parameters and inheritance in spring-mvc via json - java

I need an advice. I'm trying to pass a list of objects as parameters to a method controller written with spring-mvc 3, all this with ajax. These objects are decendants of a widget class. i will show you the code first
the ajax call:
function buildWidget(obj){
var result = null;
case 'text':
result = {
,height: obj.control.height
,width: obj.control.width
,text: obj.text
case 'youtube':
result = {
,height: obj.control.height
,width: obj.control.width
,videos: obj.videos
return result;
var all = new Array();
jQuery.getJSON("pages/save.html", { widgetsList: jQuery.toJSON(all) }, function(myresult) {
the server side
the classes
public class WidgetAdapter {
private int x;
private int y;
private int width;
private int height;
// getters and setters
public class TextWidgetAdapter extends WidgetAdapter {
private String text;
// getters and setters
public class YoutubeWidget extends WidgetAdapter{
private String videos;
// getters and setter
the controller (the problem here)
#RequestMapping(value = "/pages/save",method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String save(#RequestParam String widgetsList){
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<WidgetAdapter>>() {}.getType();
List<WidgetAdapter> adapters = new Gson().fromJson( widgetsList, listType);
for(WidgetAdapter a :adapters){
return new Gson().toJson(new ActionResult("msg"));
so, when the method controller is called Gson creates a List adapters, all elements are of class WidgetAdapter and not TextWidgetAdapter or YoutubeWidget. Is there a way to acheive that?? i mean pass parameters as list of element decendants of a class and be transformed correctly by Gson?
Thanks, i hope be clear. english is not my native language.
pd: i´m doing all of this in a good way or better way exists.

Ok! I tell you how i solved this problem. Please, tell me your opinion.
I created a custom deserializer (here i create concretes instances). Here is the code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/pages/save",method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String save(#RequestParam String widgetsList){
GsonBuilder gson = new GsonBuilder();
// register the custom deserializer for my WidgetAdapterClass
gson.registerTypeAdapter(WidgetAdapter.class, new WidgetDeserialization());
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<WidgetAdapter>>() {}.getType();
// create gson an deserialize object
List<WidgetAdapter> adapters = gson.create().fromJson( widgetsList, listType);
// just for testing proposes
for(WidgetAdapter a :adapters){
return new Gson().toJson(new ActionResult("Ok"));
the concrete deserializer
public class WidgetDeserialization implements JsonDeserializer<WidgetAdapter> {
* factory method for custom WidgetAdapter
* #param json
* #return WidgetAdapter
private WidgetAdapter getWidget(JsonObject json){
WidgetAdapter adapter = null;
//obtain widget class. Util for instanciate concrete class
String className = json.get("className").getAsString();
// create concrete classes and set concrete atributes
adapter = new TextWidgetAdapter(json.get("text").getAsString());
}else if("youtube".equals(className)){
adapter = new YoutubeWidgetAdapter(json.get("videos").getAsString());
// if adapter is created common atributes are set
return adapter;
public WidgetAdapter deserialize(JsonElement element, Type arg1,
JsonDeserializationContext arg2) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject obj = element.getAsJsonObject();
return getWidget(obj);
I hope it helps


Serialization of an Object having a polymorphic list of different type

I am trying to build a custom App to control Smart Home devices utilizing the Tasmota firmware and MQTT. Primarily that is smart lights at the moment. Therefore I have a Device class with children depending on the type of the device. Each device stores a DeviceState which is updated due to any changes made through the app. So the DeviceState is always the current state of the device. Depending on the device I need different DeviceStates, so again there is one superclass and subclass.
Now i want to store scenes with an ArrayList of DeviceStates to first store and than recreate certain light atmospheres. Therefore there is a class called Scene holding basic information and the described ArrayList.
To Store those lists i am using the Gson library in Android. My question is now how to be able to save those scenes objects with a polymorphic list inside.
I have followed this stackoverflow post: Gson serialize a list of polymorphic objects to save my devices as an Json String using the Gson library and a custom serializer / deserializer. But now Hence DeviceState doesn´t extend Scene I can´t use one serializer to create a String out of the Scene object. And if i would extend DeviceState to Scene, the DeviceState class would declare multiple JSON fields with the same name, because I am using "typeName" to differentiate those classes.
So basically i am getting the errors, that DeviceState doesn´t extend Scene or that DeviceState declares multiple JSON fields named "typeName".
public class Scene{
private ArrayList<DeviceState> states;
private String name;
private String room;
private String typeName;
public ArrayList<Scene> sceneList = new ArrayList<>();
public Scene(){
public Scene(String pName, String pRoom) {
name = pName;
room = pRoom;
states = new ArrayList<>();
typeName = "Scene";
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getRoom() {
return room;
public void addDevice(Device d) {
public void execute() {
public String getTypeName(){
return typeName;
public class DeviceState {
private String typeName;
private String deviceTopic;
public static final String RGBWLightState = "RGBWLightState";
public static final String Default = "DeviceState";
public DeviceState(String pTypeName, String pDeviceTopic){
typeName = pTypeName;
deviceTopic = pDeviceTopic;
public DeviceState(){
typeName = Default;
public String getTypeName() {
return typeName;
public class CustomSceneSerializer implements JsonSerializer<ArrayList<Scene>> {
private static Map<String, Class> map = new TreeMap<>();
static {
map.put(DeviceState.RGBWLightState, RGBWLightState.class);
map.put(DeviceState.Default, DeviceState.class);
map.put("Scene", Scene.class);
public JsonElement serialize(ArrayList<Scene> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
if(src == null) {
return null;
JsonArray ja = new JsonArray();
for(Scene s : src){
Class c = map.get(s.getTypeName());
if(c == null){
throw new RuntimeException("Unkown class: " + s.getTypeName());
ja.add(context.serialize(s, c));
return ja;
public class CustomSceneDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<List<Scene>> {
private static Map<String, Class> map = new TreeMap<>();
static {
map.put(DeviceState.RGBWLightState, RGBWLightState.class);
map.put(DeviceState.Default, DeviceState.class);
map.put("Scene", Scene.class);
public List<Scene> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<Scene>();
JsonArray ja = json.getAsJsonArray();
for (JsonElement je : ja) {
String type = je.getAsJsonObject().get("typeName").getAsString();
Class c = map.get(type);
if (c == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unknow class: " + type);
list.add(context.deserialize(je, c));
return list;
To save the Object holding a list of those objects I am using:
String json = preferences.getString("scene_holder", "");
GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
List<Scene> al = new ArrayList<>();
gb.registerTypeAdapter(al.getClass(), new CustomSceneDeserializer());
gb.registerTypeAdapter(al.getClass(), new CustomSceneSerializer());
Gson gson = gb.create();
if (!(json.equals(""))) {
Scene result = gson.fromJson(json, Scene.class);
result.sceneList = list;
editor.putString("scene_holder", gson.toJson(result)).commit();
} else {
Scene scene = new Scene();
scene.sceneList = list;
editor.putString("scene_holder", gson.toJson(scene)).commit();

Convert ArrayList of custom objects to JSON

I have an ArrayList of custom Objects. Each of these objects have an arraylist of another custom object. Then these second level of custom objects have an arraylist of another custom object.
This is how the class hierarchy looks like
public class Undle {
private String undleStatus;
private ArrayList<ArcelFolder> arcelFolders;
public ArrayList<ArcelFolder> getArcelFolders() {
return arcelFolders;
public void setArcelFolders(ArrayList<ArcelFolder> arcelFolders) {
this.arcelFolders = arcelFolders;
//Other getter and setters
public class ArcelFolder {
private ArrayList<ArcelDocument> arcelDocuments;
private String arcelStatus;
public String getArcelStatus() {
return arcelStatus;
public void setArcelStatus(String arcelStatus) {
this.arcelStatus = arcelStatus;
public ArrayList<ArcelDocument> getArcelDocuments() {
return arcelDocuments;
public void setArcelDocuments(ArrayList<ArcelDocument> arcelDocuments) {
this.arcelDocuments = arcelDocuments;
public class ArcelDocument {
private String gain;
public String getGain() {
return gain;
public void setGain(String gain) {
this.gain = gain;
I have an arraylist of Undle objects
ArrayList<Undle> undleList = new ArrayList<Undle>();
// Create objects of ArcelFolder and ArcelDocument
// Add ArcelDocument list to ArcelFolder
// Add ArcelFolder list to Undle arraylist
I would like to convert Undle ArrayList to a JSON. How can I flatten this hierarcical structure of beans and put it in a JSON?
I tried doing something like
org.json.simple.JSONObject resultObj = new JSONObject(undleList);
org.json.simple.JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(undleList);
But it seems that they work only if a String ArrayList is passed.
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type type = new TypeToken<List<Bundle>>() {}.getType();
String json = gson.toJson(bundleList, type);
List<Bundle> fromJson = gson.fromJson(json, type);
for (Bundle bundle : fromJson) {

How to parse Json array of different objects with Gson?

Json string:
//Object 1
//Object 2
//Object 3
//Object 4
//Object 5
I have a Json array like the above. What I want is to parse it to different object types with Gson (as I commented to make it clearer), but I dont know how to do that. Please help me. Thank you in advance!
I think there are lots of simmilar questions on SO. One, Two
One way to parse this is to use simple
Object[] result = new Gson().fromJson(json, Object[].class);
But this will give you objects of LinkedTreeMap<Integer, LinkedTreeMap<String, String>> or something like this. You can use it, but its kinda hard and you will also have problems with your integers comming as doubles.
The other approach is to create custom interface or abstract class with TypeName field if you need it:
private interface CheckInterface{}
and implement it with every POJO classes of object types you have:
private static class CheckEveryDayBase implements CheckInterface{
private String StartDate;
private String EndDate;
private int Interval;
private int HolidayCondition;
private static class CheckSpecificDday implements CheckInterface{
private String SpecificDay;
private int Lunar;
private static class CheckEveryDayDday extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String StartOption;
private static class CheckEveryDdayOfWeek extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificDayOfWeek;
private static class CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificDD;
private static class CheckEveryYearWeek extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificMMnthWeek;
Then create custom desrializer for your CheckInterface:
public static class CheckInterfaceDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<CheckInterface>{
public CheckInterface deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jObject = (JsonObject) json;
JsonElement typeObj = jObject.get("TypeName");
if(typeObj!= null ){
String typeVal = typeObj.getAsString();
switch (typeVal){
case "CheckSpecificDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckSpecificDday.class);
case "CheckEveryDayDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryDayDday.class);
case "CheckEveryDdayOfWeek":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryDdayOfWeek.class);
case "CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday.class);
case "CheckEveryYearWeek":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryYearWeek.class);
return null;
Here is how you can use this:
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
// Register custom deserializer for CheckInterface.class
builder.registerTypeAdapter(CheckInterface.class, new CheckInterfaceDeserializer());
Gson gson = builder.create();
CheckInterface[] result2 = gson.fromJson(json, CheckInterface[].class);

Gson - Deserialize objects by specifying class, not parametrization

I have the following classes:
public class Top {
private String key;
public class A extends Top {
private String aValue;
public class Complex {
private String field;
private List<Top> objects;
I want to deserialize a json String into a "Complex" class and specify that "objects" elements are of type "A".
I have tried 2 methods:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(A.class, new InstanceCreator<A>() {
public A createInstance(Type arg0) {
return new A();
}) //method 1
.registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(A.class, new My_A_Adapter()) //method 2
Complex complexObject = gson.fromJson(json, Complex.class);
A = (A) complexObject.getObjects().get(0); // This throws ClassCastException
But the type of complexObject.getObjects().get(0) is "Top" so i cannot cast it to "A".
I do not want to parameterize the Complex class, (for ex. Complex) because i want to add more collections of generic objects in time...
What solution do I have ?

jackson delay deserializing field

I have a class like this:
public class DeserializedHeader
int typeToClassId;
Object obj
I know what type of object obj is based on the typeToClassId, which is unfortunately only known at runtime.
I want to parse obj out based on typeToClassId - what's the best approach here? Annotations seem like they're out, and something based on ObjectMapper seems right, but I'm having trouble figuring out what the best approach is likely to be.
Something along the lines of
Class clazz = lookUpClassBasedOnId(typeToClassId)
objectMapper.readValue(obj, clazz)
Obviously, this doesn't work since obj is already deserialized... but could I do this in 2 steps somehow, perhaps with convertValue?
This is really complex and painful problem. I do not know any sophisticated and elegant solution, but I can share with you my idea which I developed. I have created example program which help me to show you how you can solve your problem. At the beginning I have created two simple POJO classes:
class Product {
private String name;
// getters/setters/toString
class Entity {
private long id;
// getters/setters/toString
Example input JSON for those classes could look like this. For Product class:
"typeToClassId" : 33,
"obj" : {
"name" : "Computer"
and for Entity class:
"typeToClassId" : 45,
"obj" : {
"id" : 10
The main functionality which we want to use is "partial serializing/deserializing". To do this we will enable FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES feature on ObjectMapper. Now we have to create two classes which define typeToClassId and obj properties.
class HeaderType {
private int typeToClassId;
public int getTypeToClassId() {
return typeToClassId;
public void setTypeToClassId(int typeToClassId) {
this.typeToClassId = typeToClassId;
public String toString() {
return "HeaderType [typeToClassId=" + typeToClassId + "]";
class HeaderObject<T> {
private T obj;
public T getObj() {
return obj;
public void setObj(T obj) {
this.obj = obj;
public String toString() {
return "HeaderObject [obj=" + obj + "]";
And, finally source code which can parse JSON:
// Simple binding
Map<Integer, Class<?>> classResolverMap = new HashMap<Integer, Class<?>>();
classResolverMap.put(33, Product.class);
classResolverMap.put(45, Entity.class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = "{...}";
// Parse type
HeaderType headerType = mapper.readValue(json, HeaderType.class);
// Retrieve class by integer value
Class<?> clazz = classResolverMap.get(headerType.getTypeToClassId());
// Create dynamic type
JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(HeaderObject.class, clazz);
// Parse object
HeaderObject<?> headerObject = (HeaderObject<?>) mapper.readValue(json, type);
// Get the object
Object result = headerObject.getObj();
Helpful links:
How To Convert Java Map To / From JSON (Jackson).
java jackson parse object containing a generic type object.

