Java:HashMap<String,String> storing same value as key and value.? - java

I am getting this strange output in HashMap.
I have two ArrayList<String> one containing the key and another containing value.
My HashMap<String,String> will store only string as key and value pair. But key itself is getting stored in value. I have checked my value arraylist, it's printing the value. But during putting it's setting it as key itself.
Code snippet is:
public HashMap<String,String> getLstBarring()
ArrayList<String> temparrLst=setPreParameters(fetchPreDetails, 1);
System.out.println("KEY" + temparrLst);
ArrayList<String> tempArrLstId=setPreParameters(fetchPreDetails, 14);
System.out.println("VALUE" +tempArrLstId);
int length=tempArrLstId.size();
for(int index=0;index<length;index++)
System.out.println("VALUE IN KEY" + temparrLst.get(index));
System.out.println("VALUE IN VALUE" + tempArrLstId.get(index));
this.lstBarring.put(temparrLst.get(index), tempArrLstId.get(index));
System.out.println("INSIDE ODB....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + lstBarring);
return this.lstBarring;
Problem is:
1st SOP is KEY-printing all the key correctly.
2nd SOP is VALUE-printing all the value correctly.
3rd SOP is VALUE IN KEY----printing all the values.
4th SOP is VALUE IN VALUE--printing all the values.
Hence after ever iteration I am getting value,value in HashMap whereas it should be key,value.
Here's look at my Method:-
public ArrayList<String> setPreParameters(HashMap<Integer,String> fetchPreDetails,int index)
case 1:
Collections.addAll(arrLstData, splittedString);
return arrLstData;
Please guide me as to where am I going wrong.

My guess is that either fetchPreDetails is a collection being mutated by setPreParameters() or else setPreParameters() is mutating some other shared state so that the collection referenced by your temparrLst is being changed on the second call to setPreParameters(). I.e.
List<String> strings = new ArrayList();
List<String> otherStrings = strings;
I expect your code assumes that strings would contain "a" and "b" and that otherStrings would contain "a", "b", and "c". This isn't how object references work in Java. The line List<String> otherStrings = strings; makes both strings and otherStrings point to the same collection, and thus changes made using either name affect the same thing.
Edit: Your newly-posted code seems to prove my hypothesis. You have a variable called arrLstData that you clear, populate, and return on each call to setPreParameters(). You're returning the same collection every time you call this method. Therefore you just have multiple handles to the same collection instead of multiple collections. You need to create a new collection and return it each time you call setPreParameters().
Edit again: Maybe this will make it clearer. Here's what you're doing:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Foo f = new Foo();
List<String> list1 = f.getList("a", "b");
List<String> list2 = f.getList("c", "d");
static class Foo {
private List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
public List<String> getList(String... strings) {
return myList;
Note that this exhibits exactly the behavior that you're describing, and the correct way to solve it is something like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Foo f = new Foo();
List<String> list1 = f.getList("a", "b");
List<String> list2 = f.getList("c", "d");
static class Foo {
public List<String> getList(String... strings) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
return result;

You are reusing the same List over and over at your setPreParameters Method.
The List in arrLstData is returned and stored in temparrLst, now you are clearing the the Lists content, putting new stuff in it and storing it to tempArrLstId.
Now the three variables all contain the very same list (they are not equals, its the same!).
There is only one List object at the whole example!
Its like you got a box and label it "A" on one side put stuff in it, label it "B" on another side and wondering why the box "B" is empty when you turn box "A" upside-down.

Did you maybe mean something like this?
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class GlobalsMess {
private Map<String, String> lstBarring = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<Integer, String> fetchPreDetails = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
public GlobalsMess() {
fetchPreDetails.put(1, "john,vikam,david");
fetchPreDetails.put(14, "1,2,3");
public Map<String, String> getLstBarring() {
List<String> tempKeys = setPreParameters(fetchPreDetails.get(1));
System.out.println("KEY" + tempKeys);
List<String> tempIds = setPreParameters(fetchPreDetails.get(14));
System.out.println("VALUE" + tempIds);
for (int index = 0; index < tempIds.size(); index++) {
System.out.println("VALUE IN KEY" + tempKeys.get(index));
System.out.println("VALUE IN VALUE" + tempIds.get(index));
this.lstBarring.put(tempKeys.get(index), tempIds.get(index));
System.out.println("INSIDE ODB....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + lstBarring);
return this.lstBarring;
public List<String> setPreParameters(String fetchPreDetailsValue) {
List<String> arrLstData = new ArrayList<String>();
Collections.addAll(arrLstData, fetchPreDetailsValue.split(","));
return arrLstData;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new GlobalsMess().getLstBarring();
KEY[john, vikam, david]
VALUE[1, 2, 3]
INSIDE ODB....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{david=3, vikam=2, john=1}


Check if an arrayList contains an array

I have an arrayList that contains arrays. How do I check if the arrayList contains a specified array? I used .contains method and it returns false instead of expected true.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String[]> action = new ArrayList<String[]>();
action.add(new String[]{"appple", "ball"});
String[] items = new String[]{"appple", "ball"};
if (action.contains(new String[]{"appple", "ball"})) {
System.out.println(action.contains(items)); // False
As you are creating different arrays (even if the contents are the same), contains will result false.
However, if you do this:
List<String[]> action = new ArrayList<String[]>();
String[] items = new String[]{"apple","ball"};
if (action.contains(items))
This will print Yes.
Also, some examples of the behaviour:
String[] items = new String[]{"apple","ball"};
String[] clone = items.clone();
String[] mirror = items;
action.contains(clone); // false
action.contains(mirror); // true
System.out.println(mirror[0]); // "horse"
System.out.println(clone[0]); // "apple"
System.out.println(action.get(0)[0]); // "horse"
System.out.println(clone[1]); // "ball"
System.out.println(action.get(0)[1]); // "crazy"
System.out.println(items[1]); // "crazy"
System.out.println(action.get(0)[1]); // "crazy"
System.out.println(items[1]); // "crazy"
System.out.println(mirror[1]); // "crazy"
System.out.println(action.get(0).hashCode()); //2018699554
System.out.println(items.hashCode()); //2018699554
System.out.println(clone.hashCode()); //1311053135
System.out.println(mirror.hashCode()); //2018699554
Custom "contains"
The issue here is that if you want to search for an specific array afterwards, you'd lose the references and searching an item wouldn't be possible, not even replicating the array with the same exact values.
As a workaround, you could implement your own contains method. Something like:
If you wish to get the index:
static int indexOfArray(List<String[]> list, String[] twin)
for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
if (Arrays.equals(list.get(i),twin))
return i;
return -1;
And then, call it like:
String[] toSearch = new String[]{"apple","ball"};
int index = indexOfArray(action, toSearch);
if (index>0)
System.out.println("Array found at index "+index);
System.out.println("Array not found");
If the index is bigger than -1, you can get your original array by just:
String[] myArray = action.get(index);
HashMap + identifier
An alternative would be storing the arrays into a HashMap by declaring an identifier for each array. For example:
Base64 ID
This will give the same result for the same values, as the encoded value is based on the entries, not the Object's reference.
static String getIdentifier(String[] array)
String all="";
for (String s : array)
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(all.getBytes());
And then you could:
Map<String, String[]> arrayMap= new HashMap<>();
String[] items = new String[]{"apple","pear", "banana"}; // *[1234]
arrayMap.put(getIdentifier(items), items); // id = QUJDYWFh
//Directly finding the twin will fail
String[] toSearch = new String[]{"apple","pear", "banana"}; // *[1556]
System.out.println(action.contains(toSearch)); // false
//But if we get the identifier based on the values
String arrId = getIdentifier(toSearch); // id = QUJDYWFh
System.out.println(action.contains(arrayMap.get(arrId))); //true
//arrayMap.get(arrId)-> *[1234]
Choose a representative name and use it as Id
Map<String, String[]> arrayMap= new HashMap<>();
String[] items = new String[]{"apple","pear", "banana"};
arrayMap.put("fruits", items);
System.out.println(action.contains(arrayMap.get("fruits"))); // true
The 'contains' method compares equivalent hashCode values.
So if you make it like below*, it will pass.
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String[]> action = new ArrayList<String[]>();
String[] items = new String[]{"appple","ball"};
System.out.println("TO STRING");
System.out.println("--"+new String[]{"apple","ball"});
String[] sameValues = new String[]{"apple","ball"};
System.out.println("--"+action.contains(items)); // *this
System.out.println("--"+action.contains(new String[]{"apple","ball"}));
result is:
Regarding the code shown when printing the array, these don't override toString(), so you get:
getClass().getName() + '#' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
For example:
[ stands for single dimension array
Ljava.lang.String stands for the type
7b1d7fff Hex representation of the hashcode
However, if you want to compare the values, there is the following method.
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] items = new String[]{"apple","ball"};
ArrayList<String> action = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(items));
if (action.contains("apple")) {
You can iterate over this list and for each element, i.e. array, call Arrays.equals method to check equality of arrays until first match, or till the end of the list if none match. In this case it can return true for each element:
List<String[]> list = List.of(
new String[]{"appple", "ball"},
new String[]{"appple", "ball"});
String[] act = new String[]{"appple", "ball"};
.anyMatch(arr -> Arrays.equals(arr, act))); // true
This method internally calls String#equals method for each element of the array, i.e. String, so this code also returns true:
List<String[]> list = List.of(
new String[]{new String("appple"), new String("ball")},
new String[]{new String("appple"), new String("ball")});
String[] act = new String[]{new String("appple"), new String("ball")};
.anyMatch(arr -> Arrays.equals(arr, act))); // true
According to JavaDocs, "contains" method is using "equals" and "hashCode" methods in order to check whether an object is contained.
A leading question:
Do you know what's the implementation of "equals" for arrays?
Check it and you will probably understand your code's execution result (hint: ==).
As "Hovercraft Full Of Eels" said, a better design will be using a list of some Collection which you DO understand / control it's "equals" and "hashCode" methods.

How to find the max number of an unique string element in a alphanumeric Array list in java

I have list that has alphanumeric elements. I want to find the maximum number of each elements individually.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Collect {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> alphaNumericList = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("Output "+Arrays.asList(alphaNumericList));
I need filter only below values. For that I am sorting the list but it filters based on the string rather than int value. I want to achieve in an efficient way. Please suggest on this.
Output [[Demo.1000, Demo.12, Demo.12, Demo.23, Test.01, Test.02, Test.100, Test.99]]
You can either create a special AlphaNumericList type, wrapping the array list or whatever collection(s) you want to use internally, giving it a nice public interface to work with, or for the simplest case if you want to stick to the ArrayList<String>, just use a Comparator for sort(..):
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q60482676;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
public class Collect {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> alphaNumericList = Arrays.asList(
"Demo.23", "Demo.1000", "Demo.12", "Demo.12",
"Test.01", "Test.02", "Test.100", "Test.99"
(o1, o2) ->
((Integer) parseInt(o1.split("[.]")[1])).compareTo(parseInt(o2.split("[.]")[1]))
System.out.println("Output " + alphaNumericList);
This will yield the following console log:
Output [Test.01, Test.02, Demo.12, Demo.12, Demo.23, Test.99, Test.100, Demo.1000]
Please let me know if you don't understand lambda syntax. You can also use an anonymous class instead like in pre-8 versions of Java.
Update 1: If you want to refactor the one-line lambda for better readability, maybe you prefer this:
(text1, text2) -> {
Integer number1 = parseInt(text1.split("[.]")[1]);
int number2 = parseInt(text2.split("[.]")[1]);
return number1.compareTo(number2);
Update 2: If more than one dot "." character can occur in your strings, you need to get the numeric substring in a different way via regex match, still not complicated:
(text1, text2) -> {
Integer number1 = parseInt(text1.replaceFirst(".*[.]", ""));
int number2 = parseInt(text2.replaceFirst(".*[.]", ""));
return number1.compareTo(number2);
Update 3: I just noticed that for some weird reason you put the sorted list into another list via Arrays.asList(alphaNumericList) when printing. I have replaced that by just alphaNumericList in the code above and also updated the console log. Before the output was like [[foo, bar, zot]], i.e. a nested list with one element.
Check below answer:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> alphaNumericList = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String val : alphaNumericList) {
String key = val.split("\\.")[0];
Integer value = Integer.valueOf(val.split("\\.")[1]);
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
} else {
List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();
map.put(key, intList);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> valueList = entry.getValue();
Collections.sort(valueList, Collections.reverseOrder());
System.out.print(entry.getKey() + "." + valueList.get(0) + " ");
Using stream and toMap() collector.
Map<String, Long> result =
toMap(k -> k.split("\\.")[0], v -> Long.parseLong(v.split("\\.")[1]), maxBy(Long::compare)));
The result map will contain word part as a key and maximum number as a value of the map(in your example the map will contain {Demo=1000, Test=100})
a. Assuming there are string of type Demo. and Test. in your arraylist.
b. It should be trivial to filter out elements with String Demo. and then extract the max integer for same.
c. Same should be applicable for extracting out max number associated with Test.
Please check the following snippet of code to achieve the same.
Set<String> uniqueString =>c.replaceAll("\\.[0-9]*","")).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for(String s:uniqueString){
int max= -> c.startsWith(s+".")).map(c -> c.replaceAll(s+"\\.","")).map(c-> Integer.parseInt(c)).max(Integer::compare).get();

Push values to a map when key is already exisitng in a map

I have declared a map as below:
Map<String, String[]> test = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
I have a variable empnames which is an array and deptname is a String and i have declared the deptname and empnames as below:
String deptname = ['Department']
String empnames = [['Test1']['Test2']]
if (deptname != null)
if (test.containsKey(deptname))
test.put(deptname, new String[]{empnames});
If the test map already contains deptname key then what condition i should write in if condition to append new values to department?
Since you tagged for [grails], I assume a Groovy answer is appropriate too. You can use a Map with .withDefault{ ... } to provide the content in case the key is missing. E.g.
def data = [["x", ["a", "b"]], ["x", ["c", "d"]]]
def test = [:].withDefault{[]} // XXX
data.each{ k, vs ->
test[k].addAll(vs) // if there is no key `k`, create an empty array, so `.addAll` just works
// => ['x':['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']]
You can use the new methods in Java 8 like putIfAbsent to add new entry if key is not present and computeIfPresent to append values to an existing key of a map.
An example would be:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, String[]> test = new HashMap<>();
String deptname = "Department";
String[] empnames = {"Test1", "Test2"};
if (deptname != null){
test.putIfAbsent(deptname, empnames);
test.computeIfPresent(deptname, (dept, value) -> {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(value));
value = list.toArray(value);
return value;
for(String s : test.get("Department")){
Here the putIfAbsent tests if the key is present, if not adds a new key-value entry. The computeIfAbsent on the other hand tests if the key is present, if yes it computes the new value for the existing key-value entry.
The output of the above code is:
This is because initially the key Department was not present in the map test, so it was added to it along with the value empnames as an array.
In the second operation the method computeIfPresent checked that the key Department was already in the map so it appended the new String Test3 to existing value array of [Test1, Test2].
The same can be done for an List instead of an array:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, List<String>> test = new HashMap<>();
String deptname = "Department";
List<String> empnames = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("Test1", "Test2"));
if (deptname != null){
test.putIfAbsent(deptname, empnames);
test.computeIfPresent(deptname, (dept, value) -> {
return value;
for(String s : test.get("Department")){
ArrayList<String> departmentList;
// if the key has already been used, then and add a new value to it
list = test.get(key);
test.put(key, list);
} else {
// if the key hasn't been used yet, then create a new ArrayList<String> object, add the value
list = new ArrayList<String>();
test.put(key, list);
As others have suggested, this would be easier if you had an ArrayList instead of String[].
But since you have a String[], you will have to make a new array of old_array's_size + list_to_add and copy over the values from the old array into the new one plus the new value you want to append.
So inside of your if statement:
String [] oldList = test.get(deptName);
String[] newList = new String[oldList.length + empnames.length]; //Make a new array with enough space for the previous values at deptname but also the new ones you want to add
//Put all of the values from the existing value at deptname into a new array
for (int i = 0; i < oldList.length; i++)
newList[i] = oldList[i];
//Put all of the values from the list of values you want to add into the new array
for (int i = 0; i < empnames.length; i++)
newList[oldList.length + i] = empnames[i];
test.put(deptname, newList); //Put the completed list back into the map
Again, if you used some kind of List this would be easier. One good reason besides being able to append is that you can easily sort it alphabetically using Collections.sort.

Java comparing two arrays with different structures but some similar items

I would like to compare two arrays. I have the following
ArrayList<String> time_durations = new ArrayList<String>();
Then the other array has the following structure
ArratList<FetchedData> apiresult = new ArrayList<FetchedData>();
apiresult.add(new FetchedData("1200-1304", //an array of data))
The class fetched data has
class FetchedData{
private String duration_range;
private ArrayList data;
//then setters and getters
//and also a constructor
So i want to compare the two arrays and get all items contained in time_durations but not in apiresult
Samples of them both in a json format is
time_durations = ["1200-1304", "6-7"]
apiresult = [{duration_range:"1200-1304", data:["item1", "item 2"]}
So by comparison i expect it to return the item in array time_durations6-7 that is index 1
So i have tried
if (Arrays.equals(time_durations, apiresult)) {
//this throws an error
But the above attempt doesnt work and am stuck.How do i achieve this?
I have checked on This question but still fails
Your code doesn't work as you expected because the first ArrayList is an array of String and the second is an Array of FetchedData. You basically try to compare two ArrayList of different type and this return false by default.
If you want to reach the goals you must map the ArrayList of FetchedData into an ArrayList of String and with Java8 it is possible to do this with a Map function and after you are enable to comparing the two array
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
public class TestClass {
public void arrayListComparation(){
List<String> expected = Arrays.asList("6-7");
ArrayList<String> time_durations = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<FetchedData> apiresult = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> data = Arrays.asList("item1","item2");
apiresult.add(new FetchedData("1200-1304", data));
List<String> apiResultDurationRanges =;
In this example you have on time_durations all element that not appear into apiResult
Iterate over the API results, get each duration and put them into a set. Remove the elements of the set from the list.
Set<String> apiDurations =
You can use Collection.removeAll:
List<String> apiResult_durations =
After this code, time_durations is only [6-7]
Important to note that this will modify time_durations inline.
If you'd rather not modify it inline, then you can make a copy:
List<String> time_durations_copy = new ArrayList<>(time_durations);
I think you need the operation of set difference.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> time_durations = new ArrayList<String>();//The list with some elements
ArrayList<String> otherList = new ArrayList<String>();//Another list
ArrayList<String> difference = new ArrayList<String>();//The result
time_durations.add("1200-1304");//Add some data
for (int i = 0; i < time_durations.size(); i++) {
if (!otherList.contains(time_durations.get(i))) {
difference.add(time_durations.get(i)); // get all items contained in time_durations but not in apiresult
for (String string : difference) {

Returning HashMap values and keys through an array method

I'm trying to return keys and values through an array method.
I have done this:
public ArrayList<String> translationList() {
for (String key : translations.keySet()) {
System.out.println(key + " = ");
return new ArrayList<String>(this.translations.values());
And in my
ArrayList<String> translations = dictionary.translationList();
for (String translation : translations) {
It returns
apina =
cembalo =
banaani =
I'm not sure how to get them to print on the same line after the translation of the word. I know it's printing the for loop before returning the array but that is where my problem is and not sure how to solve it.
Since you are getting only values back there is no way to get key based on value. So hence not possible.
What you can do is return keys from method and iterate that in your method.
or simply change your method to
public ArrayList<String> translationList() {
List<String> returnList = new ArrayList<>(String);
for (Entry<Integer, String> entry : testMap.entrySet()) {
return returnList;
and in your main method
ArrayList<String> translations = dictionary.translationList();
for (String translation : translations) {

