Is there a way to pack the dependencies of a maven ejb project in with the final jar?
I typically use a separate ear project and include the ejb as a dependency - it will fill out the lib folder automatically this way. However, this seems a bit wasteful - to have a project just to build the ear.
Right now I have:
<!-- without this, the datetime stamp unique id's will be appended to classpath items -->
<!-- see: -->
Do I need to set the packaging type to ear? Can I include transitive dependencies in a standalone ejb jar? If I set it to ear, how do I config the ear plugin?
Thanks in advance!
The Maven Shade Plugin can package dependencies in with the JAR. It will extract the classes/resources from all the project's dependencies on package them in with the final JAR.
This should be enough to package all your dependencies:
There are disadvantages to doing this, however.
Multiple resources with the same name in different JARs can cause problems (e.g. /META-INF/services/...). You can use Shade's resource transformers, but it can get messy.
Not as easy to track what JARs are dependencies in your project once deployed (you'd have to refer back to the POM instead of just looking at the EAR).
Unless you have good reason not to, I'd recommend you stick with building an EAR.
I don't think there is a direct way to do this. Instead, what can be done is to create it as a module project with an ear and an ejb module. It isn't exactly what I wanted, but it works and is better than separate projects.
When running mvn versions:display-dependency-updates for the Version Maven Plugin I see lots of things like this:
[INFO] org.slf4j:slf4j-api ........................... 1.7.36 -> 2.0.0-alpha7
But just because I'm not using the alpha version of a later version doesn't mean I'm not using the latest available release version. Another Stack Overflow answer indicated that I can set up a rules.xml file to ignore versions like *.-alpha*, putting something like this in my POM:
My question: is this rules.xml file inheritable? If I put it in a separate project in a parent POM of <packaging>pom</packaging>, published to Maven Central, will the child POMs pick it up? Or will the child projects look for a rules.xml file in the child project directory?
I want to configure the versions-maven-plugin in the parent POM (as I do already) and run mvn versions:display-dependency-updates on any child POM or descendant POM. How can I set up the ignore rules in the parent POM so that these version ignore rules will be picked up when I check for dependency updates in a child POM? (Is there no way to include the rule within the POM itself?)
Or will the child projects look for a rules.xml file in the child project directory?
Yes, if you define the rules.xml file via ${project.basedir} it will resolve to the current local base directory of the child project. I've verified this with a simple parent-child pom setup. So that will not work, unless you duplicate the rules file in every project.
If you wish to include the plugin configuration and ruleset in the parent pom without duplicating the rules file, you have two options:
If you have your ruleset xml file hosted at, for example, then the following configuration in your corporate pom would ensure that all projects use this rule set.
You can provide your ruleset xml file also within a jar, if you want to distribute your ruleset xml as Maven artifact. Therefore you have to declare the containing jar as direct dependency of the versions-maven-plugin and to use classpath as protocol.
The configuration in the pom only has rudimentary includes and excludes filters. Those will allow you to exclude any dependency as a whole, but not specific update versions. As far as i can tell from the available documentation there is no way to define version rules in any other way.
Update 09-2022
In the github ticket we found in the comments we can see the following update:
It looks like a feature like this has recently been implemented by #369. Please see #318 where it's possible to provide inclusion and exclusion filters for determining which dependency patterns will be considered. Thanks to that, you can rule out patterns such as .*-beta. or .*_ALPHA, albeit not using regexp, but simple asterisk wildcards.
This will land in today's release (2.12.0).
This will add the following features:
Version 2.12.0 will introduce new arguments: dependencyIncluded, dependencyExcludes, dependencyManagementIncludes, dependencyManagementExcludes.
With the following example configuration in pom.xml given:
This will also be implemented for filtering plugin and pluginManagement, but that will probably be added in a later release:
So, I've just added the missing plugin- and plugin management filtering which works likewise. I really doubt it will land into today's release though.
Pasting my answer here from Github, because I think it might benefit others.
Provided you have a directory called rules-test in your project containing the rules template file:
<ruleset comparisonMethod="maven"
<ignoreVersion type="regex">${ignoredVersions}</ignoreVersion>
Then, in your main project, create the following profile:
If you then execute the following Maven target:
mvn -P rules-test "-DignoredVersions=.*-(M\d*|.*-SNAPSHOT)" clean validate
then you will get a dependencies report using the filter in the -DignoredVersions argument (filtering out both *-M* and *-SNAPSHOT).
And if you put your ignoredVerions property in your project instead of passing it as a -D argument, then it will be inheritable!
I'm trying to configure my multimodule maven project like this :
Parent Project
My "web" module have one dependency to my "core" project and my core project to my "dao" project.
For example, my web pom contain :
When I build my parent project all build work fine but there is a very strange dependency copy. In fact, my parent project contains all child dependencies
For example, joda-time is in my web pom.
When I try to uncompress my web.war, it contains my core-jar-with-depency.jar and all the dependency.
How can I configure my parent project to disable dependency inclusion?
Any specific reason for using classifier jar-with-dependencies? Looking at your need, I think you can do this ---
dao --> module with packaging jar
core --> module with packaging jar & dependency of dao without any classifier.
web --> module with packagingc war & dependency of core without any classifier.
Eventually your web war file will 'transitively' get core & dao & all its dependencies. See if this helps.
--- Update:
I just created one sample project with core module & web module in my GIT hub.
Web is dependent on Core. Core has a dependency on third party library commons-lang. When I do 'mvn install', you can see that the final web.war file has core.jar as well as commons-lang.jar i.e. transitive dependency of core.jar.
I hope this is what you are looking for.
Got some issues with axis generation from wsdl
Once generated, classes are not visible eclipse /target folder (I can see them in a terminal...)
I cannot include them and use them.
I guess I'm missing something here, axis and soap are such a pain...
The project jar contains the generated classes, I can add it to build path manually and that works.
If I'm including the maven module in another module, maven complains "
<id>generate 1</id>
The issue here is that axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin is putting the JAR in a non standard place - this is why maven complains when you try in add it as a dependency.
Can you see the JAR being installed into your local maven repo?
I want to create ear application with one ejb project and dependencies (without war file). Is it possible to specify build configuration in one pom.xml to avoid unnecessary multiplication of application modules (I have about 8 projects witch will be packaged this way and if I would do this "standard" way I would have to create 8*3=24 modules/poms). I don't want to put all my applications into one ear, because I need to could undeploy/redeploy them separately.
Right now I have two solutions:
Create ear in standard way with module structure:
But as I mentioned it's creating multiplication of modules.
Create jar with dependencies using maven-shade-plugin
But with this solution I get jar instead of ear and my dependencies are mixed with my code.
Is there any other way to create deployable application with only ejb and dependencies with maven using single pom.xml?
I am trying out a Simple Java Web Start project based on the Oracle Tutorial. I am using maven to package it as a webapp and deploy it to application server. The full source code is available here
The maven project structure is like
The webapp module is a maven war module. It is required to package lib.jar at the root of webapp.war. NOT under WEB-INF/lib.
How to achieve this in maven?
I found that the right way to do this is to use the maven-dependency-plugin.
Since "lib.jar" is not used in the compile phase of "webapp" module, it is only a package time dependency. Using maven-dependency-plugin, I can copy lib.jar to any required directory during the prepare-package phase. The maven-war package would then include the lib.jar in the .war package.
<groupId>[ group id ]</groupId>
<artifactId>[artifact id]</artifactId>
<version>[ version ]</version>
<!-- other configurations here -->
There is a webstart-maven-plugin that does a better job of packaging javaws applications. See my sample project
for details
Well how i said in the comments for sake of readability here is a part of the answer:
Since Maven will always store the dependencies of a web project under its WEB-INF/lib folder by default i (i am no Maven expert ...) would try to place my lib.jar inside the /target folder of the project before the phase package is executed.
NOTE: I havent tried it out so you will have to adjust the paths - expecially the output path so your lib.jar is placed properly to be packed into the root of the war (e.g. if you open your war there will be a lib.jar next to folders such as WEB-INF).
lets assume the root of my project would be under C:/devjba/projectX this equals the maven
variable ${project.basedir}.
from there the output-directory would be located under C:/devjba/projectX/target which equals the
maven variable ${}. This is the location a .war would be placed in after
the build
lets assume the required jar lib.jar is located under C:/devjba/projectX/misc which would equal to
the expression: ${project.basedir}/misc
<!-- may adjust to another phase before package but make sure your plugin is bound to a phase
because otherwise it wont be invoked during build! Now its bound to the first phase of the
default lifecycle for packaging type war -->
<!-- use the copy-resources goal of this plugin - it will copy resources :) -->
<!-- this points to /target of the current project, you may adjust it to wherever it must be placed to be packed into the root of the war (just try&error) -->
<!-- this points to a folder /misc under the project root where we expect the lib.jar -->
<!-- unless you specify what to include anything of the above directory will be included -->
As i said i have no experience in signing JARs at all but there is a plugin called maven-jarsigner-plugin which i guess will do the job (i would sign it, then move it, then package the war) with a manual - i recomend you try to configure it according to my "example configuration of the maven-resource-plugin and post a new question directly containing your two plugin configurations. Dont forget to link to this question in that case. And also leave this question open so someone with a better approach may correct my way).