Sorry, but I tried searching for this subject, but I didn't find related to my problem.
Recently, I bought a domain and web hosting for it. I bought it especially for using it for my Java projects.
I have Tomcat available as server on the hosting.
My question is: how do I work with a hosted Tomcat, which, in my opinion, it is quite different from localhost (where you could have unlimited access)?
For example, if I create a Spring project that looks like this:
The index.jsp outputs a simple This is a test
I created an Ant build.xml that will build the project, but when I access from it will not work, and I only cand access the file from
If I had done this on localhost, I'd deploy it in tomcat-path/webapps, but how does this work online?
The solution is to install Tomcat Manager Webapp in order to deploy applications on a shared hosting that uses Tomcat as server.
If the hosting doesn't offer you Tomcat Manager (as was in my case), you can still make it through by asking the administrator of your hosting to configure your jk_mod file to deploy your war files.
Append these lines
jkMount /*.war ajp3
jkMount /* ajp3 ## I'm still not sure if this made it work, because it makes tomcat listen on the entire public_html
But be aware, if your version of Tomcat is brought to you by cPanel's EasyApache, you will have to deal with some issues there too - the latest installed Tomcat will be 5.5.33 (a bit old, right?), but again you can try tweaking the old version and install, let's say 6.x.x
A tutorial about this upgrade:
The thing that help me a lot to understand the concepts that were envolved in solving this problem: -- a training course about Tomcat and cPanel
An another thing to add: Install a local version of Tomcat on your machine, first deploy it on localhost. If there it works, it should be working online as well.
Those of you who work with Spring Roo, on Tomcat 5.5.33, if you already know, you cannot deploy your projects, becase of the too old Tomcat, so you have to upgrade your Tomcat immediately.
I hope this will help all of those who had difficulties like myself.
One of the most important non-functional requirements of any project is the build process in my opinion and that's where I kinda get stuck in my java project, which has just one external dependency, a jdbc compatible database. All the tutorials about spring and deployment out there; I've read them all, but they either say:
run it with gradle bootRun (yes works but on a webserver I'm not going to have any properties-files, but JNDI resource for example) or
build a deployable war file with JNDI resources (yes it works on the webserver, but not in my embedded webserver or I'm doing it wrong, but I cannot find any doc about how an embedded tomcat loads a context.xml from outside the jar file).
Now I tried to use the same setup as my server and installed tomcat7 and the #Asyc #Scheduled services run, but no servlets, like a simple /status page should return "OK" just for checking. catalina.out does not show any errors. My /manager from tomcat7-admin says deployment ok, and when I click start: "FAIL - Application at context path /xyz-0.1.0 could not be started
FAIL - Encountered exception org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/xyz-0.1.0]]"
And now I want to make a cut here and throw every "bootstrap" stuff away and start from zero.
So my question is, am I wrong when I say, that the big deal of my deployment is a jdbc JNDI resource provided from the web container, which is called 'jdbc/xyz' and everyone who wants to deploy my war needs that JNDI. That means so matter if you're using wildfly, jboss, tomcat, glassfish or any embedded server: your server impl has to provide that web container and jndi resource to make it run. And I don't want to configure any tomcat, glassfish or whatever implementation in my war.
Is that wrong?
It would be great, if you could help me. I'm playing around with that many weeks now :( and if A works B does not and vice versa. Would it be easier to use JEE?
Thank you.
I have a rare problem, at least for me.
I have a project built in Java. Using Maven and Spring MVC. I define a couple of controllers to redirect between pages (.JSP).
I deploy my WAR project on Tomcat webapps folder. And everything seems fine.
Now when I access to the app from the server local IP (192.168...), everything works.
But, when I access from public IP, the only thing I get is the folders of the project, it's like the context configuration of Spring and controllers doesn't work.
Of course, I can to navigate to each page with the complete URL.
Already checked that both directions also point in the same folder.
Thanks in advance.
I want to say that I configure apache and tomcat connector. So When I enter to my local IP with the :8080, my app works fine. But when I enter without it, I see the list of folders.
My web server is Apache.
And my connector configuration is:
<IfModule jk_module>
# Tomcat Connector custom properties
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/jk.log
JkShmFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.shm
JkLogLevel error
JkMount /manager/* worker1
JkMount /host-manager/* worker1
And the only thing that I add to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default is:
JkMountCopy On
I get some information from this tutorial:
I am new to weblogic and I would like to find out how my files are arrange in Weblogic?
I have used only Tomcat and this is the first time where I will deploy in a Weblogic Server.
In Tomcat, I could view the exploded view of my projects by looking at the Tomcat Home Directory
and the WebApps folder. There I could view how my application css/js/resource files are deployed.
I am looking for a similar functionality in Weblogic? Can somebody tell me how? Thanks
I am using Weblogic 10.3.4 by the way
WebLogic supports several different ways of deploying applications, so the answer to your question is not very straightforward.
Typically, if you deploy a war/ear, then WebLogic will place them in the $WEBLOGIC_HOME/application directory. WebLogic will then explode your ear/war into a separate wl_stage folder that will be under your managedServer directory.
You can also use the ability of WebLogic to autodeploy ( not recommended for production apps ) where WebLogic will automatically explode the app.
In summary, you probably need to reach for the documentation to get all your questions answered.
I'm not quite sure if you want to find out where to deploy or where applications have been deployed.
But if you want to see where are the deployed applications in weblogic, you can go to its console (e.g. localhost:7001/console) after start the server. Then follow the following steps:
Find and click "Deployments" label
Find and click your application in the right panel
Click "Overview" tab, then you will see "Path" in the opened information table.
I would like to know if its possible to deploy java class files without restarting JBoss server. I am using jboss v4.2.2.
Also, when I try to deploy jsp files, it works fine and server picks up the changes almost instantly.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
I'm better with Tomcat than JBoss, but it should be possible (as in Tomcat) to restart the application without restarting the app server. If the server has a "development mode" and this is active, then it should be possible to trigger an app restart simply by touching WEB-INF/web.xml, i.e. updating its timestamp. That should get your previously replaced class file loaded.
Theoretically, you never have to restart the whole server, you only restart specific applications (ear-s). JBoss (with default settings) will automatically redeploy your ear if it notices any changes in it. Just copy the new version over it.
If you're not using it already, check out JBoss Tools set of eclipse plugins, to simplify whole process of deploys during development:
Yes, it is possible to re-deploy your class files without stopping and starting the server each time.
The only thing you have to do is to make a junction or a symbolic link to the application directory (in eclipse is usually "WebContent") and put the name you want in Jboss.
I've made a step-by-step tutorial here.
Deploy the app as exploded (project.war folder), add in your web.xml:
Overwrite the web.xml every-time you deploy:
set PRJ_HOME=C:\Temp2\MyProject\src\main\webapp
set PRJ_CLSS_HOME=%PRJ_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
set JBOSS_HOME= C:\Java\jboss-4.2.3.GA-jdk6\server\default\deploy\MyProject.war
set JBOSS_CLSS_HOME= %JBOSS_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class
Assuming my clients are running my J2EE WAR application on their intranet, and I have an update for them... how do I push the updated war file to them?
I'd like it to be automatic and require no human interaction on the client's side.
Can this be done?
Any help would be appreciated.
Tomcat (if this is your target container...) offers a manager interface that will allow you to deploy/start/stop applications.
I have used both ant and maven tasks to great effect in deploying wars remotely all while being built-in to the build process.
Depending on your deployment process, this may not work for you, but for dev & qa: highly recommended.
Edit: of course apache has to be configured for this type of access to be allowed.
See: Deployer how-to
Glassfish has documentation on deployment here.
Ant tasks are also available here.
Glassfish uses Tomcat internally, but the Tomcat Manager is not available as it is a separate application.
If the glassfish admin console can be accessed, it can be used to upload and deploy war files.
I'm not sure if you're comfortable giving them access to your source code repository...even in read-only mode.
If you are, then you could script up something in ANT to check out the latest version of the source code (using CVS task) and then build the .war file (using WAR task).
The only trick would be automatically deploying it once the war has been built. Tomcat will automatically deploy applications copied into a certain directory. For Websphere, see this question and this question.
For other J2EE servers I don't know how it would be done.