Guice Injection into Business Layer of Java Web App - java

I have sucessfully used Guice to Inject Providers into the servlet portion of an existing java web application, however, I can't access the injectors through the business layer (non-servlet java classes) of the application.
I have read up on Injecting the Injector, but to me that seems more like a hack and in several places, including the Guice documentation, it says not to do that too much.
I guess my question is, Where do I bootstrap a java web app so that the non-servlet/filter classes have access to the injector created in the class I use to extend GuiceServletContextListener? Is there any way to make those classes injectable without injecting the injector?
Thank you and let me know if you need any clarification.
I am attempting to do this with a simple logger, so far, in my
servlets, I call:
private static org.slf4j.Logger log;
The injection is set up in MyLoggerModule as follows (which is in the
createInjector call with ServletModule) :
public void configure() {
bindListener(Matchers.any(), new SLF4JTypeListener()); // I
built my own SLF4JTypeListener...
This all works perfectly in the servlets, but the field injection does
not work when called by a class that is not a servlet or filter.

Guice doesn't intercept calls for new objects, so if your business layer isn't already using Guice to create the objects that need injection, it'll need modification to do so.
The injection only works when handled by Guice during injection. So starting from the base injector you've made, whatever is marked with #Inject which is needed for the instance you've requested will be provided by Guice as best it can, and in turn, during instanciation of those, further #Inject annotations will be filled in by providers and bindings until nothing new needs to be instanciated. From that point on however you are not going to get fields injected into servlets created outside Guice's injection, perhaps by calling new somewhere, which is likely what your Object Factory is doing.
You'll need to change your Object Factory to use providers instead of new. If you could edit these, it wouldn't be too hard to do since Guice can give you default providers for bindings.
So one way your business layer could be Guice aware is to have whatever is creating servlets first create an Injector and then request the servlets be created by the injector. If this means you'll have more than one injector, then yes, that will be a problem but only for the objects you want to be singletons. So you could make a factory pattern class for a singleton injector, or you could find where these classes (here typed bar) which are creating servlets themselves are created (in foo), and then start with the injector there (in foo) using one Guice injector to create those (bar type) classes and also modifying them (bar type) to request a provider for the servlets which they'll use instead of making calls for a new servlet.
Now that I think about this, it could be simple if it kind of only happens once or twice for 10-20 servlet types, or it could be complicated if there's some framework that defines totally flexible behavior for what gets newed up when and why.
Another option would be avoiding #Inject on fields at all times, as recommended. So now your servlets are taking in an org.slf4j.Logger as a construction parameter. The constructor is marked #Inject, and it assigns the parameter's value to the field. Then any place you're not using injection should break with an incorrect number of parameters at a new call. Fix these by figuring out how to either get the servlet provided here instead, or how to get a provider for the servlet into the class.

Not sure what you mean... if you inject objects in to your servlets/filters, those objects have their dependencies injected by Guice as well, and so on all the way down.
How are you creating the classes that you're trying to inject this logger in to? They must be created by Guice to be injected, which means no new.


Is each Play framework web request handled with a new dependency injected controller instance, but then what about static controller methods?

My questions are about the lifecycle of controllers in the Play framework for Java, if the controllers are stateful instances or stateless with static methods, and how to use dependency injection in the controller code.
Is each web request handled by a new instance of a Play controller class, i.e. can a controller store state in fields such as services injected into the controller constructor?
(where in the documentation is it explained?)
Has the Play framework changed since earlier versions (and if so, at what version?) regarding if controllers are stateful instances or stateless controllers with static methods?
Where can you see code examples about how the framework injects services into a controller instance when stateful controller is used and example of how to inject services into a static controller method?
Regarding the latter, i.e. injection into a static method I suppose that would either have to be a parameter to the method which the frameworks will add, or if not possible you maybe instead will have to use a service locator from within the method e.g. instantiate a Guice module class and then use "injector.getInstance" from within the static controller method.
This subject is touched in the section "Dependency injecting controllers" at the following page:
However, it does not show with code how to actually inject services into a controller instance (but probably the same way as other "components" i.e. with #Inject annotation) and certainly it does not currently show how to use DI with a static controller method.
I am confused about these things because I have not found documentation being clear about my questions, and I have also read in a Play book (from 2013) that the controller methods should be programmed as stateless and the controller methods should be static.
However, when now using activator for generating a Play application for Java with the latest Play version (2.4.6) I can see that the generated Controller method (Application.index) is NOT static.
Also, at the following documentation page, the controller method is NOT static:
This is confusing, and since it is VERY fundamental to understand whether or not each request is handled by a Controller instance or not (i.e. if state can be used) I think this should be better documented at the page about Controller/Actions than the current documentation (the above linked page) which is not explaining it.
The documentation about dependency injection touches the subject about static and non-static methods at the section "Dependency injecting controllers" mentioning "static routes generator" but I think it should be better explained including code examples.
If someone in the Play team is reading this question, then please add some information to the above linked pages, for example please do mention (if my understanding is correct) that in previous versions of Play the controller methods were static and for those versions you should never store state in fields, but in later versions (beginning from version x?) each request is handled by an instance of a controller and can therefore use state (e.g. constructor parameters injected by the framework).
Please also provide code examples about injection used with static controller methods and injection into stateful controller instances with one instance per request.
The section "Component lifecycle" in the dependency injection page only mentions "components" but I think it should also be explicit about the controller lifecycle and its injection, since it is such a fundamental and important knowledge to communicate clearly to all developers to avoid bugs caused by misunderstandings about being stateful or not.
Is each web request handled by a new instance of a Play controller class, i.e. can a controller store state in fields such as services injected into the controller constructor? (where in the documentation is it explained?)
As far as I can tell, controllers are by default singleton objects. This is not clearly documented, but it is implied that controller instances are reused. See the migration guide for Playframework 2.4:
The injected routes generator also supports the # operator on routes, but it has a slightly different meaning (since everything is injected), if you prefix a controller with #, instead of that controller being directly injected, a JSR 330 Provider for that controller will be injected. This can be used, for example, to eliminate circular dependency issues, or if you want a new action instantiated per request.
Also, check this commend made by James Roper (Play core committer) about if controllers are singleton or not:
Not really - if using Guice, each time the controller is injected into something, a new instance will be created by default. That said, the router is a singleton, and so by association, the controllers it invokes are singleton. But if you inject a controller somewhere else, it will be instantiated newly for that component.
This suggests that the default is to reuse controller instances when responding to requests and, if you want a new action per request, you need to use the syntax described in the migration guide. But... since I'm more inclined to prove and try things instead of just believe, I've created a simple controller to check that statement:
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
class Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
Doing multiple requests to this action prints the same object identity for all the requests made. But, if I use the # operator on my routes, I start to get different identities for each request. So, yes, controllers are (kind of) singletons by default.
Has the Play framework changed since earlier versions (and if so, at what version?) regarding if controllers are stateful instances or stateless controllers with static methods?
By default, Play had always advocated stateless controllers, as you can see at the project homepage:
Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture.
That had not changed. So, you should not use controllers' fields/properties to keep data that changes over time/requests. Instead, just use controllers' fields/properties to keep a reference to other components/services that are also stateless.
Where can you see code examples about how the framework injects services into a controller instance when stateful controller is used and example of how to inject services into a static controller method?
Regarding code examples, Lightbend templates repository is the place to go. Here are some examples that use dependency injection at the controllers level:
Dependency Injection with static methods is not supported, and that is why Playframework stills offers old apis to use with static methods. The rule of thumb here is: choose between DI and static methods. Trying to use both will just bring complexity to your application.
Ok, thank you marcospereira.
I have now also confirmed that you indeed get different instances (different toString values which can be printed/logged in a controller method) of the controller for each request.
For those who are interested, the solution (to get different instances of controller class for each request) is to use for example the following:
GET / #controllers.Application.index()
instead of the following:
GET / controllers.Application.index()
in the file "conf/routes"
AND to also use the following:
routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator
instead of the following:
routesGenerator := StaticRoutesGenerator
in the file "build.sbt"
Regarding the statement that Play has a "stateless" architecture:
Maybe I am wrong, but as far as I understand the terminology, the "stateless" means that the web server does not store any state between requests?
The word "stateless" does not mean that a controller instance can not use fields, e.g. injected into the constructor.
If an injected object is stored as a field in a controller, then that field is a "state" of the controller.
Therefore, even if you use "InjectedRoutesGenerator" and the "#" prefix to get "stateful" controller instances, that injected "state" is only stored within one request, so you can still say that the framework itself is "stateless" since the server does not store any state between multiple requests.
Please do correct me if I have misunderstood something about Play being stateless.

Guice and 'injection' of the Injector

I tryied Google Guice after reading this article :
But there is something I didn't understand : when you use the #Singleton anotation of Guice, the injection inject the same instance, but only for one Injector.
If I create an other Injector somewhere else, the #Singletion doesn't works (as stated in the documentation).
So I will have to pass the injector instance everywhere in my code, or make it available in a singleton.
And this is exactly I would like to avoid.
How to we manage injectorS to make it possible to return the same instance everytime ?
Code using Guice shouldn't normally need to access the injector itself: objects will receive either their dependencies or a Provider<T> for their dependencies, if they need to construct more than one.
Usually, objects only need the injector if they have dependencies but aren't themselves created by the injector (so they can't have their dependencies injected). If you're using Guice everywhere, you probably only need to do that on application start-up. If you're only using Guice for part of your project, the injector becomes a single singleton that proxies for all the other singletons you're now accessing through it.
Do note that classes annotated #Singleton are still singleton objects, albeit without some of the baggage associated with non-injected singletons. You should still try to avoid depending on them too much.

Proper structure for dependency injection (using Guice)

I would like some suggestions and feedback on the best way to structure dependency injection for a system with the structure described below. I'm using Guice and thus would prefer solutions centered around it's annotation-based declarations, not XML-heavy Spring-style configuration.
Consider a set of similar objects, Ball, Box, and Tube, each dependent on a Logger, supplied via the constructor. (This might not be important, but all four classes happen to be singletons --- of the application, not Gang-of-Four, variety.)
A ToyChest class is responsible for creating and managing the three shape objects. ToyChest itself is not dependent on Logger, aside from creating the shape objects which are.
The ToyChest class is instantiated as an application singleton in a Main class.
I'm confused about the best way to construct the shapes in ToyChest. I either (1) need access to a Guice Injector instance already attached to a Module binding Logger to an implementation or (2) need to create a new Injector attached to the right Module.
(1) is accomplished by adding an #Inject Injector injectorfield to ToyChest, but this feels weird because ToyChest doesn't actually have any direct dependencies --- only those of the children it instantiates.
For (2), I'm not sure how to pass in the appropriate Module.
Am I on the right track? Is there a better way to structure this?
The answers to this question mention passing in a Provider instead of using the Injector directly, but I'm not sure how that is supposed to work.
Perhaps a more simple question is: when using Guice, where is the proper place to construct the shapes objects? ToyChest will do some configuration with them, but I suppose they could be constructed elsewhere. ToyChest (as the container managing them), and not Main, just seems to me like the appropriate place to construct them.
A proper way is to have guice construct your dependencies. That is create and configure.
In your situation you should have an injector constructed in the Main. From the injector you get ToyChest. When you obtain ToyChest through the injector its managed by guice and you can depend on it to supply all dependencies properly configured.
In your case you can inject Provider<Ball>, Provider<Box>, etc. in ToyChest and when needed just retrieve instance from the provider. ToyChest is not responsible for constructing the instance, just to use it. You can also check MapBinder if you have a plugin architecture.
So far everything is managed by guice, so the shapes can have their logger injected without the using class knowing about it.
If you have some runtime parameters that you want to pass to the newly created shape instances, you can use AssistedInject.
Just a hint: you are not required to use constructor injection, you can have injection on field or setter, which simplifies the constructor.

Guice: Do I have to annotate every class of an object graph with #Inject?

I'd like to introduce Guice for the use of an existing mid-sized project.
For my demands I need a custom scope (session is too big, while request to small for my project).
Imagine that I request guice to provide me an instance of Class A which has direct and indirect dependencies to many other classes (composition).
My custom provider is able to provide the instance of classes which are used as constructor arguments of all involved classes.
Do I really have to put an #Inject (and my custom scope) annotation on the constructors of all involved classes or is there a way that guice only requires these annotations on the top-level class which I request and that all further dependencies are resolved by "asking" my custom scope for a provider of the dependent types?
If this is true this would increase the effort of introducing Guice because I have to adjust more than 1000 classes. Any help and experiences during the introduction of guice is appreciated.
First of all, it's possible to use Guice without putting an #Inject annotation anywhere. Guice supports Provider bindings, #Provides methods and constructor bindings, all of which allow you to bind types however you choose. However, for its normal operation it requires #Inject annotations to serve as metadata telling it what dependencies a class requires and where it can inject them.
There reason for this is that otherwise, it cannot deterministically tell what it should inject and where. For example, classes may have multiple constructors and Guice needs some way of choosing one to inject that doesn't rely on any guessing. You could say "well, my classes only have one constructor so it shouldn't need #Inject on that", but what happens when someone adds a new constructor to a class? Then Guice no longer has its basis for deciding and the application breaks. Additionally, this all assumes that you're only doing constructor injection. While constructor injection is certainly the best choice in general, Guice allows injection of methods (and fields) as well, and the problem of needing to specify the injection points of a class explicitly is stronger there since most classes will have many methods that are not used for injection and at most a few that are.
In addition to #Inject's importance in telling Guice, it also serves as documentation of how a class is intended to be used--that the class is part of an application's dependency injection wired infrastructure. It also helps to be consistent in applying #Inject annotations across your classes, even if it wouldn't currently be absolutely necessary on some that just use a single constructor. I'd also note that you can use JSR-330's #javax.inject.Inject annotation in Guice 3.0 if a standard Java annotation is preferable to a Guice-specific one to you.
I'm not too clear on what you mean by asking the scope for a provider. Scopes generally do not create objects themselves; they control when to ask the unscoped provider of a dependency for a new instance and how to control the scope of that instance. Providers are part of how they operate, of course, but I'm not sure if that's what you mean. If you have some custom way of providing instances of objects, Provider bindings and #Provides methods are the way to go for that and don't require #Inject annotations on the classes themselves.
GUICE does not ask you to inject every single object. GUICE will try and create only injected objects. So you can #Inject objects that you want to be injected.
On the scope bit - Scope essentially controls how your objects gets created by GUICE. When you write your own custom scope you can have a datastructure that controls the way objects are created. When you scope a class with your custom annotation, GUICE will call your scope method before creation with a Provider for that class. You can then decide if you want to create a new object or use an existing object from a datastructure (such as hashmap or something). If you want to use an existing one you get that and return the object, else you do a provider.get() and return.
Notice this
public <T> Provider<T> scope(final Key<T> key, final Provider<T> unscoped) {
return new Provider<T>() {
public T get() {
Map<Key<?>, Object> scopedObjects = getScopedObjectMap(key);
T current = (T) scopedObjects.get(key);
if (current == null && !scopedObjects.containsKey(key)) {
current = unscoped.get();
scopedObjects.put(key, current);
// what you return here is going to be injected ....
// in this scope object you can have a datastructure that holds all references
// and choose to return that instead depending on your logic and external
// dependencies such as session variable etc...
return current;
Here's a tutorial ...
At the most basic level, the #Inject annotation identifies the stuff guice will need to set for you. You can have guice inject into a field directly, into a method, or into a constructor. You must use the #Inject annotation every time you want guice to inject an object.
Here is a guice tutorial.

Is there ever a case for 'new' when using dependency injection?

Does dependency injection mean that you don't ever need the 'new' keyword? Or is it reasonable to directly create simple leaf classes such as collections?
In the example below I inject the comparator, query and dao, but the SortedSet is directly instantiated:
public Iterable<Employee> getRecentHires()
SortedSet<Employee> entries = new TreeSet<Employee>(comparator);
return entries;
Just because Dependency Injection is a useful pattern doesn't mean that we use it for everything. Even when using DI, there will often be a need for new. Don't delete new just yet.
One way I typically decide whether or not to use dependency injection is whether or not I need to mock or stub out the collaborating class when writing a unit test for the class under test. For instance, in your example you (correctly) are injecting the DAO because if you write a unit test for your class, you probably don't want any data to actually be written to the database. Or perhaps a collaborating class writes files to the filesystem or is dependent on an external resource. Or the behavior is unpredictable or difficult to account for in a unit test. In those cases it's best to inject those dependencies.
For collaborating classes like TreeSet, I normally would not inject those because there is usually no need to mock out simple classes like these.
One final note: when a field cannot be injected for whatever reason, but I still would like to mock it out in a test, I have found the Junit-addons PrivateAccessor class helpful to be able to switch the class's private field to a mock object created by EasyMock (or jMock or whatever other mocking framework you prefer).
There is nothing wrong with using new like how it's shown in your code snippet.
Consider the case of wanting to append String snippets. Why would you want to ask the injector for a StringBuilder ?
In another situation that I've faced, I needed to have a thread running in accordance to the lifecycle of my container. In that case, I had to do a new Thread() because my Injector was created after the callback method for container startup was called. And once the injector was ready, I hand injected some managed classes into my Thread subclass.
Yes, of course.
Dependency injection is meant for situations where there could be several possible instantiation targets of which the client may not be aware (or capable of making a choice) of compile time.
However, there are enough situations where you do know exactly what you want to instantiate, so there is no need for DI.
This is just like invoking functions in object-oriented langauges: just because you can use dynamic binding, doesn't mean that you can't use good old static dispatching (e.g., when you split your method into several private operations).
My thinking is that DI is awesome and great to wire layers and also pieces of your code that needs sto be flexible to potential change. Sure we can say everything can potentially need changing, but we all know in practice some stuff just wont be touched.
So when DI is overkill I use 'new' and just let it roll.
Ex: for me wiring a Model to the View to the Controller layer.. it's always done via DI. Any Algorithms my apps uses, DI and also any pluggable reflective code, DI. Database layer.. DI but pretty much any other object being used in my system is handled with a common 'new'.
hope this helps.
It is true that in today, framework-driven environment you instantiate objects less and less. For example, Servlets are instantiated by servlet container, beans in Spring instantiated with Spring etc.
Still, when using persistence layer, you will instantiate your persisted objects before they have been persisted. When using Hibernate, for example you will call new on your persisted object before calling save on your HibernateTemplate.

