Transport security between Metro service and WCF client - java

I have a Metro 2.1.1 WebService secured with the mechanism Transport Security (SSL). I want to access this service with a .NET 3.5+ WCF client. I found this link which solves the same problem problem, however I was still unable to make a working client. I think I'm mixing up stuff in the client config.

The WCF team has released a set of interoperability bindings at this link. This blog post provides details on how to use them. One of the supported bindings is specifically for Metro based service. Haven't tried to set this binding up but it seems this scenario is covered.

Client Code:
//This code is for accepting self-signed server certificate
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender_ws, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
//instantiate transport binding element, leave the defaults
HttpsTransportBindingElement transport = new HttpsTransportBindingElement();
//instantiate message encoding element, where message version must be Soap11WSAddressing10 to match metro web service requirement.
TextMessageEncodingBindingElement text = new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement();
text.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Soap11WSAddressing10;
//instantiate transport security binding element, with all the suggested values in app.config
TransportSecurityBindingElement b_element = new TransportSecurityBindingElement();
b_element.DefaultAlgorithmSuite = new Basic128SecurityAlgorithmSuite();
b_element.IncludeTimestamp = true;
b_element.KeyEntropyMode = SecurityKeyEntropyMode.CombinedEntropy;
b_element.MessageSecurityVersion = MessageSecurityVersion.WSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11;
b_element.SecurityHeaderLayout = SecurityHeaderLayout.Lax;
//instantiate the custom binding and add the elements created above
CustomBinding customBinding = new CustomBinding();
customBinding.Name = "myOwnPersonalCustomBinding";
//instantiate the client
Uri uri = new Uri("https://localhost:8181/test/hello");
HelloWebServiceClient wsClient = new HelloWebServiceClient (customBinding, new EndpointAddress(uri));
richTextBox1.Text = wsClient.hello(textBox1.Text);


What is the Java Apache CXF equivalent of C# WCF AddressHeader?

I'm trying to access an old SOAP based system written in C# from a Java backend service. This C# application is looking for an AddressHeader to be populated with a specific value on every request. I'm using Apache CXF to create the requests to this service. Unfortunately, for the life of me, I cannot find out how to add this address header to each of the requests. Does anyone know what the equivalent in Java is and how to add it using Apache CXF?
The address header is the same as the SOAP header, hence we only need to add a particular SOAP header to every request so that be capable of making a successful call.
Here is an example I found on the internet.
ClientProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
SampleServiceInterface serviceClient = (SampleServiceInterface) factory.create();
Client proxy = ClientProxy.getClient(serviceClient);
List<Header> headersList = new ArrayList<Header>();
Header testSoapHeader1 = new Header(new QName("", "soapheader1"), "SOAP Header Message 1", new JAXBDataBinding(String.class));
Header testSoapHeader2 = new Header(new QName("", "soapheader2"), "SOAP Header Message 2", new JAXBDataBinding(String.class));
proxy.getRequestContext().put(Header.HEADER_LIST, headersList);
Please refer to the below links, wish it is useful to you.
How do you add a Soap Header defined in a wsdl to a web service client in CXF?
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

CXF + wsdl2java + authentication

I created the jar from the WSDL for my client using the wsdl2java command. Now, I need to know how I can authenticate my client in order to complete an operation?
I am using CXF 2.7.16. I created my service using the generated class MyApp_Service, I am struggling with this. Isn't there a simple way to tell my client the credentials it should use to gain access to the web service?
I read about the Spring configuration, however I am unable to figure out if it applies to my case and how if yes. I tried to cast the MyApp_Service class to BindingProvider in order to use the method which consist to put the USERNAME and PASSWORD properties in the context with a value. However, MyApp_Service cannot be cast to BindingProvider.
This is my first web service client application ever. So, any help will be welcomed.
Update 2015-05-28: I tried to define the AuthenticationPolicy but is seems not working. Here is the code:
Client client = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance().createClient(wsdlUrl);
ClientImpl clt = (ClientImpl) client;
HTTPConduit cc = (HTTPConduit) clt.getConduit(); secOF = new;
AuthorizationPolicy ap = secOF.createAuthorizationPolicy();
Sniffing with WireShark, the Authorization header is clearly missing in the HTTP request.
What is missing?
Problem solved, here is the solution:
MyApp_Service service = new MyApp_Service(wsdlUrl, new QName(namespace, serviceName));
MyApp port = service.getMyApp();
// Set credentials
Map<String, Object> reqCtxt = (( port).getRequestContext();
reqCtxt.put(, username);
reqCtxt.put(, password);
No more usage of the dynamic client. Only the classes generated with wsdl2java are used.

Apache Camel v2.12 | CXF Component | Basic Authentication

Respected Experts,
I am trying to access a web service that requires basic authentication. I am able to access using the CXF's JaxWsDynamicClientFactory. The code piece for auth looks like:
JaxWsDynamicClientFactory dcf = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
Client client = dcf.createClient(ID_WSDL);
HTTPConduit conduit= (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
AuthorizationPolicy authorization = conduit.getAuthorization();
However, when I try to use Camel's CXF component to access the same Web Service I get 401 Unauthorized error, since Camel is not sending the authentication information to the Web Service.
My route looks like:
In my processor, I am setting the credentials as follows:
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AuthorizationPolicy authPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicy();
properties.put("", authPolicy);
myEndpoint is CXFEndpoint, retrieved from Exchange.
Am I missing something or something wrong here.
There is a similar question. I had raised my doubt there as a answer since I was not able to comment. However, my answer has been deleted. So, I am raising a fresh question in a hope that I will get some direction to move forward on this.
Thks & brgds
With Willem's help, was able to make this working. The authentication credentials need to passed to the CXF Endpoint in the Route Builder rather than in the Processor. This is as explained by Williem on Camel forum:
If you set the cxfEndpoint property in a processor, it’s a setting of runtime.
As the CxfProducer is created during the camel context start the route, the cxfEndpoint’s property is >not updated.
So, to fix this add the following code to the Route Builder:
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
AuthorizationPolicy authPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicy();
//properties.put(AuthorizationPolicy.class.getName(), authPolicy);
properties.put("", authPolicy);
CxfEndpoint myCxfEp = (CxfEndpoint)getContext().getEndpoint("cxf://");
Also, version 2.12.3 of Apache Camel is introducing username and password options for basic authentication.

why OAuth request_token using openid4java is missing in the google's response?

I have succeed using openID and OAuth separately, but I can't make them work together.
Am I doing something incorrect:
String userSuppliedString = "";
ConsumerManager manager = new ConsumerManager();
String returnToUrl = "";
List<DiscoveryInformation> discoveries =;
DiscoveryInformation discovered = manager.associate(discoveries);
AuthRequest authReq = manager.authenticate(discovered, returnToUrl);
session.put("openID-discoveries", discovered);
FetchRequest fetch = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest();
fetch.addAttribute("oauth", "",true);
fetch.addAttribute("consumer","" ,true);
fetch.addAttribute("scope","" ,true);
destinationUrl = authReq.getDestinationUrl(true);
then destinationUrl is"
but in the response from google request_token is missing
In the above code, you have added OAuth extension parameters with the Attribute Exchange extension parameters. But since OAuth and Attribute Exchange are different extensions, therefore you have to create a different extension message for OAuth parameters and then add it to Authentication request message.
But since there is no mechanism to add OAuth parameters to the Authentication message, therefore you'll have to create such a mechanism. You can get information about it in the following link
You can then use the code provided in the following link to hard code this mechanism

How to call NetDocuments SOAP API by java?

I can call NetDocuments SOAP API by C# as following:
// Authenticate to the NetDocuments directory service
ndDir.Directory ndDirectory = new ndDir.Directory();
ndDirectory.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); // enable cookie handling
ndDirectory.Login( username, password );
// Connect to the NetDocuments storage service ndStorage = new;
ndStorage.CookieContainer = ndDirectory.CookieContainer; // share cookies with the directory service
XmlNode searchRes = ndStorage.Search( criteria, attrList );
However, when I call NetDocuments SOAP API by java with Axis 1.4, I receive error: "No authentication session. The authentication session has timed out or was not established prior to this call."
DirectorySoapStub stubDir = new DirectorySoapStub(new URL(""), new DirectoryLocator());
StorageSoapStub stubSto = new StorageSoapStub(new URL(""), new StorageLocator());
stubDir.login(username, password);
javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders mhds = stubDir._getCall().getMessageContext().getCurrentMessage().getMimeHeaders();
java.util.Iterator iterator = mhds.getAllHeaders();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
javax.xml.soap.MimeHeader mhd = (javax.xml.soap.MimeHeader);
if ("set-cookie".indexOf(mhd.getName()) >= 0) {
stubSto._setProperty(mhd.getName(), mhd.getValue());
}, attrList);
Is there similar thing of CookieContainer in Java? How can I call NetDocuments SOAP API by java with Axis 1.4?
I realise this question was posted a while ago, but I've been able to get this working in the past by using the JAX-RPC plugin that comes with NetBeans. The version of NetBeans I used was v6.8 (I think that the JAX-RPC plugin is not included in newer versions of NetBeans as JAX-RPC isn't widely used anymore). I remember struggling to get anything working when I tried to use Axis, though that was more than likely due to me not being familiar enough with it.
I can't remember all the steps necessary, but you can point the JAX-RPC plugin at the WSDL for NetDocuments and all the classes needed for calling the API are then set up for you.
To handle authentication correctly, it was necessary to set the SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY on the DirectorySoap_Stub and StorageSoap_Stub classes to true - this instructs them to maintain a session once you have logged in. See e.g. for info on SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY
Additionally, when you login via the DirectorySoap object, if you then want to use the methods of StorageSoap you need to let the StorageSoap object know the cookie that you are using in the DirectorySoap session.
To do this I implemented a javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler that stores the CookieJar from the DirectorySoap session (property "com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.CookieJar" on the request MessageContext) and sets that CookieJar on the same property of requests of the StorageSoap session.
Hopefully that's useful to anyone with similar SOAP issues...

