Serializing enums - java

I have a serialized object which I added an enum to. This makes it no longer compatible with older versions of the software. I believe this is because the older version is compiled with Java 1.4. I get: cannot bind enum descriptor to a non-enum class
Ideally I would like to replace the enum with a String and somehow fix the existing object.
A couple of ideas are:
When reading the serialized object, ignore the field with the enum. The value would be lost, but that's OK.
Have two copies of the serialized class, renaming the one with the enum and somehow read the object into the newly renamed class.

Just mark the enum field as transient. It won't get serialized.
You will lose that value, but you said that you don't mind.
transient is a Java keyword.
It flags a field as something that should not be considered part of an object's persistent state.
It marks a member variable not to be serialized when it is persisted to streams of bytes. When an object is transferred through the network, the object needs to be 'serialized'. Serialization converts the object state to serial bytes. Those bytes are sent over the network and the object is recreated from those bytes. Member variables marked by the java transient keyword are not transferred, they are lost intentionally. [source]

I believe this is because the older
version is compiled with Java 1.4. I
No. There were no enums in Java 1.4.1. They were introduced in 1.5. What appears to have happened is that something that was serialized as a String was subsequently changed to an Enum.
Ideally I would like to replace the
enum with a String
Your proposed change just reverses that.
and somehow fix the
existing object.
You can't fix the existing serialized object, but you can make the current class compatible with it, by reverting the source, or figuring out what it must have been and declaring an identical serialVersionUID.

The simplest solution would be to read the serialized entities using your new code and write it out in a format which is understandable by your old version of software. Of course, if this isn't a viable solution, you might need to clarify your requirements a bit more. As in what parts can be changed, what can't be changed etc.


What exactly would happen is more than one class have same serial UIDs? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is Serial Version ID in Java? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I know why we need to provide a serial UID (so that during de-serialization, the sender and receiver have the same loaded class). So according to this, if I have multiple classes with similar UID's then am I correct in assuming that deserialization would occur but something (I don't know what) would go wrong after? Or is it that it would somehow throw an InvalidClassException? Or am I totally way off in both my assumptions?
I wanted to test this out but again am not certain if it would work cause what if during deserialization the correct class actually gets picked? In that case everything would be peachy.
No, not at all. When an instance is recreated by deserialization, its class is loaded by the deserializer. This classes serial UID is then compared to the deserialized instance's UID which is that of the class at the time of serialization. Only if these two UIDs do not match, an InvalidClassException is thrown.
This happens for example if you serialize an instance to a file, stop your JVM, recompile your program with a changed UID for this instance's class, restart the application and deserialize this very same instance from the former file. The UID is meant to signal to the application that a non-compatible change was applied to the class.
If two classes with different fully-qualified names have the same UID, this does not affect your (de-)serialization at all. For your reference, this is how the Java documentation describes the matter:
The serialization runtime associates with each serializable class a version number, called a serialVersionUID, which is used during deserialization to verify that the sender and receiver of a serialized object have loaded classes for that object that are compatible with respect to serialization.
If the receiver has loaded a class for the object that has a different serialVersionUID than that of the corresponding sender's class, then deserialization will result in an InvalidClassException.
A serializable class can declare its own serialVersionUID explicitly by declaring a field named serialVersionUID that must be static, final, and of type long.
As you asked in another comment why the serialVersionUID field is of type long as it could be smaller. This is probably meant to avoid collisions when you do not explicitly set a serialVersionUID but if one is inferred implicitly by the serializer. In this case, the JVM hashes an ID which might collide easily with other hashed values for smaller ranges such as byte. If you only manually increment this number for each manual change, it is of course rather unlikely that you ever exhaust the range of long. In general, a single long value is neither too expensive when you consider memory prices these days.
No, nothing bad would happen. The serialized stream contains the name of the class of the serialized objects. Once the name of the class of a serialized object is read, the Java deserialization mechanism checks that the serialized UID is identical to the one of the local class.

Java:Immutability and serialization

When I have an immutable parent class A that is NOT final, and another class B extends it(B is mutable), is there any way the immutability of A can be affected because of serialization?
I wrote a small program to serialize an object, changed its state in the program, and then de-serialized it. I got the object back in the form in which it was serialized. So I am wondering is there any way I can alter A's immutability by serializing it?
It depends on exactly what you are asking. If you just want to get a different value back than what you put in, then yes, you can do that through serialization. The serialized data is completely detached from the instance of A that exists in memory. When Java reconstructs an object from the serialized data, it doesn't know or care anything about the original instance of A that was used to create that data. It is simply constructing a data-structure in memory based off of the blueprint provided in the serialized information.
So if you want to modify what you get back when you reconstruct A, you can do so by manually modifying the binary serialized data. Doing so will require a good understanding of Java's serialization format, but it can certainly be done.
Though if you are asking if there is any way to modify the original instance of A through serialization (as in, to somehow get the same object to change in value, without constructing a new instance via deserialization), then the answer is no, you cannot. Serialization simply creates a snapshot of the object's current state. Deserialization creates a new object instance that is completely detached from the source instance. So while you might manually change the value, the new object with the new value will still be immutable once it has been deserialized.
And if you are asking if there a way to serialize an instance of immutable class A and then deserialize the data as something that identifies as an instance of class A but happens to be mutable then the answer is also no. The serialized data specifies what class of object is being represented, but the class definition itself is not serialized. So you could change the specified class such that you serialize an instance of A and then deserialize an instance of mutable class B, but that's not the same as getting back a mutable instance of A.
You can't alter its immutability (the class will still be immutable) but you can alter its values by editing the serialized information.
You can also alter it through reflection, immutable isn't some kind of magic protection, it's just creating a class without mutators to help overal program stability. Although variables should probably be final, that's not even necessary--to be immutable you simply have to always return the same value for all of your methods.
Anyway, if you are going to extend an immutable class, you probably want your extension to be immutable as well--if not chances are you don't really want to extend the class, perhaps you just want to encapsulate it (is there an is-a relationship or a has-a?)
When you serialise an object, that object does not change whether it is immutable or not.
When you de-serialise a new object, its is a reconstruction of the first object based on the information recorded and how you do the de-serialisation.
For example, if you have an immutable class and a field is transient, the de-serialised copy will not have that field set (you made it transient)

jms and different versions of enums

My team provides a service to another team in the company via jms. This involves an enum which is passed in to us as part of a larger object. They will soon be changing the definition of the enum - however, I would like to change it first so i can have our service running in production a few days before the change. The change will just involve adding another constant at the end.
Can I do this safely?
From Java Object Serialization Specification version 6.0 (emphasises are mine):
The serialized form of an enum constant consists solely of its name; [...]. To serialize an enum constant, ObjectOutputStream writes the value returned by the enum constant's name method. To deserialize an enum constant, ObjectInputStream reads the constant name from the stream; the deserialized constant is then obtained by calling the java.lang.Enum.valueOf method, passing the constant's enum type along with the received constant name as arguments.
This means that:
Adding new value to the enum is backward compatible when it comes to serialization
Reordering existing enum values is backward compatible (in contrary to default JPA enum persistence strategy that uses ordinal())
Removing values from enum is not backward compatible in general, since the removed values might have already been used for serialization purposes
Renaming enum values is not backward compatible (see above)
If I understand right, your object containing the enum is sent as a part of an ObjectMessage. If this is the case, it used usual Java Serialization to encode and decode the enum object.
Serialization for enums works by name - i.e. in fact they are sending the name of the enum value (together with an identifier for its class). As long as the values actually sent are existent on the other receiving side, there should be no problem.
Of course, you have to make sure the meaning of the message doesn't change by your change.

When should I change a SerialUID?

I have a bunch of serialized classes. Normally I have generated serial UIDs for all of them as the Java rules are rather restrictive and recreate Serial Numbers with basically any change. But this lead me to the question, that I haven't been able to find an answer for in the internet:
When does it make sense to break backwards compatibility and manually change the Serial Version UID in the class?
Section 5.6 of the Java Spec helps here:
5.6 Type Changes Affecting Serialization
With these concepts, we can now describe how the design will cope with
the different cases of an evolving class. The cases are described in
terms of a stream written by some version of a class. When the stream
is read back by the same version of the class, there is no loss of
information or functionality. The stream is the only source of
information about the original class. Its class descriptions, while a
subset of the original class description, are sufficient to match up
the data in the stream with the version of the class being
The descriptions are from the perspective of the stream being read in
order to reconstitute either an earlier or later version of the class.
In the parlance of RPC systems, this is a "receiver makes right"
system. The writer writes its data in the most suitable form and the
receiver must interpret that information to extract the parts it needs
and to fill in the parts that are not available.
5.6.1 Incompatible Changes
Incompatible changes to classes are those changes for which the
guarantee of interoperability cannot be maintained. The incompatible
changes that may occur while evolving a class are:
Deleting fields - If a field is deleted in a class, the stream written will not contain its value. When the stream is read by an
earlier class, the value of the field will be set to the default value
because no value is available in the stream. However, this default
value may adversely impair the ability of the earlier version to
fulfill its contract.
Moving classes up or down the hierarchy - This cannot be allowed since the data in the stream appears in the wrong sequence.
Changing a nonstatic field to static or a nontransient field to transient - When relying on default serialization, this change is
equivalent to deleting a field from the class. This version of the
class will not write that data to the stream, so it will not be
available to be read by earlier versions of the class. As when
deleting a field, the field of the earlier version will be initialized
to the default value, which can cause the class to fail in unexpected
Changing the declared type of a primitive field - Each version of the class writes the data with its declared type. Earlier versions of
the class attempting to read the field will fail because the type of
the data in the stream does not match the type of the field.
Changing the writeObject or readObject method so that it no longer writes or reads the default field data or changing it so that it
attempts to write it or read it when the previous version did not. The
default field data must consistently either appear or not appear in
the stream.
Changing a class from Serializable to Externalizable or vice versa is an incompatible change since the stream will contain data that is
incompatible with the implementation of the available class.
Changing a class from a non-enum type to an enum type or vice versa since the stream will contain data that is incompatible with the
implementation of the available class.
Removing either Serializable or Externalizable is an incompatible change since when written it will no longer supply the fields needed
by older versions of the class.
Adding the writeReplace or readResolve method to a class is incompatible if the behavior would produce an object that is
incompatible with any older version of the class.
5.6.2 Compatible Changes
The compatible changes to a class are handled as follows:
Adding fields - When the class being reconstituted has a field that does not occur in the stream, that field in the object will be
initialized to the default value for its type. If class-specific
initialization is needed, the class may provide a readObject method
that can initialize the field to nondefault values.
Adding classes - The stream will contain the type hierarchy of each object in the stream. Comparing this hierarchy in the stream with the
current class can detect additional classes. Since there is no
information in the stream from which to initialize the object, the
class fields will be initialized to the default values.
Removing classes - Comparing the class hierarchy in the stream with that of the current class can detect that a class has been deleted. In
this case, the fields and objects corresponding to that class are read
from the stream. Primitive fields are discarded, but the objects
referenced by the deleted class are created, since they may be
referred to later in the stream. They will be garbage-collected when
the stream is garbage-collected or reset.
Adding writeObject/readObject methods - If the version reading the stream has these methods then readObject is expected, as usual, to
read the required data written to the stream by the default
serialization. It should call defaultReadObject first before reading
any optional data. The writeObject method is expected as usual to call
defaultWriteObject to write the required data and then may write
optional data.
Removing writeObject/readObject methods - If the class reading the stream does not have these methods, the required data will be read by
default serialization, and the optional data will be discarded.
Adding - This is equivalent to adding types. There will be no values in the stream for this class so its fields
will be initialized to default values. The support for subclassing
nonserializable classes requires that the class supertype have a
no-arg constructor and the class itself will be initialized to default
values. If the no-arg constructor is not available, the
InvalidClassException is thrown.
Changing the access to a field - The access modifiers public, package, protected, and private have no effect on the ability of
serialization to assign values to the fields.
Changing a field from static to nonstatic or transient to nontransient - When relying on default serialization to compute the
serializable fields, this change is equivalent to adding a field to
the class. The new field will be written to the stream but earlier
classes will ignore the value since serialization will not assign
values to static or transient fields.
Never. You should organize yourself so that classes have the same serialVersionUID for their entire lifetime. You should (a) resist serialization-incompatible changes to the class; (b) write your own readObject()/writeObject()/readResolve()/writeReplace() objects so as to preserve the initial serialization format, and define an explicit serialVersionUID right at the beginning of the class's lifetime. The instant you change this value you have an enormous headache on your hands. Plan to avoid it.
From the JavaDoc of the Serializable interface:
The serialization runtime associates with each serializable class a version number, called a serialVersionUID, which is used during deserialization to verify that the sender and receiver of a serialized object have loaded classes for that object that are compatible with respect to serialization.
I think this is a good hint to answer your question: As soon as you change the class in a way, that serialization is affected (like adding/removing/changing serialized class members), then you really should change the value of serialVersionUID.

Java serialization, UID not changed. Can I add new variables and method to the class?

I have a class that is serialised. Now I need to add a new variable into the class, with setter and getter methods. This class is sent over wire in RMI.
Without changing the UID, can I add new parameters and getter and setter methods for it? I tried to write an example class that is sent over wire, and did not change the UID, and added new parameters and getter and setter methods for it. On the other end, I tested it and I still got the values properly. I had assumed, if I add new parameters, getter and setter methods, I need to change the UID. Am I wrong?
If you hard-code the SerialVersionUID of a class, (to 1L, usually), store some instances, and then re-define the class, you basically get this behavior (which is more or less common sense):
New fields (present in class definition, not present in the serialized instance) are assigned a default value, which is null for objects, or the same value as an uninitialized field for primitives.
Removed fields (not present in class definition but present in the serialized instance) are simply ignored.
So the general rule of thumb is, if you simply add fields and methods, and don't change any of the existing stuff, AND if you're OK with default values for these new fields, you're generally OK.
Wow, a lot of bad information.
Java serialization is +very+ robust. There are a very well defined set of rules governing backwards compatibility of objects with the same uid and different data. the basic idea is that as long as you don't change the the type of an existing member, you can maintain the same uid without data issues.
that said, your code still needs to be smart about handling classes with potentially missing data. the object may deserialize correctly, but there may not be data in certain fields (e.g. if you added a field to the class and are deserializing an old version of the class). if your code can handle this, than you can probably keep the current uid. if not, then you should probably change it.
in addition to the pre-defined rules, there are advanced usage scenarios where you could even change the type of existing fields and still manage to deserialize the data, but that generally only necessary in extreme situations.
java serialization is very well documented online, you should be able to find all this information in the relevant sun/oracle tutorials/docs.
This only matters if you let Java generate a default UID for your class. It uses the actual members and methods of the class to generate it, thus making it invalid once you change the class structure. If you provide an UID for your class then this only matters if you need to deserialize older versions of your class from a file and such.
Want to define few point to highlight the changes which impacts serialization.
Below you will find the link to Oracle Java Docs for more details.
Incompatible Changes
Incompatible changes to classes are those changes for which the guarantee of interoperability cannot be maintained. The incompatible changes that may occur while evolving a class are:
Deleting fields
Moving classes up or down the hierarchy
Changing a nonstatic field to static or a nontransient field to transient
Changing the declared type of a primitive field
Changing the writeObject or readObject method so that it no longer writes or reads the default field data or changing it so that it attempts to write it or read it when the previous version did not.
Changing a class from Serializable to Externalizable or vice versa.
Changing a class from a non-enum type to an enum type or vice versa.
Removing either Serializable or Externalizable.
Adding the writeReplace or readResolve method to a class, if the behavior would produce an object that is incompatible with any older version of the class.
Link from where the above information is taken

