Suppose, we have an entity User, which has many comments.
It is possible to do so:
List<Comment> = user.getComments();
But this will load all the comments of the user.
How should we retrieve just first 10 for example?
Is the anything similar to:
List<Comment> = user.getComments().setOffset(0).stLimit(10).getResultList();
You should limit this in the query using LIMIT and not in the code.
SELECT, FROM comment WHERE =:username
OR you can use setMaxResults method from jpa: documentation here
Query query=em.createQuery("SELECT st FROM Student st WHERE st.sroll > ?param");
query.setParameter(param, 100);
List stuList=query.getResultList();
The standard Java way to do it (and I'm pretty sure that JPA providers have the functionality to back that up) is:
List<Comment> = user.getComments().subList(0,10);
List.subList(from, to)
Or you can use the extremely verbose JPA 2 CriteriaQuery API:
CriteriaQuery<Comment> cQuery =
List<Comment> comments =
I am have a problem where i need to join two tables using the LEAST and GREATEST functions, but using JPA CriteriaQuery. Here is the SQL that i am trying to duplicate...
select * from TABLE_A a
inner join TABLE_X x on
a.COL_1 = least(x.COL_Y, x.COL_Z)
a.COL_2 = greatest(x.COL_Y, x.COL_Z)
I have looked at CriteriaBuilder.least(..) and greatest(..), but am having a difficult time trying to understand how to create the Expression<T> to pass to either function.
The simplest way to compare two columns and get the least/greatest value is to use the CASE statement.
In JPQL, the query would look like
select a from EntityA a join a.entityXList x
where a.numValueA=CASE WHEN x.numValueY <= x.numValueZ THEN x.numValueY ELSE x.numValueZ END
and a.numValueB=CASE WHEN x.numValueY >= x.numValueZ THEN x.numValueY ELSE x.numValueZ END
You can code the equivalent using CriteriaBuilder.selectCase() but I've never been a big fan of CriteriaBuilder. If requirements forces you to use CriteriaBuilder then please let me know and I can try to code the equivalent.
CriteriaBuilder least/greatest is meant to get the min/max value of all the entries in one column. Let's say you want to get the Entity that had the alphabetically greatest String name. The code would look like
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery query = cb.createQuery(EntityX.class);
Root<EntityX> root = query.from(EntityX.class);
Subquery<String> maxSubQuery = query.subquery(String.class);
Root<EntityX> fromEntityX = maxSubQuery.from(EntityX.class);;
query.where(cb.equal(root.get(EntityX_.nameX), maxSubQuery));
I created a sample Spring Data JPA app that demonstrates these JPA examples at
It turns out that CriteriaBuilder does support calling LEAST and GREATEST as non-aggregate functions, and can be accessed by using the CriteriaBuilder.function(..), as shown here:
Predicate greatestPred = cb.equal(pathA.get(TableA_.col2),
cb.function("greatest", String.class,
pathX.get(TableX_.colY), pathX.get(TableX_.colZ)));
How do I implement ordering objects by aggregated nested property?
I have Photographer entity which one has a lot of PhotographerPrice entities (One to Many) with BigDecimal property called pricePerHour. When I retrieving photographers I want to sort them by the minimal price of whole prices they have.
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Photographer> cq = cb.createQuery(Photographer.class);
Root<Photographer> root = cq.from(Photographer.class);
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>(); // I have a lot of predicates which set if data was present by client
I tried to make a subquery to PhotographerPrice and than sort in root
Subquery<BigDecimal> subquery = cq.subquery(BigDecimal.class);
Root<PhotographerPrice> from = subquery.from(PhotographerPrice.class);
Predicate and = cb.and(
cb.equal(root.get(, from.get(PhotographerPrice_.photographer).get(,
But, as I realized, it's not allowed to use a subquery in order by clause.
So, how do I can implement something like this using Criteria API:
select *
from photographer p
order by (
select min(price_per_hour) minPrice
from photographer_price pp
where = pp.photographer_id
and pp.photo_per_hour is not null
group by photographer_id
When I tried to implement it with Join approach I've got duplicates in my result list.
Is it possible to implement it using Criteria API? Maybe there is another tool to make filtering for entities from DB more convenient? I have a lot of different parameters for filtering and sorting which related to nested properties, sometimes even related to nested in a nested property.
The only way I found to solve it:
ListJoin<Photographer, PhotographerPrice> join = root.join(Photographer_.photographerPrices);
Expression<BigDecimal> min = cb.min(join.get(PhotographerPrice_.pricePerHour));
But I don't sure about group by. Is it possible some troubleshooting appear later?
The approach I found that works in my case
Do left join to PhotographerPrice with Min aggregate function after that make an order based by result of this aggregate:
ListJoin<Photographer, PhotographerPrice> photographerPriceJoin = root.join(Photographer_.photographerPrices);
Expression<BigDecimal> min = cb.min(photographerPriceJoin.get(PhotographerPrice_.pricePerHour));
if (photographerCatalogFilter.getDirection().isDescending()) {
} else {
I'm struggling with making order parametrised. The best would be to have
... order by :orderColumn :orderDirection ...
Is it even possible to turn:
#Query("select * from Document where folderId = :folderId AND documentType = :documentType"
+ " order by created desc limit :limit")
List<Document> findByFolderIdAndDocumentTypeOrderByWithLimit(Long folderId, String documentType,
String orderColumn, Integer limit);
#Query("select * from Document where folderId = :folderId AND documentType = :documentType"
+ " order by :orderColumn desc limit :limit")
List<Document> findByFolderIdAndDocumentTypeOrderByWithLimit(Long folderId, String documentType,
String orderColumn, Integer limit);
I'm using spring-data-jdbc 1.1.3.REELASE version. Even doing it for just column name would help me a lot.
Replacing a column name with a bind parameter is not possible.
This is a limitation of JDBC, and possibly even of SQL.
What you can do is use an expression that evaluates to the value of different columns based on a bind parameter.
Something like
WHEN :orderColumn = 'created' THEN created
WHEN :orderColumn = 'updated' THEN updated
WHEN :orderColumn = 'deleted' THEN deleted
Note that this kind of constructed isn't well supported by query optimisers and therefore will not utilise any index that would otherwise apply.
If you require better support by the optimiser you can always write a custom query that you create dynamically.
If you decide to do so, make sure you do not incorporate Strings from untrusted sources in your SQL statement to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Use the PagingAndSortingRepository
#Query("select * from Document where folderId = :folderId AND documentType = :documentType")
List<Document> findByFolderIdAndDocumentTypeOrderByWithLimit(Long folderId, String documentType, Pageable pageable);
And call the method:
findByFolderIdAndDocumentTypeOrderByWithLimit(1,"Type", PageRequest.of(0, <limit>,<column name>).descending());
sume examples you can fine here
Until there will be version of spring-data-jdbc (as far as I know 2.X.X.RELEASE) supporting Pagable object I've decided for this particular case use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and tail my own query. I hope this or other answers here will help someone. Thank you for your help :)
So, I'm getting a number of instances of a particular entity by id:
for(Integer songId:songGroup.getSongIds()) {
session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
Song song = (Song) session.get(Song.class,id);
This generates a SQL query for each id, so it occurred to me that I should do this in one, but I couldn't find a way to get multiple entities in one call except by running a query. So I wrote a query
return (List) session.createCriteria(Song.class)
But, if I enable 2nd level caching doesn't that mean that my old method would be able to return the objects from the 2nd level cache (if they had been requested before) but my query would always go to the database.
What the correct way to do this?
What you're asking to do here is for Hibernate to do special case handling for your Criteria, which is kind of a lot to ask.
You'll have to do it yourself, but it's not hard. Using SessionFactory.getCache(), you can get a reference to the actual storage for cached objects. Do something like the following:
for (Long id : allRequiredIds) {
if (!sessionFactory.getCache().containsEntity(Song.class, id)) {
} else {
songs.add(session.get(Song.class, id));
List<Song> fetchedSongs = session.createCriteria(Song.class).add("id",idsToQueryDatabaseFor).list();
Then the Songs from the cache get retrieved from there, and the ones that are not get pulled with a single select.
If you know that the IDs exist, you can use load(..) to create a proxy without actually hitting the DB:
Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, obtaining the specified lock mode, assuming the instance exists.
List<Song> list = new ArrayList<>(ids.size());
for (Integer id : ids)
list.add(session.load(Song.class, id, LockOptions.NONE));
Once you access a non-identifier accessor, Hibernate will check the caches and fallback to DB if needed, using batch-fetching if configured.
If the ID doesn't exists, a ObjectNotFoundException will occur once the object is loaded. This might be somewhere in your code where you wouldn't really expect an exception - you're using a simple accessor in the end. So either be 100% sure the ID exists or at least force a ObjectNotFoundException early where you'd expect it, e.g. right after populating the list.
There is a difference between hibernate 2nd level cache to hibernate query cache.
The following link explains it really well:
In a nutshell,
If you are using the same query many times with the same parameters then you can reduce database hits using a combination of both.
Another thing that you could do is to sort the list of ids, and identify subsequences of consecutive ids and then query each of those subsequences in a single query. For example, given List<Long> ids, do the following (assuming that you have a Pair class in Java):
List<Pair> pairs=new LinkedList<Pair>();
List<Object> results=new LinkedList<Object>();
Iterator<Long> it=ids.iterator();
Long previous=-1L;
Long sequence_start=-1L;
while (it.hasNext()){
if (next>previous+1) {
pairs.add(new Pair(sequence_start, previous));
pairs.add(new Pair(sequence_start, previous));
for (Pair pair : pairs){
Query query=session.createQuery("from Person p where>=:start_id and<=:end_id");
query.setLong("start_id", pair.getStart());
query.setLong("end_id", pair.getEnd());
Fetching each entity one by one in a loop can lead to N+1 query issues.
Therefore, it's much more efficient to fetch all entities at once and do the processing afterward.
Now, in your proposed solution, you were using the legacy Hibernate Criteria, but since it's been deprecated since Hibernate 4 and will probably be removed in Hibernate 6, so it's better to use one of the following alternatives.
You can use a JPQL query like the following one:
List<Song> songs = entityManager
"select s " +
"from Song s " +
"where in (:ids)", Song.class)
.setParameter("ids", songGroup.getSongIds())
Criteria API
If you want to build the query dynamically, then you can use a Criteria API query:
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Song> query = builder.createQuery(Song.class);
ParameterExpression<List> ids = builder.parameter(List.class);
Root<Song> root = query
List<Song> songs = entityManager
.setParameter(ids, songGroup.getSongIds())
Hibernate-specific multiLoad
List<Song> songs = entityManager
Now, the JPQL and Criteria API can benefit from the hibernate.query.in_clause_parameter_padding optimization as well, which allows you to increase the SQL statement caching mechanism.
For more details about loading multiple entities by their identifier, check out this article.
I found some hint in Toplink
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC");
query.setHint("eclipselink.cursor.scrollable", true);
ScrollableCursor scrollableCursor = (ScrollableCursor)query.getSingleResult();
List<Employee> emps =;
is there are jpa/hibernate alternative?
To my knowledge, there is nothing standard in JPA for that.
With Hibernate, the closest alternative I'm aware of would be the Query / ScrollableResults APIs. From the documentation: Scrollable iteration
If your JDBC driver supports
scrollable ResultSets, the Query
interface can be used to obtain a
ScrollableResults object that allows
flexible navigation of the query
Query q = sess.createQuery("select, cat from DomesticCat cat " +
"order by");
ScrollableResults cats = q.scroll();
if ( cats.first() ) {
// find the first name on each page of an alphabetical list of cats by name
firstNamesOfPages = new ArrayList();
do {
String name = cats.getString(0);
while ( cats.scroll(PAGE_SIZE) );
// Now get the first page of cats
pageOfCats = new ArrayList();
int i=0;
while( ( PAGE_SIZE > i++ ) && ) pageOfCats.add( cats.get(1) );
Note that an open database connection
and cursor is required for this
functionality. Use
setMaxResult()/setFirstResult() if you
need offline pagination functionality.
Judging from the other answers JPA does not support scrolling directly, but if you use Hibernate as JPA implementation you can do
javax.persistence.Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select foo from bar");
org.hibernate.Query hquery = query.unwrap(org.hibernate.Query);
ScrollableResults results = hquery.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
That accesses the underlying Hibernate api for the scrolling but you can use all the features of JPA querying. (At least for criteria queries the JPA api has some features that are not in the old Hibernate api.)
When processing large number of entities in a large project code based on List<E> instances,
I has to write a really limited List implementation with only Iterator support to browse a ScrollableResults without refactoring all services implementations and method prototypes using List<E>.
This implementation is available in my Gist
It also regularly flushes Hibernate entities from session. Here is a way to use it, for instance when exporting all non archived entities from DB as a text file with a for loop:
Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(LargeVolumeEntity.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("archived", Boolean.FALSE));
List<E> result = new IterableListScrollableResults<E>(getCurrentSession(),
for(E entity : result) {
dumpEntity(file, entity);
With the hope it may help
In JPA you can use query.setFirstResult and query.setMaxResults
Also using Spring Data would be an option. There you can specify the query and pass, as a parameter, a "PageRequest" in which you indicate the page size and the page number:
Page<User> users = repository.findAll(new PageRequest(1, 20));
For this you need to extend a PagingAndSortingRepository.
Just as another alternative for paging over the results.
Of course, underneath, it's using Hibernate, Toplink or whatever JPA implementation you configure.