I am developing a plugin in Eclipse, that shows the results in a scrolledComposite. The composite contains a JFace TreeViewer. I want to print this TreeViewer to the printer. I found import org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer; to print to the printer.
But when i am printing using following snippet
GC gc= new GC(printer);
Control abc[] = Composite.getChildren();
The tree that i want to print contains the workspace, project explorer.
The print output is showing only the icons. it is not displaying the names of classes, methods.
i cant post screenshot till my reputation is above 10.check it here
Please let me know if i am not clear..
Thanks in advance
Ramesh Emandi
Tree myWidget = treeViewer.getTree();
Point size = myWidget.getSize();
Image image = new Image(display, size.x, size.y);
GC gc = new GC(myWidget);
gc.copyArea(image, 0, 0);
// Get the ImageData and create a new printer Image from it
ImageData imageData = image.getImageData();
Image printImage = new Image(printer, imageData);
I'm using Selenide and Phantomjs to test a Webapplication.
Im taking the Screenshot as follows:
byte[] bytes = ((TakesScreenshot)webDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
returnImage = ImageIO.read(bis);
For input Elements, however, the screenshot looks like this:faulty screenshot
It actually looks like this (when using chrome/firefox)
how it's supposed to look
The interesting thing is, that when I set Selenide to use phantomjs (Configuration.Browser = "phantomjs") it takes the screenshots correctly.
It only occurs on that kind of element, too. Buttons etc are being recorded fine. Any ideas?
PS: The screenshots attached to this post are cropped, the code here takes screenshots of the entire page. In my code, I crop the screenshot only to the desired element but even on the screenshot displaying the entire screen the element is not recorded correctly.
You can take screenshot a element using below code:-
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.id("hplogo"));
// Get entire page screenshot
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage fullImg = ImageIO.read(screenshot);
// Get the location of element on the page
Point point = ele.getLocation();
// Get width and height of the element
int eleWidth = ele.getSize().getWidth();
int eleHeight = ele.getSize().getHeight();
// Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot
BufferedImage eleScreenshot= fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(),
eleWidth, eleHeight);
ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot);
// Copy the element screenshot to disk
File screenshotLocation = new File("C:\\images\\GoogleLogo_screenshot.png");
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, screenshotLocation);
Now in above code you are getting the getWidth() and getHeight(). You can try to adjust it by adding or subtracting the value.
I have created 'takescreenshot' reusable method to capture screenshot and have been calling wherever I need it.
however I am facing one strange issue here. Every time this function is called the captured image size keeps increasing
e.g 252K -> 278K -> 310K -> 400K ...
These captured images I am using in ExtentReport. Also apart from selenium session image, I do see a black background image being captured not sure where it is coming from.
method code is as below:
public static void takescreenshot(ExtentTest Test,String Status){
Date d=new Date();
String CurrentTimeStamp=d.toString().replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_");
File scrFile =((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(CurrentTimeStamp+".png"));
Test.log(LogStatus.PASS, "snapshot below:-"+CurrentTimeStamp+".png"));
}else if(Status.equals("fail")){
Test.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "snapshot below:-"+CurrentTimeStamp+".png"));
if I hardcode some existing image in extentreport code then everything works fine.
Has anyone come across this issue ever.
I had written a code to capture screenshot of elements which works fine. May be this will help you. I don't know what Extendreport is, so can't help you there.
public static void takeElementScreenshot(WebDriver driver, WebElement element){
// Get entire page screenshot
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage fullImg = ImageIO.read(screenshot);
// Get the location of element on the page
Point point = element.getLocation();
// Get width and height of the element
int eleWidth = element.getSize().getWidth();
int eleHeight = element.getSize().getHeight();
// Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot
BufferedImage eleScreenshot= fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(),
eleWidth, eleHeight);
ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot);
// Copy the element screenshot to disk
File screenshotLocation = new File("D:\\Screenshot.png");
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, screenshotLocation);
catch(Exception e){
Am developing an eclipse plugin which has few wizard pages. I need the wizard window size to be constant, with "BOTH MAXIMISE and MINIMISE disabled", "window RESIZE disabled".
The point is I am not using SHELL. I am using COMPOSITE instead, which doesn't have any style bits.
How can I do that? I am just providing a part of my entire code:
public void createControl(Composite parent)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE );
composite.setLayout(new GridLayout());
Composite selectAdapterComposite = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE);
FormLayout reportOptionsCompositeLayout = new FormLayout();
reportOptionsCompositeLayout.marginHeight = 1;
reportOptionsCompositeLayout.marginWidth = 1;
buttonInterfaceSelection = new Button(selectAdapterComposite,SWT.RADIO);
buttonInterfaceSelection.setText("Generate adapter using interface !");
buttonInterfaceSelection.addListener(SWT.Selection, this);
FormData exportInToExcelButtonData = new FormData();
exportInToExcelButtonData.left = new FormAttachment(null, 5);
// One Text Box
Label searchBoxLabel = new Label(selectAdapterComposite, SWT.None);
searchBoxLabel.setText("Search to select [Type to get the results below]");
FormData destinationLabelData = new FormData();
destinationLabelData.top = new FormAttachment(buttonInterfaceSelection, 10);
destinationLabelData.left = new FormAttachment(null, 5);
searchTextBox = new Text(selectAdapterComposite, SWT.BORDER);
searchTextBox.setSize(20, 2);
FormData searchTextBoxData = new FormData();
searchTextBoxData.top = new FormAttachment(searchBoxLabel, 8);
searchTextBoxData.left = new FormAttachment(null, 5);
// destinationFolderPathData.left = new
// FormAttachment(destinationLabel,15);
searchTextBoxData.width = 400;
searchTextBox.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
Please help me out.
Your code snippet is irrelevant to your question. The key word is wizard. When you create that wizard, it requires a Shell, so you can set its style bits there.
A WizardDialog's constructor:
public WizardDialog(Shell parentShell, IWizard newWizard)
Example of shell style bits:
parentShell.setShellStyle(parentShell.getShellStyle() | (~SWT.RESIZE));
Thanks for your reply... am a newbie to swt and your answer gave me an important info which I dint know before. Now then, I just took some time to go through widgets documentation and found something.
Composite : Instances of this class are controls which are capable of containing other controls.
Shell : Instances of this class represent the "windows" which the desktop or "window manager" is managing.
I realised that my understanding of SHELL and COMPOSITE was wrong.
Conclusion: So I have to depend upon SHELL to give window resizing controls and using a COMPOSITE does not give me any resizing option...
Correct me if am wrong please.. hope this will be useful to other noobs too...
P.S.: now i understoood, my code segment is irrelevant to my question cos, I am working on someone else's code and trying to make some changes to it. instead of making changes in SHELL (which is created in some other class) i am doing it in COMPOSITE.
This is my code thus far
ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader();
saver.data = new ImageData[]
{ toSave.getImageData() };
saver.save(fileName, SWT.IMAGE_PNG);
toSave is an image that was loaded using the SWTResourceManager that is transparent in the program. fileName is a string representing the file I want to save the image to (ends with .png)
The result is an image with a black background instead of a transparent background that I want. How do I make the background transparent? I think it has something to do with the transparency mask, but I could be wrong.
Thanks in advance!
SWTResourceManager seems to be causing your problem. I would not recommend to use it.
Try this code, it works for me:
Display d = Display.getDefault();
Image image = new Image(d, "/pictures/Llama.gif");
ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader();
saver.data = new ImageData[] { image.getImageData() };
saver.save("output.png", SWT.IMAGE_PNG);
Remember to dispose the Image when you don't need it anymore.
I'm trying to set the background color of my QR Code using iText into a transparent background, however it does not work. Shows only white bars and black background.
What i have done so far:
My Code Snippet:
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
BarcodeQRCode qrcode = new BarcodeQRCode("sample message on qr", 100, 100, null);
java.awt.Image qrImage = qrcode.createAwtImage(Color.WHITE,new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
Image finalImage = Image.getInstance(writer, qrImage, 1);
finalImage.setAbsolutePosition(positionX, positionY);
I have already generated my QR code and produced a PDF, however, when using
qrcode.createAwtImage(Color.WHITE,new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
It does not produce an alpha background, instead it only shows a black background color.
I have also tried:
java.awt.Image qrImage =
But obviously, my arguments are incorrect.
Help will be most appreciated, i've been working on this for a day now.
I have also tried Graphics, Graphics2g, converting it into BufferedImage.
Changing the assignment of finalImage to the following works:
Image finalImage = Image.getInstance(qrImage, null)
I don't know why using the getInstance method that takes a PdfWriter as first argument ruins the transparency, though...
I would solve this problem like this:
BarcodeQRCode qrcode = new BarcodeQRCode("sample message on qr", 100, 100, null);
Image image = qrcode.getImage();
Image mask = qrcode.getImage();
There may be an AWT solution too, but I'm more familiar with native PDF solutions than with using an AWT workaround.