Where can I find the package javax.media.opengl? - java

I need to import the javax.media.opengl.* package. From Java OpenGL Wiki to http://jogamp.org/, I am sort of confused which download I need. There is a long list of build downloads here, but they are all .7z files and I am looking for a download usable for a Windows XP 32-bit machine.

This answer is outdated. JOGL has changed the package name.
javax.media.opengl is now com.jogamp.opengl
be aware if you have an old project and you try to get the latest library version.

You only need two packages for java OpenGL:
jogl.all.jar -> this contains javax.media.opengl.
gluegen-rt.jar -> this contains com.jogamp.opengl.
Both of which are in here: jogamp-all-platforms.7z
They seem to have reorganized their site. I updated the link.

The 7z archive format can be extracted with 7-zip, which is available on Windows.


JavaFX import unrecognized?

I would like to use JavaFX for my game's start screen.
However, for some reason, the import "javafx" does not seem to be recognized.
At first, I (for some weird reason) thought I needed e(fx)clipse, however I successfully installed that and it does not fix the issue. I have found nothing else on the internet that fixes the issue.
Do I need to import javafx as a library or something? And if so, where?
Even in Java7, the javafx jar is included, but not in the classpath by default (you need java8 for that).
So, you could just copy the jfxrt.jar from your java installation's /lib directory into your local project's includes, and add it to the classpath there (ie. java -cp .*:lib/*)
You might probably missing right version jdk in your classpath.
above JDK 7u6 versions have JavaFX included with the standard JDK and JRE bundles so you can download it from Oracle website. Here is the link:
I found the solution to this problem. Please refer and download the jdk 1.8 and installed.

JavaFX 2.2 javadoc?

I installed JavaFX 2.2 (bundled iwith Java 7 U7) on Windows and I am using Eclipse. I would like to add the javadoc to Eclipse, but I can't find it in the JDK folder.
So, where is the javadoc for JavaFX 2.2? (for offline usage)
Thanks for any hint!
Check this page:
After clicking Accept License Agreement you can download *javafx-2_2_0-apidocs.zip*
I remember stumbling over the same problem.
What I ended up doing is installing JavaFX for Java 6 which still includes the Javadoc. Then, I copied the Javadoc folder over to some place and uninstalled the whole thing again. On Windows, the folder should be located somewhere like C:\Program Files\Oracle\JavaFX 2.2 SDK\docs\api.
It's not a very nice solution, but it works.

complete java class library source code on osx

I've got the incomplete sources, courtesy of the official JDK download from apple. Its missing things like com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl, which is of course what I need to step into.
Is there a convenient source jar available? I found one for b14, but the sources for that file don't match.
I went and got the OpenJDK sources (b25 is latest apparently) but it would appear to need a bunch of other things downloaded and then assembled and I'm loath to attempt that on OSX.
The OSX version claims to be 1.6.0_33.

Javadoc not Found [duplicate]

Right now when I use a built in method, it shows me the returns types and nothing else that's useful.
Is there something I can download to make the info from the intellisense more robust?
Javadoc not found. Either Javadoc
documentation for this item does not
exist or you have not added specified
Javadoc in the Java Platform Manager
or the Library Manager.
You need to download the JDK API docs, which you can get from this page.
Then in NetBeans, go to Tools -> Java Platforms -> Javadoc to specify the directory where you downloaded them.
The javadocs come in the jdk package or at least in JDK 1.8. You can add the zip files named src.zip and javafx-src.zip to the tools>java platform>Javadoc.

Source code for the Java library classes

Where can I find the source code for the Java library classes? I mean classes in rt.jar.
Platform: Windows.
For old versions of Java with separate JRE and JDK downloads, download the JDK. The sources for the public classes are in src.zip.
Here's the browsable source code for OpenJDK 7.
Update: As of June 2018 grepcode seems to be down. Here you can find an alternative.
Update^2: As of October 2020, the two previous links do not work. View it at OpenJDK and vote up the answer by Nosrep, which I got it from.
Sources are in src.zip located in the installation folder:
On Windows, the JDK includes src.zip by default if I remember well.
On a Linux distro, you may have to install the sun-java6-source package.
On Mac, you'll have to download the Developer Documentation. Have a look at this answer.
If you only need to have a look at the source/implemenation, i would suggest using
GrepCode is even better
You can directly browse the code online here for Java : https://zgrepcode.com/java/openjdk/10.0.2/
It is a great tool also for browsing most of the open source projects as it gives you internal linking to classes.
As almost all the suggestions seem to be either grepcode or zgrepcode which are both down, I found one from OpenJDK here: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/file/tip/src/share/classes/
Edit: a more complete version of all OpenJDK projects and JDK 6-15 can be found here: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/
As mention above, most of the source files can be found by downloading the SDK.
However for some classes you can find the source code (javax.ssl etc') for I suggest adding the jad eclipse plugin that will decompile any class without using external site such as Docjar.
Jad eclipse info:
There is also grepcode.com (not sure how old this site is, perhaps this answer is an update for new solutions now), sample query:

