
yourTexture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
where yourTexture is the texture that you have all your bitmaps and skin elements on. If you are using texturePacker than you can specify the filter before packing too. Or just open the .pack file and on the top you will see filtering options, and edit those to Nearest.

Getting font character spacing in Android

I'm trying to get the spacing between characters for any font in Android when painting to a Canvas, and I searched in Google but couldn't find anything.
Is there a way to get the font character spacing?
I am prepared to make a WAG that what this use-case really needs is methods more along the lines of:
Both those methods are overloaded. The link is to the one that appears first in the docs.
Possibly the reason you have not found the information on the distance between characters is that for most purposes it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the final width of the rendered text, or it's bounds.
does this work with canvas ?
I was looking through the methods for Canvas1 when I saw it! To underline that, I am new to Android, but experienced at using standard desktop Java (J2SE). In J2SE, I've never once heard a question in relation to the spacing between characters. Many, many questions about the width or the bounds.
But definitely examine the same docs I have been looking at, do a search on 'paint' and find the ways in which it can be used when rendering text.
The Developer Guides link at the top of that document would also be very helpful to you at this moment. They tend to cover these sorts of things.

Advice needed: A programmatic way for creating vector graphics with heavy usage of text

I need a way for render a tree-like structures, similar to flowcharts.
Surprisingly, I can't find(or I'm doing wrong) a suitable tool.
First, I looked at SVG. But I couldn't find a way to draw a bounding box around the text
without using ECMAScript: I tried to do a simple thing drawing two text surrounded by boxes and linked by a line, centered by sides(some thing like O-O, where O is a box with text).And when you use ECMAScript, you heavily limit the tools that can be used for SVG rendering(for example you can't convert corrently such SVG to png or pdf with ImageMagick).
Second, I tried Asymptote, but it is quite heavy when you start manipulating with text(you need an LaTeX system installed and configured).
I look for a tool in which you can:
Programmatically access to font properties: baseline, ascent, descent, height
Computing height/width of a string(or the bounding box)
basic vector graphics functionality like drawing lines, shapes etc.
I don't think that's a hard stuff. For example, all such functionality exists for example in Java2D. Sure, I can use it as last resort and get raster graphics, but may be there is something handy to use?
Have you looked at GraphViz ( It does not really match your requirements since you give up some control and instead let the tool do the layout and rendering based on a declarative a description of a graph or tree, but I have found it to be the easiest way to generate tree-like output.
Not sure if it should be free?
Here's a commercial solution with an extensive API

