What is the best way to wait for an event/update. For example, I am waiting for this data structure to be updated before doing something. Implementing it inside a loop is not the best way since it consumes much CPU time like:
while (true) {
// keep checking the data structure
// if data structure is updated
// break;
// do something here
What's a simple but efficient way to implement something like this in Java?
wait-notifyAll is more efficient way than loop.
Standard idiom for wait():
synchronized (obj) {
while(condition not hold)
But it's primitive way to control threads, you'd better use classes in java.util.concurrent package. Moreover, I will choose Chris Dail's answer if I meet such problem.
It really depends on the structure of the rest of your program. I would probably start by looking through java.util.concurrent to see if something in there suits you.
Examples of ways you could do this:
Futures - If you have some 'work' to be done, you can have a thread pool executor service to perform the work. When you call submit() to do your work, you get a future that you can check or block until the work is completed.
Queues - If you have one component doing the work and one component doing the waiting, you could have their communication done with queues. Any time one is done with working on the data, it can add to a queue. You could use the LinkedBlockingQueue and poll() for the work to be completed.
Listeners - Without concurrent at all, you could use the Listener/Observer pattern.
There are lots of different options depending on your application structure.
This is a code sample i would do.
In this logic I use join method in threads. This makes sure all the threads are joined before the execution of the main thread continues. I have put TODO for locations u need to add your code
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class MultiThread extends Thread{
public void run() {
System.out.println("Starting Thread - " + this.getName()+this.getThreadGroup());
//TODO data structure is updated here
public static void main(String[] args) {
List dataStructureList = new ArrayList() ;//TODO need to replace with list of data structure
//TODO dataStructureList contain list of items
Thread[] threadArr = new Thread[dataStructureList.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < threadArr.length; j++) {
threadArr[j] = new MultiThread();
threadArr[j].setName("Thread " + j);
try {
for (int j = 0; j < threadArr.length; j++) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("All thread finished");
//TODO do something here
Assuming that you use multi-threading in an application. To use one object with several threads you should use synchronization. While one thread initializes data structure, other wait for finishing of initialization. This logic is usually implemented using wait/notify methods which can be called on any object.
Working thread(s):
while (initialized) {
synchronized (object) {
Initialization thread:
synchronized (object) {
// initialization
initialized = true;
object is the data structure which should be initialized. The initialized flag used to indicate that the initialization has completed. It is better to use this flag because sometimes wait can be finished without corresponded notify.
Like this, I have two thread. The SleepRunner thread add some random numbers to a list then change flag to true and sleep. The main thread wait SleepRunner thread until the flag in SleepRunner object change from false to true then main thread will interrupte SleepRunner thread and the program will end.
But the question is, when the while loop is no body code in main thread, the variable 'runner' is not updated inside loop in other words The program is not over after SleepRunner thread change flag from false to true. So I tried to use debug tools in idea, but the program ended smoothly. And If I write some code, like System.out.println() or Thread.sleep(1) in while loop body at main thread, the program ended successfully too. it's too incredible! Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks.
public class Test1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SleepRunner runner = new SleepRunner();
Thread thread = new Thread(runner);
/*try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class SleepRunner implements Runnable {
private boolean flag = false;
public boolean isFlag() {
return flag;
public void run() {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
try {
Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 200));
catch (InterruptedException e) {
int num = (int) (Math.random() * 100);
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + num);
flag = true;
System.out.println("30 Seconds");
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Interrupted in 30 seconds");
System.out.println("sleep runner thread end");
You've violated the java memory model.
Here's how the JMM works*:
Each thread, whenever any field (from any object) is read or updated, flips a coin. On heads, it will make a copy and update/read from that. On tails, it won't. Your job is to ensure your code functions correctly regardless of how the coin lands, and you can't force the coinflip in a unit test. The coin need not be 'fair'. The coin's behaviour depends on the music playing in your music player, the whims of a toddler, and the phase of the moon. (In other words, any update/read may be done to a local cache copy, or not, up to the java implementation).
You may safely conclude that the only way to do it correctly, is to ensure the thread never flips that coin.
The way to accomplish that is to establish so-called 'comes before' relationships. Establishing them is done primarily by using synchronization primitives, or by calling methods that use synchronization primitives. For example, if I do this:
thread X:
synchronized(x) {
shared.y = 10;
thread Y:
synchronized(x) {
shared.y = 20;
then you've established a relationship: code block A comes before code block B, or vice versa, but you've at least established that they must run in order.
As a consequence, this will print either 0 10 or 0 20, guaranteed. Without the synchronized block, it can legally print 0 0 as well. All 3 results would be an acceptable result (the java lang spec says it's okay, and any bugs filed that you think this makes no sense would be disregarded as 'working as intended').
volatile can also be used, but volatile is quite limited.
Generally, because this cannot be adequately tested, there are only 3 ways to do threading properly in java:
'in the large': Use a webserver or other app framework that takes care of the multithreading. You don't write the psv main() method, that framework does, and all you write are 'handlers'. None of your handlers touch any shared data at all. The handlers either don't share data, or share it via a bus designed to do it right, such as a DB in serializable transaction isolation mode, or rabbitmq or some other message bus.
'in the small': Use fork/join to parallellize a giant task. The handler for the task cannot, of course, use any shared data.
read Concurrency in Practice (the book), prefer using the classes in the java.util.concurrent package, and in general be a guru about how this stuff works, because doing threading any other way is likely to result in you programming bugs which your tests probably won't catch, but will either blow up at production time, or will result in no actual multithreading (e.g. if you overzealously synchronize everything, you end up having all cores except one core just waiting around, and your code will actually run way slower than if it was just single threaded).
*) The full explanation is about a book's worth. I'm just giving you oversimplified highlights, as this is merely an SO answer.
I am designing a system where there will be n producers and m consumers, where n and m are numbers, and n != m.
I wanted to design the system such a way that,
no producer should block other producer when producing
no consumer should block other consumer when consuming neither
producer nor consumer block each other while producing/consuming
For eg: in java if i use the synchronized key word, then it will be blocking the respective caller.
I am not sure what data structure and algorithm i should use to implement this system.
Can some one provide me help/pointers on this?
You probably want something like the ConcurrentLinkedQueue. The idea is that you create a single queue. Each of your n producers adds work items to the queue, and each of the m consumers reads work items from the queue. The producer is simply:
while not done
create work item
add work item to queue
The consumer is just as simple:
while not done
get next work item from queue
process work item
The ConcurrentLinkedQueue methods handle adding and removing items, synchronizing with the other producers and consumers as required.
The only real drawback is that you have to poll the queue to see if there are items. So you'll probably want an auto reset event that gets tripped whenever an item is added to the queue. For example:
add work item to queue
set ItemAvailable event
And the consumer would poll the queue and if no item is available, wait on the event:
while not done
while ((item = queue.poll) == null)
wait on ItemAvailable event
process item
Take a look at the example I linked. It really isn't difficult to use.
Depending on how much heavy lifting you need to do, and how well your solution need to scale, RxJava has a bit of a steep learning curve, but once you got past that it's probably the most elegant, scaling and performing solution.
Run all your producers in different threads, combine them with Merg(), move the consumers to there own thread on a unbound buffer with .observeOn(Scheduler.newThread()).
If you need something that runs well parallel on multiple systems, look at mapreduce.
If you need something at the complete other end of the spectrum (something simple), simply stick to a ConcurrentQueue. That doesn't support multicast, but at least solves the producer side of the problem.
You want an approach where every action would be atomic and uninterruptible, so yes, in my opinion the best approach would be to use synchronized modifier on methods to set the lock.
The other interesting approach would be to use atomic variables -> http://baptiste-wicht.com/posts/2010/09/java-concurrency-atomic-variables.html
That depends on your data in these producer/consumer structures.
use wait() and notify() for thread communication , u can create n producer and m consumer threads
class Q{
int n;
boolean value=false;
synchronized int get() {
try { wait(); }
catch(InterruptedException e)
{ System.out.println("thread interrupted"); }
System.out.println("Got : "+n);
return n;}
synchronized void put(int n) {
try { wait();}
catch(InterruptedException e)
{ System.out.println("thread interrupted"); }
System.out.println("Put : "+n);
class Producer implements Runnable{
Q q;
Producer(Q q){
new Thread(this,"Producer").start();}
public void run(){
int i=0;
class Consumer implements Runnable{
Q q;
Consumer(Q q) {
new Thread(this,"Consumer").start();}
public void run(){
class PCFixed
public static void main(String ar[])
Q q=new Q();
new Producer(q);
new Consumer(q);
System.out.println("PRESS CONTROL-C TO STOP");
it goes to infinity, change that based on ur requirements
My main class, generates multiple threads based on some rules. (20-40 threads live for long time).
Each thread create several threads (short time ) --> I am using executer for this one.
I need to work on Multi dimension arrays in the short time threads --> I wrote it like it is in the code below --> but I think that it is not efficient since I pass it so many times to so many threads / tasks --. I tried to access it directly from the threads (by declaring it as public --> no success) --> will be happy to get comments / advices on how to improve it.
I also look at next step to return a 1 dimension array as a result (which might be better just to update it at the Assetfactory class ) --> and I am not sure how to.
please see the code below.
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class AssetFactory implements Runnable{
private volatile boolean stop = false;
private volatile String feed ;
private double[][][] PeriodRates= new double[10][500][4];
private String TimeStr,Bid,periodicalRateIndicator;
private final BlockingQueue<String> workQueue;
ExecutorService IndicatorPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public AssetFactory(BlockingQueue<String> workQueue) {
this.workQueue = workQueue;
public void run(){
while (!stop) {
feed = workQueue.take();
periodicalRateIndicator = CheckPeriod(TimeStr, Bid) ;
if (periodicalRateIndicator.length() >0) {
IndicatorPool.submit(new CalcMvg(periodicalRateIndicator,PeriodRates));
if ("Stop".equals(feed)) {
stop = true ;
} // try
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
stop = true;
} // while
} // run
Here is the CalcMVG class
public class CalcMvg implements Runnable {
private double [][][] PeriodRates = new double[10][500][4];
public CalcMvg(String Periods, double[][][] PeriodRates) {
this.PeriodRates = PeriodRates ;
public void run(){
// do some work with the data of PeriodRates array e.g. print it (no changes to array
catch (Exception ex){
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ex.getMessage());
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} // mvg class
There are several things going on here which seem to be wrong, but it is hard to give a good answer with the limited amount of code presented.
First the actual coding issues:
There is no need to define a variable as volatile if only one thread ever accesses it (stop, feed)
You should declare variables that are only used in a local context (run method) locally in that function and not globally for the whole instance (almost all variables). This allows the JIT to do various optimizations.
The InterruptedException should terminate the thread. Because it is thrown as a request to terminate the thread's work.
In your code example the workQueue doesn't seem to do anything but to put the threads to sleep or stop them. Why doesn't it just immediately feed the actual worker-threads with the required workload?
And then the code structure issues:
You use threads to feed threads with work. This is inefficient, as you only have a limited amount of cores that can actually do the work. As the execution order of threads is undefined, it is likely that the IndicatorPool is either mostly idle or overfilling with tasks that have not yet been done.
If you have a finite set of work to be done, the ExecutorCompletionService might be helpful for your task.
I think you will gain the best speed increase by redesigning the code structure. Imagine the following (assuming that I understood your question correctly):
There is a blocking queue of tasks that is fed by some data source (e.g. file-stream, network).
A set of worker-threads equal to the amount of cores is waiting on that data source for input, which is then processed and put into a completion queue.
A specific data set is the "terminator" for your work (e.g. "null"). If a thread encounters this terminator, it finishes it's loop and shuts down.
Now the following holds true for this construct:
Case 1: The data source is the bottle-neck. It cannot be speed-up by using multiple threads, as your harddisk/network won't work faster if you ask more often.
Case 2: The processing power on your machine is the bottle neck, as you cannot process more data than the worker threads/cores on your machine can handle.
In both cases the conclusion is, that the worker threads need to be the ones that seek for new data as soon as they are ready to process it. As either they need to be put on hold or they need to throttle the incoming data. This will ensure maximum throughput.
If all worker threads have terminated, the work is done. This can be i.E. tracked through the use of a CyclicBarrier or Phaser class.
Pseudo-code for the worker threads:
public void run() {
DataType e;
try {
while ((e = dataSource.next()) != null) {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
I hope this is helpful on your case.
Passing the array as an argument to the constructor is a reasonable approach, although unless you intend to copy the array it isn't necessary to initialize PeriodRates with a large array. It seems wasteful to allocate a large block of memory and then reassign its only reference straight away in the constructor. I would initialize it like this:
private final double [][][] PeriodRates;
public CalcMvg(String Periods, double[][][] PeriodRates) {
this.PeriodRates = PeriodRates;
The other option is to define CalcMvg as an inner class of AssetFactory and declare PeriodRate as final. This would allow instances of CalcMvg to access PeriodRate in the outer instance of AssetFactory.
Returning the result is more difficult since it involves publishing the result across threads. One way to do this is to use synchronized methods:
private double[] result = null;
private synchronized void setResult(double[] result) {
this.result = result;
public synchronized double[] getResult() {
if (result == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Result has not been initialized for this instance: " + this);
return result;
There are more advanced multi-threading concepts available in the Java libraries, e.g. Future, that might be appropriate in this case.
Regarding your concerns about the number of threads, allowing a library class to manage the allocation of work to a thread pool might solve this concern. Something like an Executor might help with this.
This piece of code:
synchronized (mList) {
if (mList.size() != 0) {
int s = mList.size() - 1;
for (int i = s; i > 0; i -= OFFSET) {
Randomly throws AIOOBEs. From what I've read, the synchronized should prevent that, so what am I doing wrong?
AIOOBE = Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception
The code's incomplete, cut down to what is needed. But to make you happy, OFFSET is 4, and just imagine that there is a for-loop adding a bit of data at the beginning. And a second thread reading and / or modifying the list.
Edit 2:
I've noticed it happens when the list is being drawn and the current game ends. The draw-thread hasn't drawn all elements when the list is emptied. Is there a way of telling the game to wait with emtying the list untill it's empty?
Edit 3:
I've just noticed that I'm not sure if this is a multi-threading problem. Seems I only have 2 threads, one for calculating and drawing and one for user input.. Gonna have to look into this a bit more than I thought.
What you're doing looks right... but that's all:
It doesn't matter on what object you synchronize, it needn't be the list itself.
What does matter is if all threads always synchronize on the same object, when accessing a shared resource.
Any access to SWING (or another graphic library) must happen in the AWT-Thread.
To your edit:
I've noticed it happens when the list is being drawn and the current game ends. The draw-thread hasn't drawn all elements when the list is emptied. Is there a way of telling the game to wait with emtying the list untill it's empty?
I think you mean "...wait with emptying the list until the drawing has completed." Just synchronize the code doing it on the same lock (i.e., the list itself in your case).
Again: Any access to a shared resource must be protected somehow. It seems like you're using synchronized just here and not where you're emptying the list.
The safe solution is to only allow one thread to create objects, add and remove them from a List after the game has started.
I had problems myself with random AIOOBEs erros and no synchornize could solve it properly plus it was slowing down the response of the user.
My solution, which is now stable and fast (never had an AIOOBEs since) is to make UI thread inform the game thread to create or manipulate an object by setting a flag and coordinates of the touch into the persistent variables.
Since the game thread loops about 60 times per second this proved to be sufficent to pick up the message from the UI thread and do something.
This is a very simple solution and it works great!
My suggestion is to use a BlockingQueue and I think you are looking for this solution also. How you can do it? It is already shown with an example in the javadoc :)
class Producer implements Runnable {
private final BlockingQueue queue;
Producer(BlockingQueue q) { queue = q; }
public void run() {
try {
while (true) { queue.put(produce()); }
} catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... handle ...}
Object produce() { ... }
class Consumer implements Runnable {
private final BlockingQueue queue;
Consumer(BlockingQueue q) { queue = q; }
public void run() {
try {
while (true) { consume(queue.take()); }
} catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... handle ...}
void consume(Object x) { ... }
class Setup {
void main() {
BlockingQueue q = new SomeQueueImplementation();
Producer p = new Producer(q);
Consumer c1 = new Consumer(q);
Consumer c2 = new Consumer(q);
new Thread(p).start();
new Thread(c1).start();
new Thread(c2).start();
The beneficial things for you are, you need not to worry about synchronizing your mList. BlockingQueue offers 10 special method. You can check it in the doc. Few from javadoc:
BlockingQueue methods come in four forms, with different ways of handling operations that cannot be satisfied immediately, but may be satisfied at some point in the future: one throws an exception, the second returns a special value (either null or false, depending on the operation), the third blocks the current thread indefinitely until the operation can succeed, and the fourth blocks for only a given maximum time limit before giving up.
To be in safe side: I am not experienced with android. So not certain whether all java packages are allowed in android. But at least it should be :-S, I wish.
You are getting Index out of Bounds Exception because there are 2 threads that operate on the list and are doing it wrongly.
You should have been synchronizing at another level, in such a way that no other thread can iterate through the list while other thread is modifying it! Only on thread at a time should 'work on' the list.
I guess you have the following situation:
//piece of code that adds some item in the list
mList.add(1, drawableElem);
//code that iterates you list(your code simplified)
synchronized (mList) {
if (mList.size() != 0) {
int s = mList.size() - 1;
for (int i = s; i > 0; i -= OFFSET) {
Individually the pieces of code look fine. They seam thread-safe. But 2 individual thread-safe pieces of code might not be thread safe at a higher level!
It's just you would have done the following:
Vector v = new Vector();
if(v.length() == 0){ v.length() itself is thread safe!
v.add("elem"); v.add() itself is also thread safe individually!
BUT the compound operation is NOT!
I have always thought that synchronizing the run method in a java class which implements Runnable is redundant. I am trying to figure out why people do this:
public class ThreadedClass implements Runnable{
//other stuff
public synchronized void run(){
//do some stuff in a thread
It seems redundant and unnecessary since they are obtaining the object's lock for another thread. Or rather, they are making explicit that only one thread has access to the run() method. But since its the run method, isn't it itself its own thread? Therefore, only it can access itself and it doesn't need a separate locking mechanism?
I found a suggestion online that by synchronizing the run method you could potentially create a de-facto thread queue for instance by doing this:
public void createThreadQueue(){
ThreadedClass a = new ThreadedClass();
new Thread(a, "First one").start();
new Thread(a, "Second one, waiting on the first one").start();
new Thread(a, "Third one, waiting on the other two...").start();
I would never do that personally, but it lends to the question of why anyone would synchronize the run method. Any ideas why or why not one should synchronize the run method?
Synchronizing the run() method of a Runnable is completely pointless unless you want to share the Runnable among multiple threads and you want to sequentialize the execution of those threads. Which is basically a contradiction in terms.
There is in theory another much more complicated scenario in which you might want to synchronize the run() method, which again involves sharing the Runnable among multiple threads but also makes use of wait() and notify(). I've never encountered it in 21+ years of Java.
There is 1 advantage to using synchronized void blah() over void blah() { synchronized(this) { and that is your resulting bytecode will be 1 byte shorter, since the synchronization will be part of the method signature instead of an operation by itself. This may influence the chance to inline the method by the JIT compiler. Other than that there is no difference.
The best option is to use an internal private final Object lock = new Object() to prevent someone from potentially locking your monitor. It achieves the same result without the downside of the evil outside locking. You do have that extra byte, but it rarely makes a difference.
So I would say no, don't use the synchronized keyword in the signature. Instead, use something like
public class ThreadedClass implements Runnable{
private final Object lock = new Object();
public void run(){
synchronized(lock) {
//do some stuff in a thread
Edit in response to comment:
Consider what synchronization does: it prevents other threads from entering the same code block. So imagine you have a class like the one below. Let's say the current size is 10. Someone tries to perform an add and it forces a resize of the backing array. While they're in the middle of resizing the array, someone calls a makeExactSize(5) on a different thread. Now all of a sudden you're trying to access data[6] and it bombs out on you. Synchronization is supposed to prevent that from happening. In multithreaded programs you simply NEED synchronization.
class Stack {
int[] data = new int[10];
int pos = 0;
void add(int inc) {
if(pos == data.length) {
int[] tmp = new int[pos*2];
for(int i = 0; i < pos; i++) tmp[i] = data[i];
data = tmp;
data[pos++] = inc;
int remove() {
return data[pos--];
void makeExactSize(int size) {
int[] tmp = new int[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) tmp[i] = data[i];
data = tmp;
Why? Minimal extra safety and I don't see any plausible scenario where it would make a difference.
Why not? It's not standard. If you are coding as part of a team, when some other member sees your synchronized run he'll probably waste 30 minutes trying to figure out what is so special either with your run or with the framework you are using to run the Runnable's.
From my experience, it's not useful to add "synchronized" keyword to run() method. If we need synchronize multiple threads, or we need a thread-safe queue, we can use more appropriate components, such as ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
Well you could theoretically call the run method itself without problem (after all it is public). But that doesn't mean one should do it. So basically there's no reason to do this, apart from adding negligible overhead to the thread calling run(). Well except if you use the instance multiple times calling new Thread - although I'm a) not sure that's legal with the threading API and b) seems completely useless.
Also your createThreadQueue doesn't work. synchronized on a non-static method synchronizes on the instance object (ie this), so all three threads will run in parallel.
Go through the code comments and uncomment and run the different blocks to clearly see the difference, note synchronization will have a difference only if the same runnable instance is used, if each thread started gets a new runnable it won't make any difference.
class Kat{
public static void main(String... args){
Thread t1;
// MyUsualRunnable is usual stuff, only this will allow concurrency
MyUsualRunnable m0 = new MyUsualRunnable();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
t1 = new Thread(m0);//*imp* here all threads created are passed the same runnable instance
// run() method is synchronized , concurrency killed
// uncomment below block and run to see the difference
MySynchRunnable1 m1 = new MySynchRunnable1();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
t1 = new Thread(m1);//*imp* here all threads created are passed the same runnable instance, m1
// if new insances of runnable above were created for each loop then synchronizing will have no effect
// run() method has synchronized block which lock on runnable instance , concurrency killed
// uncomment below block and run to see the difference
MySynchRunnable2 m2 = new MySynchRunnable2();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
// if new insances of runnable above were created for each loop then synchronizing will have no effect
t1 = new Thread(m2);//*imp* here all threads created are passed the same runnable instance, m2
class MyUsualRunnable implements Runnable{
public void run(){
try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
class MySynchRunnable1 implements Runnable{
// this is implicit synchronization
//on the runnable instance as the run()
// method is synchronized
public synchronized void run(){
try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
class MySynchRunnable2 implements Runnable{
// this is explicit synchronization
//on the runnable instance
//inside the synchronized block
// MySynchRunnable2 is totally equivalent to MySynchRunnable1
// usually we never synchronize on this or synchronize the run() method
public void run(){
try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}