Regex Issue With Multiple Groups - java

I'm trying to create a regex pattern to match the lines in the following format:
field[bii] = float4:.4f_degree // Galactic Latitude
field[class] = int2 (index) // Browse Object Classification
field[dec] = float8:.4f_degree (key) // Declination
field[name] = char20 (index) // Object Designation
field[dircos1] = float8 // 1st Directional Cosine
I came up with this pattern, which seemed to work, then suddenly seemed NOT to work:
field\[(.*)\] = (float|int|char)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]).*(:(\.([0-9])))
Here is the code I'm trying to use (edit: provided full method instead of excerpt):
private static Map<String, String> createColumnMap(String filename) {
// create a linked hashmap mapping field names to their column types. Use LHM because I'm picky and
// would prefer to preserve the order
Map<String, String> columnMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
// define the regex patterns
Pattern columnNamePattern = Pattern.compile(columnNameRegexPattern);
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filename));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if (line.indexOf("field[") != -1) {
// get the field name
Matcher fieldNameMatcher = columnNamePattern.matcher(line);
String fieldName = null;
if (fieldNameMatcher.find()) {
fieldName =;
String columnName = null;
String columnType = null;
String columnPrecision = null;
String columnScale = null;
//Pattern columnTypePattern = Pattern.compile(".*(float|int|char)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])");
Pattern columnTypePattern = Pattern.compile("field\\[(.*)\\] = (float|int|char).*([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]).*(:(\\.([0-9])))");
Matcher columnTypeMatcher = columnTypePattern.matcher(line);
if (columnTypeMatcher.lookingAt()) {
System.out.println(fieldName + ": " + columnTypeMatcher.groupCount());
int count = columnTypeMatcher.groupCount();
if (count > 1) {
columnName =;
columnType =;
if (count > 2) {
columnScale =;
if (count >= 6) {
columnPrecision =;
int precision = Integer.parseInt(columnPrecision);
int scale = Integer.parseInt(columnScale);
if (columnType.equals("int")) {
if (precision <= 4) {
columnMap.put(fieldName, "INTEGER");
} else {
columnMap.put(fieldName, "BIGINT");
} else if (columnType.equals("float")) {
if (columnPrecision==null) {
} else {
columnMap.put(fieldName,"DECIMAL(" + columnPrecision + "," + columnScale + ")");
} else {
if (line.indexOf("<DATA>") != -1) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return columnMap;
When I get the groupCount from the Matcher object, it says there are 6 groups. However, they aren't matching the text, so I could definitely use some help... can anyone assist?

It's not entirely clear to me what you're after but I came up with the following pattern and it accepts all of your input examples:
field\\[(.*)\\] = (float|int|char)([1-9][0-9]?)?(:\\.([0-9]))?
using this code:
String columnName = null;
String columnType = null;
String columnPrecision = null;
String columnScale = null;
// Pattern columnTypePattern =
// Pattern.compile(".*(float|int|char)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])");
// field\[(.*)\] = (float|int|char)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]).*(:(\.([0-9])))
Pattern columnTypePattern = Pattern
.compile("field\\[(.*)\\] = (float|int|char)([1-9][0-9]?)?(:\\.([0-9]))?");
Matcher columnTypeMatcher = columnTypePattern.matcher(line);
boolean match = columnTypeMatcher.lookingAt();
System.out.println("Match: " + match);
if (match) {
int count = columnTypeMatcher.groupCount();
if (count > 1) {
columnName =;
columnType =;
if (count > 2) {
columnScale =;
if (count > 4) {
columnPrecision =;
System.out.println("Name=" + columnName + "; Type=" + columnType + "; Scale=" + columnScale + "; Precision=" + columnPrecision);
I think the problem with your regex was it needed to make the scale and precision optional.

field\[(.*)\] = (float|int|char)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]).*(:(\.([0-9])))
The .* is overly broad, and there is a lot of redundancy in ([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]), and I think the parenthetical group that starts with : and preceding .* should be optional.
After removing all the ambiguity, I get
field\[([^\]]*)\] = (float|int|char)(0|[1-9][0-9]+)(?:[^:]*(:(\.([0-9]+))))?


Exporting data to PDF JAVA, Eclipse, Jasper

I tried to make an exporting data to PDF but when I try to export it, the pdf can't show up like "no data found"
this code on bean
public JasperPrint exportTo() {
if(this.listReportMaster == null || this.listReportMaster.isEmpty()){
FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found");
return null;
String path = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRealPath("/resources/report/PRPKReportPDF.jasper");
JRBeanCollectionDataSource beanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(this.listReportMaster);
try {
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(path, null, beanCollectionDataSource);
return jasperPrint;
} catch (JRException e) {
return null;
public void exportToPdf(ActionEvent actionEvent){
if(this.lazyMasterReportDataModel != null){
System.out.println("masuk exporttopdf");
String sql = ((LazyMasterReportDataModel) this.lazyMasterReportDataModel).getSqlReportPrint();
List<Object> listObject = ((LazyMasterReportDataModel) this.lazyMasterReportDataModel).getObjectSqlListReportPrint();
this.listReportMaster = reportMasterPRPKController.getPRPKForReport(sql, listObject);
JasperPrint jasperPrint = exportTo();
String fileName = "PRPKNew_Report".concat("_").concat(".pdf");
if(jasperPrint != null) reportMasterPRPKController.exportToPDF(fileName, jasperPrint);
else System.out.println("jasperprint null");
System.out.println("keluar exporttopdf");
FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found");
every I try to export it, always show "no data found" which is the program run this code FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found"); and which meam the "this.lazyMasterReportDataModel" is null but when I check it again, there's nothing wrong on code, I don't know if it have a wrong code or deficiency code
this the lazy code
List<ReportMasterPRPK> listMasterPRPK = new ArrayList<>();
ReportMasterPRPKQuery reportMasterPRPKQuery = new ReportMasterPRPKQuery();
Page page = new Page();
String order = "GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY a.created_date ";
String columname = "";
String sql = "";
List<Object> objectSqlList = new ArrayList<>();
String sqlReport = "";
String sqlReportPrint = "";
List<Object> objectSqlListReport = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> objectSqlListReportPrint = new ArrayList<>();
String flag;
public LazyMasterReportDataModel() {
public LazyMasterReportDataModel(String flag) { //ini
this.flag = flag;
public LazyMasterReportDataModel(String sqlReport, List<Object> objectSqlListReport) {
this.sqlReport = sqlReport;
this.objectSqlListReport = objectSqlListReport;
public List<ReportMasterPRPK> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder,
Map<String, Object> filters) {
if(this.sqlReport != null){
this.sql = this.sqlReport;
this.objectSqlList = this.objectSqlListReport;
sql = "";
objectSqlList = new ArrayList<>();
if(flag != null){ //ini
if(flag.equals("no selected")){
sql = sql+" AND c.is_selected = 'n' ";
if (filters != null){
for(String key: filters.keySet()){
String filterColumnName = "";
for(Field field : ReportMasterPRPK.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(field.getName().equals(key)) filterColumnName = field.getAnnotation(Column.class).value();
if(filters.get(key) instanceof String){
if(((String)filters.get(key)).trim().length() > 20){
String startDate = "'" + filters.get(key).toString().substring(0, 10) + "'";
String endDate = "'" + filters.get(key).toString().substring(11, 21) + "'";
sql = sql + " AND " + filterColumnName + " BETWEEN " + startDate + " AND " + endDate+ " ";
if(((String) filters.get(key)).trim().length() > 0){
sql = sql+"AND "+filterColumnName+" ILIKE ? ";
String value = "%"+filters.get(key)+"%";
if(((String[]) filters.get(key)).length > 0){
sql = sql+" AND "+filterColumnName+" in ";
String value = "(";
for(String string : (String[]) filters.get(key)){
value = value+"'"+string+"',";
value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1)+") ";
sql = sql + value;
if(sortField != null){
for(Field field : ReportMasterPRPK.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(field.getName().equals(sortField)) columname = field.getAnnotation(Column.class).value();
if(sortOrder.toString().equals("ASCENDING")) order = " ASC";
else order = " DESC";
sql = sql+" GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY "+columname+" "+order;
System.out.println("sql sort: "+sql+" : "+objectSqlList.size());
sql = sql + order;
sqlReportPrint = sql;
objectSqlListReportPrint = objectSqlList;
this.listMasterPRPK = reportMasterPRPKQuery.retrivePage(page, sql, objectSqlList.toArray());
int dataSize = reportMasterPRPKQuery.retrieveMaxRow(sql, objectSqlList.toArray());
if(this.sqlReport != null){
this.sql = this.sqlReport;
this.objectSqlList = this.objectSqlListReport;
sql = "";
order = "GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY a.created_date ";
return listMasterPRPK;
public List<ReportMasterPRPK> calculateRownum(List<ReportMasterPRPK> listMasterPRPK, int first){
int i = 1;
for (ReportMasterPRPK masterPRPK : listMasterPRPK) {
masterPRPK.setRownum(first + i);
return listMasterPRPK;
public String getSqlReportPrint() {
return sqlReportPrint;
public void setSqlReportPrint(String sqlReportPrint) {
this.sqlReportPrint = sqlReportPrint;
public List<Object> getObjectSqlListReportPrint() {
return objectSqlListReportPrint;
public void setObjectSqlListReportPrint(List<Object> objectSqlListReportPrint) {
this.objectSqlListReportPrint = objectSqlListReportPrint;
sorry before, if my english is to bad, but I hope you understand about what I mean...
thanks before...

how to check if your query is empty using java

I'm using a spring framework and the code I'm using won't work or check if the query is null, though I used a .isEmpty() method it doesn't mean that the query is empty. I wanted to make sure that my query is empty because a part of my code does invoke an id in which case I didn't even though its null so please help me T.T
public List<Object> searchEmployee(EmployeeSearchDto data) {
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID = "emp.employeeID =:id";
final String CRITERIA_EMPLOYEEID2 = "emp.employeeID LIKE:id";
final String CRITERIA_POSITION= "emp.positionID =:posID";
final String CRITERIA_DEPARTMENT="emp.departmentID =:deptID";
final String CRITERIA_WORKPLACE = "emp.workplaceID =:workID";
Boolean selected_dept = false;
Boolean selected_pos = false;
Boolean selected_work = false;
Boolean input_empID = false;
Boolean input_empName = false;
firstName = "";
middleName = "";
lastName = "";
completeName = "";
firstLastName = "";
List<String> criteria = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> employees = null;
// checking the fields if all the fields is empty
//one by one check the select field
String query = "Select"
+ " emp.employeeID,"
+"from Employee emp "
+ "INNER JOIN Department dept "
+ "ON emp.departmentID = dept.deptID "
+ "INNER JOIN Position pos "
+ "ON emp.positionID = pos.positionID "
+ "INNER JOIN Workplace work "
+ "ON emp.workplaceID = work.workplaceID ";
if(!data.isEmpty()) {
query = query.concat("WHERE ");
if(data.getEmployeeID()!="" && data.getEmployeeID()!=null) {
System.out.println("Employee IDs");
input_empID = true;
if(data.getEmployeeName()!="" && data.getEmployeeName()!=null){
System.out.println("Employee Name AKOOO");
input_empName = true;
if(data.getDepartmentID()!=0) {
System.out.println("Dept ID ");
selected_dept = true;
if(data.getPositionID()!=0) {
System.out.println("POS ID ");
selected_pos = true;
if(data.getWorkplaceID()!=0) {
selected_work = true;
query = query.concat(String.join(" OR ", criteria));
query = query.concat(" ORDER BY emp.joinDate DESC");
System.out.println("QUERY: " + query);
Query q = session.createQuery(query);
if(input_empID) {
q.setParameter("id", "%" + data.getEmployeeID() + "%");
if(input_empName) {
q.setParameter("inputName", "%" + data.getEmployeeName() + "%");
q.setParameter("firstLastName", "%" +firstLastName+ "%");
q.setParameter("completeName", "%" +completeName+ "%");
if(selected_dept) {
q.setParameter("deptID", data.getDepartmentID());
if(selected_pos) {
q.setParameter("posID", data.getPositionID());
if(selected_work) {
q.setParameter("workID", data.getWorkplaceID());
employees = (List<Object>) q.list();
}catch(Exception e){
return employees;
public String nameCriteriaHelper(String name) {
searchbyOne = false;
searchbyFandL = false;
searchbyCompName = false;
final String noOfTokens_1 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :inputName";
final String noOfTokens_2 = "(CONCAT(emp.lastName, ' ', emp.firstName) LIKE :firstLastName "
+ "OR CONCAT(emp.firstName, ' ', emp.lastName) LIKE :firstLastName)";
final String noOfTokens_3 = "CONCAT(emp.lastName,' ',emp.firstName, ' ',emp.middleName) LIKE :completeName";
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name);
int no_of_tokens = stringTokenizer.countTokens();
switch(no_of_tokens) {
case 1: searchbyOne = true;
return noOfTokens_1;
case 2: firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
firstLastName = lastName + " " + firstName;
searchbyFandL = true;
return noOfTokens_2;
default: int counter = 0;
while( counter < (no_of_tokens - 2)) {
firstName = firstName.concat(stringTokenizer.nextToken() + " ");
firstName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
middleName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
lastName = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
completeName = lastName + " " + firstName + " " + middleName;
searchbyCompName = true;
return noOfTokens_3;
You're using wrong order and wrong function to compare string:
data.getEmployeeID()!="" && data.getEmployeeID()!=null
data.getEmployeeID() != null && !data.getEmployeeID().equals("")
Comparing string must use equals(). And check for null should be done first, before accessing the equals method
You should correct other conditions as above too.
Actually, the logic that Mr. Nguyễn provided here is faulty. An object or variable cannot both be null and initialized to a default value (such as foo == "") at the same time.
At the time of the logic check, if the String is in fact null, the second half of the logic statement will engage, checking to see if the String is equal to "", which will throw a null pointer exception. Instead of checking for both at the same time, check for one and then check for the other like so:
//since two logic checks are being performed,
//it is advantageous to put the data from the query
//into memory so you don't have to get the
//same result twice
String foo = data.getEmployeeID();
if (foo != null)
if (!(foo.equals("")))
//the result is neither null or empty
//the result is not null but it is empty
//the result is null

Java - renaming output file if name already exists with an increment, taking into account existing increments

building an Android app i came across the need to do some file copying. I would like a way to get new filenames in the event of a filename allready being used by adding a "(increment)" string in the filename. for example
text.txt ---> text(1).txt
The algorith should account for the following
1) if text.txt exists the new file name should NEVER be text.txt(1)
2) if text(1).txt exists then new filename should be text(2).txt not text(1)(1).txt
3) if text(1)foo.txt exists the new filename should be text(1)foo(1).txt
I've allready done the first but I'm having difficulties with the second. Regular expressions is not my strong suit!(It's not mandatory to use Regex. every approach is welcome) Some help ?
combining my original code and one of the answers here I ended up with this which works very well for me in all cases regardless of file having an extension or not:
public static File getFinalNewDestinationFile(File destinationFolder, File fileToCopy){
String destFolderPath = destinationFolder.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator;
File newFile = new File(destFolderPath + fileToCopy.getName());
String filename=fileToCopy.getName();
String nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement;
String extension = getFileExtension(filename);
int extInd = filename.lastIndexOf(extension);
nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement = new StringBuilder(filename).replace(extInd, extInd+extension.length(),"").toString();
nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement = filename;
int c=0;
int indexOfClose = nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement.lastIndexOf(")");
int indexOfOpen = nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement.lastIndexOf("(");
if(indexOfClose!=-1 && indexOfClose!=-1 && indexOfClose==nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement.length()-1 && indexOfClose > indexOfOpen && indexOfOpen!=0){
String possibleNumber = nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement.substring(indexOfOpen+1, indexOfClose);
c = Integer.parseInt(possibleNumber);
nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement=nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement.substring(0, indexOfOpen);
}catch(Exception e){c=0;}
String path = destFolderPath + nameWithoutExtentionOrIncrement +"(" + Integer.toString(c) + ")" + extension;
newFile = new File(path);
return newFile;
public static String getFileExtension(String filename) {
if (filename == null) { return null; }
int lastUnixPos = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
int lastWindowsPos = filename.lastIndexOf('\\');
int indexOfLastSeparator = Math.max(lastUnixPos, lastWindowsPos);
int extensionPos = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
int lastSeparator = indexOfLastSeparator;
int indexOfExtension = lastSeparator > extensionPos ? -1 : extensionPos;
int index = indexOfExtension;
if (index == -1) {
return null;
} else {
return filename.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase();
Using one regex pattern:
final static Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.*?)(?:\\((\\d+)\\))?(\\.[^.]*)?");
String getNewName(String filename) {
if (fileExists(filename)) {
Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(filename);
if (m.matches()) {
String prefix =;
String last =;
String suffix =;
if (suffix == null) suffix = "";
int count = last != null ? Integer.parseInt(last) : 0;
do {
filename = prefix + "(" + count + ")" + suffix;
} while (fileExists(filename));
return filename;
The regex pattern explanation:
(.*?) a non greedy "match everything" starting at the beginning
(?:\\((\\d+)\\))? a number in parenthesis (optional)
(?:____________) - is a non capturing group
___\\(______\\)_ - matches ( and )
______(\\d+)____ - matches and captures the one or more digits
(\\.[^.]+)? a dot followed by anything but a dot (optional)
Here's one way of doing it:
String fileName;
File file = new File(fileName);
if(file.exists()) {
int dot = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'), open = fileName.lastIndexOf('('), incr;
boolean validNum = false;
if(fileName.charAt(dot-1) == ')' && open != -1){
String n = fileName.substring(open+1, dot-1);
try {
incr = Integer.parseInt(n);
validNum = true;
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
validNum = false;
if(validNum) {
String pre = fileName.substring(0, open+1), post = fileName.substring(0, dot-1);
while(new File(pre + ++incr + post).exists());
fileName = pre + incr + post;
} else {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, dot) + "(1)" + fileName.substring(dot);
I assume a couple of things:
1) A method called fileExists(String fileName) is available. It returns true if a file with the specified name is already present in the file system.
2) There is a constant called FILE_NAME which in your example case is equal to "text".
if (!fileExists(FILE_NAME)) {
//create file with FILE_NAME.txt as name
int availableIndex = 1;
while (true) {
if (!fileExists(currentName)) {
//create file with FILE_NAME(availableIndex).txt
I am not very sure about Android but since its a Java program, you may be able to create File object of the directory in which you want to write.
Once you have this you can see the list of file names already present inside it and other related information. Then you can decide the file name as per your above logic.
File dir = new File("<dir-path>");
String[] files = dir.list();
for(String fileName : files){
<logic for finding filename>
If all filenames have an extenstion you could do something like this (just an example you will have to change it to work in your case):
public static void main(String[] args)
String test = "test(1)foo.txt";
String test1 = "test(1)foo(1).txt";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("((?<=\\()\\d+(?=\\)\\.))");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(test);
String fileOutput = "";
String temp = null;
int newInt = -1;
temp =;
if(temp != null)
newInt = Integer.parseInt(temp);
fileOutput = test.replaceAll("\\(\\d+\\)(?=\\.(?!.*\\.))", "(" + newInt + ")");
fileOutput = test;
matcher = pattern.matcher(test1);
fileOutput = "";
temp = null;
temp =;
if(temp != null)
newInt = Integer.parseInt(temp);
fileOutput = test1.replaceAll("\\(\\d+\\)(?=\\.(?!.*\\.))", "(" + newInt + ")");
fileOutput = test1;
This uses regex to look for a number in the () right before the last ..
replaceAll() changed to handle case where there is a . after the first (1) in test(1).foo(1).txt.

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException :

I have a String = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404", if I provide space between abcd1 & number eg. abcd1 862893007509396 my code will work fine, but if there is no space like abcd1862893007509396, I will get java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, please help ?:
PFB the code :
String text = "";
final String suppliedKeyword = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404";
String[] keywordarray = null;
String[] keywordarray2 = null;
String modelname = "";
String[] strIMEI = null;
if ( StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( suppliedKeyword,"model")) {
keywordarray = suppliedKeyword.split("(?i)model");
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(keywordarray[1], "abcd")) {
keywordarray2 = keywordarray[1].split("(?i)abcd");
modelname = keywordarray2[0].trim();
if (keywordarray[1].trim().contains(" ")) {
strIMEI = keywordarray[1].split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < strIMEI.length; i++) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
} else {
text = keywordarray2[1];
After looking at your code the only thing i can consider for cause of error is
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
You are trying to access strIMEI[i+1] which will throw an error if your last element in strIMEI contains "abcd".

Threaded application writing duplicate lines to log file

I have written a multithreaded application that analyzes rows in a database with regex and updates them appropriately. I am writing each row to a log file for logging purposes. I have noticed that the same row is being written to the log file several times...sometimes upwards of 15 times. Here are snippets of the code.
Setting up ThreadPoolExecuter:
private static BlockingQueue<Runnable> worksQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(blockingQueueSize);
private static ThreadPoolExecutor exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadPoolSize, threadPoolSize, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, worksQueue);
In this part, I run a query, then go through the results:
rs = ps.executeQuery();
while ( {
exec.execute(new UpdateMember(rs, conn, fileWriter));
if (worksQueue.size() == blockingQueueSize) {
//reach the maximum, stop refill
for (;;) {
//wait until the size of queue reached the minimum
if (worksQueue.size() == 0) {
//start refill
UpdateMember (with only run and writeToLog methods showing):
public class UpdateMember implements Runnable {
ResultSet rs;
Connection conn;
FileWriter fw;
public UpdateMember(ResultSet rs, Connection conn, FileWriter fw) { = rs;
this.conn = conn;
this.fw = fw;
public void run() {
try {
String regex = "((?<city>[a-zA-Z\\s\\.]+)\\s)?(?<provState>AB|ALB|Alta|alberta|BC|B\\.C\\.|British Columbia|LB|Labrador|MB|Man|Manitoba|N[BLTSU]|Nfld|NF|Newfoundland|NWT|Northwest Territories|Nova Scotia|New Brunswick|Nunavut|ON|ONT|Ontario|PE|PEI|Prince Edward Island|QC|PC|QUE|QU|Quebec|SK|Sask|Saskatchewan|YT|Yukon|Yukon Territories)(\\s(?<country>CA|CAN|CANADA))?$";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
BigDecimal memrecno = rs.getBigDecimal(2);
String addressLineTwo = rs.getString(4);
String addressLineThree = rs.getString(5);
String addressLineFour = rs.getString(6);
BigDecimal attrrecno = rs.getBigDecimal(9);
String addressBeingParsed = "";
String city = null;
String province = null;
String country = null;
boolean usingAddressThree = false;
boolean usingAddressFour = false;
if (addressLineFour == null) {
if (addressLineThree == null) {
city = "Unknown";
addressBeingParsed = addressLineThree;
usingAddressThree = true;
addressBeingParsed = addressLineFour;
usingAddressFour = true;
if (usingAddressThree || usingAddressFour) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(addressBeingParsed);
// if matches are found
if (matcher.matches()) {
city ="city");
province ="provState");
country ="country");
if (city == null || city.isEmpty()) {
// cities are alpha characters and spaces only
String cityRegex = "(?<city>^[a-zA-Z\\s\\.]+$)";
Pattern cityPattern = Pattern.compile(cityRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
if (usingAddressFour && (addressLineThree != null) && !addressLineThree.isEmpty()) {
Matcher cityMatcher = cityPattern.matcher(addressLineThree);
if (cityMatcher.matches()) {
city ="city");
city = "Unknown";
else if (usingAddressThree && (addressLineTwo != null) && !addressLineTwo.isEmpty()) {
Matcher cityMatcher = cityPattern.matcher(addressLineTwo);
if (cityMatcher.matches()) {
city ="city");
city = "Unknown";
city = "Unknown";
if (province != null && !province.isEmpty()) {
province = createProvinceCode(province);
city = "Unknown";
// update attributes in database
boolean success = updateRow(memrecno, attrrecno, city, province);
String logLine = memrecno.toString() + "|" + attrrecno.toString() + "|" + addressLineTwo + "|" + addressLineThree + "|" + addressLineFour + "|" + city + "|" + province + "|" + country + "|" + success + "|" + String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getId());
catch (Exception e)
private synchronized void writeToLog(String line) {
try {
fw.write(line + "\r\n");
catch (IOException ex)
System.out.println("Error writing to log file. " + ex.getMessage());
I don't know if the threads are also calling the updateRow method multiple times, but I'm assuming they are and that's really bad.
Any ideas as to why it would be doing this?
I don't think ResultSet is thread safe. From your code, you should get the value first and then pass the value instead of rs into the thread.

