Google AppEngine Java Web Technologies [closed] - java

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In the last period, I tried to learn something about the Google cloud technology and I quite liked it.
I made a test project for learning GWT bound to GAE, too. In my opinion, the web toolkit is a nice framework for building a Web 2.0 UI from scratch, for those who always worked with Java, but... I think my team is not ready for that, unfortunately.
So, I have to choose another front-end technology, rather than leave my mates writing thousands-code-lines JSP.
What do you recommend to me? Last year I worked a little with Spring MVC and Struts, but since the project we're going to start is a "green field", I'd like to go for a state of art framework.
traditional "page" approach (html views, forms, and so on)
must work on Google App Engine

This link lists all the supported frameworks on GAE. After going through that list I'd either go with Spring MVC or Struts 1.
Here is a CRUD tutorial with sprint MVC to get you started.

If you have to go with GAE I would stick with GWT (if your devs are good they should be willing to learn :) ), or maybe a simple framework like apache click. Otherwise developing something other than simple Servlet/JSP is a pain even if it doesn't look so at the beginning of the project.

Try PLAY (, watch the video and I think you would be sold.
It supports GAE through a plugin ( It states that it supports GAE 1.4 but we are using the 1.5.3 SDK and it works just fine. You can also use the siena plugin which is a hibernate-like layer for the GAE datastore. You can develop locally (and have the same file-backed datastore and in-memory memcache), once you are done, hit "gae:deploy", enter your email and password and you're done.

Let me recommend you using Spring MVC, but using Thymeleaf [] --of which I'm author-- as a view-layer technology instead of JSPs.
This combination will provide you with the traditional approach you require (HTML views, forms...) and at the same time will allow you to use a more elegant approach to prototyping and developing your HTML interface.
Good luck with your projects.

I would try Jello framework. It is a Java Application Framework optimized for Google App Engine including comprehensive Data Authorization model, a powerful RESTful engine, and out-of-the-box UI views.


Integrating CMS with Spring MVC Application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a Spring MVC based application and there is a need to implement Blog with tags in it. I searched for various ways to integrate CMS with Spring MVC application, I come up with Open CMS, Mangolina CMS. But the way how they integrate with Spring MVC wont suit my requirements.
I am looking out for a solution where in I can implement CMS(Blog) without making any changes/minimal changes to existing application. The current application use JSP as views.
I found similar question here
Looking for an CMS that can be plugged into a Spring MVC Application, but the answers given does not suit my needs.
From my experience with few java CMS like Liferay, it is always a pain. For example Liferay CMS works based on JSR-286 which will force you to create Portlets. There are ways to extended every layer in Liferay but that require a fair level of expertise to make it work, especially when your application grows bigger it becomes a bottleneck.
Can you provide fundamental reason why you want to bundle both? Why can't you keep it as two separate applications, deploy and maintain it as two separate applications. May be an httpd can be used to redirect the traffic based on URL pattern.
That being said if you want to integrate your old web application to Liferay, follow this link.
After various Java based solutions and understanding their complexity in integrating with my application, I considered installing WordPress on Tomcat to be the best solution. In my case, I can hardly spare a couple of days for blog as it is just an additional functionality to my app.
I followed below url in installing WordPress on Tomcat and pointed to wordpress application. Hope it may help anyone.

Switching from ASP.NET to Java EE for a large web project [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm an ASP.NET developer, I'm happy with ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework...
I want to use Java EE in a new web project, but there is a lot of specifications and frameworks (jsf, ejb, hibernate ...),
I'm looking for the best combination of Java EE specification tu use for a big Web Project (I must use HTML5, Javascript, JQuery, Javascript Framework like Telerik Kendo UI, Json, Webservices ...) and I love MVC so I'm looking for the MVC support in Java EE
For now, I decided the deployment server: Debian + Glassfish
I don't care about learning curve, but I do care about stability and performance
You can use Spring Web MVC for following reasons.
Active Community
Great Documentation
Ease of learning
MVC Architecture Supported
Used in the Industry
You probably wanna go with Spring, MVC being only one of the reasons. I can't tell whether it is the best in the Java landscape (maybe it is, I love it), but given how widely used it is you will most likely find someone able to help whenever you run into something you can't figure out by yourself.
Same applies for Maven when it comes to dependency management. Another viable alternative would be Gradle, but Maven is probably used more widely.
I would also suggest keep your project "Mavenized", i.e. buildable without IDE. That does not mean don't use IDE of course, just make sure it is buildable right after pulling the project from the repository, without starting your IDE.
Just yesterday I read this great article that might help you adopt some good habits right from the start:
In fact there are many amazing Java EE tools and frameworks, I think the best combination will be using:
Spring framework, Hibernate ORM and JSF (precisely Primefaces) because they all have highly active communities, Good documentation with great tutorials.
I have very good experience with Tapestry5 and for the model layer JDBC templates or JPA(Hibernate) which is an ORM tool like Entity Framework.
Tapestry5 is a component based framework and it works nice. Great support for AJAX. They have a quite big community and a lot of components.
You can also use JSF (check primefaces, richfaces) + Spring(or CDI) + model layer
If you want something for rapid development use Vaadin or Liferay.
You can also go with Spring MVC which is also a good choice.
For testing use Selenium tests which are just great.

Please recommend a good Java framework for web development [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to Java framework.
I am looking for a good Java framework to help me build a JSP web site.
I googled for Java framework and it returned a few related terms for me:
struts, Cocoon, WebWork.
I have no clue which of them is for beginning learner.
Do I need to download netBean or eclipse to work along with any of these Java Framework? I need an auto-complete tool that helps when typing hundreds of lines of code.
Please advise and help.
Edited reason,
I have just found out that netBean has got Struts Java framework, what do you think of it? Is it good for beginning learner?
The Play framework makes it easier to build Web applications with Java. I havn't tried it though, but I feel it's "with" the present day web-dev framework ecosystem. It seems inspired by Rails.
Very much depends on your concrete needs but I'd invest some time into looking at Spring. It is a really great and flexible framework that promotes best practices.
I admit it will be a bit difficult to understand initially, especially if you're a beginner. But if you're willing to learn it's real fun. For using Spring framework you can use any arbitrary IDE, it really doesn't matter, although personally I prefer the Eclipse IDE, in this special case the Edition for Java EE developers.
As Juri said, Spring is worth looking at. For the specifics of web development, take a look at the Spring MVC tutorial.
Spring is pretty good. Struts is another framework with a pretty easier learning curve IMO.
#kwokwai: I have seen your comment on #Juri post.
Spring IDE would be helpful if you plan to choose Spring for your application.
Grails is my favorite.
While it's not Java the language, it's Java the platform. It compiles to Java bytecode and runs on any appserver / servlet engine. And integrates well with existing Java code.
Grails is more than just a web framework, it's a complete web application stack. But you can use only the web part if you like.
Grails really brings speed of development known to e.g. Rails to the Java platform.
During development, you can edit your controllers and services, and just hit reload in the browser, no redeploy needed (as you also can in The Play framework).
Tag libraries are really easy to create. And being able to write Groovy code rather than EL in the views (GSP, Grails' variant of JSP) is really powerful.
I would recommend Apache Wicket, its very easy, no XML-Configuration-OVerhead. Just have a look a the examples on the website.
Play! Framework. This is by far the easiest one to use. Been a user of Apache Turbine (since 2002), Apache Struts, CakePHP, I finally landed on Play!. You can watch a 10 mins video on but here I would like to mention some of my gotchas:
Easy, actually too easy to use. Many people's first impression on Play is it makes web dev become fun again on Java
Scalable. Because of the stateless model, the only thing you need to do to scale your 5 page hello world web app into a million vists per day busy site is to increase your box and running more instance of your app. You don't need to change one line of code to reach there.
Performance. Check this to see how Play! outperforms it's competitors when you use it as a standalone http server
Very active community and very good contributors. The questions you post on Play's google group get answered promptly. And you can find many interesting stuff contributed by community at here
You can also take a look at Spring Roo. It allows you work with Spring in a very lightweight fashion. In terms of ease of use this seems on par with Play framework or even better (due to tools support). Spring itself is a very established application framework and you are very likely to work with it during your professional career.
Although I'm spring user, I would encourage you to look at JBoss Seam. This framework is built on top of other powerful technologies, such as JPA, EJB3 and JSF. You will spent some time learning it of course. And keep in mind, that in order to run its applications, you will need java EE server such as JBoss, not an ordinary servlet container like Tomcat (actually you can run Seam on Tomcat, but you will get into some problems). And java EE hosting costs usually ~two times as much as Tomcat hosting.
Here is the comparison of Spring and Seam:
Just google seam vs spring if you want more details.

Java or Django for Liferay? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to get an opinion what language is better to use with LifeRay. I would like to build some app that I would like to integrate with LifeRay. What language do you suggest would I learn first?
Java? - A friend suggested that Java and LifeRay goes well.
Django? - I recently new this and seen the overview I find this pretty straight forward and I think would be easy for me to learn But I don't know if fits with LifeRay.
Liferay is written in 100% Java.
I don't know if there even exist a portlet in Python/Django. There is a Ruby/Rails bridge for Liferay Portlets , but I would definitely go for Java.
(Liferay) Portlets are based on Java Standards (JSR-268, JSR-186) so Java is the way to go.
Others have already answered that Liferay is a Java application. Let me add that there are definitely numerous ways to utilize other languages to customize liferay.
However, as you ask about what language to learn first be warned that a portal container is not the easiest environment to learn and - in addition to the language - you'll have to learn a great deal about the specifications implemented, the coding style and other used frameworks.
In code size, Liferay is huge. If you start to learn one of the two languages there are two aspects:
Regarding Liferay, support in the forums on is best in Java, I've rarely seen support for other languages (neither questions nor answers)
Regarding your personal learning curve: If you're working closely together with django folks you might get better support for them in django.
Basically: You have to decide for yourself. Learning a new language and a new framework/server/environment is tough.
There are ways to write JSR compliant portlets in Ruby, PHP and Groovy as well as Java through Portal Pack - you could also run Django through Jython on the app server backing LifeRay and use this to back portlets. I'm not sure how preferable this would be to just doing it in Java though...
I thought Liferay was a Java-based portal product. If Django and Python are an option, I'm not aware of it.
This link suggests that I'm correct.
Liferay does support creating portlets in scripting languages.
Take a look at their wiki for help
I have worked with Liferay DXP with many languages: Java, Kotlin, Scala. Liferay also works with web frameworks like JSF, Lexicon, Groovy, GWT, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Metal.js, React.JS, Angular JS and Angular 2, Node.js, Ruby and special mention Vaadin. Personally I´ve experience in Vaadin and Angular 2.
What I mean is that Liferay (just as develop portal, ant take out any content manager functionality) it is an excellent front integration for different developer teams, you can unified in a single security, look&feel, notification portal (and for the end-user it is seamless).
Django was developed with other objectives like reusability and pluggability, which it does an excellent work. But I don´t see any many Django portals.
So if you are looking to develop a portal using "micro-front" (term for web pages as micro-server is for back systems) using OSGi standard for many different system, go for Liferay. Django is more for monolitic systems.

What are the most commonly used Java Frameworks? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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for me I will answer this question based on my experience.
so if I'm gonna start new project I will use the following technologies:
AndroMDA as MDA framework.
Spring (DI, Interceptors, Quartz, ACEGI, ... etc).
off course you might need to play with some helper frameworks/libraries such as:
CAS; if you need SSO.
JXLs; if you need small and easy library for generating Excel files using XLS templates.
Drools; which is Artificial Intelligence a Rule Engine that uses the Rule Based approached to implement an Expert System and is more correctly classified as a Production Rule System.
in terms of testing I will consider the following frameworks:
TestNG; you may want to use JUnit in the part of Unit Testing but TestNG is more than a unite testing framework;
WATIR or SELENIUM as web testing;
Can anybody else suggest other options?
Here are just a few answers to your question that can be found on StackOverflow.
Best Java framework?
What is the most commonly used Java web framework?
Best java mvc framework implementation for web apps
What are the best MVC web frameworks on the market?
What are the best Java social networking frameworks?
Best server-side framework for heavy AJAX Java application
What Web Application Framework for Java is Recommended?
Java Validation Frameworks
Validation Framework in Java
Java 2D Game Frameworks
What are good docking frameworks for Java/Swing?
Which framework should I choose - Seam, Wicket, JSF or GWT?
Java Frameworks War: Spring and Hibernate
Recommended framework for Java Web Services
Java Desktop application framework
Alternate Java GUI Frameworks
What’s the best mock framework for Java?
Java configuration framework
You can do this search yourself via Google
I can't be sure, what I am gonna use in the coming new project. Unless otherwise, I am planning to do RDD, also here and here.
thanks Eddie for Googling hint.
When I asked this question I was biased to Web Application Development. Now I found this can't be answered in single question.
So I guess its better to have one page categorizing the Java Frameworks (DI, Web, ORM) with links in each category pointing to other questions in stackoverflow.
however this may end with something similar to
but categorized. so I will use your hint Eddie in my answer below:
ORM (Object Relational Mapping) frameworks:
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool
What Java ORM do you prefer, and why?
DI / IOC frameworks:
What DI/IoC framework should I learn next?
Web frameworks:
What is the best java web application framework that goes well with xml+xslt?
Which Java Web Framework fits best with Google Guice?
Which Java web framework best accommodates web designers?
Report engines:
What is the best free or low-cost Java reporting library (e.g. BIRT, JasperReports, etc.) for making newspaper-like reports
Testing Frameworks:
Which is the best tool for automatic GUI performance testing?
What's the best mock framework for Java?
What's the best mock framework for Java?
GUI libraries:
Code coverage tools:
Build tools:
What Tools Do You Recommend To Auto-Build Your Application?
Available Build Tools (make, etc)?
Static analysis tools:
What code metric(s) convince you that provided code is "crappy"?
Find bugs
if I missed something please let me know to update this answer. (thanks all)
Do not forget some static analysis tools, like for instance Findbugs.
Frameworks are means to an end. What is the project that you are trying to accomplish?
Tons of people use Spring, but for some people some obscure open-source API may save years of coding.
Before you grab the latest and greatest or not - perhaps you should note what you actually need and then find the best match ratehr than just grabbing jar files.
I would also use these tools to build the project and follow the rules.
Maven build system
Nexus repository server
Hudson CI server
PMD, FindBugs

