How to close an activity (finish()) from service? - java

i make a lock screen application.. i have some service that listen to the SMS.. when the SMS receiving command andro-lock then i display a lock screen that called by service:
here'e the service's code :
if (tempMessage[0].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("andro-lock") && tempMessage[1].toString().equals(tempPassword.toString()))
//Toast.makeText(ListenSMSservice.this, "Menjalankan command andro-lock", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Intent myIntent = new Intent(ListenSMSservice.this,LockScreenForm.class);
that code has works perfecly, but i have some problem when i try to unlock my phone.. if my service receive command andro-unlock then i must close (finish) that i was trying many code and still not works.. what must i do to close the lockscreen activity when my service receiving command andro-unlock?? please help..
else if (tempMessage[0].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("andro-unlock") && tempMessage[1].toString().equals(tempPassword.toString()))
//what must i do??
//any solution??
Thanks for your help..

A possible solution to stop the activity would be:
Intent myIntent = new Intent(ListenSMSservice.this,LockScreenForm.class);
Bundle myKillerBundle = new Bundle();
In LockScreenForm
onCreate(Bundle bundle){

You could send an intent to your activity with an extra, and the activity could read this extra and, if present, finish() itself.


launch activity twice even with launchMode="singleTask"

I have an activity for showing tour details with two inconsistent goals
that activity has a booking button which redirects to bank pay and get back to activity after successful or unsuccessful pay.that is why i set Launch Mode in manifest to stop activity from re creating.
that activity has a button which redirect to similar tour,then i have to call finish(); before startActivity() to make intent work!
onNewIntent() inside activity to get data of first part
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
if (intent.getData() != null) {
Helper.logDebug("fsfsfsgsgsgs", "inside get data not null");
String query = intent.getData().getQuery();
Helper.logDebug("fsfsfsgsgsgs","query is "+ query);
if (query!=null && query.contains("Status=OK")) {
if (frgBtmReserve!=null){
String count=query.substring(16);
Helper.logDebug("fsfsfsgsgsgs","count is "+ count);
Helper.logDebug("fsfsfsgsgsgs", "inside status ok");
Helper.notifyUserDone(getResources().getString(R.string.success_tour_reserve), this,R.drawable.ic_tick);
} else {
Helper.logDebug("fsfsfsgsgsgs", "inside status nok");
Helper.notifyUserWarning(getResources().getString(R.string.error_tour_reserve), this);
on click of second part which should create new instance of current activity but it doesnt because of launch mode of activity which is singleTask.intent doesnt work until i finish() before startActivity()
Intent intent = new Intent(context, ActivityShowObject.class);
intent.putExtra(ActivityShowObject.INTENT_KEY_TYPE, Obj.TYPE_TRAVEL);
intent.putExtra(ActivityShowObject.INTENT_KEY_COLOR, color);
intent.putExtra(ActivityShowObject.INTENT_KEY_OBJ_ID, obj.getAgencyId());
that is my problem
think of a user which is looking into some similar tours then press back and app goes back to the very first step! do you guys have a suggestion for me?
Get rid of
for a start. I think its the wrong usecase, making it harder for you.
You have two scenarios:
1) New activity pay for this tour
2) New activity Browse another tour
for #2 use the normal startActivity route, this will allow normal back navigation
for #1 you could also use normal startActivity but I have a feeling that when they pay successfully you do not want them to press back to go back to the tour, but if they are unsuccessful at paying you do want to allow them to go back?
If that is the case, you can use startActivityForResult when navigating to your #1 pay scenario.
When they complete payment successfully call
if they are unsuccessful
Then when they hit back, the result is propogated to the first activity, and you an use this to either call finish() or not.

Is there a method to call activity back when onStop() immediately?

I want to create an app that can't be stopped (send to background). Is there a method to achieve this? this is my code
protected void onUserLeaveHint()
Intent i = new Intent(this, DemoActivity.class);
but this code didnt respond immediately, I search everywehere for solution but get nothing. Thank you.

How can i keep an activity alive, if it's the solution

So i got two activities, a main then a secondary, we'll call them activity_A (main) and activity B( the second ).
So my activity_A is getting some data, then sending it to activity_B with this code :
Intent i = new Intent(this,activity_B.class);
i.putExtra("Charge_Batterie", bat);
activity_B receive it correctly with this code :
String bat = getIntent().getStringExtra("Charge_Batterie");
My problem is that my activity_A is refreashing it's value "bat", so when i send it with intent it doesn't refreash in activity_B.
So i'm wondering, is my activity_A sleeping ? If yes how can i make it stay alive ?
I´m doing the same thing and it works for a long time - activity A runs a timer and launches activity B with extras.
When I want to refresh activity B with "new extras", I´m doing this:
// check if activity B is created and running:
if (intent == null) {
System.out.println("Creating Activity - Intent is null");
intent = new Intent(context, ActivityB.class);
}else {
System.out.println("Reloading Activity - Intent exists");
intent = new Intent(context, ActivityB.class);
As far as I know, this isn´t the best way to achieve the background task - it should be running on a service, perhaps doing the same when one needs to refresh.

Notifications not show up

I am working on a messaging app, it sends user notification when he is on a different activtyon my app or is on another app but if the user is on it just updates the chat history and does not send any notifications which is perfectly fine, but the problem arises when the user is on meanwhile an email or something else happen user leaves the open and checks that app if in the meantime a message comes user does not receive any notifications
public void parseRequest(Bundle extras) {
if (extras.containsKey("for") && extras.containsKey("recipientID")) {
if (Integer.parseInt(extras.getString("recipientID")) == M.getID(this)) {
switch (extras.getString("for")) {
case "chat":
if (isRunning("MessagingActivity")) {
Intent intent = new Intent("update_messages_list");
intent.putExtra("data", extras);
} else {
Intent resultIntent = new Intent(this, MessagingActivity.class);
resultIntent.putExtra("conversationID", Integer.parseInt(extras.getString("conversationID")));
resultIntent.putExtra("recipientID", Integer.parseInt(extras.getString("ownerID")));
M.showNotification(getApplicationContext(), resultIntent,
Let me know how you are checking that your MessageActivity is Running i.e. functioning of isRunning("MessagingActivity") method. If you are setting any global boolean variable for checking this and making isRunning value false in onDestroy() method of that activity then, according to life cycle of Activity it is not called until your activity is finished i.e. in your case user just switching from MessageActivity to Mail .
I am by no means an expert, but you could just set a boolean variable by overriding the Activity's onPause() and onResume() events.
Simply set msgActivityActive to true in onResume(), false in onPause(), and change your call to:
if (isRunning("MessagingActivity") && msgActivityActive)

Pass a value from a third activity to a first

so I have a doubt, I have 3 activities, in the first one I send some data to the second one, and in the second one I send some data to the third one and finish the second one, is there a way I can finish the third activity and send some data to the first activity from the third?
This is what I'm doing in the first activity.
mStartGame.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Intent i = new Intent(view.getContext(), GameInProgress.class);
i.putExtra("questionObject", questions);
And in the second one after i get the extra I do this to send data to the third activity:
Intent i = new Intent(view.getContext(), StatisticsActivity.class);
i.putExtra("questionObject", questionInfo);
Now in the third I get the extras and then I:
Intent returnIntent = new Intent();
isCorrect = true;
returnIntent.putExtra("questionCorrection", isCorrect);
setResult(RESULT_OK, returnIntent);
I though this would work because when I finish the third activity the onActivityResult in the first activity method is working but when I try to access the Extras I get a nullpointerexception, so I don't know, thank you.
Sorry dude but I doubt your procedure of sending data from 3rd to 1st Activity.If data is simple string or integer. You can use Shared Preference Follow link
How to use Shared preference
Edit Shared Preference
Why Don't you also finish First activity and start new Instance of same activity through intent?

