An example of scenario I'm trying to unit test somehow:
A method gets three parameters: Company name, Plane Number 1, Plane Number 2
public Double getDistanceBetweenPlanes(Sting company, String plane1, String plane2)
-Apply some validation logic to see that plane numbers and company realy exists
-Use complex geLocation and setelate data to get plane location
return plane1.geoLocation() - plane2.geoLocation() ;
Now, I want to unit test this.
I do not have real plane numbers, I do not have live connection to the satellite.
Still I would like to be able to mock the whole thing somehow so that I can test this API.
Any suggestion on how to refactor it? Any new public method to be created just for testing?
Usually when refactoring non-tested code, I'm referring to what I would do when practicing TDD and BDD.
So first I would write a simple contract, one line = one requirement (of the existing code).
Then while coding the test, I would probably notice things I don't want to test. In this case, DI will help you remove the code that has different responsibility to another class. When working in a object design it is important to focus on behavior and interaction between objects with different concerns. Mockito, with is alias class BDDMockito, can help you favor this approach.
In your case, here's an example of what you can do.
public class PlaneLocator {
private CompanyProvider companyProvider;
private PlaneProvider companyProvider;
private LocationUtil locationUtil;
// Constructor injection or property injection
public Double getDistanceBetweenPlanes(String companyId, String plane1Id, String plane2Id) {
Company company = companyProvider.get(company);
Plane plane1 = planeProvider.get(plane1Id);
Plane plane1 = planeProvider.get(plane1Id);
return locationUtil.distance(plane1.geoLocation(), plane2.geoLocation());
A simple JUnit test might look like (using features from mockito 1.9.0) :
public class PlaneLocatorTest {
#Mock CompanyProvider mockedCompanyProvider;
#Mock PlaneProvider mockedPlaneProvider;
#Mock LocationUtil locationUtil;
#InjectMocks SatelitePlaneLocator testedPlaneLocator;
#Test public void should_use_LocationUtil_to_get_distance_between_plane_location() {
// given
given(companyProvider.get(anyString())).willReturn(new Company());
.willReturn(Plane.builder().withLocation(new Location("A")))
.willReturn(Plane.builder().withLocation(new Location("B")));
// when
testedPlaneLocator.getDistanceBetweenPlanes("AF", "1251", "721");
// then
verify(locationUtil).distance(isA(Location.class), isA(Location.class));
// other more specific test on PlaneLocator
And you will have the following dependencies injected, each having his own unit test describing how the class behaves, considering the input and the collaborators :
public class DefaultCompanyProvider implements CompanyProvider {
public Company get(String companyId) {
// retrieve / create the company
return company;
public class SatellitePlaneProvider implements PlaneProvider {
public Plane get(Plane planeId) {
// retrieve / create the plane with costly satellite data (using a SatelliteService for example)
return plane;
Using this way you can refactor your code with a much lower coupling. The better separation of concerns will allow a better understanding of the code base, a better maintainability, and easier evolution.
I also would like to redirect you to further reading on this blog post The Transformation Priority Premise in TDD from the famous Uncle Bob Martin
You may use mocks like jmock or easy mock.
With jmock you'll write something like this:
public testMethod(){
Mockery context = new Mockery();
plane1 = context.mock(Plane.class);
plane2 = context.mock(Plane.class);
context.expectations(new Expectations(){{
oneOf(plane1).geoLocation(); will(returnValue(integerNumber1));
oneOf(plane2).geoLocation(); will(returnValue(integerNumber2));
The last method will assure the methods setted on expectations are called. If not an exception is raised and the test fails.
I have a Java class like the following:
public class MyClass {
/** Database Connection. */
private dbCon;
public MyClass() {
dbCon = ...
public void doSomethingWith(MyData data) {
data = convertData(data);
private MyData convertData(MyData data) {
// Some complex logic...
return data;
since the true logic of this class lies in the convertData() method, I want to write a Unit Test for this method.
So I read this post
How do I test a private function or a class that has private methods, fields or inner classes?
where a lot of people say that the need to test a private method is a design smell. How can it be done better?
I see 2 approaches:
Extract the convertData() method into some utility class with a public api. But I think this would be also bad practice since such utility classes will violate the single responsibilty principle, unless I create a lot of utility classes with maybe only one or two methods.
Write a second constructor that allows injection of the dbCon, which allows me to inject a mocked version of the database connection and run my test against the public doSomething() method. This would be my preferred approach, but there are also discussions about how the need of mocking is also a code smell.
Are there any best practices regarding this problem?
Extract the convertData() method into some utility class with a public api. But I think this would be also bad practice since such utility classes will violate the single responsibility principle, unless I create a lot of utility classes with maybe only one or two methods.
You interpretation of this is wrong. That is exactly what the SRP and SoC (Separation of Concerns) suggests
public interface MyDataConverter {
MyData convertData(MyData data);
public class MyDataConverterImplementation implements MyDataConverter {
public MyData convertData(MyData data) {
// Some complex logic...
return data;
convertData implementation can be now tested in isolation and independent of MyClass
Write a second constructor that allows injection of the dbCon, which allows me to inject a mocked version of the database connection and run my test against the public doSomething() method. This would be my preferred approach, but there are also discussions about how the need of mocking is also a code smell.
Wrong again. Research Explicit Dependency Principle.
public class MyClass {
private DbConnection dbCon;
private MyDataConverter converter;
public MyClass(DbConnection dbCon, MyDataConverter converter) {
this.dbCon = dbCon;
this.converter = converter;
public void doSomethingWith(MyData data) {
data = converter.convertData(data);
MyClass is now more honest about what it needs to perform its desired function.
It can also be unit tested in isolation with the injection of mocked dependencies.
I was playing with, it's just a basic search :
public Optional<List<Article>> rechercheArticle(String code, String libelle) {
List<Article> result = null;
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(code) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(libelle)){
result = articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteCode(code)).and(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteLibelle(libelle)));
result= articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteCode(code)));
result = articleRepository.findAll(Specifications.where(ArticleSpecifications.egaliteLibelle(libelle)));
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(result);
And that's actually working fine but I'd like to write unit tests for this method and I can't figure out how to check specifications passed to my articleRepository.findAll()
At the moment my unit test looks like :
public void rechercheArticle_okTousCriteres() throws FacturationServiceException {
String code = "code";
String libelle = "libelle";
List<Article> articles = new ArrayList<>();
Article a1 = new Article();
Optional<List<Article>> result = articleManager.rechercheArticle(code, libelle);
//ArgumentCaptor<Specifications> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Specifications.class);
//argument.getValue().toPredicate(root, query, builder);
Any idea?
I was having almost the same problems as you had, and I changed my class that contains Specifications to be an object instead of just one class with static methods. This way I can easily mock it, use dependency injection to pass it, and test which methods were called (without using PowerMockito to mock static methods).
If you wanna do like I did, I recommend you to test the correctness of specifications with integration tests, and for the rest, just if the right method was called.
For example:
public class CdrSpecs {
public Specification<Cdr> calledBetween(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end) {
return (root, query, cb) -> cb.between(root.get(Cdr_.callDate), start, end);
Then you have an integration test for this method, which will test whether the method is right or not:
public class CdrIntegrationTest {
private CdrRepository cdrRepository;
private CdrSpecs specs = new CdrSpecs();
public void findByPeriod() throws Exception {
LocalDateTime today =;
LocalDateTime firstDayOfMonth = today.with(TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfMonth());
LocalDateTime lastDayOfMonth = today.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth());
List<Cdr> cdrList = cdrRepository.findAll(specs.calledBetween(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth));
And now when you wanna unit test other components, you can test like this, for example:
public class CdrSearchServiceTest {
private CdrSpecs specs;
private CdrRepository repo;
private CdrSearchService searchService;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
searchService = new CdrSearchService(repo, specs);
public void testSearch() throws Exception {
// some code here that interact with searchService
verify(specs).calledBetween(any(LocalDateTime.class), any(LocalDateTime.class));
// and you can verify any other method of specs that should have been called
And of course, inside the Service you can still use the where and and static methods of Specifications class.
I hope this can help you.
If you are writing Unit Tests then you should probably mock the call to findAll() method of articleRepository Class using a mocking framework like Mockito or PowerMock.
There is a method verify() using which you can check if the mock is invoked for the particular parameters.
For Example, if you are mocking the findAll() method of articleRepository Class and want to know if this method is called with particular arguments then you can do something like:
Mokito.verify(mymock, Mockito.times(1)).findAll(/* Provide Arguments */);
This will fail the test if mock has not been called for the arguments that you provided.
Your problem is that you are doing too many things within that one method. You should have three different methods that work on articleRepository.
Then you can use mocking as the others suggest:
setup your mocks so that you know which call on articleRepository should be made
verify that exactly the expected calls are happening
Please note: these three methods should be internal; the main point there is: you can't test this method with ONE call from the outside; as it is doing more than one thing, depending on the input that you provide. Thus you need to create at least one test method for each of the potential paths in your code. And that becomes easier (from a conceptual point of view) when you separate your code into different methods.
I am writing an integration test using mockito.
The unit under test is connected to a mocked object (objA) through an interface. The functionality that I am trying to mimic happens when the mocked objected fires an event and the unit under test is listening to it.
The interface:
public interface MyInterfaceAPI{
void fireyMyEvent(String msg);
The unit under test:
public class UnitUnderTest{
ObjA objA;
public UnitUnderTest(ObjA objA_t) {
objA = objA_t;
objA.addMyListener(new addMyHandler());
class addMyHandler implements MyInterfaceAPI{
public void fireyMyEvent(String msg) {
The test:
public class MyTest {
public void run() {
ObjA mockObjA = mock(ObjA .class);
UnitUnderTest spyController = Mockito.spy(new UnitUnderTest());
MyInterfaceAPI mo2uut= mock(MyInterfaceAPI.class);
mo2uut.fireyMyEvent("hello from test");
My question is in the test, how do I connect the mo2uut ('mocked object' to 'unit under test') to the addMyHandler class implementation of MyInterfaceAPI inside the UnitUnderTest?
I am clearly missing something, but I am not sure what.
You have 2 schools on unit testing: The London / Mockist school, and the Detroit school.
If you want to use mocks, you must use dependency injection, so you can replace the dependencies with mocks. I think most people following the Detroit school would agree on this too, just because using dependency injection "is a good thing" (tm).
What you can do is to pass an instance of ObjA to UnitUnderTest in the constructor; Or alternatively (if ObjA is a collection) add the method UnitUnderTest.addListener(), where you pass an instance of a handler. With these 2 approaches, you'll be injecting a handler.
About using powermock: Powermock is a beast better used on old projects that have very little unit testing and their dependencies are a mess. If you are coding this now, using power mock is wrong (in the spirit of fairness, this is a biased idea, but it's shared with many other people).
Now I get your question! And I think that you're trying to test too much in one unit test and that causes the problem. Again, the mockist school talks about testing interactions... that's the key point. So in the test for UnitUnderTest the only interaction is with ObjA to set the handler, and that's the end of the story.
You'll probably have another test for ObjA to ensure that all handlers are invoked.
Now the last bit is how to test the code of the handler. But before that, please appreciate how independent each test is, as you're testing the interactions (and any logic in the code), but not more than 1 thing.
About the handler... you might not like this, but you have to make that class accessible, either make it public or extract it to another public class. If you extract it, you can put in an internal package so it's clear that the class shouldn't be used by anyone else.
If you have an hour to spare, I would suggest you to watch this great presentation: The Deep Synergy Between Testability and Good Design by Michael Feathers where he goes into a similar example of what you have in your code and why it makes sense to separate it.
Use PowerMock's PowerMockito to intercept the call to the addMyHandler class injecting a mock of MyInterfaceAPI as explained in Ben Kiefer's tutorial on "PowerMockito: Constructor Mocking"
I have managed to make it working. Posting here the fixed code for people who see this in the future.
public interface MyInterfaceAPI{
void fireyMyEvent(String msg);
The unit under test:
public class UnitUnderTest{
private ObjA objA;
public MyInterfaceAPI interfaceHandler;
public UnitUnderTest(ObjA objA_t) {
objA = objA_t;
interfaceHandler = new addMyHandler();
class addMyHandler implements MyInterfaceAPI{
public void fireyMyEvent(String msg) {
The test:
public class MyTest {
public void run() {
ObjA mockObjA = mock(ObjA .class);
UnitUnderTest spyController = Mockito.spy(new UnitUnderTest());
spyController.hnd.fireyMyEvent("hello from test");
If i have a long method of code which gathers data from 2 or 3 difference sources and returns a result. How can I refactor it so that it is more unit-testable? This method is a webservice and I want to make one call from client code to gather all the data.
I can refactor some portions out into smaller methods which will be more testable. But the current method will still be calling those 5 methods and will remain less testable. Assuming Java as programming language, is there a pattern for making such code testable?
This is a very common testing problem, and the most common solution I come across for this is to separate the sourcing of data from the code which uses the data using dependency injection. This not only supports good testing, but is generally a good strategy when working with external data sources (good segregation of responsibilities, isolates the integration point, promotes code reuse being some reasons for this).
The changes you need to make go something like:
For each data source, create an interface to define how data from that source is accessed, and then factor out the code which returns the data into a separate class which implements this.
Dependency inject the data source into the class containing your 'long' function.
For unit testing, inject a mock implementation of each data source.
Here is some code examples showing what this would look like - note that this code is merely illustrative of the pattern, you will need some more sensible names for things. It would be worth studying this pattern and learning more about dependency injection & mocking - two of the most powerful weapons in the unit testers armory.
Data Sources
public interface DataSourceOne {
public Data getData();
public class DataSourceOneImpl implements DataSourceOne {
public Data getData() {
return data;
public interface DataSourceTwo {
public Data getData();
public class DataSourceTwoImpl implements DataSourceTwo {
public Data getData() {
return data;
Class with Long Method
public class ClassWithLongMethod {
private DataSourceOne dataSourceOne;
private DataSourceTwo dataSourceTwo;
public ClassWithLongMethod(DataSourceOne dataSourceOne,
DataSourceTwo dataSourceTwo) {
this.dataSourceOne = dataSourceOne;
this.dataSourceTwo = dataSourceTwo;
public Result longMethod() {
someData = dataSourceOne.getData();
someMoreData = dataSourceTwo.getData();
return result;
Unit Test
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class ClassWithLongMethodTest {
public void testLongMethod() {
// Create mocked data sources which return the data required by your test
DataSourceOne dataSourceOne = mock(DataSourceOne.class);
DataSourceTwo dataSourceTwo = mock(DataSourceTwo.class);
// Create the object under test using the mocked data sources
ClassWithLongMethod sut = new ClassWithLongMethod(dataSourceOne,
// Now you can unit test the long method in isolation from it's dependencies
Result result = sut.longMethod();
// Assertions on result
Please forgive (and correct) any syntactic mistakes, I don't write much java these days.
The test for the "big" method will look like integration test where the smaller methods can be mocked.
If you can separate the "big" method into five isolated methods, then the "big" method could be further partitioned into semantically-/contextually-meaningful groups of the isolated methods.
Then you can mock the larger groupings of isolated methods for the "big" method.
I'm new to using Mockito and am trying to understand a way to make a unit test of a class that relies on injected dependencies. What I want to do is to create mock objects of the dependencies and make the class that I am testing use those instead of the regular injected dependencies that would be injected by Spring. I have been reading tutorials but am a bit confused on how to do this.
I have one the class I want to test like this:
package org.rd.server.beans;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
public class TestBean1 {
private SubBean1 subBean1;
private String helloString;
public String testReturn () {
subBean1.setSomething("its working");
String something = subBean1.getSomething();
helloString = "Hello...... " + something;
return helloString;
Then I have the class that I want to use as a mock object (rather than the regular SubBean1 class, like below:
package org.rd.server.beans.mock;
public class SubBean1Mock {
private String something;
public String getSomething() {
return something;
public void setSomething(String something) {
this.something = something;
I just want to try running a simple test like this:
package test.rd.beans;
import org.rd.server.beans.TestBean1;
import junit.framework.*;
public class TestBean1Test extends TestCase
private TestBean1 testBean1;
public TestBean1Test(String name)
public void setUp()
testBean1 = new TestBean1();
// Somehow inject the mock dependency SubBean1Mock ???
public void test1() {
I figure there must be some fairly simple way to do this but I can't seem to understand the tutorials as I don't have the context yet to understand everything they are doing / explaining. If anyone could shed some light on this I would appreciate it.
If you're using Mockito you create mocks by calling Mockito's static mock method. You can then just pass in the mock to the class you're trying to test. Your setup method would look something like this:
testBean1 = new TestBean1();
SubBean1 subBeanMock = mock(SubBean1.class);
You can then add the appropriate behavior to your mock objects for whatever you're trying to test with Mockito's static when method, for example:
when(subBeanMock.getSomething()).thenReturn("its working");
In Mockito you aren't really going to create new "mock" implementations, but rather you are going to mock out the methods on the interface of the injected dependency by telling Mockito what to return when the method is called.
I wrote a test of a Spring MVC Controller using Mockito and treated it just like any other java class. I was able to mock out the various other Spring beans I had and inject those using Spring's ReflectionTestUtils to pass in the Mockito based values. I wrote about it in my blog back in February. It has the full source for the test class and most of the source from the controller, so it's probably too long to put the contents here.
I stumbled on this thread while trying to set up some mocks for a slightly more complicated situation and figured I'd share my results for posterity.
My situation was similar in the fact that I needed to mock dependencies, but I also wanted to mock some of the methods on the class I was testing. This was the solution:
DependentService mockDependentService
ControllerToTest controllerToTest
public void setup() {
mockDependentService = mock(DependentService.class);
controllerToTest = mock(ControllerToTest.class);
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controllerToTest, "dependantService", mockDependentService);
void test() {
//set up test and other mocks
//be sure to implement the below code that will call the real method that you are wanting to test
Note that "dependantService" needs to match whatever you have named the instance of the service on your controller. If that doesn't match the reflection will not find it and inject the mock for you.
This approach allows all the methods on the controller to be mocked by default, then you can specifically call out which method you want to use the real one. Then use the reflection to set any dependencies needed with the respective mock objects.
Hope this helps someone down the road as it stumped me for a while.