SSL authentication in Java as Server/client model - java

I have a requirement to use client/server architecture and with Open SSL authentication.
Here, how server to know the connect client using their OPen SSL certificate?
Anyone knows the link, sample then please reply me.We have to develop it in Java.

OpenSSL is not Java, so your solution cannot be both - but I think I know what is intended.
Normally OpenSSL is used as part of Apache http as part of mod_ssl. This in turn uses a "connector" to send the requests to an application server, e.g. Apache Tomcat. You can configure this connector to also send the SSL certificates to tomcat if that is required, but normally the authentication/verification is handled within the deamon.
All this is pretty easy to Google, although you should factor in some time to fully understand the connectors. You've the keywords, now use them :)


how to know if https server is one way ssl or two way ssl

Since I am new to this SSL I am asking this question. I googled and got this below mentioned HTTPS server python script. May I please know if its one way SSL or Two way SSL? And also how do I take dump to see the communication between client and server?
My requirement is to have one way SSL.
import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer
import ssl
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('localhost', 4443), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket (httpd.socket, certfile='path/to/localhost.pem', server_side=True)
May I please know if its one way SSL or Two way SSL
This is one-way, i.e. the server is sending its certificate but not requesting a certificate from the client. The server could request a client certificate by adding cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED to the call of ssl_wrap.
And also how do I take dump to see the communication between client and server?
Use the packet capture tool of your choice and which is supported on your unknown platform. wireshark is a good choice and you will find plenty of documentation about how to use it.

Heroku: Spring Boot Gradle app with https tomcat server and certificate pinning

I have a Spring Boot java app that uses a self-signed certificate to communicate with the android front-end.
I use a tomcat server as my container for the app:
compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat'
Now, I have enabled https / ssl:
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container;
tomcat.addConnectorCustomizers(connector -> {
I have to enable SSL as I want my android frontend to communicate to my server securely. I use the technique called certificate pinning which means I add the same self-signed certificate to both my server and my android app. For any http communications between the two, the communication will be encrypted with the keys of the same certificate and hence the server and android app will be able to understand one another.
When I load it into Heroku, I get errors each time I try to call the server:
2015-12-11T20:04:32.424629+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H13 desc="Connection closed without response" method=GET path="/getfood?postid=566348364a918a12046ce96f" request_id=bf975c13-69f3-45f5-9e04-ca6817b6c410 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=4ms status=503 bytes=0
According to this blog by Julie:
As a side note, Heroku apps are https enabled by default. The server I
was installing had Tomcat configured to use https, and trying to
access an endpoint was returning a code=H13 desc="Connection closed
without response" error. After I removed that configuration the error
went away.
I can fix the error by just removing the ssl / https from my tomcat server, but as I mentioned, I want to use the certificate pinning technique for secure communications.
I was thinking whether it was possible to disable the SSL on heroku side but keep my tomcat server SSL active but I already contacted Heroku and they told me that disabling the piggyback SSL that comes standard with their service is not possible.
I also looked at the paid alternative here called SSL Endpoint but it seems only userful for custom domains. Since all endpoints are coded within my android app and is not visible to the user, it makes no sense for me to use a custom domain. Furthermore, I don't think it will solve my problem as its sole objective seems to be to create the custom domain:
SSL Endpoint is only useful for custom domains. All default domains are already SSL-enabled and can be
accessed by using https, for example,
I googled for a few days now and cannot seem to come up with a solution. Disabling ssl on my tomcat side would not be acceptable in my mind as it poses too much risks. I would even consider other services (Azure etc) if this would solve my problem.
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
With Heroku, in order to use your own custom SSL, you need to use a custom domain and the SSL Endpoint addon, it will probably won't make sense for your case, but it is the only way to use your own certificate.
And I haven't tried all the providers out there, but with the ones I tried, the scenario is exactly the same, it is possible to use custom SSL cert only if you are using a custom domain.
Although, browsing google a bit, found this blog post where it ilustrates how to use an intermediate DNS service to comunicate with Heroku. In the communication between the DNS service and Heroku, the provided heroku SSL cert is used, but from the client to the DNS service a different certificate is used, so it might be of some help.
Update: A possible solution would be to use Amazon Web Services, where the deal is that you rent VM's and you are allowed to setup your own environment, meaning that you can install your own tomcat and use your own custom SSL.
Update 2: Also there is CloudFront with AWS, where you can use your own certificates explained here

How to secure communication in client-server app?

I've got backend running on the tomcat server and client running in the browser. Application is built on Spring 3 MVC + Spring security framework. How to secure the communication ? Is there other option than just to set the server to be accessed only via HTTPS ? I've got no experience with this so it might be a stupid question, but will this affect my application and do I have to set something up in my app, when the server shall communicate with client via GET/POST request via https ?
It depends somewhat what you mean by "secure." If you want privacy, you must use TLS (SSL) as a transport.
If you're only concerned with authentication, then you have another option: Digest Authentication.
Digest Authentication allows the client (browser, usually) and the server to exchange authentication credentials in a secure manner without securing the entire communication. If you use Digest Authentication, then third parties can still:
See what data the client and server exchange
Insert themselves between the client and server and alter the exchange
What third parties cannot do is spoof the authentication or steal username/passwords in transit.
If that's not secure enough, you need TLS. You do not necessarily have to purchase a certificate. You can use OpenSSL to generate your own. This certificate will not automatically be trusted by browsers, however, so you can't really use it for public sites.
You will need to consult your server documentation for how to set up HTTPS or Digest Authentication, depending on which fits your needs.
Your application should not be affected by switching from HTTP to HTTPS, Tomcat handles this or maybe an Apache in front. It's important to understand, that HTTPS is a server-thing, not an application topic, because the client makes a connection to the server (Tomcat), not to your application. Check out the Tomcat documentation, it's pretty clear about how things work.
And, like the others said: From what you've said it's best to use HTTPS (TLS/SSL). Certificates are a bit frightning at the beginning, but it's worth to invest the time.
HTTPS is the (S)ecure form of HTTP, since you have an HTTP client server application I would certainly used HTTPS. All you need is to create an SSL certicate for your website and restrict access to your website to HTTPS only, then you are 99.99% secure.
Your certicate can be either commercial from Versign or equivalent or some open source engine.
for the clients nothing needs to be done to support HTTPS

Consuming Webservice and 2 way SSL

Consuming Webservice over HTTPS
We have a webservice that we are consuming from our end.
Webservice can run both on HTTP and HTTPS protocol.
With HTTP no issues, but how to access with HTTPS.
Can anybody tell me the java code for the same. I need to do this at the application level.
Keystores and truststores will be required but how to use in java code and and trust them.
Any help will be appreciated.
The server authentication part should be easy. Just stick the required cert(s) in the provided cacerts truststore.. see this documentation for some info on using keytool to work with the cacerts truststore.
As far as the client authentication part, I'd look at some other questions here on Stack Overflow for your answer or at least some code to get you started. Here are some questions you should look at:
Creating SSL Client with Axis2/JAVa, and
Choosing SSL client certificate in Java should be a couple for you to look at.
Last, I'm going to submit another edit to add the 'axis2' tag to your question. That should get some more people looking at this that have the appropriate experience.

java security configuration for ssl

I have the following question on SSL/TLS.
After the server hello, starts the authentication phase of the server.
From various articles/books, it appears that this phase is optional. E.g. in wiki
The server sends its Certificate
message (depending on the selected
cipher suite, this may be omitted by
the server).
But I do not understand what it means to say that it depends on the encryption suite.
So my understanding is either a ServerKeyExchange or a Certificate follows a ServerHello.
So my question is, can the server authentication be omitted all together?
For example to omit client aunthentication in Tomcat, you just configure the connector to not request it.
How can the server authentication be omitted? Does it depend on the java framework I use, if it supports it?
And what does it mean to omit the server authentication? If the certificate is not send then the ServerKeyExchange becomes mandatory, or usually frameworks allow provisioning of a local public key instead if one wants to by pass-authentication phase for performance or because it does not make any sense?
Or does this depends on the encryption suite somehow, as wiki seems to imply?
I understand that server should always be authenticated. The context of my problem though is a client app and server running on the same machine (and java runtime I guess) so it can be considered safe to bypass server authentication (I think).
Any input is highly welcome!
In TLS/SSL, server authentication is optional.
If you choose TLS/SSL cipher suite without authn (such as TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL (turns off authn and encryption) or TLS_DH_anon_XXXX (use only encryption) in TLS specification), server certificate won't be sent.
TLS/SSL without authn doesn't seem to be supported pure-Java connector.
But I think the native-connector with SSLCipherSuite=aNULL supports it.
I don't know it's safe to disable authn, i.e., attacks such as DNS-spoofing might be threats.
I think you'd better to use server authn if performance is not problem.
Or, turning off TLS/SSL itself might be choice. (Encrypting server-client communication might be meaningless because administrator of the computer can steal certificate files and dump JVM heap.)
Authentication and Encryption are important when data travels across an untrusted network or when one of the endpoints is not trusted. If you application only makes connections on localhost, then Authentication and Encryption aren't important (the fact that your data and application are on locahost implies a trust in localhost).
you can get ssl configuration for tomcat 6 from
you got whole configuration and how to create keytool and how to generate certificate form that

