construct json Object in java and get value from JSONObject - java

i'm new to JSON
1. i got json result in html in following format
JSon Result
{"resort0":"Abaco Beach Resort at Boat Harbour","resort1":"Alexandra Resort","room0":"1 Bedroom Luxury Oceanfront Suite","room1":"2 Bedroom Deluxe Ocean View Suite","room2":"Deluxe Garden View Studio","room3":"Deluxe Ocean View Studio","room4":"Deluxe Oceanfront","room5":"Oceanfront","room6":"Superior Oceanfront"}
alert(result.resort1); // alert "undefined"
alert(result.resort0); // alert "undefined"
. how do i get such format with java code JSONObject
is Resorts is key of map ?
"Resorts" : [
{ "name" : "Resort1", // First element
"room1" : "rooms1"
"room2" : "rooms2" },
{ "name" : "Resort2", // Second element
"room1" : "rooms1",
"room2" : "rooms2", }

Be careful. If the json to the variable "result" is in your second code block, you can't expect to find any data by using "result.resort0" or "result.resort1". In your example, result contains a submember called "Resorts" which holds an array of submembers.
In other words, to cycle through all values, I would expect javascript like:
for(var i=0; i<result.Resorts.length; i++) {


How to get the first image URL from both arrays from my JSON file using Klaxon?

"first_flight": "2010-12-08",
"flickr_images": [
"flickr_images": [
My code
val result = URL("").readText()
val parser: Parser = Parser()
val stringBuilder: StringBuilder = StringBuilder(result)
jsonArray = parser.parse(stringBuilder) as JsonArray<JsonObject>
**rocket.image = jsonArray.string("flickr_images")[i]?.get(0).toString() - doesnt work**
Have java.lang.ClassCastException: com.beust.klaxon.JsonArray cannot be cast to java.lang.String
"flickr_images": [
first point is JsonObject is key-value pair .JsonArray is Collection of JsonObject .
so flickrimages is not a proper jsonArray Format.flickrimages is a List of error comes.
and as per your Question you cannot get values from both flickrimages since this json has two keys with same name "flickrimages".so if you get value with key "flickrimages" by default only last added one value comes.
so its better to change the formatofjson that comes from url

Iterate a JSON Object of Objects Firebase

I'm using firebase4j (a firebase library for Java, I know it is much better to go with node, I just wanted to try to do it with Java). In my database I need to persist the url of images with a bunch of the picture's information. The thing is that the picture url itself is very deep into the JSON
"users" : {
"aCategory" : {
"aUser" : {
"photos" : {
"photoUid1" : [ {
"value1" : false,
"value2" : "qwerty",
"score" : 40,
"url" : ""
That is why I am trying to create an index for the pictures ordered by score, containing the url pointing to the location of the photo object in the firebase database. Here is where the issue begins. Firebase4j does not let you push, to a list for example, so the index ends up with this format:
"-UID1": {
"firebaseImgUrl": "users/aCategory/aUser/photos/photoUid1",
"score": 31
"-UID2": {
"firebaseImgUrl": "users/aCategory/aUser/photos/photoUid2",
"score": 30
I already added the rule ".indexOn" in order for firebase to answer with the right photos when asked for"score"&limitToFirst=10, which is what I'm doing. I would like to know how should I iterate a JSON object of object as shown in the example above. I'm receiving the data from an Angular 4 client. I've tried a number of methods which haven't worked for me:
result: Photo[] = [];
for(let key in json){
console.log(key); //prints the UIDs
console.log(key.url); //url is not a property of string
result.push(new Photo(key.url, key.score)); //not working
The key is only a string, indicating the keys in your json. You should use it to access your object, like this:
result: Photo[] = [];
for(let key in json){
result.push(new Photo(json[key].firebaseImgUrl, json[key].score));

Get all videos of a YouTube Playlist in Java

Context I'm working with Android Studio (Java). I want to obtain all the videos of a given playlist (or 50, I will get all the other after).
Problem I see people using url like
but I don't know how to implement this in Java. I follow some tuto and I got a way to get information totally different like :
YouTube.Search.List query;
query ="id,snippet");
And I really don't understand how do I get something else than a search.
Most of documentation is in english only...
Ok, so I continued to try, I think I got a near solution, but I got an error.
private YouTube youtube;
private YouTube.PlaylistItems.List playlistItemRequest;
private String PLAYLIST_ID = "PLiEwZfNgb4fVrRzTonlVEMj6DB2Nmzg2M";
public static final String KEY = "AIzaSyC2_YRcTE9916fsmA0_KRnef43GbLzz8m0";
// Constructor
public YoutubeConnector(Context context)
youtube = new YouTube.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
new JacksonFactory(), new HttpRequestInitializer()
public void initialize(HttpRequest hr) throws IOException {}
public List<VideoItem> result()
List<PlaylistItem> playlistItemList = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>();
playlistItemRequest = youtube.playlistItems().list("snippet");
String nextToken = "";
do {
PlaylistItemListResponse playlistItemResult = playlistItemRequest.execute();
nextToken = playlistItemResult.getNextPageToken();
} while (nextToken != null);
}catch(IOException e)
Log.d("YC", "Could not initialize: "+e);
Here is the error I got :
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"location" : "fields",
"locationType" : "parameter",
"message" : "Invalid field selection videoId",
"reason" : "invalidParameter"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid field selection videoId"
EDIT 2 Thanks to : Martijn Woudstra.
Correct line was :
playlistItemRequest = youtube.playlistItems().list("snippet,contentDetails");
I know that is an old question but It is important to identify which resources are we using to understand how to get the proper information. There are many resources in the YouTube API v3, but we usually use the search, video, playlist and playlistItems.
According to the documentation the following JSON structure shows the format of a playlistItems resource:
"kind": "youtube#playlistItem",
"etag": etag,
"id": string,
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": datetime,
"channelId": string,
"title": string,
"description": string,
"thumbnails": {
(key): {
"url": string,
"width": unsigned integer,
"height": unsigned integer
"channelTitle": string,
"playlistId": string,
"position": unsigned integer,
"resourceId": {
"kind": string,
"videoId": string,
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": string,
"startAt": string,
"endAt": string,
"note": string,
"videoPublishedAt": datetime
"status": {
"privacyStatus": string
From this structure, we may suppose that there are three ways to get the videoId. But first it is important to know how we going to define the PARTS and the FIELDS of the resource.
To define the PARTS we use this code:
YouTube.PlaylistItems.List list = youtube.playlistItems().list("snippet");
In the previous line, "snippet" identifies a property that contains numerous fields (or child properties), including the title, description, position, and resourceId, so when we set "snippet" the API's response will contain all of those child properties.
Now, we also can limit the previous properties if we define the FIELDS. For example, in this code:
list.setFields("items(id/videoId,snippet/title,snippet/description," +
If we call list.execute(), it will show an error because we didn't define id in the PARTS properties. Also, according to the JSON structure, id is a String and does not contains videoId as a child property. Ah!, but we can extract videoId from the resourceId? -Well, the answers is YES/NO. -Why so? Come on Teo, the JSON structure shows it clearly. -Yes, I can see that, but the documentation says:
If the snippet.resourceId.kind property's value is youtube#video, then this property will be present and its value will contain the ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video in the playlist.
This means that sometimes may not be available. -Then, how we can get the videoId? -Well, we can add id or contentDetails to the PARTS resources. If we add id then defines fields like this:
YouTube.PlaylistItems.List list = youtube.playlistItems().list("id,snippet");
list.setFields("items(id,snippet/title,snippet/description," +
If we add contentDetails then defines fields like this:
YouTube.PlaylistItems.List list = youtube.playlistItems()
list.setFields("items(contentDetails/videoId,snippet/title,snippet/description," +
I hope this helps you guys.
id/videoId doesnt exist.
There is an id and a snippet/resourceId/videoId.
So my guess is your setfields aren't right.

Plain string template query for elasticsearch through java API?

I have a template foo.mustache saved in {{ES_HOME}}/config/scripts.
POST to http://localhost:9200/forward/_search/template with the following message body returns a valid response:
"template": {
"file": "foo"
"params": {
"q": "a",
"hasfilters": false
I want to translate this to using the java API now that I've validated all the different components work. The documentation here describes how to do it in java:
SearchResponse sr = client.prepareSearch("forward")
However, I would instead like to just send a plain string query (i.e. the contents of the message body from above) rather than build up the response using the java. Is there a way to do this? I know with normal queries, I can construct it like so:
SearchRequestBuilder response = client.prepareSearch("forward")
I believe the setQuery() method wraps the contents into a query object, which is not what I want for my template query. If this is not possible, I will just have to go with the documented way and convert my json params to Map<String, Object>
I ended up just translating my template_params to a Map<String, Object> as the documentation requires. I utilized groovy's JsonSlurper to convert the text to an object with a pretty simple method.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
public static Map<String,Object> convertJsonToTemplateParam(String s) {
Object result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(s);
//Manipulate your result if you need to do any additional work here.
//I.e. Programmatically determine value of hasfilters if filters != null
return (Map<String,Object>) result;
And you could pass in the following as a string to this method:
"q": "a",
"hasfilters": true
"filter_name" : "foo.untouched",
"filters" : [ "FOO", "BAR"]
"filter_name" : "hello.untouched",
"list" : [ "WORLD"]

Problem with filling ext grid with JSON values

I'm new in Ext and I have a problem: I'm trying to fill extjs-grid with data:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var store = new{
root: 'topics',
totalProperty: 'totalCount',
idProperty: 'threadid',
remoteSort: true,
autoLoad: true, ///
fields: [
'title', 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author',
{name: 'replycount', type: 'int'},
{name: 'lastpost', mapping: 'lastpost', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp'},
'lastposter', 'excerpt'
proxy: new{
method : 'GET'
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
{sortable:true, id : 'id', dataIndex:'id'},
{sortable:true, id : 'title', dataIndex:'title'},
{sortable:true, id : 'forumtitle', dataIndex:'forumtitle'},
{sortable:true, id : 'forumid', dataIndex:'forumid'},
{sortable:true, id : 'author', dataIndex:'author'}
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
id: 'mainGrid',
// stripeRows: true,
stateful: false, // skipSavingSortState
// width:1000,
// height:700,
bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
id : 'mainGridPaginator',
hideRefresh : true,
plugins: new Ext.ux.Andrie.pPageSize({
beforeText: 'View: ',
afterText: '',
addAfter: '-',
variations: [10, 25, 50, 100, 1000]
//comboCfg: {
//id: '${ dispview_widgetId }_bbar_pageSize'
displayMsg: 'Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}',
emptyMsg:'No data found',
and the Java part:
#Path("/getJobs/{startFrom}-{startTo}/search-{searchType}-{searchName:.*}/" +
"sort-{sortType}/filterjobname-{filterJobName:.*}/filterusername-{filterUsername:.*}/" +
public String getJobs(
#PathParam("startFrom") String startFrom,
#PathParam("startTo") String startTo,
#PathParam("searchType") String searchType,
#PathParam("searchName") String searchName,
#PathParam("sortType") String sortType,
#PathParam("filterJobName") String filterJobName,
#PathParam("filterUsername") String filterUsername,
#PathParam("filterStatus") String filterStatus,
#PathParam("filterSubmittedDate") String filterSubmittedDate) {
return "{totalCount:'3',topics:[{title:'XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel',threadid:'133690',username:'kpremco',userid:'272497',dateline:'1305604761',postid:'602876',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'2',lastpost:'1305857807',lastposter:'kpremco',excerpt:'Hi I have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box FieldWhen i render the EditorGri'}," +
"{title:'IFrame error _flyweights is undefined',threadid:'133571',username:'Daz',userid:'52119',dateline:'1305533577',postid:'602456',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'1',lastpost:'1305857313',lastposter:'Daz',excerpt:'For Ext 330 using Firefox 4 Firebug, the following error is often happening when our app loads e._flyweights is undefined Yetthis '}," +
"{title:'hellllllllllllllpwhy it doesnt fire cellclick event after I change the cell value',threadid:'133827',username:'aimer311',userid:'162000',dateline:'1305700219',postid:'603309',forumtitle:'Ext 3x Help',forumid:'40',replycount:'3',lastpost:'1305856996',lastposter:'aimer311',excerpt:'okI will discribe this problem as more detail as I canI look into this problem for a whole dayI set clicksToEdit1 to a EditorGridPanelso when I'}]}";
As a result I'm getting a JavaScript error:
Syntax error at line 1 while loading:
expected ';', got ':'
Although, when I'm using Proxy's URL:
URL: '',
which represents same information, I don't have any problems.
Where is my failure????
P.S. Comments for the first answer:
return "{\"totalCount\":\"3\",\"topics\":[{\"title\":\"XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel\",\"threadid\":\"133690\",\"username\":\"kpremco\",\"userid\":\"272497\",\"dateline\":\"1305604761\",\"postid\":\"602876\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"2\",\"lastpost\":\"1305857807\",\"lastposter\":\"kpremco\",\"excerpt\":\"Hi I have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box FieldWhen i render the EditorGri\"}," +
"{\"title\":\"IFrame error _flyweights is undefined\",\"threadid\":\"133571\",\"username\":\"Daz\",\"userid\":\"52119\",\"dateline\":\"1305533577\",\"postid\":\"602456\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"1\",\"lastpost\":\"1305857313\",\"lastposter\":\"Daz\",\"excerpt\":\"For Ext 330 using Firefox 4 Firebug, the following error is often happening when our app loads e._flyweights is undefined Yet, this \"}," +
"{\"title\":\"hellllllllllllllpwhy it doesn't fire cellclick event after I change the cell value\",\"threadid\":\"133827\",\"username\":\"aimer311\",\"userid\":\"162000\",\"dateline\":\"1305700219\",\"postid\":\"603309\",\"forumtitle\":\"Ext 3x Help\",\"forumid\":\"40\",\"replycount\":\"3\",\"lastpost\":\"1305856996\",\"lastposter\":\"aimer311\",\"excerpt\":\"okI will discribe this problem as more detail as I canI look into this problem for a whole dayI set clicksToEdit1 to a EditorGridPanelso when I\"}]}";
I've got the following error:
Syntax error at line 1 while loading:
expected ';', got ':'
P.S. #2. When I've added '[' to the begining of the response string and ']' to the end , erros disappered, but grid hasn't been filled with data
You're not returning (valid) JSON. Refer to the JSON site for details, but for instance, all property keys must be in double quotes. (All strings must also be in double quotes; single quotes are not valid for JSON strings.)
So for instance, this is not valid JSON:
...because the key is not in quotes, and the value is using single quotes. The correct JSON would be:
...if you really want the 3 to be a string, or:
...if the 3 should be a number.
People frequently confuse JSON and JavaScript's object literal notation, but they are different. Specifically, JSON is a subset of object literal notation. A lot of things that are valid in object literal notation are not valid in JSON. Any time you're in doubt, you can check at, which provides a proper JSON validator.
I have found the root of issue.
As I've known Ext send to my web service function with parameter 'callback=[some_callback_name]' (e.g. callback1001). It means that Extjs wanna to get results not just in JSON format, but in format 'callback1001()'. When I've return my data in this format everything became good.
Proof links: (response #6)

