I have some difficulties with json deserialization using GSon and I hope somebody can help me.
I want to deserialize the following json snippet:
"fieldA": "valueA",
"myCollection": {
"AnotherClass": [
"objectAfieldA": "valueB",
"objectAfieldB": "valueC"
"objectAfieldA": "valueD",
"objectAfieldB": "valueE"
the corresponding overall class has following fields:
String fieldA;
List<AnotherClass> = new ArrayList<AnotherClass>();
Now, my problem is that when I deserialize, using fromJson(jsonSample, resultContainer.class), without the List<T> element, everything is good, but I get a NullPointerException when I include the contained list. I've read about how to deal with collections of generic types and the use of TypeToken, but I can't apply this knowledge when my collection is part of another class…
I really would appreciate any help to solve this.
The solution for deserealizing the unnamed JSON array is quite simple:
List<resultContainer> lres = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), new TypeToken<List<resultContainer>>(){}.getType());
When deserializing, you only need to use the TypeToken if the outer-most structure to be deserialized into is a generic collection. This is not the case for the example in the original question. So, use of a TypeToken is unnecessary.
The issue appears to be that the JSON structure does not match the Java structure attempting to be bound to.
The JSON structure defines
an object with two elements
element 1 is a string named "fieldA",
element 2 is an object named "myCollection", which has one element
the one element is an array named "AnotherClass", composed of objects with two elements
element 1 is a string named "objectAfieldA",
element 2 is a string named "objectAfieldB"
So, define a Java data structure to match that, and deserialization will work very simply, without any custom processing necessary. If such a matching Java structure is not provided, then custom deserialization is necessary.
Here is such a working example using the names and types from the original question.
import java.io.FileReader;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class Foo
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Gson gson = new Gson();
resultContainer result = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), resultContainer.class);
class resultContainer
String fieldA;
MyCollectionContainer myCollection;
class MyCollectionContainer
SomeOtherClass[] AnotherClass;
class SomeOtherClass
String objectAfieldA;
String objectAfieldB;
I would like not to define an extra type just to make the json conversion. I am using a library that needs an object as an input and then performs http operations with this data, so I cannot use a hard coded json string as input.
private static final Gson GSON = new Gson();
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(GSON.toJson(new Object() {
private String email_address = "me#mail.eu";
public String getEmail_address() {return "me#mail.eu"; }
public void setEmail_address(String mail) {email_address = mail; }
I tried to remove getter and setter or leave the getter and remove the field but it doesn't work. Anybody knows how to fix this?
Libraries for Json serialization/deseralization like Gson, count on the fact that you have defined your custom object on which you will map the json string. This is because they use reflection on the class to map the fields with the corresponding keys in the json. Without it, it is difficult that they can achieve anything(usable).
Why not define an extra type ? We are not in the 1980s. I would personnally use a DTO. What is Data Transfer Object?
But maybe the answer to you question reside here : Java - Does Google's GSON use constructors?
My question is pretty much identical to this one, except that I'm using Java/Jackson instead of C#:
In C# how can I deserialize this json when one field might be a string or an array of strings?
My input JSON can be this:
{ "foo": "a string" }
or this:
{ "foo": ["array", "of", "strings" ] }
My class looks like this:
class MyClass {
public List<String> foo;
If the input contains a single string, I want it to become the first entry in the list.
How can I deserialize foo using Jackson? I could write a custom deserializer, which I've done before, but I thought there might be an easier way.
There is a feature called ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY which is turned off by default but you can turn it on:
objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);
You can also turn it on per case:
class SomeClass {
#JsonFormat(with = JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY)
private List<String> items;
// ...
class A{}
class B{}
class C{
private Map<A,B> myMap;
class Test{
public static void main(String [] args)
Map classMap=new HashMap();
C c = (C) JSONObject.toBean(jsonObject, C.class,classMap);
I am using "net.sf.json" library for converting json object into java object.Here in class C there is a map, so how to convert it into Java Object. Here jsonObject is a json representation of class C.
My question is how to convert a json object into Java Object if java Object containing Map
I am a beginner, any help will be very thankful.
I have used jackson library and in that when a json is passed to the java code and if you want to parse that json into a java object you need to have a class which contains all the property which are present in the json string.
for example:
will be equivalent to a java class which contains both the property as
class A {
String firstname;
String lastname;
so if you accept the string from frontend as the object of class A it works
public void (A objectofA){
and you call this method from front end and pass a json string using json library it will work and have faith in your work.
I don't know how to do it in "net.sf.json"
Try to see how serialization works in "net.sf.json". Probably, you can go from there.
This is how it is done using jackson, (one of the commenters has tried to explain you an approach using this)
//you need to import:
//import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValueAsString(c) //--> This gives Json String
I don't think this can work, as JSON cannot represent arbitrary objects as keys in maps. In JSON keys have to be strings. So in your example Map would only work if A was String.
Then you could say:
I using in my project GSON library, everything is fine, but now i'm stuck with a problem, where i need to use a custom deserializer on unquoted values.
I have the following value, and need to parse from json:
[ ["county","=", field_name], ["name", "ilike", "username"] ]
I need to parse unquoted values with a custom deserializer, to a wrapper class like:
public class StringField {
private String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
And value will have "field_name" as string.
The problem is that the data is not valid JSON.
JSON does not permit such "unquoted value" strings such as field_name and neither does Gson. Either fix the input such that it is valid JSON (perhaps "$field_name$") - or use a tool (i.e. not Gson) that can cope with non-JSON text that resembles JSON.
This situation can't be corrected with Custom Deserialization because the data isn't even parsed correctly to Json tokens: Gson will throw an exception as the invalid/non-JSON is encountered.
At the very least this would require creating a customized JsonReader implementation that can read "barewords" as strings. However, this is problematic to do because JsonReader does not conform to any specialized interfaces (so it must be subclassed, oops!) and is final (so it can't be subclassed, oops!). As such, unless willing to edit the Gson library source: not possible.
With the below code, I parsed your JSON without problems, I left Gson decide how to parse it, except assuming it contained a List outermost. And the result was a List of Lists of Strings. I did not understand very well why you need StringField class.
package stackoverflow.questions;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.*;
public class Q20557131 {
public static void main(String[] args){
String json = "[[\"county\",\"=\", field_name], [\"name\", \"ilike\", \"username\"]]";
Gson g = new Gson();
List outerList = g.fromJson(json, List.class);
List innerList = (List) outerList.get(0);
for(Object o: innerList)
By default, Gson 2.2.4 is lenient, even if has the lenient property set to false, from documentation
Configure this parser to be be liberal in what it accepts. By default, this parser is strict and only accepts JSON as specified by RFC 4627. Setting the parser to lenient causes it to ignore the following syntax errors:
Strings that are unquoted or 'single quoted'.
even if documentation states that property is false by default, in the source code of the JsonReader#fromJson:
public <T> T fromJson(JsonReader reader, Type typeOfT) throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException {
boolean isEmpty = true;
boolean oldLenient = reader.isLenient();
reader.setLenient(true); <-- always true
try {
isEmpty = false;
TypeToken<T> typeToken = (TypeToken<T>) TypeToken.get(typeOfT);
TypeAdapter<T> typeAdapter = getAdapter(typeToken);
T object = typeAdapter.read(reader);
return object;
} catch (EOFException e) {
I've solved this problem years ago in another way (sorry for delayed). Wrote symbolic preprocessor class, which replace by regexp labels like field_name with actual values from model and then parsed json.
An API my application is communicating with sends responses that look like:
Code: 200,
Message: "HELLO",
Data: []
The Data field is always an array of SOMETHING. But that something could be a single node of text, another array of something else, or any other of an assortment of different objects.
In the below example, the data node is an array of an array of car objects.
Data: [ [ {car:1}, {car:2} ] ]
Another return type could be an array of insect objects:
Data: [ {insect : spider} ]
I would like to design a Gson object to handle this and was wondering what the best way would be.
My first thought is to have an abstract class that holds the Code and Message fields, and then have many sub-types that all have their own Data field. Then I would just call .fromJson() passing it the sub-class.
Is there a more optimal way to design it so that Gson would handle the differences?
I figured out what I believe is the best answer. Fairly straightforward!
Make the class generic and supply the type by creating a TypeToken before passing to Gson:
public class Response<T> {
private String code;
private String message;
private List<T> data;
Then when using Gson:
Type myCarListResponse = new TypeToken<Response<List<Car>>>(){}.getType();
Response<List<Car>> response = gson.fromJson(json, myCarListResponse);
Replace > with the type you are expecting from the Data node. The above example satisfies the first example from the original post.
To satisfy the second example:
Type myInsectResponse = new TypeToken<Response<Insect>>(){}.getType();
Response<Insect> response = gson.fromJson(json, myInsectResponse);
In Jackson, you can use #JsonAnyGetter/Setter to achieve this.
Refer http://www.cowtowncoder.com/blog/archives/2011/07/entry_458.html, http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonFeatureAnyGetter