Apache Camel http to http routing with transformation of response - java

this is a kind of a follow-up question to this one here.
So it is possible to do the http-http routing as described in the above url. Is it also possible to adjust the output, so that only a specific part is returned? E.g. the <title> of the Google-Page if we stick to the mentioned example..or enhance the output with additional info?

You can add to the route and do your transformation, to eg only contain the title of the google page.
pseudo route:
from jetty
to http
to processor
eg just add for example a processor, and in the processor you can change the message body/headers to contain what you want.


How setHeader() works in Apache camel

I was going through some documentation on Apache Camel and not able to understand what setHeader() does in Apache Camel. Does it add a header to the file specified within from. And also suggest some link where I can get tutorial on Apache Camel.
No, it does not add anything to a file. .setHeader() creates a header that exist within the current route. You can create a header like .setHeader("myHeader", "myHeaderValue"). Use headers to access dynamic properties during your route by .getHeader("myHeader") For more long lasting property use exchange properties.
setHeader to a file(message) consumed(from) does not set the header to the file.
Camel File2 check the Message Headers. This lists all the Message Headers supported for produce(to) and consume(from) of File endpoint. For a file consumed, you can access the (getHeader) supported headers in the message. But overwriting these values does not overwrite the meta data of the file though.
Headers and Properties in Apache Camel can be used interchangeably to pass values between processes in a single route, but when you want to carry across different routes the behaviors differs. Headers can be lost at endpoints basically as they usually represent some component specific things. Go through the document to understand further.
Best tutorials for Camel - Apache Camel Books and Apache Cammel Documentation
Keep in mind that in Camel you are working with Exchange object and that object has headers, properties, body.in, body.out etc.
So when you are writing from(“file:...”) content of your file will be putted into your Exchange’s body.in and then you can get your file’s content for example in Processor using exchange.getIn().getBody().
Headers are part of your Exchange, so when you are writing: exchange.setHeader(“headerExample”,”MyHeader”), it will add header of existing Exchange’s headers.
See Message.setHeader(String name, Object value):
Sets a header on the message
Looking at Return Address of the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) we find:
A Return Address is put in the header of a message because it’s not part of the data being transmitted.
We can also look at RFC2045, 3. MIME Header Fields:
MIME defines a number of new RFC 822 header fields that are used to describe the content of a MIME entity.
And we can even look at RFC1866 – Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0, 5.2. Head: HEAD::
The head of an HTML document is an unordered collection of information about the document.
All the same concept: Storing metadata together with the payload.

Camel send modified body to AMQ without modifying route's body

I have a rest-api which create a resource and send it on a AMQ queue.
I am using camel rest dsl and created the something like that :
.to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "direct:sendTestAmq")
.to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "amq:queue:test.queue");
When I call the endpoint, I get a base64 response corresponding to the protobuf binary.
I would like to get the Test.class json response.
I thought using "to(ExchangePattern.InOnly,...)" would permit that by not modifying the body.
This is another example, the response is "After" and I wanted it to be "Before".
Does anybody knows how I could do it ?
Based on #ClausIbsen answer I found that multicast() also use a copy of the exchange for each route but instead of wiretap, it is not parallele per default.
I could achieve my goal by replacing .to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "direct:sendTestAmq") by multicast().to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, "direct:sendTestAmq", "direct:mock").end().
Since multicast takes as an output the last route exchange, "direct:mock" is a route which does nothing but preserves the original body.

Java JAIN SIP Presence

I am currently writing an application in java using the the JAIN SIP library, I've been trying for the past couple of days to implement presence using SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY messages. I currently have NOTIFY messages which has a content type of "message/sipfrag;version=2.0", and need this to be XML and PIDF.
I'm aware I need to use an event header with "presence", and also a content type header.
Are there any places I can go to where there is information on this or are there any other specific headers or classes and/or methods needed to make this work? I already have a client which I can make calls on, but need to implement presence now.
FYI, rfc3863 only defines the basic structure/semantics of a presence document. PIDF establishes a rudimentary presence document to be a status - with optional contact info, and other info (defined per the PIDF schema). PIDF does not really prescribe presence protocol. For those you need to review [RFC3265][1] and the details of the presence event package [RFC3856][2]. If we stick to a non-IMS network, the usual call-flow involves:
SIP registration to the SIP/REGISTRAR user-agent-server (UAS) accessible to the client. This also establishes the presence-entities (presentity) AoR (Address of Record) - who you are and how you can be reached - i.e. assuming you want to be contacted.
SIP:PUBLISH - with 3 very key parts. Firstly, an 'Event' header indicating support for the presence package, the content-type appropriately set to PIDF MIME-type and the correct body.
PUBLISH sip:bob#example.org SIP/2.0
Event: presence
Content-type: application/pidf+xml
Content-length: xyz
Once you have successfully published, you can then try a SUBSCRIBE method - to try and obtain status of another presence entity (e.g. user jane#example.org). For a SIP SUBSCRIBE the minimal is defining an appropriate presentities SIP/URI and specifying the correct 'event-package'. Look closely at the indicated RFCs - 3265 / 3856 will help guide you on basic behavior.
Best of luck.
[1]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3265#section-4
[2]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3856#section-5
There is more than one way to do presence in SIP. If you are sure PIDF is used then you should just use the RFC as reference https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3863.txt. JSIP will work just fine as far as the SIP headers go, it will construct and parse the SIP messages correctly. The actual SIP message content parsing/construction is responsibility of the app. Jitsi is an open source client that has presence if you want to peek at some example code, but it may be totally different from your case.

How to parse a custom XML-style error code response from a website

I'm developing a program that queries and prints out open data from the local transit authority, which is returned in the form of an XML response.
Normally, when there are buses scheduled to run in the next few hours (and in other typical situations), the XML response generated by the page is handled correctly by the java.net.URLConnection.getInputStream() function, and I am able to print the individual results afterwards.
The problem is when the buses are NOT running, or when some other problem with my queries develops after it is sent to the transit authority's web server. When the authority developed their service, they came up with their own unique error response codes, which are also sent as XMLs. For example, one of these error messages might look like this:
<Error xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Message>Sorry, no stop estimates found for given values.</Message>
(This code and similar is all that I receive from the transit authority in such situations.)
However, it appears that URLConnection.getInputStream() and some of its siblings are unable to interpret this custom code as a "valid" response that I can handle and print out as an error message. Instead, they give me a more generic HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found error. This problem cascades into my program which then prints out a java.io.FileNotFoundException error pointing to the offending input stream.
My question is therefore two-fold:
1. Is there a way to retrieve, parse, and print a custom XML-formatted error code sent by a web service using the plugins that are available in Java?
2. If the above is not possible, what other tools should I use or develop to handle such custom codes as described?
URLConnection isn't up to the job of REST, in my opinion, and if you're using getInputStream, I'm almost certain you're not handling character encoding correctly.
Check out Spring's RestTemplate - it's really easy to use (just as easy as URLConnection), powerful and flexible. You will need to change the ResponseErrorHandler, because the default one will throw an exception on 404, but it looks like you want it to carry on and parse the XML in the response.

How to set TimeToLive Parameter in ActiveMQ via AJAX?

I have a question about ActiveMQ and the AJAX Interface concerning the life span of a message. In the AMQ web interface, I can set a TimeToLive Value for a message in milliseconds.
I've already found out, that I can use this parameter via REST:
curl -vd body="test" "http://localhost:8161/demo/message/TESTQUEUE?type=queue&JMSTimeToLive=500&JMSPersistent=-1"
This example message will live 500ms
But how can I use the AMQ Ajax Interface to set those parameters?
The JavaScript function to send a message provides only two parameters
Info: http://activemq.apache.org/ajax.html
myDestination is unfortunately not an URL, it's something like this "queue://"
Thanks four your help
The current implementation of the AJAX client does not offer the possibility to send a message with a time to live.
The time to leave of the message is basically set in the message property (headers), via the property "JMSExpiration"
Currently if you go through the amq.js code, you see there is no API that allows you to define the headers or Time to Live.
It should be relatively easy to add this feature to the client. Check the code, you could probably just hardcode the TTL for your application. At the end, it just does a post command in the same way that you do your REST call.

