I just looked a the source code from JSlider SourceCode
and if found a lot of repaint()'s as expected, because of the Template Pattern.
But my problem is i didn't find the paint method, which actually paints the JSlider.
Can anybody explain me how this component will be painted?
Swing components are typically painted by their associated UI class. The UI class is specific to each Look And Feel. This is how you get JSlider to have a "native" feel or even a custom feel on different platforms. Each Swing component has a UI class, JSlider has SliderUI which has several flavors such as: MetalSliderUI, WindowsSliderUI, and SynthSliderUI.
You didn't find a paint method in JSlider because the paint method is in the parent class, JComponent. JComponent's paint methods (paint, paintComponent, repaint, etc) do some setup but then delegates the work to the UI class, which is provided by JSlider. There is an entire method chain that takes place in Swing for correctly painting/sizing components.
If we knew what you were trying to do we might be able to help you out.
I have a functioning Java applet which can be embedded into a web page and wish to now add some swing components for additional functions. However whenever I add a component like a JLabel, it simply does not appear on the viewport/canvas unless I remove my entire paint method. The latter option allows me to add swing components but naturally I then cannot render any shapes. It appears to resemble an eXclusive OR (XOR), either one but not the other.
Is there anyway in a native Java applet to add swing components and still maintain the paint(Graphics g) method. Please note that I am inheriting from Applet and not JApplet.
If you override paint method in applet then there is no simple way.
What you could do instead of overriding paint in applet.
Extend JComponent instead and do the custom drawing there.
create JPanel that contains all the needed swing components including the component from earlier step.
Add that panel to applet which is using default paint method.
I suggest that you add the components to a separate panel that doesn't override paint. By overridding paint, you are customizing the way the component is drawn, so the layout manager and the components it has to manage do not count, it's only the implementation of paint you wrote that dictates how stuff is rendered.
So, your applet would contain a panel with the components and a panel that does the custom painting.
At the end of your paint method, call super.paint(g).
I was able to visualise the components over the applet canvas by invoking
Thus the components are thereafter painted AFTER the actual paint(Graphics g) method completes its epoch.
Is there a way to change the default background painting of all instances of a swing component (a JPanel for example) to paint with a gradient background? Or would I need to create an extension of JPanel that paints with a gradient and then use that instead of JPanel everywhere in my app?
IMHO, it would be easier to just subclass the Swing component and override its paintComponent method to do the gradient painting. And then, as you said, use this custom component throughout the application.
It could be tricky using the UI properties since they may not be consistent across all LaFs.
It is not entirely clear what scope you intend. Did you mean by class (so all JPanel instances follow the new painting scheme), or do you mean all components in a Container (e.g. everything in Frame)?
There are possibilities to do this depending on component class, the places where you can hook into are the Look and Feel, and on a by component instance base, either the paintComponent() method, or if you need to replace the standard look of an existing component where you can not overwrite the method because you have no control over it, by providing your own UI class (look at Component.setUI) after the component has been created.
Except for the overwrite paintComponent approach neither is simple to implement. For most applications the simple approach is the best :)
I know this question has been asked a million times, and can be done by overriding paintComponent(), but what I want to know is how to change the shape while respecting the current Look And Feel. If I want to change the shape to a circle, I also want the button to look like a button, just with a different shape.
I tried making a JButton, the overriding paintComponent, then clipping it to a circle, but I didn't get the border effects on Nimbus LAF.
Is there a better way? Or is there a method in JButton?
For drawing components a ComponentUI is used. This UI class has a paint method and is used to paint the component. The paint method uses the settings of the L&F which are stored as properties in the UIManager.
To create your own component RoundButton extending from e.g. AbstractButton you can create your own RoundButtonUI (maybe extending from ButtonUI). Here you can create your own paint method using the properties of a normal button like Button.font or Button.foreground to draw your own component with the same L&F values as a normal button.
In your RoundButton class you should implement the method getUIClassID() which will return the string "RoundButtonUI". This causes your RoundButtonUI to be used.
A good example is JButton itself.
I am looking for the paint method implementation for a Java TextArea component (java.awt.TextArea).
I have read through the source code for the class as well as its super class (java.awt.TextComponent), but have not found a public void paint(Graphics g) method implementation, which I think means the class would be using the default Component#paint(Graphics) implementation, which doesn't make sense. Am I missing something here? How is a TextArea component painted?
TextArea is an AWT component, not a Swing component. It's thus what's called a heavyweight component, which means it's in fact implemented by a native component of the underlying platform/OS (i.e. a Windows/Gnome/Motif component, depending on the OS), called the peer of the component. The painting is thus done by the platform's native widget, and not by the component.
AWT Components is dinosauruses from last milenium, and only by back-compactible are there and still exists, please/better would be to change that to the Todays JComponents, all starts with "J" here is list of JComponents with tutorials, but for Swing's JComponents is there paintComponent(Graphics g) instead of paint(Graphics g)
method paint is still there but for deepest painting in XxxXxxUI, for example MetalButtonUI, but not for painting Image/Lines/Text ... and just try to avoid a similar examples from year 2000 and another very old examples, that's really wrong implemntation for Custom Painting in Java6's Swing,
here is your required tutorial and Java6 API
on this Forum are plenty threads about Painting Something in JComponents
EDIT: if you want to paint something then look for JLabel (is transparent by defalut), that best JComponent for 2D Graphics, examples for that here, and with paintComponent() method only
I have been working on Java Swing for a while. I paint something(draw some basic shapes like circle,rectangle etc) on a JDesktopPane and once I resize the frame window that contains jDesktopPane or drag some other window over this frame, then the drawn shapes disappear. I use an object of the BufferedImage class so as to save the image. So Is there any way of preventing the shapes getting disappeared or repaint it when they disappear?
You need to make sure you are saving what you paint and repainting it each time in the paintComponent() method. This method is called automatically whenever a repaint is needed (for example: because of a resize).
I can only provide a guess since you've decided not to post the necessary code, but my suggestions are:
Don't get your Graphics object by calling getGraphics on a component. Instead,
Be sure to do your drawing in a class that subclasses a JComponent or one of its children (such as a JPanel).
draw your BufferedImage in the JComponent's paintComponent method immediately after calling super.paintComponent() in the same method. Use the Graphics object that is provided by the JVM and passed into the method's parameter.
To be sure that your paintComponent method's signature is correct, place an #Override annotation immediately before it. Otherwise if it is not correct, the JVM will probably not call it when you expect it to.
But also, please when asking a question here, try to give us enough information so we don't have to guess. Since your problem is graphics related, it would make sense to post your graphics-related code, right?