I am running Ubuntu 10.10 using Java 6 and can not get FreeTTS to output any audio. I have tried it now on 3 different computers and even asked a buddy of mine to try it on his Ubuntu PC and he had the same problem. There is absolutly no errors that are displayed, after getting the MBROLA i no longer even get the warning about No MBROLA voices detected. blah blah blah..
Using the same computer I ran a virtual box and started Windows XP, i was actually able to get audio when running the HelloWorld.jar and TTSHelloWorld.jar however the freetts.jar is still silent when I try to input my own text.
Command I use.
java -jar lib/freetts.jar -text Hello
When I hit enter it starts up and used to give me the missing MBROLA warning message but now it just sits there until i CTRL-C to stop it.
I dont understand what I am doing wrong and why nobody else is having this problem, when I expierence it on every computer, well it works somewhat on Windows. Can anyone Help me?
I'm not sure whether you already managed to solve this one, but I ran into the same problem (Ubuntu 10.10 / JavaSE6). After some investigation of the FreeTTS source I found the culprit, a deadlock, in com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.JavaStreamingAudioPlayer. This deadlock occurs when a Line is opened and the Line is of the type org.classpath.icedtea.pulseaudio.PulseAudioSourceDataLine (which is likely to be the default in Ubuntu 10.10 w JavaSE6). Since you'd always want to open a Line to get audio out, this deadlock will always occur.
The cause of this deadlock lies in the fact that in the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer an assumption is made about Line, namely that all LineListeners will be notified of a LineEvent of type open from the same Thread as Line.open() was called, or after the Line has been opened (and the call to Line.open() can return). This is not the case for the PulseAudioSourceDataLine; it first calls all LineListeners from the PulseAudio event Thread, waits for all of them to return and then returns from the open call. With the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer forcing synchronization around the call of Line.open() and the handling of a specific LineListener which task is to see whether the Line ís actually open, the deadlock occurs.
The workaround I chose for solving this problem is to implement an AudioPlayer which doesn't has this problem. I basically copied JavaStreamingAudioPlayer and altered the synchronization blocks on line 196 and line 646 ( full source for reference : http://www.javadocexamples.com/java_source/com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaStreamingAudioPlayer.java.html ).
___: // This is the actual JavaStreamAudioPlayer source, not the fix
195: ...
196: synchronized (openLock) {
197: line.open(format, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE); // Blocks due to line 646
198: try {
199: openLock.wait();
200: } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
201: ie.printStackTrace();
202: }
203: ...
643: ...
644: public void update(LineEvent event) {
645: if (event.getType().equals(LineEvent.Type.OPEN)) {
646: synchronized (openLock) { // Blocks due to line 196
647: openLock.notifyAll();
648: }
649: }
650: }
651: ...
I removed both synchronization blocks and instead of ensuring both parts are mutually excluded I used a Semaphore to signal that the Line is in fact open. Of course this is not really a necessity since the PulseAudioSourceDataLine already guarantees being opened upon returning, but it is more likely to play nice when testing the same code on another platform. I didn't dive into the code long enough to say what is going to happen when you open/close/open the line by multiple Threads at the same time. If you're going to do this you are probably looking at a larger rewrite of the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer ;).
Finally, after you have created your new AudioPlayer you'll have to instruct FreeTTS to use your implementation rather than the default JavaStreamingAudioPlayer. This can be done by using
System.setProperty("com.sun.speech.freetts.voice.defaultAudioPlayer", "classpath.to.your.AudioPlayer");
somewhere early in your code.
Hopefully this all works for you.
I am a student who has been trying to make FreeTTS working on its Ubuntu for one week. And finally I found the answer here : thank you so much hakvroot !
Your answer was perfect but you did not put your implementation and this took me quite one hour to understand what was going on in the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer class. To help the other people like me who are not used in "diving" in a completely unknown Java code (I am still a student), I will put here my code and hope it will help other people :) .
First, a more detailed explanation : around line 152, the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer opens a Line. However this operation can require some time so before using it, it wants to check it is opened. In the current implementation, the solution used is to create a LineListener listening to this line and then to sleep (using the wait() method of the threads).
The LineListener will "wake up" the main Thread using a notifyAll() and will do this only when it receives a LineEvent of type "OPEN" which will guarantee that the line has been opened.
However as explained by hakvroot here the problem is that the notification is never sent because of the specific behavior of the DataLine used by Ubuntu.
So I removed the synchronized, wait() and notifyAll() parts of the code but as hakvroot, then your JavaStreamingAudioPlayer might try to use your Line before it is opened : you need to wait for the confirmation with a new mechanism to stop the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer and to wake it up later, when the confirmation arrived.
So I used the Semaphore which havkroot used (see Javadoc for explanations on this lock system) initiated with 1 stack :
when the line is opened it acquires one stack (so 0 remains)
when it wants to use the line it tries to acquire another (so it is stopped)
when the listener gets the event we are looking for, it releases the semaphore
this frees the JavaStreamingAudioPlayer who can go for the next part
do not forget to release again the semaphore so it has again 1 stack for the next line to open
And here is my code :
Declare a Semaphore variable :
private Semaphore hackSemaphore;
Initiate it in the constructor :
hackSemaphore = new Semaphore(1);
Then the first part to replace (see hakvroot to see where to put it) :
line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
line.addLineListener(new JavaStreamLineListener());
line.open(format, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
opened = true;
And the second part :
public void update(LineEvent event) {
if (event.getType().equals(LineEvent.Type.OPEN)) {
I guess had the same issue on Ubuntu 12.04/OpenJDK-6, the execution get stuck in Voice.allocate() with no errors and no response.
I tried using the Oracle/Sun JDK-6 instead of OpenJDK, and it worked fine.
P.S. Nice guide to install SunJDK on Ubuntu and configuring as default
I've come to the conclusion after reading from many sources that using printStackTrace for error handling is bad practice. Here's one.
Now I'm struck curious: in what cases is printing the stacktrace a valid solution? For the sake of the argument, let's assume we aren't working on a system such as a microwave or a banana, but a basic out-of-the-shelf PC.
The reason I'm asking this could be seen as a question in itself, but I'll tell you about it anyhoo:
I'm developing a snake-like game that can be played with AIs, and is intended for that purpose. All such AIs should extend an abstract class called SnakeLogic. All such AIs should also reside in their standalone .jar archives in a specific folder, from where the main program can find them and list them using classloaders.
The user can then choose one of his/her AIs from a list, should all stars fall in line, and play a game with this AI.
Now, I have a method in my main program that gets the next move from the AI like so:
public void startGame(int speed) {
Runnable moveCmd = () -> {
try {
for (Player player : snakeGame.getPlayers()) {
if (player.isDead()) {
String move = player.getLogicHandler().getMove();
Direction direction = Direction.directionFromString(move);
snakeGame.makeMove(player, direction);
if (snakeGame.gameOver()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
/* moveSchedule is an instance of ScheduledExecutorService */
moveSchedule.scheduleAtFixedRate(moveCmd, 1000, speed, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
I'm not going to get too involved with the code above. I'd like to draw your attention to the try-catch statement, however. As you can see I print the stacktrace and end the game, should an exception occur somewhere during the execution of the moveCmd runnable. This is the source of my curiosity: If I don't print the stacktrace like this, or if I remove the try-catch entirely, I never get any errors in the case of a runtime exception during the execution of that block. Why? Is it because it's wrapped inside the runnable? Note also that the line snakeGame.makeMove(player, direction); doesn't call any code in the main program; snakeGame is an instance of a SnakeLogic, which resides in an external .jar.
Why don't I get any errors if I remove the try-catch? Also, in this case, is printing the stacktrace a good idea?
I understand this imposes two questions for you: the topic and the above. I want to emphasize the topic, so don't get too sidetracked with the second question; though insight is duly noted, there's nothing broken in my code.
You need to shift your thought process a bit when dealing with error and exceptions. It is always a good practice to print the error trace. Now the question is where to print. by default printStackTrace prints to your standard console. of course you can redirect that output to a log file like Tomcat does but that is a work around, if you ask me.
In production and pre-prod systems and even in distributable spftware where you distribute a desktop application to users for running on PCs you may or may not have dedicated access to console. Further more what prints on console is lost once the console is closed or app finishes. You need to persist the errors somewhere for analysis later. Normally folks design the app to zip and send error logs periodically to developers for analysis.
Now if you think about the whole scenarios the bottom line is to preserve the errors somewhere for analysis later. So usually do it in a rotating log file or in DB. Console wont suffice. Thus incidentally the catch block should have a log statement to log the exception.
The problem with Exception.printStackTrace() is that it writes to your console (most probably) which is a synchronous operation. Not to mention that writing to console is slow in most platforms. You dont want to hold off your execution thread until the full stack trace is written. So its better to hand it over to a log framework like log4j which has the ability to write the complete stack trace into to file asynchronously (other appenders are available), so that the execution thread returns immediately to the callee and yet the log contains necessary details.
So its a question of synchronous write or asynchronous write. As Nazgul pointed out, you have to log exceptions in a system for later analysis where ever applicable.
NotE: A problem with asynchronous logging is that if the process dies abruptly, like in kill -9 or system powered down, you may loose the buffered content before OS has chance to write it to disk
try {
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
I found out that an IllegalThreadStateException was thrown by putting print statement, no stack trace was printed. I have tried searching existing threads about Thread.interrupt() and IllegalThreadStateException, but didn't get much out of them. I am using CDLC 1.1, if it helps. thank you very much!!
CLDC 1.1 is supposed to support interrupt(), but CLDC 1.0 didn't. Maybe your particular implementation didn't feel like adding this support, and fakes it by throwing a runtime exception.
If no stack trace is printed, it sounds like there error is happening (and being handled) elsewhere. Can you step through the code in a debugger and see if that interrupt is triggering another thread to have a problem? It would have to occur with the process of executing interrupt().
In our IDE, I would put a breakpoint on that line, hit F5 to step inside the method call, then continue stepping inside until I found the problem. Along the way, if I get to a point where there is no source code I would download the related source jar file and point the debugger to it (which sounds involved but only takes about 2 minutes).
Hope that helps in some way,
I'm working on a multithreaded program in Java that uses a shared array to pass data between threads. It's being developed in Netbeans 6.7.1.
One of the threads only seems to work when a breakpoint is placed in it, it doesnt matter where it is.
Running in debug mode with no breakpoints acts the same as running in release - the expected output never arrives.
I can't tell where the problem occurs, as the moment a breakpoint is added and I press continue, it works as expected.
How can I narrow down where/why this problem occurs?
Example code:
result = utils.isBufferFull(AudioDuplex.voiceArray);
if(result == true) {
System.out.println("Taking copy");
voiceArray = AudioDuplex.voiceArray;//.clone();
If a breakpoint is placed on line 2, it is never hit.
A breakpoint on line 3 will be hit, and the expected output will arrive.
It's impossible to tell exactly what's wrong without a lengthier code sample, but in my experience, this kind of behavior is typical of unrecognized producer-consumer problems (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Producer-consumer_problem).
Basically, what's probably happening is that your producer thread does not have the data available when the consumer thread is requesting it. The basic solution is to keep a semaphore (there is a Sempahore class in java afaik). The producer would post when it has the data, the consumer would wait until the producer posts.
What you're seeing with the break point is you stopping the consumer thread for a long enough period that the producer can offer something. When you don't break, the consumer runs normally, and exits before the producer has anything.
Write the values of the involved variables to a log file, the console or add them to an array and print them as soon as you get the error.
Your problem is probably a runtime issue (a second thread updates an involved variable). Since breakpoints only stop the active thread, the second thread gets its work done so the code works.
What is the best way to have a (Java) program recognize it crashed last time it ran and show a message along the lines of "it looks like this program crashed on you last time. Report this problem here: bla#foo.com ...."
Is there a recommended way of doing this? (Bad?) ideas I had would be:
Have the program store a temporary key file at startup and then delete it when closing regularly. If the file exists at startup, show the message.
Recognize deadlocks and store an "error file" in this case. If an "error file" exists at startup, show the error message and move the file into an archive or something similar.
There are three reasons why a Java program can crash:
Unhandled RuntimeException. This is easy to solve with a try-catch in main.
Unhandled Errors. These are rare but can be caught in main also. I usually catch Throwable in main. See below for a template.
If you use threads, then look at Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().
Bugs in the VM, or program killed by the user, or hardware violent shutdown. These will lead to a crash which can't be caught. Here, your best option is to create a flag file somewhere with new File(...).deleteOnExit(). Java will clean it up for you if it gets a chance.
The problem with deadlocks is how to detect that you have a deadlock. I haven't seen a consistent way to do that, yet.
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
public class Demo
public static void main (String[] args)
Demo obj = new Demo ();
obj.run (args);
System.out.println ("Done.");
catch (Throwable t)
ExceptionUtils.printRootCauseStackTrace (t);
Crash as in an uncaught exception? The use a Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, and display the message as part of the crash.
On the first idea, how do you handle multiply instances of the applications running at the same time? (Also think about multi-user environments).
Recognize deadlocks - How often are deadlocks the problem? I guess you could monitor the thread states on all the "key" threads.
You then have external forces killing the application, should they be considered a problem that you should report? After all your application was not at fault in this case.
Finally, always store an "error file" in the form of a log. Use a proper logging framework (i.e. Java Logging or Log4J). You could check the last lines of this for a signal that the application exited normally but again you will need to be careful in multi-instance environments.
A variant of the first solution you propose is common enough on Un*x for processes: store the pid file of a running process in a file at startup. When the program is launched again you can check if this file still exists (and even if the process with this pid is running).
With Java you could probably adapt this idea using Threadid defined in ThreadMXBean. But any file would do. A file that contains a key as you propose seems a good enough way. You could also put some usefull information in it like last execution time. If it's still there at startup the program didn't stopped cleanly.
It could also become something like a launch log file that trace program events including startup and clean stops, and maybe locks.
What I do is redirect System.err to a file, so that any error message (like crashes) end up in a file I can later process...
The code to do this is quite simple...
String errLog = "c:\\myLog";
java.io.PrintStream err = new java.io.PrintStream(new java.io.FileOutputStream(errLog));
catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException fnfe) {}
I'm going to mimic Marcos here. Create a configuration or log file that will host the last error message and last run date of the program. Then read that file during program load.
Many of these answers are about tracking exceptions that caused your app to quit working.
Another possibility is that the application just quit (i.e. user killed it, computer shutdown, power outage, etc.). I think your temporary key idea will work for that. It's similar to how text editing programs, such as vi or Word, automatically create a special copy of the file being edited. Upon opening it checks to see if the special copy exists and asks if you want to recover the file.
This question already has answers here:
How can I abort a running JDBC transaction?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a program that continually polls the database for change in value of some field. It runs in the background and currently uses a while(true) and a sleep() method to set the interval. I am wondering if this is a good practice? And, what could be a more efficient way to implement this? The program is meant to run at all times.
Consequently, the only way to stop the program is by issuing a kill on the process ID. The program could be in the middle of a JDBC call. How could I go about terminating it more gracefully? I understand that the best option would be to devise some kind of exit strategy by using a flag that will be periodically checked by the thread. But, I am unable to think of a way/condition of changing the value of this flag. Any ideas?
I am wondering if this is a good practice?
No. It's not good. Sometimes, it's all you've got, but it's not good.
And, what could be a more efficient way to implement this?
How do things get into the database in the first place?
The best change is to fix programs that insert/update the database to make requests which go to the database and to your program. A JMS topic is good for this kind of thing.
The next best change is to add a trigger to the database to enqueue each insert/update event into a queue. The queue could feed a JMS topic (or queue) for processing by your program.
The fall-back plan is your polling loop.
Your polling loop, however, should not trivially do work. It should drop a message into a queue for some other JDBC process to work on. A termination request is another message that can be dropped into the JMS queue. When your program gets the termination message, it absolutely must be finished with the prior JDBC request and can stop gracefully.
Before doing any of this, look at ESB solutions. Sun's JCAPS or TIBCO already have this. An open source ESB like Mulesource or Jitterbit may already have this functionality already built and tested.
This is really too big an issue to answer completely in this format. Do yourself a favour and go buy Java Concurrency in Practice. There is no better resource for concurrency on the Java 5+ platform out there. There are whole chapters devoted to this subject.
On the subject of killing your process during a JDBC call, that should be fine. I believe there are issues with interrupting a JDBC call (in that you can't?) but that's a different issue.
As others have said, the fact that you have to poll is probably indicative of a deeper problem with the design of your system... but sometimes that's the way it goes, so...
If you'd like to handle "killing" the process a little more gracefully, you could install a shutdown hook which is called when you hit Ctrl+C:
volatile boolean stop = false;
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("shutdown thread") {
public void run() {
stop = true;
then periodically check the stop variable.
A more elegant solution is to wait on an event:
boolean stop = false;
final Object event = new Object();
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("shutdown thread") {
public void run() {
synchronized(event) {
stop = true;
// ... and in your polling loop ...
synchronized(event) {
while(!stop) {
// ... do JDBC access ...
try {
// Wait 30 seconds, but break out as soon as the event is fired.
catch(InterruptedException e) {
// Log a message and exit. Never ignore interrupted exception.
Or something like that.
Note that a Timer (or similar) would be better in that you could at least reuse it and let it do with all of the details of sleeping, scheduling, exception handling, etc...
There are many reasons your app could die. Don't focus on just the one.
If it's even theoretically possible for your JDBC work to leave things in a half-correct state, then you have a bug you should fix. All of your DB work should be in a transaction. It should go or not go.
This is Java. Move your processing to a second thread. Now you can
Read from stdin in a loop. If someone types "QUIT", set the while flag to false and exit.
Create a AWT or Swing frame with a STOP button.
Pretend you are a Unix daemon and create a server socket. Wait for someone to open the socket and send "QUIT". (This has the added bonus that you can change the sleep to a select with timeout.)
There must be hundreds of variants on this.
Set up a signal handler for SIGTERM that sets a flag telling your loop to exit its next time through.
Regarding the question "The program could be in the middle of a JDBC call. How could I go about terminating it more gracefully?" - see How can I abort a running jdbc transaction?
Note that using a poll with sleep() is rarely the correct solution - implemented improperly, it can end up hogging CPU resources (the JVM thread-scheduler ends up spending inordinate amount of time sleeping and waking up the thread).
I‘ve created a Service class in my current company’s utility library for these kinds of problems:
public class Service implements Runnable {
private boolean shouldStop = false;
public synchronized stop() {
shouldStop = true;
private synchronized shouldStop() {
return shouldStop;
public void run() {
while (!shouldStop()) {
sleep(60 * 1000);
private synchronized sleep(long delay) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie1) {
/* ignore. */
Of course this is far from complete but you should get the gist. This will enable you to simply call the stop() method when you want the program to stop and it will exit cleanly.
If that's your application and you can modify it, you can:
Make it read a file
Read for the value of a flag.
When you want to kill it, you just modify the file and the application will exit gracefully.
Not need to work it that harder that that.
You could make the field a compound value that includes (conceptually) a process-ID and a timestamp. [Better yet, use two or more fields.] Start a thread in the process that owns access to the field, and have it loop, sleeping and updating the timestamp. Then a polling process that is waiting to own access to the field can observe that the timestamp has not updated in some time T (which is much greater than the time of the updating loop's sleep interval) and assume that the previously-owning process has died.
But this is still prone to failure.
In other languages, I always try to use flock() calls to synchronize on a file. Not sure what the Java equivalent is. Get real concurrency if you at all possibly can.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the interrupt mechanism implemented in Java. It's supposed to be a solution to the problem of stopping a thread. All other solutions have at least one flaw, that's why this mechanism is needed to be implemented in the Java concurrency library.
You can stop a thread by sending it an interrupt() message, but there are others ways that threads get interrupted. When this happens an InterruptedException is thrown. That's why you have to handle it when calling sleep() for example. That's where you can do cleanup and end gracefully, like closing the database connection.
Java9 has another "potential" answer to this: Thread.onSpinWait():
Indicates that the caller is momentarily unable to progress, until the occurrence of one or more actions on the part of other activities. By invoking this method within each iteration of a spin-wait loop construct, the calling thread indicates to the runtime that it is busy-waiting. The runtime may take action to improve the performance of invoking spin-wait loop constructions.
See JEP 285 for more details.
I think you should poll it with timertask instead.
My computer is running a while loop 1075566 times in 10 seconds.
Thats 107557 times in one second.
How often is it truly needed to poll it? A TimerTask runs at its fastest 1000 times in 1 second. You give it a parameter in int (miliseconds) as parameters. If you are content with that - that means you strain your cpu 108 times less with that task.
If you would be happy with polling once each second that is (108 * 1000). 108 000 times less straining. That also mean that you could check 108 000 values with the same cpu strain that you had with your one while loop - beause the you dont assign your cpu to check as often. Remember the cpu has a clock cycle. Mine is 3 600 000 000 hertz (cycles per second).
If your goal is to have it updated for a user - you can run a check each time the user logs in (or manually let him ask for an update) - that would practically not strain the cpu whatsoever.
You can also use thread.sleep(miliseconds); to lower the strain of your polling thread (as it wont be polling as often) you where doing.