JPanel Form expands to fill JScrollpane - defeats purpose - java

I am creating a JPanel form which will contain several other JPanels. I want to place this inside a JScrollPane. Then I want to place the JScrollPane into a JTabbedPane as one of the tabs. I'm having a problem though -- my JPanel form winds up expanding when placed in the scrollpane even though I have set size, preferredsize, maximumsize, etc.

public class test
private static JFrame frame = new JFrame();
private static JTabbedPane pane0 = new JTabbedPane();
private static JScrollPane pane1 = new JScrollPane();
private static JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
//add the rest of your JPanels here
public static void main(String[] args)
//add all the other attributes here
//go ahead and add the rest of your panels here
frame.pack();//resizes the frame so that its subcomponents fit well inside.
}//this last bracket is for the class itself. Sorry i couldn't tab everything the right //way.
Is this what you're trying to do? That's what i understood from your question. By the way, if your JPanel is expanding, change the size of your frame as well.


How to add container to a frame?

I am trying to make a minesweeper that has a different space for a smiley icon that we can click and the buttons which we have to click to play.
public final class testFrame extends JFrame implements MouseListener, ActionListener {
private JFrame screen = null;
private JPanel composite = new JPanel();
public testFrame() {
screen = new JFrame();
composite.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//this button is not showing also
JButton button = new JButton("Text goes here");
Container cp = screen.getContentPane(); // JFrame's content-pane
cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 5, 2, 2)); // in 10x10 GridLayout
//codes to add buttons
So here I am trying to add the container cp to the screen. But it opened
two screen
Sorry if this seems like minor things but I am really new to this java GUI so please help me.
I removed the extends JFrame and used the screen instead. It kinda works but I can't seem to put the container cp to a panel. The requirement is that I have to use container cp. So I cannot change. Thank you
public final class TestFrame implements MouseListener, ActionListener {
private JFrame screen = null;
private JPanel composite = new JPanel();
private JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
public TestFrame() {
screen = new JFrame("TestFrame");
topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//composite.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//button in topPanel
JButton button = new JButton("Text goes here");
topPanel.add(button, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
//Content Pane
Container cp = screen.getContentPane();// JFrame's content-pane
cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 5, 2, 2)); // in 10x10 GridLayout
//composite.add(cp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// screen.add(composite);
Now it looks like
There are a few things.
You are extending JFrame as well as using it as an attribute of the same class so you can ether use this instead of screen or you remove the extends JFrame as it is redundant and not needed
To answer your question. A JFrame contains a Panel called ContentPane this pane is were you add you panels to (you already did the layout thing right). So the solution is:
You've got too many JFrames, the testFrame class which extends JFrame (and which should be re-named TestFrame to comply with Java naming conventions) and the screen variable. Use only one.
You can and should nest JPanels to achieve your desired result. For instance if you want a grid as well as some control buttons, create a JPanel, give it a BorderLayout, put your grid JPanel in the BorderLayout.CENTER postion and a JPanel with control JButtons in a different position, say BorderLayout.PAGE_START

JFrame turns blue when adding tabs

I currently have a Jframe that I want to add to a tab instead.
(I used a frame just for testing purposes, to make sure the look and feel is correct, but when trying to add it to a JTabbedPane, the frame starts to look blue (weird top aswell).
I tried copying my settings from my original frame to the new frame but that did not help.
JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane();
tabs.addTab("1", frame.getContentPane());
JFrame FinalFrame = new JFrame();
FinalFrame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGTH);
FinalFrame.setLocation(100, 150);
FinalFrame.setTitle("Primal-Pvm Notification center");
Side by side view of the problem and the frame before adding it to the tab:
Edit: Answer by George Z. helped me out a lot.
Like he said to solve the problem:
Don't add things to your main frame but add them to a Jpanel and add that to a JTabbedPane.
If you have a Jpanel that you are adding to a tab that contains an override in the paintComponent, you have to create that class as the Jpanel so:
JPanel panel = new LineDrawer([Enter parameters]);
panel.setLayout([Enter Layout]);
The way you are approaching this seems to be pretty complex hence this weird behavior. (Looks like a look and feel problem? - show the part of the code that sets it)
However, I suggest you to create only one JFrame (this question explains why you should do that), set the layout of its content pane to BorderLayout and keep it like this. Its a rare situation to mess up with content panes. After that create independent JPanels representing the tab(s) you would like to have. Finally create a JTabbedPane with these panels and add it to the content frame of the JFrame.
A small example would be:
public class TabbedPanelExample extends JFrame {
public TabbedPanelExample() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JTabbedPane pane = new JTabbedPane();
pane.addTab("FirstTab", createFirstTab());
pane.addTab("SecondTab", createSecondTab());
setSize(400, 400);
private Component createFirstTab() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
panel.add(new JLabel("Some Component"));
panel.add(new JTextField("Some Other Component"));
return panel;
private Component createSecondTab() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
panel.add(new JLabel("Some Component"));
panel.add(new JButton("Some Other Component"));
return panel;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
new TabbedPanelExample().setVisible(true);
Post edit based on this comment:
Well I do have a Jframe with a lot of elements added to it so it kinda
is a hassle to switch it all to panels;
A JFrame cannot have a lot of elements. You take a look on how to use root panes. The container that "has a lot of elements" of a JFrame is its rootpane which is mostly completed by its contentpane. When you frame.add(component), you add the component to its content pane. Guess what? A JFrame's content pane is a JPanel. So are a already to panels.
Now in order to make this work, try to do as i said and frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout(); //changes layout to contentpane. Assuming you have a bunch of components (lets say comp1,comp2) and you are adding them like:
You must do the following in order to make it clear. Create a JPanel and instead of frame.add(comp1), do panel.add(comp1). So this JPanel has all the components you added in JFrame. After that create your JTabbedPane:
JTabbedPane pane = new JTabbedPane();
pane.addTab("tab", panel);
and finally add this pane to the content pane of your JFrame:
In conclusion, you will move all the components you have added to your frame into a JPanel, add this JPanel to a JTabbedPane, and finally add this JTabbedPane to the frame (contentpane). Frame has only one component.

How to make a Jframe containing a Jpanel scrollable?

So I have this JFrame that contains a JPanel and in there I add JLabels with information I want but since I'll be adding labels all the time at some point the text is too long to appear so I want to add a scrollbar. Basically I want to make my JFrame with a JPanel in it scrollable. I have this code but my problem is that even though the scrollbar appears but it doesnt move and doesn't really work when the text is a lot, meaning the text still gets cut out and the scrollbar is there not moving. Does anyone know how to fix this?
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Bar {
JFrame info = new JFrame("Information");
JLabel ballinf = new JLabel();
JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
JScrollPane scrolling = new JScrollPane();
public Bar(){
scrolling = new JScrollPane(contentPane,JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
info.setSize(750, 600);
public void adding(int pos){
ballinf = new JLabel("Something ",JLabel.CENTER);//assume the text will be bigger here and have more info
ballinf.setSize(700, 30);
ballinf.setLocation(5, 5+pos);
public static void main(String[] args){
Bar stats = new Bar();
stats.adding(20);//this will be done in a for loop for more than 2 times so the text ends up to be a lot
Don't use a null layout!!!
You need to use an appropriate layout manager. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Layout Managers for more information and working examples. The layout manager will then determine the preferred size of the panel as you add components to the panel.
The scrollpane will then display the scrollbars when necessary.
If you dynamically add components to the panel (after the GUI is visible) then the code should be something like:

How to remove the padding between in the JPanel still using a flow layout?

Here's the portion of my java application GUI that I have a question about.
What this GUI consists is a blue JPanel(container) with default FlowLayout as LayoutManager that contains a Box which contains two JPanels(to remove the horizontal spacing or i could have used setHgaps to zero for that matter instead of a Box) that each contains a JLabel.
Here's my code for creating that part of the GUI.
private void setupSouth() {
final JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
final JPanel innerPanel1 = new JPanel();
innerPanel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT));
innerPanel1.add(new JLabel("Good"));
final JPanel innerPanel2 = new JPanel();
innerPanel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT));
innerPanel2.add(new JLabel("Luck!"));
final Box southBox = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS);
myFrame.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
My question is how would i get rid the vertical padding between the outer JPanel(the blue one) and the Box?
I know this is padding because i read on Difference between margin and padding? that "padding = space around (inside) the element from text to border."
This wouldn't work because this has to due with gaps(space) between components.- How to remove JPanel padding in MigLayout?
I tried this but it didn't work either. JPanel Padding in Java
You can just set the gaps in the FlowLayout, i.e.
FlowLayout layout = (FlowLayout)southPanel.getLayout();
The default FlowLayout has a 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap. Horizontal doesn't matter in this case as the BorderLayout is stretching the panel horizontally.
Or simple initialize the panel with a new FlowLayout. It'll be the same result.
new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0));
"I tried that, didn't work.."
Works for me...
Setting the gap ↑ Not setting the gap ↑
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Test {
public void init() {
final JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
FlowLayout layout = (FlowLayout)southPanel.getLayout();
final JPanel innerPanel1 = new JPanel();
innerPanel1.add(new JLabel("Good"));
final JPanel innerPanel2 = new JPanel();
innerPanel2.add(new JLabel("Luck!"));
final Box southBox = new Box(BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS);
southPanel.add(southBox); // <=== You're also missing this
JFrame myFrame = new JFrame();
JPanel center = new JPanel();
myFrame.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
myFrame.setSize(150, 100);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
new Test().init();
Note: Always post a runnable example (as I have done) for better help. You say it doesn't work, but it always works for me, so how would we know what you're doing wrong without some code that will run and demonstrate the problem?

How do I resize JScrollPane after resizing a JTextArea

My JFrame Consists of three main parts a banner at top scrollpane containing a JTextArea center and a JTextField at the bottom. When I re-size the frame I adjust the columns and rows in my JTextArea. When making the frame larger the JTextArea expands visually but removes the scroll-bar. Then if I make the frame smaller the JTextArea stays the same size. This Is where I attempt to re-size my JTextArea.
frame.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {//Waits for window to be resized by user
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
uneditTextArea.setRows(((int)((frame.getHeight()-140)/18.8)));//sets Textarea size based on window size
frame.revalidate();//refreshes screen
Why would the ScrollPane not re adjust to the change in size of the TextField.
The Rest of the code is below in case it is needed.
public class window extends JFrame
private static JFrame frame = new JFrame("Lillian");
private static JButton inputButton = new JButton("Send");
private static JTextField editTextArea = new JTextField(46);
private static JTextArea uneditTextArea = new JTextArea(26,50);
private static JPanel logoPanel = new JPanel();//Input text window
private static JPanel itextPanel = new JPanel();//Input text window
private static JPanel submitPanel = new JPanel();//Submit Button
private static JPanel bottom = new JPanel();//will contain scrollpane
private static JPanel middle = new JPanel();//willcontain itextpanel & submitbutton
private static JPanel otextPanel = new JPanel();//Text Output
public static void runWindow()
ImageIcon logo = new ImageIcon("Lillian_resize.png");//banner
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("Lillian_icon.png");//application icon
JLabel logoLabel = new JLabel(logo);
final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(otextPanel);//adds text to panel will scrollbar
scrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);//scrollbar only apears when more text than screen
scrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);//scrollbar never apears
middle.add(scrollPane,"North");//adds panels to outer panel
bottom.add(itextPanel, "West");
bottom.add(submitPanel, "East");
frame.revalidate();//refreshes screen
//---------------wait for action------------
frame.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {//Waits for window to be resized by user
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
uneditTextArea.setRows(((int)((frame.getHeight()-140)/18.8)));//sets Textarea size based on window size
frame.revalidate();//refreshes screen
There should be no need to use a ComponentListener to resize components. That is the job of the layout managers that you use to dynamically resize the components.
You should not be adding the text area to a JPanel first. Instead when using text areas you would generally add the text area directly to the viewport of a JScrollPane by using code like:
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( textArea );
Then you add the scrollpane to the frame with code like:
frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
As you have noticed you should also NOT use hardcoded literals like "Center". Instead use the variables provided by the layout manager. Since you are using a BorderLayout, use the variables defined in the BorderLayout class.
Also, you should NOT be using static variable to create your GUI. I suggest you read the section from the Swing tutorial on Layout Manager. The tutorial will give you more information and the example code will show you how to better structure your program so that you don't need to use static variables.

