Sending messages from pc via mobile phone using java - java

I am working on an application, using java, that has the following features:
User connects his mobile to a PC using a usb cable or bluetooth.
User types a message on his PC (in the textfield provided by my software).
User types a phone number (in a textbox provided by my software).
User clicks the send button.
Then, the software should send the message to the specified phone number and appropriate charges should be applied to my mobile balance. In other words, I am directing my mobile through my software to send message to a specified number.
How shall i do that? Is core java sufficient for this purpose or i have to use j2me or is there any particular java framework that would be suitable for this?

One option is to connect the phone to the pc using serial link (COM). Need to configure the phone connected physically by USB or Bluetooth in order to appear in a COM (serial) port.
Then you need to create an application for PC (Java or whatever can open serial ports) that opens the COM port used by the phone and send the proper AT commands. Serial port can be opened by JavaComm 2.0 Win32 or more recently RxTx.
Open the serial port and write and read command by writing and reading bytes, in the same way a socket.
Then create a visual application that let user set the information like phone number for destination, text...
You need Java SE or whatever language allows you to create visual applications and opening serial ports (Java, .NET, Python...).
Some links about AT commands by serial port in Windows: 1, 2, 3.
Another option could be using native API from the mobile OS through a socket, but seems complex and using AT commands and serial port should work for all phones and the only problem is connecting the phone by serial over USB or BlueTooth and managing the serial port.

This is highly dependent on the Mobile OS you're using. Are you using Windows Mobile, Android OS, BlackBerry OS?
If you're using Android, then you should use the built in SmsManager to do that. The SmsManager can do the following:
Manages SMS operations such as sending data, text, and pdu SMS messages.
Since you're using Symbian OS, then check out the documentation for more information on sending SMS messages. I assume that you can figure out the rest (i.e. how to get the text fields for the number and the message, etc.)
Here is an example from the Symbian OS documentation:
public boolean sendSms(String number, String message){
boolean result = true;
try {
//sets address to send message
String addr = "sms://"+number;
// opens connection
MessageConnection conn = (MessageConnection);
// prepares text message
TextMessage msg =
//set text
// send message
} catch (SecurityException se) {
// probably the user has not allowed to send sms
// you may want to handle this differently
result = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
result = false;
return result;
The above snippet came from the guide on "How to Send Text SMS in Java ME"


How to connect with a Bluetooth device without pairing

I'm currently developping my first app in java.
This app requires a direct connection with my BL652, which doesn' t accept any kind of pairing option. That being said, I'm stuck with the code below, which still tries to pair with my bluetooth device instead of just connecting. Therefore, I wanted to know what am i supposed to do in order to make a connection that doesnt require pairing.
Thanks in advance for any response.
String mac_address = "DA:72:21:29:0F:F0";
private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("E54B0002-67F5-479E-8711-B3B99198CE6C");
lvNewDevices.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(mac_address);
try {
socket = device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(MY_UUID);
} catch (IOException e) {
I'm not sure about connection to external hardware but it's definetly possible to connect 2 phones without pairing. I made it using Android Nearby Connections . And yeah it's basically working with BLE. As far as I know it's possible to connect to RaspberryPi using that API.
Bluetooth devices can be made to communicate with each other using master-slave configuration. I first tried with two BLE-HC05s, made one as master and the other as slave, and as expected the master is able to send data, slave is able to receive data, that can be seen using the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE. I have developed a similar app, which connects to a BLE-HC05 device, sends and receives data. But since you are trying to get data or send data to the App on your phone, Android will not support such unpaired anonymous communications. If you are having trouble with connection or pairing Bluetooth device and your app, I may help you with that. But as far as Bluetooth communication without pairing is concerned, you may not be able to find a way.
Edit: The code to connect any bluetooth device, like BLE-HC06 as you have mentioned, is 1234 (Only if you have not changed it)

Java desktop bluetooth client can not find services

I am new to bluetooth programming, so please keep that in mind.
I am trying to connect to a pulse sensor from a desktop pc, specifically the Zephyr HxM BT. I am not using any device specific drivers, the Java bluetooth library I'm using is Bluecove, and my bluetooth stack is BlueSoleil.
From my understanding, the way I proceed is
1) Scan for BT devices
public void startSearch() throws BluetoothStateException{
System.out.println("Inquiry started");
localdevice.getDiscoveryAgent().startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, this);
This works fine, it discovers my pulse belt and calls
public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice arg0, DeviceClass arg1)
2) Search a device for services
Once a device has been discovered, it should be added to the DiscoveryAgent's list of cached devices, this is my first problem as the cache (and preknown devices) is always empty even though I've discovered my belt.
So the way that I do this now is to either keep my own list of devices, or simply start a service search directly from deviceDiscovered.
I am still a bit unsure if I'm using the correct parameters, but from reading the BT device manual and the javax.bluetooth documentation on DiscoveryAgent.searchServices:
public int searchServices(int[] attrSet,
UUID[] uuidSet,
RemoteDevice btDev,
DiscoveryListener discListener)
throws BluetoothStateException
My code:
public void searchServices(RemoteDevice device){
UUID[] uuidSet = new UUID[1];
uuidSet[0]=new UUID("1101",false); //Serial Port
System.out.println("Searching for services on " + device.getBluetoothAddress() );
agent.searchServices(null,uuidSet, device,this);}
catch (BluetoothStateException e){
System.out.println("BluetoothStateException caught.");
I've set the attributes parameter to null, because the documentation states that this will have it search for services with the default attributes, however I've also tried to use only ServiceID (0x0003) as attribute with no luck.
This is where I'm stuck, I pass the correct BT device into the function, and it starts searching but never give me any results, it just searches forever for all I know, no exception, no calls to
public void servicesDiscovered(int arg0, ServiceRecord[] arg1)
public void serviceSearchCompleted(int arg0, int arg1)
So I guess my questions are:
- Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions?
- What are the other approaches to connecting to a BT device, and what
information do I have to know about the device to do that?
Here is some information that I think is relevant from the device manual:
The following steps have to be undertaken to connect to a HxM device.
1) Activate the Bluetooth service of the device/computer wanting to connect to the HxM
2) Scan for Bluetooth devices in range
3) Pair with the HxM device found in range
4) Discover Services of Paired HxM
5) Connect to serial port of HxM device
The diagram above shows that the Bluetooth HxM typically communicates with a mobile device over the Bluetooth
link. The HxM only supports one link at a time and uses the Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Profile) to communicate
with other devices with the following low-level protocol:
• 115,200 baud
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
Any suggestions are very much appreciated
edit: I just want to add that I'm testing the code with a console input loop, so the program is not immediately terminated after calling searchServices, it should have time to complete unless I'm misunderstanding async tasks
I just wanted to update this and say that I found the problem, it seems that I had to use a short UUID instead of a long. I should have tried both of these options before I deemed myself stuck, but I didn't think it would make any difference.

Android code to Broadcast live audio stream from phone [duplicate]

The code is only streaming for one user at a time. Can anyone help me to play the stream in more than one system at the same time(convert it to multicast or broadcast).
Thanks in advance.
The library source is over here:
my current code is:
mSurfaceView = ( findViewById(;
// Sets the port of the RTSP server to 1234
Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit();
editor.putString(RtspServer.KEY_PORT, String.valueOf(5060)); // audio port num
// Configures the SessionBuilde
MainActivity.this.startService(new Intent(MainActivity.this,RtspServer.class));
I looked at the code at github and seems that you only need to specify the multicast address to the SessionBuilder class and then the underlying RTSP server and RTP transport should handle everything (at least the RTSP responses seem have code to produce correct transport descriptions). So I guess adding a setDestination call to your SessionBuilder configuration should be ok (replace the with the address you need):
// Configures the SessionBuilde
The clients will still connect to the RTSP server through it's address but the actual RTP stream should be single and shared among all the clients.

jPcap - send packet to selected MAC (not the selected interface)

I'm trying to send ethernet packet to choosed destination MAC address using jPcap:
public void sendPacket(Packet packet, byte[] srcMac, byte[] dstMac, Interface i) throws IOException
JpcapSender sender = JpcapSender.openDevice(i.netInterface);
EthernetPacket ether = new EthernetPacket();
ether.frametype = EthernetPacket.ETHERTYPE_IP;
ether.src_mac = srcMac; // MAC address of selected interface
ether.dst_mac = dstMac; // MAC addr. choosed somwhere on form
packet.datalink = ether;
It works, but it's always sent to the selected interface not to the dst_mac!
So I don't understand the relation between selected interface and scr_mac:
why I have to choose both (interface and scr_mac)?
why I have to add dst_mac even if it's not used?
how to send packet out of my computer then?
why I have to choose both (interface and scr_mac)?
The interface is what the software is using to communicate (to send or receive packets). This is usually your ethernet card. You need to specify it so that Jpcap knows how to send the information. The src_mac address is part of the packet header. It is intended to be used dynamically so that as the packets are being sent they are updated with the appropriate information. The src_mac does not necessarily play a role in how the packet is sent.
why I have to add dst_mac even if it's not used?
It is used. Make sure that you have the other device with the specified mac address linked to your source by a direct ethernet connection, and also make sure that it is ready to receive the data. Right now, what I suspect is happening, is you're trying to read back through your same interface on the host computer.
Jpcap's website has some tutorials and samples I found useful. I've worked quite a bit with the Jpcap library, and I would be happy to help you if you have any more questions.

Remote print module in Java

I am working on an application that will sport a web-based point of sale interface.
The point of sale PC (I am not sure as of now whether it will run on Linux or Windows) must have a fiscal printer attached to it, but like any web app, it is the server which processes all stuff. Both server and PoS machines are on the same LAN.
I must send the sale data in real time, and via the fiscal printer which uses the serial port, so printing a PDF or even a web page is not an option.
I've been told I could have a little app listening on web services on the client, which in turn talks to the printer instead of the server or the browser, but don't have a clue how to do it. Also, I'll most likely need to listen to any printer feedback (coupon number, for instance, which is generated by the printer) and hand it back to the server.
Any ideas?
I did something similar to this a couple of yrs. ago. But in my case the server and the PC where in the same lan. Is your PoS within the lan? If so, I'll explain it to you.
In the mean time, if you have the "little app" covered you can take a look at the following:
The print service have a method to discover the printers registered within machine it is running on. So after you receive the message from the server on your app you just have to do something similar to the code shown in the link above:
Taked from,
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT;
PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestHashAttributeSet();
PrintService[] pservices =
PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, aset);
if (pservices.length > 0) {
DocPrintJob pj = pservices[0].createPrintJob();
// InputStreamDoc is an implementation of the Doc interface //
Doc doc = new InputStreamDoc("", flavor);
try {
pj.print(doc, aset);
} catch (PrintException e) {
That's why you have applets. But applets run in a security sandbox. However, if the right kind of privileges are given to the applet running in a webapp, it can open socket, write to files, write to serial port, etc.

