I have written a program to monitor the status of some hard drives attached to a RAID on Linux. Through this program I execute several command line commands. An interesting error occurs though....the program runs for a good three minutes before it seems that it can no longer correctly execute the command it had been previously executing (for many iterations).
It spits out an array index error (my variable driveLetters[d]) because it appears to miss the drive somehow (even though it found it hundreds of times before).
Other things to note...if I tell it to reset int "d" to "0" if it exceeds the number of drives...the program won't crash and instead will just become stuck in an infinite loop.
Also, the time at which the program crashes varies. It doesn't appear to crash after a set number of intervals. Finally, I don't get any kind of memory leak errors.
Here is some of code that should reveal the error:
public static void scsi_generic() throws IOException, InterruptedException
int i =0;
int d =0;
int numberOfDrives = 8;
char driveLetters[] = {'b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m'};
String drive = "";
while (i <= numberOfDrives)
System.out.println("position 1");
List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
SystemCommandExecutor commandExecutor = new SystemCommandExecutor(commands);
int driveFound = commandExecutor.executeCommand();
if (driveFound == 0)
System.out.println("Folder: sg" + i + " was found." );
StringBuilder stdout = commandExecutor.getStandardOutputFromCommand();
String data = stdout.toString();
String sas = data.substring(11,12);
int sasA = Integer.parseInt(sas,16);
boolean matchedSG = false;
while (matchedSG == false)
List<String> lookSD = new ArrayList<String>();
lookSD.add("/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg"+i+"/device/block:sd" + driveLetters[d]);
SystemCommandExecutor commandSearch = new SystemCommandExecutor(lookSD);
int sdFound = commandSearch.executeCommand();
StringBuilder stdout3 = commandSearch.getStandardOutputFromCommand();
StringBuilder stderr = commandSearch.getStandardErrorFromCommand();
String sdFound2 = stdout3.toString();
if (sdFound == 0)
matchedSG = true;
System.out.println("Found the SD drive.");
drive = "sd"+driveLetters[d];
hdsas.set(sasA , sas);
d = 0;
loadDrives(drive , sasA);
/* else if (sdFound != )
System.out.println("Error:" + sdFound);
System.out.println(d+ " "+ i);
else if ( d >= 8)
System.out.println("Drive letter: " + driveLetters[d]);
System.out.println("Int: " + i);
// System.out.println(sdFound2);
System.out.println("sd error: "+ sdFound);
// System.out.println(stderr);
//System.out.println(sdFound2 + " m");
System.out.println("Folder: sg" + i + " could not be found.");
d =0;
Any help or suggestions would be awesome! Thanks.
The solution I found was to use the java library for testing if a directory exists rather than doing it through the linux command line.
File location = new File("directory");
if (location.exists())
No idea why it works and doesn't crash, where as the linux command line did after a short period of time, but it does.
This is no direct answer to your question, but it still might help you:
I often have to find bugs in code like yours (very long methods with "global" variables, that is, variables declared at the beginning of a method and used all over then). Just by refactoring the code properly (short methods with a single purpose each), the cause of the bug becomes immediately visible to me and is fixed within a second (while the refactoring itself takes much longer).
I guess that's what everyone trying to offer you help is doing anyway: Refactor your code (probably only in one's head) so that is (much) more easy to understand what's going on.
The solution I found was to use the java library for testing if a directory exists rather than doing it through the linux command line.
File location = new File("directory");
if (location.exists())
No idea why it works and doesn't crash, where as the linux command line did after a short period of time, but it does.
i have a performance problem when trying to create a csv file starting from another csv file.
this is how the original file looks:
potentially it could be millions of lines like this, i have detected the problem with 1.280.000 lines.
this is the algorithm:
File csvInputFile = new File(csv_path);
int blockSize = 409600;
brCsvInputFile = new BufferedReader(frCsvInputFile, blockSize);
String line = null;
StringBuilder sbIntermediate = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = brCsvInputFile.readLine()) != null) {
createIntermediateStringBuffer(sbIntermediate, line.split(REGEX_COMMA));
private static void skipFirstLine(BufferedReader br) throws IOException {
String line = br.readLine();
String[] splitLine = line.split(REGEX_COMMA);
LOGGER.debug("First line detected! ");
private static void createIndex(String[] splitLine) {
LOGGER.debug("START method createIndex.");
for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.length; i++)
headerIndex.put(splitLine[i], i);
LOGGER.debug("COMPLETED method createIndex.");
private static void createIntermediateIndex(String[] splitLine) {
LOGGER.debug("START method createIntermediateIndex.");
com.tekcomms.c2d.xml.model.v2.Metadata_element[] metadata_element = null;
String[] servicePath = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getService_path().getLevel();
if (newTopology.getElement().getMetadata() != null)
metadata_element = newTopology.getElement().getMetadata().getMetadata_element();
int indexIntermediateId = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < servicePath.length; i++) {
String level = servicePath[i];
LOGGER.debug("level is: " + level);
headerIntermediateIndex.put(level, indexIntermediateId);
// its identificator is going to be located to the next one
headerIntermediateIndex.put(level + "ID", indexIntermediateId);
// adding cpe.latitude,cpe.longitude,cpe.customer_class, it could be
// better if it would be metadata as well.
String labelLatitude = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getLatitude();
// indexIntermediateId++;
headerIntermediateIndex.put(labelLatitude, indexIntermediateId);
String labelLongitude = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getLongitude();
headerIntermediateIndex.put(labelLongitude, indexIntermediateId);
String labelCustomerClass = newTopology.getElement().getCustomer_class();
headerIntermediateIndex.put(labelCustomerClass, indexIntermediateId);
// adding metadata
// cpe.phone,cpe.ip,cpe.subscriber_id,cpe.vendor,cpe.model,cpe.customer_status,cpe.contact_telephone,cpe.address,
// cpe.city,cpe.state,cpe.zip,cpe.bootfile,cpe.software_version,cpe.hardware_version
// now i need to iterate over each Metadata_element belonging to
// topology.element.metadata
// are there any metadata?
if (metadata_element != null && metadata_element.length != 0)
for (int j = 0; j < metadata_element.length; j++) {
String label = metadata_element[j].getLabel();
label = label.toLowerCase();
LOGGER.debug(" ==label: " + label + " index_pos: " + j);
headerIntermediateIndex.put(label, indexIntermediateId);
LOGGER.debug("COMPLETED method createIntermediateIndex.");
Reading the entire dataset, 1.280.000 lines take 800 ms! so the problem is in this method
private static void createIntermediateStringBuffer(StringBuilder sbIntermediate, String[] splitLine) throws ClassCastException,
NullPointerException {
LOGGER.debug("START method createIntermediateStringBuffer.");
long start, end;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
ArrayList<String> hashes = new ArrayList<String>();
com.tekcomms.c2d.xml.model.v2.Metadata_element[] metadata_element = null;
String[] servicePath = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getService_path().getLevel();
if (newTopology.getElement().getMetadata() != null) {
metadata_element = newTopology.getElement().getMetadata().getMetadata_element();
for (int i = 0; i < servicePath.length; i++) {
String level = servicePath[i];
LOGGER.debug("level is: " + level);
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(level)) {
String name = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(level)];
LOGGER.debug(" ==sbIntermediate: " + sbIntermediate.toString());
// end=System.currentTimeMillis();
// LOGGER.info("COMPLETED adding name hash. " + (end - start) + " ms. " + (end - start) / 1000 + " seg.");
// adding cpe.latitude,cpe.longitude,cpe.customer_class, it should be
// better if it would be metadata as well.
String labelLatitude = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getLatitude();
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(labelLatitude)) {
String lat = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(labelLatitude)];
String labelLongitude = newTopology.getElement().getEntity().getLongitude();
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(labelLongitude)) {
String lon = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(labelLongitude)];
String labelCustomerClass = newTopology.getElement().getCustomer_class();
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(labelCustomerClass)) {
String customerClass = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(labelCustomerClass)];
// end=System.currentTimeMillis();
// LOGGER.info("COMPLETED adding lat,lon,customer. " + (end - start) + " ms. " + (end - start) / 1000 + " seg.");
// watch out metadata are optional, it can appear as a void chain!
if (metadata_element != null && metadata_element.length != 0)
for (int j = 0; j < metadata_element.length; j++) {
String label = metadata_element[j].getLabel();
LOGGER.debug(" ==label: " + label + " index_pos: " + j);
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(label)) {
String actualValue = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(label)];
if (!"".equals(actualValue))
} else
LOGGER.debug(" ==sbIntermediate: " + sbIntermediate.toString());
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.info("COMPLETED method createIntermediateStringBuffer. " + (end - start) + " ms. ");
As you can see, this method adds a precalculated line to the StringBuffer, reads every line from input csv file, calculate new data from that lines and finally add the generated line to the StringBuffer, so finally i can create the file with that buffer.
I have run jconsole and i can see that there are no memory leaks, i can see the sawtooths representing the creation of objects and the gc recollecting garbaje. It never traspasses the memory heap threshold.
One thing i have noticed is that the time needed for add a new line to the StringBuffer is completed within a very few ms range, (5,6,10), but is raising with time, to (100-200) ms and i suspect more in a near future, so probably this is the battle horse.
I have tried to analyze the code, i know that there are 3 for loops, but they are very shorts, the first loop iterates over 8 elements only:
for (int i = 0; i < servicePath.length; i++) {
String level = servicePath[i];
LOGGER.debug("level is: " + level);
if (splitLine.length > getPositionFromIndex(level)) {
String name = splitLine[getPositionFromIndex(level)];
LOGGER.debug(" ==sbIntermediate: " + sbIntermediate.toString());
I have meassured the time needed to get the name from the splitline and it is worthless, 0 ms, the same to calculateHash method, 0 ms.
the other loop, are practically the same, iterates over 0 to n, where n is a very tiny int, 3 to 10 for example, so i do not understand why it takes more time to finish the method, the only thing i find is that to add a new line to the buffer is getting slow the process.
I am thinking about a producer consumer multi threaded strategy, a reader thread that reads every line and put them into a circular buffer, another threads take it one by one, process them and add a precalculated line to the StringBuffer, which is thread safe, when the file is fully readed, the reader thread sends a message to to the another threads telling them to stop. Finally i have to save this buffer to a file. What do you think? this is a good idea?
I am thinking about a producer consumer multi threaded strategy, a reader thread that reads every line and put them into a circular buffer, another threads take it one by one, process them and add a precalculated line to the StringBuffer, which is thread safe, when the file is fully readed, the reader thread sends a message to to the another threads telling them to stop. Finally i have to save this buffer to a file. What do you think? this is a good idea?
Maybe, but it's quite a lot of work, I'd try something simpler first.
Your REGEX_COMMA is a string which gets compiled into an regex a million times. It's trivial, but I'd try to use a Pattern instead.
You're producing a lot of garbage with your split. Maybe you should avoid it by manually splitting the input into a reused ArrayList<String> (it's just a few lines).
If all you need is writing the result into a file, it might be better to avoid building one huge String. Maybe a List<String> or even a List<StringBuilder> would be better, maybe writing directly to a buffered stream would do.
You seem to be working with ASCII only. Your encoding is platform dependent which may mean you're using UTF-8, which is possibly slow. Switching to a simpler encoding could help.
Working with byte[] instead of String would most probably help. Bytes are half as big as chars and there's no conversion needed when reading a file. All the operations you do can be done with bytes equally easy.
One thing i have noticed is that the time needed for add a new line to the StringBuffer is completed within a very few ms range, (5,6,10), but is raising with time, to (100-200) ms and i suspect more in a near future, so probably this is the battle horse.
That's resizing, which could be sped up by using the suggested ArrayList<String>, as the amount of data to be copied is much lower. Writing the data out when the buffer gets big would do as well.
I have meassured the time needed to get the name from the splitline and it is worthless, 0 ms, the same to calculateHash method, 0 ms.
Never use currentTimeMillis for this as nanoTime is strictly better. Use a profiler. The problem with a profiler is that it changes what it should measure. As a poor man's profiler, you can compute the sum of all the times spend inside of the suspect method and compare it with the total time.
What's the CPU load and what does GC do when running the program?
I used superCSV library in my project to handle large set of lines. it is relatively fast than manually read the lines. Reference
I'm writing a Java program that prints information to a text file as it runs. When testing my program on my Mac in Eclipse, it works properly--both creating the text file and writing to it. I exported my program to a .jar file to test on different computers, and when I run the .jar file on other Mac computers, everything works as it should. However, when I run the program on a Windows computer, a file is created but nothing is written to it. I have searched for Filewriter issues on different operating systems, but haven't come up with anything so far--thoughts?
Below is the code I use to write to the file. It's within a timer task and writes an angle value and a time stamp to the file on each execution. Everything else within the timer task works properly on all operating systems, so that isn't the issue. If it helps, here is an example of a file might look like:
1 270
2 30
3 26
4 29
etc. with the first column containing the time count and the second column containing an angle value.
The code:
public AnAngleTimerTask(Model newModel, int newCounter, int newEndAnalysis,
int newSampleEvery) {
model = newModel;
counter = newCounter;
endAnalysis = newEndAnalysis;
sampleEvery = newSampleEvery;
angles = new int[(int) Math
.floor((endAnalysis - counter) / sampleEvery)];
times = new int[(int) Math.floor((endAnalysis - counter) / sampleEvery)];
file = newFile();
public void run() {
PrintWriter out;
// get angle and write to file
if (!model.getTimer().getPaused()) {
int usbAngle = retrieveAngle();
times[i] = counter;
angles[i] = usbAngle;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)));
out.printf("%-10d %-10d\n", counter, usbAngle);
} catch (IOException e) {
counter = counter + sampleEvery;
if (counter == endAnalysis) {
System.out.println("End Analysis");
public File newFile() {
String nameString;
Date myDate = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd:HH-mm-ss");
String myDateString = sdf.format(myDate);
if (model.getArenaName() == null) {
nameString = "Arena" + model.getName() + "Tracker";
} else {
nameString = model.getArenaName();
File file = new File(model.getPath() + "/" + nameString + "_"
+ model.getName() + "_" + myDateString + ".txt");
return file;
Please let me know if you need any other information or code for context.
Is the file empty? Or is the output not as expected. Depending on that, changing from
out.printf("%-10d %-10d\n", counter, usbAngle);
out.printf("%-10d %-10d%n", counter, usbAngle);
might help. With the first one it sends a raw line feed. Second one does the platform specific conversion and generate a \r\n on windows
PrintWriter swallows exceptions, and you aren't calling checkError() to see if one happened. Try it with a BufferedWriter. You'll have to use something other than printf() of course.
After some trial and tribulation, I discovered that the issue was actually that I was using a file name with a colon in it (generated by the SimpleDateFormat), which is permitted on Macs but not on Windows. Got rid of the colon and everything works as it should!
I'm writing a little program to analyze some data I have and this code, which worked yesterday, is no longer working.
For the life of me, I can't tell why. To my eye, everything is as it should be. I've tried re-syncing the folder on my computer with my GitHub Repo and still was receiving the same error. Maybe a second pair of eyes could help me out?
The text file being read from can be found here.
Here are the methods referred to by the stack trace:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
FileManagementMethods fmm = new FileManagementMethods();
void runProgram() throws IOException{
boolean doesFileExist = doesFileExist();
int numLines = getNumberOfLines();
String[] linesFromFile = getLines(numLines);
WeatherAnalysisMethods wam = new WeatherAnalysisMethods();
} else{
try {
throw new IOException("Could not find log.txt in default directory");
} catch (IOException e) {
void parseFileAverageHumidity(String[] linesFromFile) throws IOException{
int[] humiditiesFromFile = new int[linesFromFile.length];
humiditiesFromFile = getHumiditiesFromFile(linesFromFile.length);
int averageFromFile = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < humiditiesFromFile.length; i++){
averageFromFile += humiditiesFromFile[i];
averageFromFile = averageFromFile / humiditiesFromFile.length;
String outString = "Average humidity for whole file = " + averageFromFile;
FileManagementMethods fmm = new FileManagementMethods();
int[] getHumiditiesFromFile(int numLines){
int[] humiditiesFromFile = new int[numLines];
FileManagementMethods fmm = new FileManagementMethods();
String[] lines = fmm.getLines(numLines);
int i = 0;
while(1 < numLines){
String[] lineDivides = lines[i].split(",");
String tempString = lineDivides[4];
humiditiesFromFile[i] = Integer.parseInt(tempString);
return humiditiesFromFile;
Line 51:
String tempString = lineDivides[4];
And here is the stack trace:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4
at org.weatheralert.analysis.WeatherAnalysisMethods.getHumiditiesFromFile(WeatherAnalysisMethods.java:51)
at org.weatheralert.analysis.WeatherAnalysisMethods.parseFileAverageHumidity(WeatherAnalysisMethods.java:22)
at org.weatheralert.analysis.FileManagementMethods.runProgram(FileManagementMethods.java:22)
at org.weatheralert.analysis.Main.main(Main.java:9)
If you guys need more information, don't hesitate to ask.
The problem is here, inside your getHumiditiesFromFile method:
while(1 < numLines){
It should be
while (i < numLines){
Since inside this loop you're calling humiditiesFromFile[i].
As Foo Bar User noted in comment, the error may be here:
String tempString = lineDivides[4];
It would be better to make sure there are at least 4 items in that array.
Besides that, the error noted in the section above (assuming it's not a typo) could also throw this Exception for being in an infinite loop.
You've hardcoded a 4 here without checking to see if it exists:
String tempString = lineDivides[4];
You will need to do some data validation beforehand. You're assuming that the line you read has at least three commas. Either change the code to check, or validate the file.
So, it was a silly issue.... JSoup had a couple bad connections and didn't save some of the data I needed it to save. So it didn't recognize some of the lines of data.
Once I fixed the actual data, it runs without issue again.
I apologize for wasting your time.
I am using a terminal emulator library to create a terminal and then I use it to send the data entered over serial to a serial device. When the data is sent back I want to parse it and show the most important information to the user in an editText. Currently I receive byte arrays/chunks and I convert them to a string. When I get a \r or a \n I crete a new string and the process repeats. This is fine for most commands, however some commands return results over multiple lines like "show vlan" here:
When I loop through this I get a string for each line. The first would contain VLAN Name Status and Ports, as an example. So now I have a problem, how can I VLAN 1 has x ports active. They are in different strings. Here is the code and screenshot for a current easier command where I am interested in one line:
Handler viewHandler = new Handler();
Runnable updateView = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (statusBool == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < dataReceived.length(); i++) {
parseCommand = parseCommand + dataReceived.charAt(i);
if (dataReceived.charAt(i) == '\n' || dataReceived.charAt(i) == '\r'){
String[] tokens = parseCommand.split("\\s{1,}");
final String ReceivedText = mReceiveBox.getText().toString() + " "
+ new String("Software Version: " + tokens[1] + "\n" );
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
parseCommand = "";
statusBool = false;
viewHandler.postDelayed(updateView, 1000);
Now I would like to change this so i can deal with multiple lines. Would the ebst way be to store strings if they contain certain information?
I need this outputted on the right hand editText:
"The following ports are on vlan 1: Fa1/0, fa1/1, fa1/2, fa1/3, fa1/4, fa1/5, fa1/6, fa1/7, fa1/8, fa1/9, fa1/10, fa1/11, Gi0"
Basically, you need a way to reliably detect the end of a command result. Then it boils down to sending your command, reading data from the device until you encounter the end of result, and finally parsing that result.
I would scan for the prompt (switch#) as you do in your own answer. Maybe your are even able to force the device to use a more peculiar character sequence, which is unlikely to occur in the regular output of commands and makes it easier to detect the end of a result. For example, you could try to configure the prompt to include a control character like ^G or ^L. Or if your users don't mind, you could always send a second command that emits such a sequence, for example, "show vlan; echo ^G".
You should also be prepared for command errors, which result in a different output, for example, more or fewer lines as expected or a totally different output format. A result may even contain both, a regular output and a warning or an error.
I solved this in a messy way with a boolean and a few strings. i made a method for appending strings.
if((parseCommand.contains("VLAN Name") && parseCommand.contains("Status")&& parseCommand.contains("Ports"))
|| ((ShowVlanAppend.contains("VLAN Name")&& ShowVlanAppend.contains("Status")&& ShowVlanAppend.contains("Ports"))))
if(finalCommandBool == true){
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ShowVlanAppend = "";
finalCommand = "";
finalCommandBool = false;
public void commandParse()
if (!parseCommand.contains("switch#")){
ShowVlanAppend = ShowVlanAppend + parseCommand;
finalCommand = ShowVlanAppend;
finalCommandBool = true;
For my application, I had to write a custom "readline" method since I wanted to detect and preserve the newline endings in an ASCII text file. The Java readLine() method does not tell which newline sequence (\r, \n, \r\n) or EOF was encountered, so I cannot put the exact same newline sequence when writing to the modified file.
Here is the SSCE of my test example.
public class TestLineIO {
public static java.util.ArrayList<String> readLineArrayFromFile1(java.io.File file) {
java.util.ArrayList<String> lineArray = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
try {
java.io.BufferedReader br = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.FileReader(file));
String strLine;
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not read file");
return lineArray;
public static boolean writeLineArrayToFile1(java.util.ArrayList<String> lineArray, java.io.File file) {
try {
java.io.BufferedWriter out = new java.io.BufferedWriter(new java.io.FileWriter(file));
int size = lineArray.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not write file");
return false;
return true;
public static java.util.ArrayList<String> readLineArrayFromFile2(java.io.File file) {
java.util.ArrayList<String> lineArray = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
try {
java.io.FileInputStream stream = new java.io.FileInputStream(file);
try {
java.nio.channels.FileChannel fc = stream.getChannel();
java.nio.MappedByteBuffer bb = fc.map(java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, fc.size());
char[] fileArray = java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset().decode(bb).array();
if (fileArray == null || fileArray.length == 0) {
return lineArray;
int length = fileArray.length;
int start = 0;
int index = 0;
while (index < length) {
if (fileArray[index] == '\n') {
lineArray.add(new String(fileArray, start, index - start + 1));
start = index + 1;
} else if (fileArray[index] == '\r') {
if (index == length - 1) { //last character in the file
lineArray.add(new String(fileArray, start, length - start));
start = length;
} else {
if (fileArray[index + 1] == '\n') {
lineArray.add(new String(fileArray, start, index - start + 2));
start = index + 2;
} else {
lineArray.add(new String(fileArray, start, index - start + 1));
start = index + 1;
if (start < length) {
lineArray.add(new String(fileArray, start, length - start));
} finally {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not read file");
return lineArray;
return lineArray;
public static boolean writeLineArrayToFile2(java.util.ArrayList<String> lineArray, java.io.File file) {
try {
java.io.BufferedWriter out = new java.io.BufferedWriter(new java.io.FileWriter(file));
int size = lineArray.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not write file");
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fileName = "test.txt";
long start = 0;
long stop = 0;
start = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
java.io.File f = new java.io.File(fileName);
java.util.ArrayList<String> javaLineArray = readLineArrayFromFile1(f);
stop = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
System.out.println("Total time = " + (stop - start) + " ms");
java.io.File oj = new java.io.File(fileName + "_readline.txt");
writeLineArrayToFile1(javaLineArray, oj);
start = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
java.util.ArrayList<String> myLineArray = readLineArrayFromFile2(f);
stop = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
System.out.println("Total time = " + (stop - start) + " ms");
java.io.File om = new java.io.File(fileName + "_custom.txt");
writeLineArrayToFile2(myLineArray, om);
Version 1 uses readLine(), whereas version 2 is my version, which preserves newline characters.
On a text file with about 500K lines, version1 takes about 380 ms, whereas version2 takes 1074 ms.
How can I speed-up the performance of version2?
I checked Google guava and apache-commons libraries but cannot find a suitable replacement for "readLine()" that will tell which newline character was encountered when reading a text file.
Whenever the issue regards a program's speed, the main thing you should keep in mind is that, for any continuous process within that program, the speed is nearly always limited by one of two things: CPU (processing power) or IO (memory allocation and transfer speed).
Usually either your CPU is faster than your IO, or the contrary. Because of this, your program's speed-limit is almost always dictated by one of them, and it's usually easy to know which:
A program that does a lot of calculations but makes only a few, small operations with files, is almost certainly CPU-bound.
A program that reads a lot of data from files, or writes a lot of data to them, but is not very demanding towards processing, is almost certainly IO-bound.
Things are kinda straightforward when trying to improve an CPU-bounded program's speed. It mostly comes down to achieving the same goal or effect while making less operations.
This, on the other hand, does not make the process any easier. In fact, it's usually much harder to optimize CPU-bounded programs than to optimize IO-bounded ones, because each CPU-related operation is usually unique, and has to be revised individually.
Although generally easier once you have the experience, things are not so straightforward with IO-bound programs. There are a lot more stuff to consider when dealing with IO-bound processes.
I'll be using Hard-Disk Drives (HDDs) as the basis, since the characteristics I'll mention affect HDDs the strongest (because they are mechanical), but you should keep in mind that many of the same concepts apply, to some extent, to almost every memory-storage hardware, including Solid-State Drives (SSDs) and even RAM!
These are the main performance characteristics of most memory-storage hardware:
Access time: Also known as response time, it is the time it takes before the hardware can actually transfer data.
For mechanical hardware such as HDDs, this is mostly related to the mechanical nature of the drive, in other words, it's rotating disk and moving "heads". As such, access time of mechanical drives can vary significantly between each-other.
For circuital hardware such as SSDs and RAM, this time is not dependent on moving parts, but rather electrical connections, so the access time is very quick and consistent, and you shouldn't worry about it.
Seek time: The time it takes for the hardware to seek (reach) the correct position within it's internal subdivisions, in order to read from or write to addresses in that section.
For mechanical drives, mainly rotary ones, the seek time measures the time it takes the head assembly on the actuator arm to travel to the track of the disk where the data will be read from or written to.
Average seek time ranges from 3 ms (~) for high-end server drives, to 15 ms (~) for mobile drives, with the most common desktop drives typically having a seek time around 9 ms (~).
With RAM and SSDs, there are no moving parts, so a measurement of the seek time is only testing the electronic circuits, and preparing a particular location on the memory in the device for the operation.
Typical SSDs will have a seek time between 0.08 to 0.16 ms (~), with RAM being even faster.
Command-Processing time: Also known as command overhead, it is the time it takes for the drive's electronics to set up the necessary communication between the various internal components, so it can read or write the data.
This is in the range of 0.003 ms (~) for both, mechanical and circuital devices, and is usually ignored in benchmarks.
Settle time: It is the time it takes for the heads to settle on the target track and stop vibrating, so that they do not read or write off-track.
This amount is usually very small (typically less than 0.1 ms), and typically included in benchmarks as part of the seek time.
Data-Transfer rate: Also called throughput, it covers both: The internal rate, which is the time it takes to move data between the disk surface and the controller on the drive. And the external rate, which is the time to move data between the controller on the drive and an external component in the host system. It has a few sub-factors within:
Media rate: Speed at which the drive can read bits from the media. In other words, the actual read/write speed.
Sector overhead: Additional time (bytes) needed for control structures and other information necessary to manage the drive, locate and validate data and perform other support functions.
Allocation speed: Similar to sector overhead, it's the time taken for the drive to determine the slots that will be written to, and to register them on it's address dictionary. Only needed for write operations.
Head-Switch time: Time required to electrically switch from one head to another; Only applies to multi-head drives and is about 1 to 2 ms.
Cylinder-switch time: Time required to move to an adjacent track; The name cylinder is used because typically all the tracks of a drive with more than one head or data surface are read before moving the actuator, implying the image of a circle or cylinder rather than a track. This time is exclusive to rotary mechanical drives, and is typically about about 2 to 3 ms.
This means that the main performance issues regarding IO are caused by going back-and-forth between IO and processing. An issue that can be enormously diminished by using buffers, and processing and reading/writhing in bigger chunks of data, rather than every byte.
As you can also see, although many of the speed characteristics are still present, RAM and SSDs do not have the same internal limits of HDDs, so their internal and external transfer rates often reach the maximum capabilities of the drive-to-host interface.
Chunk approach example:
This example will create a Test folder on the desktop, and generate a Test.txt file within.
The file is generated with an specified number of lines, each line containing the word "Test" repeated for an specific number of times (for file-size purposes). Each line is ended by "\r", "\n" or "\r\n", sequentially.
It's meaningless to save the results of each chunk in-memory cumulatively, as doing so would lead the whole file end up in-memory eventually, which is nearly the same problem of not using chunks to begin with.
As such, an output file is created in the same Test folder, to which the result of every chunk is stored at, once that chunk is finished.
The base file is read using buffers, and those buffers are additionally used as the chunks.
The process here is simply printing a textual version of the line-separator ("\\r", "\\n" or "\\r\\n"), followed by ": ", followed by the line contents; But for the last line, "EOF" is used instead.
To actually operate with chunks, it's probably easier to manage with a class-based approach, rather than a purely function-based one.
Anyways, here goes the code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
File file = new File(TEST_FOLDER, "Test.txt");
//These settings create a 122 MB file.
generateTestFile(file, 500000, 50);
long clock = System.nanoTime();
processChunks(file, 8 * (int) Math.pow(1024, 2));
clock = System.nanoTime() - clock;
float millis = clock / 1000000f;
float seconds = millis / 1000f;
+ "%12d nanos\n"
+ "%12.3f millis\n"
+ "%12.3f seconds\n",
clock, millis, seconds);
public static File prepareResultFile(File source) {
String ofn = source.getName(); //Original File Name.
int extPos = ofn.lastIndexOf('.'); //Extension index.
String ext = ofn.substring(extPos); //Get extension.
ofn = ofn.substring(0, extPos); //Get name without extension reusing 'ofn'.
return new File(source.getParentFile(), ofn + "_Result" + ext);
public static void processChunks(File file, int buffSize)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
//No need for buffers bigger than the file itself.
if (file.length() < buffSize) {
buffSize = (int)file.length();
byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize];
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file), buffSize);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
prepareResultFile(file)), buffSize);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (bis.read(buffer) > (-1)) {
//Check if a "\r\n" was split between chunks.
boolean skipFirst = false;
if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == '\r') {
if (buffer[0] == '\n') {
bos.write(("\\r\\n: " + sb.toString() + System.lineSeparator()).getBytes());
sb = new StringBuilder();
skipFirst = true;
for (int i = skipFirst ? 1 : 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
if (buffer[i] == '\r') {
if (i + 1 < buffer.length) {
if (buffer[i + 1] == '\n') {
bos.write(("\\r\\n: " + sb.toString() + System.lineSeparator()).getBytes());
i++; //Skip '\n'.
} else {
bos.write(("\\r: " + sb.toString() + System.lineSeparator()).getBytes());
sb = new StringBuilder(); //Reset accumulator.
} else {
//A "\r\n" might be split between two chunks.
} else if (buffer[i] == '\n') {
bos.write(("\\n: " + sb.toString() + System.lineSeparator()).getBytes());
sb = new StringBuilder(); //Reset accumulator.
} else {
sb.append((char) buffer[i]);
bos.write(("EOF: " + sb.toString()).getBytes());
public static boolean generateTestFile(File file, int lines, int elements)
throws IOException {
String[] lineBreakers = {"\r", "\n", "\r\n"};
BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
try {
bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
for (int ii = 1; ii < elements; ii++) {
bos.write("test ".getBytes());
bos.write(lineBreakers[i % 3].getBytes());
System.out.printf("LOG: Test file \"%s\" created.\n", file.getName());
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.err.println("ERR: Could not write file.");
throw ex;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.err.println("WRN: Could not close stream.");
Logger.getLogger(Q_13458142_v2.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
I don't know what IDE you are using, but if it's NetBeans, make a memory-profile of your code and compare to a profile of this one. You should notice a big difference in the amount of memory needed during processing.
Here, the chunk approach's memory usage, which includes not only the chunk itself but also the program's own variables and structures, does not go over 40 MB even tough we are dealing with a file bigger than 100 MB. As you can see:
It also spends very little time in GB, mostly less than 5% at any given point:
The second version doesn't seem to use BufferedReader or another form of buffer. It might be the cause of slow down.
Since you seem to read the whole file in memory, you can perhaps read it as a big string (with a buffer) then parse it in memory to analyze the line endings.
Your are doubling the out statements(one for line and one for newline):
Can you try below(use lineSeparator() to get the line separator and append before writing):
Don't reinvent the wheel.
Check the BufferedReader#readLine() code
Copy, paste, and make the changes you need to keep the line separator inside the line