Easy Java ORM for small projects - java

I'm currently searching for a really easy way to get simple Java Objects persistent in Databases and/or XML and/or other types of data stores.
For big projects in the company i would use hibernate, ibatis, datanucleus or something like that. But with small private projects this will take over 80% of the worktime.
I also found "simpleORM" but this one requires to code data-related stuff pretty hardly into the data-model classes. I don't really like that style so this is no option for me.
Do you have a suggestion for some library which simply takes my objects and saves / loads them as they are or with very little configuration?

You could try my ORMLite library, which was designed as a simple replacement for hibernate and iBatis. I'm the main author. It supports a number of JDBC databases and has an Android backend. Here is the getting started section of the manual which has some code examples. Here also are working examples of simple usage patterns.

Try Norm. It's a lightweight layer over JDBC. It adds almost zero overhead to JDBC calls and is very easy to learn.

You could just serialize your objects into a file/database whatsoever.
If you want to define the mapping then you'd have to go for more configuration and the standard OR mappers out there (like Hibernate) don't really add that much on top.

You could try xstream. It's really simple OXM library working without upfront configuration.
Sample code:
XStream xstream = new XStream();
// marshalling
String xml = xstream.toXML(domainObject);
// unmarshalling
domainObject = xstream.fromXML(xml);

For relational database persistence try one of the JPA implementations, such as OpenJPA.
The setup overhead is minimal. You can let JPA to create your schema & tables for your from your object definitions, so you don't need to hand crank any sql. All you need to supply is some annotations on your entities and a single config file, persistence.xml.

You can also use jEasyORM (http://jeasyorm.sourceforge.net/).
In most cases it automatically maps objects to database tables with no need for configuration.

You may want to consider www.sormula.org. Minimal programming/annotations and simple learning curve. It uses standard SQL and JDBC so will work with any relational db.

U could try SnakeORM http://sourceforge.net/p/selibs/wiki/Home/
It doesnt have many runtime dependencies, uses JPA annotations and follows DAO pattern.
Disclosure: I am the author of this project

Well if you want an ORM, then that implies that you want to map objects to tables, columns to fields etc. In this case, if you want to avoid the hassle of bigger ORM implementations, you could just use plain old JDBC, with simple DataAccessor patterns. But then this does not translated to XML directly.
If you want to just persist the object somewhere, and only care about "understanding" the object in Java, then serialization is a simple effective method, as Thomas mentioned earlier.

You could also try my little ORM library, Java2DB. I created it specifically for small projects that just want quick and easy access to their database. Check it out on GitHub.

Onyx Database is a very feature rich Java NoSQL database alternative. It's pure java with several persisting modes (caching, embedded-database, save-to-remote, and save-to-remote-cluster. It has an embedded ORM, and is probably the easiest persistence API I've used.


Using Hibernate for Existing Database

We have an application thats already running for a long time. Now we are migrating it to Spring and possibly using Hibernate or any other ORM.
But we caught up with a question. Is it not recommended / bad idea to use Hibernate for the already existing Database and model the object around Schema?
Most people advocate NOT using Hibernate and instead of go with some other ORMs like iBatis. But in our company, all are proponents of Hibernate.
Any experiences?
I would say that it's irresponsible to choose Hibernate, iBatis, or anything else without knowing your requirements.
If you don't have a solid object model, I'd say that Hibernate is a terrible choice.
If you use stored procedures as the interface to your database, I'd say that Hibernate is a terrible choice.
If you don't like the dynamic SQL that Hibernate generates for you, I'd say that Hibernate is a terrible choice.
Get it? Knee-jerk reactions like the ones from those Hibernate proponents aren't a good idea.
It might be that iBatis or Spring JDBC template is a better choice than Hibernate. You ought to become more informed about that decision and make it for your application rather than blindly listen to a mob.
You don't have to be all or none about it, either. It's possible to implement part of your solution with one technology and the rest in another.
I'd recommend making your persistence layer interface-based so you can swap implementations without affecting clients.
I recommend looking at SansORM (a NoORM object mapper). It is designed for SQL-first development, which fits well with retrofitting an existing schema.
Hibernate works well if you can model your database under your objects.
Vice versa, you are likely to get the database model as your your domain model. You need to evaluate how distant those two models are, otherwise you are going to map the database => ORM objects => your domain model. I would avoid that.
If I want to skip the ORM part, I find myself quite happy with JDBI which I prefer over Spring JDBC Template
As others have pointed out an ORM is only a good choice if your database is not far from an object model.
If that is the case then an option would be Hibernate through JPA for two resons:
Netbeans has a tool to generate JPA Entities from an existing database. This entities are not dependant on Netbeans so you could use a different IDE after the initial reverse engineering.
Spring Data JPA can avoid writing trivial queries and focus on the hard ones.

Support JPA and MongoDB in the same application

there exists a requirement which sounds quite simple: support a couple of RDBMS (which i intend to do by using JPA) and MongoDB (spring-data-mongodb is preferred) for persistence. More precisely either the one or the other has to be configured and used, i'm not talking about a cross store.
The procedure shall be the following: code the application, deliver the .war to the customer, in a config file the customer puts the persistence information like the databaseurl (i.e. either mongodb:localhost/test or jdbc:oracle:thin:1521#foo).
Additionally it would be nice to extend the implemenation for further datastores like couchdb.
Is there a best practice or at least any of a non-too-much-overhead-solution which is not that dirty?
Is Eclipselink an option? The latest supports JPA for both RDBMS and NOSQL (including Mongo)
I am currently developing a project with similar needs. I can advise you according to my experience.
I believe that the major concern here is not regarding the technology but more regarding how you will structure data. For that I advise you to use the AbstractFactory and FactoryMethod design patterns. Regaring technology I am using Morphia for MongoDB and JPA for MySQL (as an example) and it's working like a charm.
So the easiest way is to create interfaces for all the objects you want to persist, and then do an implementation for MongoDB with Morphia tags and another with JPA tags. Create one factory for MongoDB that will deal with all the CRUD operations in the MongoDB objects and do the same with a JPA factory.
When the application is starting, you only have to verify the user choice for persistence and then initialize the corresponding factory.
DataNucleus JPA allows you to persist to RDBMS, MongoDB and a host of other datastores (LDAP, HBase, AppEngine, Neo4j, etc), with a simple change to the connection URL, and has done so for quite some time

Database Layer non-ORM (Java)

I want to write Java code to work with a database, no matter which database is used. My problem is that it wouldn't be Object related. There are some insertions and queries that are but most of them aren't.
Right now we are using Postgresql and pure JDBC, but we may have to make it work with Oracle.
Can Hibernate (which I've never used) solve my problem or should I go for something else ?
I have created jOOQ precisely for that. jOOQ models SQL itself as a domain-specific language in Java. It embraces using standard and vendor-specific features, such as built-in functions, window functions, stored procedures, hierarchical queries, etc. Whenever possible, a vendor-specific functionality from one database is simulated for other databases. That way, most of jOOQ-generated SQL is compatible with any of its 13 supported databases.
See also this related question here:
ORM frameworks used for insert only / query only apps
I like #unludo's JPA answer but I thought I'd add some additional details.
I would recommend changing your code to use persistance interface that you define.
public interface DataPersister {
public void saveFoo(Foo foo);
public void findFooById(int id);
Your first implementation of the interface would then be using JDBC/Postgresql. If you want to use JPA under the covers then fine. Or if you want to switch to some no-SQL database or even flat files then fine.
Once you have the separation in your own code between the usage of the data and the persistence implementation, then it is significantly easier to switch to a different persister. You can use a cheap database like H2 for testing and switch to Postgresql in production while migrating to a new database in the near future.
Hope this helps.
Problems with Hibernate is that you need to modelize your relational database like object model. Sometimes this make difficult working with existing database. So it depends your relational database.
Other framework (not JPA) is Ibatis. Try to look at this framework.
The standard for Java is JPA and it is very powerful. Hibernate is the industry standard as a JPA provider.
JPA helps you write a clean persistence layer. You may write queries which are sure not to break, because they are validated at compilation time. I like to use spring for this, it's so easy to unit test. But CDI now provides the same I believe.
It's also easy to write test classes. As a coworker once teached me, the model is the most important thing you have. You don't want it to break or you have problems.
With JPA you may also generate the schema from the entities, for any database you want to use. From experience, it's also very good.
JPA helps you put good practices at work. That's a lot of value.
Regarding #hvgotcodes answer, yes you have to be careful with the cost but you may also mix jdbc and jpa. That's what Dao's are for.
The problem with writing your own sql is you need to manually optimize it for your RDBMS. Some RDBMS support varying sql constructs.
So you need to balance that against the overhead of switching to an ORM based solution. Or, make sure you sql is 100% standard so you don't use any constructs that work in one RDBMS solution and not in another.
In your particular situation, it's probably going to be easier to just fix your sql than rework your entire persistence layer to use ORM. Sometimes the best tool is the one you know. If your current application doesn't have a concise model layer, switching to ORM is going to require a lot of work. You could of course use hibernate and just use strait sql queries, but what's the point if you are not going to model your data.
Hopefully, all your persistence concerns are in one DAO layer, with lots of integration tests, so you can quickly identify what breaks when you switch RDBMS. If you don't have integration tests that focus on persistence, then now is the time to start writing them.

Databases and Java

I am starting out writing java code and interacting with databases for my "nextbigthing" project. Can someone direct me towards the best way to deal with adding/updating tables/records to databases? Here is my problem. There is too much repitition when it comes to DB code in java. I have to create the tables first (I use mysql). I then create classes in Java for each table. Then I create a AddRow, DeleteRow, UpdateRow and Search* depending on my need. For every table, every need creating this huge ass sql statement and the classes all seems like a huge waste of my time. There has to be a better, easier, more efficient way of doing things. Is there something out there that I do not know that will let me just tell Java what the table is and it automatically generate the queries and execute them for me? Its simple SQL that can be auto generated if it knows the column names and DB table inter dependencies. Seems like a very reasonable thing to have.
Check out Hibernate - a standard Java ORM solution.
User hibernate for mapping your classes to Database.
Set its hbm2ddl.auto to update to avoid writing DDL yourself. But note that this is not the most optimal way to take it to production.
Consider using Hibernate:
It can create java classes with regular CRUD methods from existing database schema.
Of course there is a much better way !
You really want to learn some bits of Java EE, and in particular JPA for database access.
For a complete crash course on Java EE, check out the Sun the Java EE 5 tutorial.
Part 4 - Enterprise Beans
Part 5 - Persistence (JPA)
Then you want to try Hibernate (for instance) which has an implementation of JPA.
This is for Java 5 or later.
If you are still in Java 2, you might want to try Hibernate or iBatis.
You can also try iBatis, if you want control over SQL. Else JPA is good.
You can also try using Seam Framework. It has good reverse-engineering tools.
There is also torque (http://db.apache.org/torque/) which I personally prefer because it's simpler, and does exactly what I need.
With torque I can define a database with mysql(Well I use Postgresql, but Mysql is supported too) and Torque can then query the database and then generate java classes for each table in the database. With Torque you can then query the database and get back Java objects of the correct type.
It supports where clauses (Either with a Criteria object or you can write the sql yourself) and joins.
It also support foreign keys, so if you got a User table and a House table, where a user can own 0 or more houses, there will be a getHouses() method on the user object which will give you the list of House objects the user own.
To get a first look at the kind of code you can write, take a look at
http://db.apache.org/torque/releases/torque-3.3/tutorial/step5.html which contains examples which show how to load/save/query data with torque. (All the classes used in this example are auto-generated based on the database definition).
Or, if Hibernate is too much, try Spring JDBC. It eliminates a lot of boilerplate code for you.
iBatis is another good choice, intermediate between Spring JDBC and Hibernate.
It's just a matter of using the right tools. Use an IDE with tools to autogenerate the one and other.
If you're using Eclipse for Java EE and decide to head to JPA, then I can recommend to take benefit of the builtin Dali plugin. There's a nice PDF tutorial out at Eclipse.org.
If you're using Eclipse for Java EE and decide to head to "good ol" Hibernate, then I can recommend to take benefit of the Hibernatetools plugin. There's good reference guide out at Hibernate.org.
Both tools are capable of reverse-engineering from a SQL table to fullworthy Javabeans/entities and/or mapping files. It really takes most of boilerplate pains away. The DAO pattern is slightly superflous when grabbing JPA. In case of Hibernate you can consider to use a Generic DAO.

Migrating to ORM

Stepwise, what would be a good way of integrating Spring and Hibernate into an existing JSF application that doesn't use ORM?
1) You would need to design the domain model first and then map it to the database. You could use hibernate reverse engineering tools for this.
2) Other option is to manually map your current objects(DTO) to database tables. Since you use JSF, I assume you'd be having some objects currently.
3) Design the Service Layer around the objects.
Spring -
1) You could use Spring to provide hibernate template, provide common services through bean.
2) You can manage the transaction in Spring.
I would recommend first to write tests to check your code of your previous persistent mechanism. This code could be used to check the correct behavior of our ORM integration.
As mentioned by other answers, having a clear DAO defined by interface helps to bound the DAO code.
Map the domain objects first, then write your DAO, then your service objects (which take care of large atomic suite of operations by enclosing its in a transaction).
Use persistence mechanism which is vendor-agnostic (JPA is the good and only choice).
Start with one kind of database and stick with it during all the migration. In very uncommon cases, you can meet subtle differences between databases which could be very hard to solve, especially if you're a beginner.
When starting, use automatic generation of database (generateDdl for hibernate subsystem) and then, when things starts to be stabilized, force #Table and #Column annotations to fix name of each column. At this point, write a SQL script which generate the database with empty tables. The reason if to fix your architecture and be sure you're controlling the database organization.
If you're serious about ORM, please look at Java Persistence With Hibernate of Christian Bauer (Manning publications), this is "the bible" about hibernate and JPA on Java.
If you've written Spring properly, you should have DAO/repository interfaces. If that's the case, all you have to do is write a new implementation of that interface using Hibernate, test it, and change your Spring configuration to inject it.
ORM presumes that you have an object model in place to map to a relational schema. If you don't, I would advise against using ORM. Better to use iBatis or JDBC in that case.

