i am the following codes in javascript
var people = {
"users" : [{id : this.getJID().toString()},{id : this.getJID().toString()}],
"body" : messageBody
on my server end, I have the following:
JSONObject b = new JSONObject(jsonstring);
JSONArray users = b.getJSONArray("users");
I cannot get users because I will have the following exception.
org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["users"] is not a JSONArray.
I tried to cast to JSONObject but also gets error.
JSONObject o = b.getJSONObject("users");
org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["users"] is not a JSONObject.
What is wrong??
As noted above:
The JSON is serialized wrongly. The value of user is not an array but a string: {"users":"[...]","body":"test"} There should be no quotes around [...]. That's why you get the error. It seems like you recursively serialized the contents of people
I'm new to this java and Gson (google JSON).
this is the JSON data i.m getting from server.it have array and object.
I have to De-serialize by google library (Gson)
"Name":"Nishan Thevathosan",
I need to get Firstname ,LastName ,Email ,Userid from this JSON data.
I'm in middle of a work i got struck in this please.
I have try some think like this but it didn't work.
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(RESTRespArr).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("jsonObject working");
JsonElement d = jsonObject.get("d");
System.out.println("d working");
sonElement results = ((JsonObject) d).get("results");
System.out.println("results working");
System.out.println(((JsonObject) results).get("LastName").getAsString());
It's worked for me.
final JsonElement lastName = results.getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("LastName");
results is JsonArray of JsonObjects, you cant cast JsonObject. So get first element of array and cast it to JsonObject with getAsJsonObject method. And get which field do you need.
In detail:
if JSON any value in curlybrackets { ... } , this is jsonObject . If values are in [ ... ], this is JsonArray. Also you can get which one is object or array, and get it relevant fields from this.
Your JSON data's format is incorrect on the seventh line:
modify <"uri":employeeHRSet('00005011')",> to <"uri":"employeeHRSet('00005011')",>
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(RESTRespArr).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("jsonObject working");
JsonElement d = jsonObject.get("d");
System.out.println("d working");
JsonElement results = ((JsonObject) d).get("results");
System.out.println("results working");
I am building an app for android.
I fire and HTTP GET request and this request returns a JSONObject. I want to retrieve the value by key. But this is not working properly.
This is the JSONObject named obj that I receive:
{"id":1,"name":"math","description":"This is a math course."}
If I log Log.d("title", String.valueOf(obj.has("name"))); this will result into true.
This works for all keys in the JSONObject.
But if I want to receive the name and do this so:
Log.d("title", obj.getString("name"));
I will get an unhandled exception: org.json.JSONException.
Does anybody know how I can fix this problem?
Maybe you should try someting like this:
Log.d("title", obj.name);
var obj = $.parseJSON('{"id":1,"name":"math","description":"This is a math course."}');
Try this :) You can use JSON.parse insted of $.parseJSON if you are not using jquery. Following in Java
String s = "{menu:{\"1\":\"sql\", \"2\":\"android\", \"3\":\"mvc\"}}";
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(s);
JSONObject menu = jObject.getJSONObject("menu");
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
Iterator iter = menu.keys();
String key = (String)iter.next();
String value = menu.getString(key);
Everything between the { } makes part of an array, so you first need to get a JSONArray like this:
JSONArray myJSONArray = obj.getJSONArray();
And then you can access the field values with:
myJSONArray.getString("name") etc...
Search on google how to work with JSONArray.
In my android project, I have an activity in which I want to obtain data from database using a PHP script. I manage the result of the script in this line :
String result = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
I created the jsonObject :
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
I print this line and get: {"id":"1"}{"id":"2"}{"id":"3"}
But when I do this:
int i;
array[i] = "ID : "+jsonObject.getString("id");
I obtain "id : 1" three times, so I think there are some errors in the cycle..
the code of script php is here :
#Get the first row of the results
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($data)) {
#Build the result array (Assign keys to the values)
$result_data = array(
'id' =>$row[0],
#Output the JSON data
echo json_encode($result_data);
change to:
int i;
String s = "ID : "+jsonObject.getString("id");
is no valid code for a single JSON object - see here: JSON syntax.
I can only guess what you try to achieve, but I would guess your intention is to have a JSON array with 3 objects, each having an "id" value. The JSON code for such a structure should look like this:
If you can make "EntityUtils.toString(entity)" to return the above JSON code, the following loop should also work:
JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(result);
for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = ja.getJSONObject(i);
System.out.println("ID : "+jsonObject.getString("id"));
On a side note: I believe you get the result you describe, because when you call
new JSONObject(result);
where the result is a String that consists of
then most likely JSONObject stops parsing the JSON code after the first right brace without throwing a parse exception. So it actually only parses the first JSON object and because of this you get "id : 1" three times. Personally I would consider this behavior a bug, so consider reporting it.
I get the following Error when I try to convert a JSON String into a JSONObject.
Value 48.466667|9.883333 at location of type java.lang.String
cannot be converted to JSONObject
The String is valid JSON, I tested it with http://jsonlint.com/
{"name":"An der Decke","location":"48.412583|10.0385","type":"Virtual","size":null,"status":"Available","difficulty":1,"rating":null,"terrain":1}
The code that produces the exception looks like that:
jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Iterator<String> iter = jsonObject.keys();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = iter.next();
try {
JSONObject value = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get(key); <---- Exception
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Something went wrong!
Is the pipe | symbol not a valid character in Java JSON?
The thing is, it works fine if the JSON String doesn't include the "location":"48.412583|10.0385" part...
You seem to misunderstand how the org.json library works.
As explained on the JSON homepage, a JSON value can be a string, number, object, array, true/false or null. The library maps these value types to String, Number subclasses, JSONArray, JSONObject, Boolean or null.
Not everything in that library is a JSONObject. In fact, a JSONObject is specifically used to represent a name/value pair object. JSONObject.get() can potentially return any of the aforementioned value types, that's why it needs to fall back to the greatest common denominator type: Object (and not JSONObject). Thus, casting everything to a JSONObject won't work.
It's your responsibility to ensure that you're casting to the correct type using your knowledge of the incoming data structure. This seems to be a problem in your case: your JSON string contains strings (for name, location, type and status), integers (for difficulty and terrain) and nulls (for size). What exactly are you trying to do with these?
If your goal is just to get a JSONArray of all your JSON string values, there's a much simpler way to do it.
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.toJSONArray(jsonObject.names());
System.out.println(jsonArray); // prints:
// [1,"Available","48.412583|10.0385","An der Decke",1,null,"Virtual",null]
With that aside, you were wrong to assume that every value encapsulated within JSON would be a JSON object itself. In fact, in your case none of them are. The correct types of all the values in your JSON are
// String
System.out.println(jsonObject.getString("name")); // An der Decke
System.out.println(jsonObject.getString("location")); // 48.412583|10.0385
System.out.println(jsonObject.getString("type")); // Virtual
System.out.println(jsonObject.getString("status")); // Available
// Null
System.out.println(jsonObject.isNull("size")); // true
System.out.println(jsonObject.isNull("rating")); // true
// Integer
System.out.println(jsonObject.getInt("terrain")); // 1
System.out.println(jsonObject.getInt("difficulty")); // 1
On the other hand, if your name was an embedded JSON object consisting of first, middle and last names, your JSON string (ignoring the rest of the keys for brevity) would have looked like
{"name": {"fname" : "An", "mname" : "der", "lname" : "Decke"}}
Now, we can put getJSONObject() to use because we really do have an embedded JSON object.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject("{\"name\":
{\"fname\" : \"An\", \"mname\" : \"der\", \"lname\" : \"Decke\"}}");
// get embedded "name" JSONObject
JSONObject name = jsonObj.getJSONObject("name");
System.out.println(name.getString("fname") + " "
+ name.getString("mname") + " "
+ name.getString("lname")); // An der Decke
The get() method of JSONObject returns a result of type Object. In this case, it seems it is a String. It's as if you were doing
JSONObject value = (JSONObject) new String("asdasdsa");
which obviously makes no sense as they are incompatible types.
Instead, retrieve the value, create a JSONObject from it and add it to the JSONArray.
I am using Java to parse a JSON response from a server. My end goal is to have the data from results in an Array. Currently I am using this to try and get the results:
JSONArray jArray = myResponse.getJSONArray("results");
This code fails because it is looking for an array of objects, rather than an array of strings:
org.json.JSONException: Value blah at 0 of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
This is my server's JSON Response:
status: "OK",
results: [
Is there a simple way to get the "results" value into an array? Or should I just write my own parser.
---------- UPDATE ----------
Looks like my problem was actually occuring somewhere else, and not where the JSON attribute "results" was being converted into a JSONArray.
Sorry and thanks for the answers, they helped me realize I was looking in the wrong spot.
This should be it. So you're probably trying to get JSONObject instead of String inside the results aarray.
JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject(responseString);
JSONArray resultsArray = responseObject.getJSONArray("results");
for (int i=0; i<resultsArray.length(); i++)
String resultString = resultsArray.getString(i);
As you will probably have more properties, than only the String[] result, I recommend to define a DTO like this:
public class Dto {
//of course you should have private fields and public setters/getters, but this is only a sample
public String status;
public List<String> results;//this can be also an array
And then in your code:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Dto dto = mapper.readValue(inputDtoJson, Dto.class);//now in dto you have all the properties you need